Ever Get The Feeling…
…that somebody is loading you up with a pile of road apples?
Good thing Sharon Quirk-Silva knows when to call for a tow. Had it not been for Quirk-Silva the city may have broken the law (again). Watch and see for yourself when Mayor Bankhead asks the police captain how he is supposed to break the law after the tow truck drivers explained to the city council the state law pertaining to private parties towing vehicles.
The city attorney Elena Gerli sure expends a lot of words, but she manages to evade the main issue: her proposed code amendment was created in a vacuum.
So how much per hour are we paying for this mumbo jumbo?
There was another city consel meeting where she averted the same disaster for the city. Check out what happened on 5/6/08 in the city counsel video archives starting at minute 58:10 on the player and through the public comments. Same issue, same heroic actions on the part of Quirk-Silva. She asked for more info from the city attorney and it took the city attorney’s office 2 years to answer. And they still got it wrong…
more towers speak after 1:06:00 on that same video.
1:17:05 is where (then the Mayor) Quirk-Silva handles business. She rocks!