4 Replies to “Friend and Fighter; FACT Mover & Shaker Jack Dean on Pension Reform”

  1. It’s sad that this criminal mismanagement of pensions has led us to have to fix the problem ourselves. 2000-2010 will be known as the decade when the public employees robbed the people of California blind, aided and abetted by people like Don Bankhead, Dick Jones, Sharon Quirk, Pam Keller, Chris Norby, Mike Clesceri, etc.

    The only solution is to put CalPers into some sort of receivership.

  2. Hey Chris Norby, I would like to hear your reasoning for voting for a retro-active pension spike back in the day. I’m guessing that you were told by staff something like “it would save the city money in the long run” or “they deserve it” or some other line of baloney.

    I’m sure they knew damn well what the effects of such a spike would be when they put it on your agenda, what was going through your mind at the time?

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