Fringie Alert: Most Embarrassing Political Endorsement of 2010
In the world of politics endorsements are held to be a big deal. A long list is supposed to be impressive, no matter the character (or lack of same) of the people on the list. And in Orange County there are plenty of elected officials whose names you would be a lot better off without. This obvious fact seems to have escaped many politicos whose background research on some of their endorsers is often lacking.
Conversely, whom one chooses to endorse is also a true reflection of one’s moral or intellectual fiber and backing a crook, an idiot, or an ass clown can cause some embarrassment.
Anyhoo, here’s your list, with a little commentary added:
1. Brett Barbre. This embarrassing tool stole $48,000 of your money pretending to “study” an OC Sports Hall of Fame. He was aided and abetted by County Clerk Tom Daly whom he endorsed and to whom he contributed. But that’s not why he’s here.
2. Janet Nguyen. The semi-literate and wholly embarrassing County Supervisor whose communication skills are perfectly representative of her grasp of issues.
3. F. Richard Jones. Fullerton’s own crazy funny Doc Cracker Barrel, whose down home, lunatic ravings are only superseded by total ignorance of anything more complicated than a southern fried chicken wing.
4. Kurt Pringle. The pay-to-play, former Anaheim mayor for whom no string is to long or slack to pull. And man did he try to pull a slack string. Recently got busted by the AGs office for holding incompatible office, which he did for three years to promote his own client’s interests in Anaheim.

5. John Lewis. Former State Senator and chief OC repuglican who started out the 4th Supervisorial District race pimping out a Democrat. As a lobbyist you can bet that whomever he endorses will be expected to pay up, later.
6. CRA. The California Republican Assembly. A more worthless collection of losers and oddballs you will not find. Also, you can sign up as a member one month and vote to endorse your own family member the next! What a deal.
7. Chriss Street. The County’s outgoing Treasurer who was recently busted by a judge for ripping off a company placed in his trust. His behavior was so egregious that the Board of Supervisors stripped him of his investment authority. He also got caught dodging County procurement rules so as to remodel his offices without any oversight. He also tried to get folks to believe he has an MBA from Stanford. He doesn’t.
8. John S. Williams. Public Administrator/Guardian currently being investigated by the Board of Supervisors for malfeasance. He’s supposed to be taking care of people’s estates. Looks like he’s been taking care of his own estate.

9. Jeff Miller. State Assemblyman who was the recipient of Mike Duvall’s “open mike” chat and whose own dealings in an attempt to create a Corona public utility while on that city council had many Inland Emperors scratching their heads.
10. Gary Miller. Yet another repuglican slimer in the US Congress. Redevelopment pimp and whore for Big Ed Roski, the biggest Redevelopment free loader in the State of California.
11. Cynthia Coad. Former 4th District Supervisor and quite possibly the stupidest person in Orange County.
12. Richard Faher. Alleged “Placentia Taxpayer Advocate.” Now this guy’s just downright creepy, referring to himself in the third person. But his pathetic and weird clown-campaign brought one iridescent, shining jewel – the pronunciation of the 2nd District Supervisor’s name: John Moor-latch.
13. Rosie Espinosa. La Habra’s dim-witted councilmember whose grasp of policy ended with the use of her automatic garage door opener. Mean people likened her to a sack of rivets. Mean people were right.
14. Pam Keller. Fullerton’s outgoing council sweetheart, whose batting eye lashes and fake “I’m just a dumb girl” routine,…oh, wait. She is just a dumb girl.

15. Alexandria Coronado. This dim-witted queer-basher who claims to be a doctor finally got her reckoning last June after faking endorsements and was thrown off the OC Board of Education.
Well, there’s fifteen names to choose from, but really, the potential list is virtually endless; there seems to be a dumb Dem and a crooked ‘pug on virtually every street corner peddling his or her dubious wares.
Who is the worst of the worst? Stay tuned…
I have the feeling that Chris Street should not be included on this list. I think he is neither ignorant or corrupt-unethical, my observations suggest the contrary.
Nobody said Street was ignorant, although he is one hell of an ego-maniacal oddball.
The facts are the facts. Explain them away anyway you like. He owes $7,000,000. The judge said so.
I’m going to go with Buck Catlin.
I have to go with Richard Faher for one reason: who the hell is this guy? By even asking for his endorsement one would have to conceed defeat.
At least the rest of the folks have been elected to something or might be confused with a person that matters in a particular community. He has run twice and had his ass kicked twice in the last twelve months. Aside from that no one other than his family and likely a local psychiatrist had ever heard of the guy.
Anyone that published an endorsement from this absolute nobody automatically qualifies for the fringie as the most deperate politician of 2010.
I think you see where JFD is going with this list.
Tayum, that’s a heckuva list. The crooks seem to be crowding out the dummies, but it’s still neck and neck.
If I were a pol with anyone of these cheddar-heads endorsing me I’d immediately suspend my campaign, give every contributor his money back, publish a full-page apology in the Register, then quit is shame.
Shame? Ha. Hahaha!
BTW, JFD “assclown” is one word.
Wow, you certainly were on a roll with this list! Did your mistress pour a hefty helping of her “pooch hooch” into your bowl again?
You can’t join cra and vote the same day. You have to be a member for 30 days
Tell that to Roland Chi’s clan.
That’s exactly the point. If it occurs to anybody to stack the deck, it only requires 30 days of forethought to do so. There needs to be much longer membership requirement…maybe several months as well as a minimum attendance requirement.
how about a pop quiz asking the voting members a few simple questions and if they get the right answers they can vote, or is that asking too much?
If there was a “pop quiz” they would need multiple translators for the unexpected. No sale.
I’m going to defend the CRA here in that our local chapter is lead by people who are sincerely interested in supporting people based upon their values. They also have recognized the disservice that occurred with Chi’s hijacking of the endorsement and are in the process of changing their bylaws to protect against it. Unlike the other “candidates” for your prize listed here, their mission is solely to support those people who effectively share their values. Clearly a work in progress, but sincere nonetheless.
Strike 2 4 the CRA Chris, remember they also endorsed Sidhu over Nelson so how do you explain that one? The only reason you got their endorsement was because there was no one else to endorse.
You know, that’s a great point about Sidhu. I’m going to have to ask somebody that was there about that one. Can’t argue the point that I was the only candidate in my race who sought their endorsement.
Chris, I’ve tweaked the post and given the CRA its 30 day badge of honor.
But really, the thing about Sidhu vs. Nelson misses the real CRA point, (although Sidhu also got his wife to go vote for him).
The real issue that undermines any credibility for them is that they viciously attacked Sidhu just two years ago for being a homo lovin’ member of the International; and in 2010 he’s the best thing since sliced tandoori bread. And yet absolutely nothing had changed about the him, except that maybe he was even stupider than before. And there’s some knucklehead named Karl Heft telling us what a great conservative Hairbag is.
I’ll say it’s a work in progress!
The CRA is making a serious attempt to “right” the wrongs that lead to endorsements of Sidhu and Chi. If they get a strong enough membership, I could see them going to an endorsement panel rather than deferring to the general assembly of members or something similar to the GOP.
Chris EARNED the CRA endorsement. Anyone who has seen Chris’s passion for the education of Fullerton’s children knows the sort of man Chris is. Further, just because a single candidate shows up for the endorsement meeting does not mean the automatically get it. Chris had to convince those in the room that he was THE ONE for the job and Chris did that. Good job Thompson and congratulations on your well earned victory.
If you can’t include Tom Daly, why not the worthless building he bought?
I have a question. Janet a woman or a man?
#11 isn’t the stupidest person in Orange County, it’s finally off the HB City Council and OCTA Cathy Green. No, it’s Loretta Sanchez. No, it’s liberal ex-HB Mayor and environmental stooge Debbie Cook. No, it’s can’t get elected to nothin’ Kermit Marsh. No, it’s double dipping Carolyn Cavechee. No, it’s former Westminster City Manager Don Lamm for getting pushed out of that $200k gig in less than a year. No, it’s Westminster’s drunkard Councilman Andy Kwok. No, it’s lyin’ Lou Correa. This is exhausting.
Yo JFD, you lef off that punk kid Yamagoochi from Placentia.
Oooh, oooh, I know where this is going. Is there a prize involved?
No, there is no prize except the satisfaction of kickin’ ’em when they’re down.
my vote goes to pam keller. never has bureaucratic waste been so showy until keller came on fullerton’s scene
Didn’t Coad play one of the Munchkins back in ’39?
New slogan for the CRA and its ever-shifting value system:
“None of us is as dumb as all of us.”
Would you prefer JAG that private individuals who would like to participate in the system to no selfish benefit of their own just leave the result to those seeking to get or stay on the gravy train? At least two of the ladies I know who are trying to make the CRA valuable want nothing more than small government and they could use some help from a genius like you.
Chris is Right!
The CRA has some work ahead of it but the leadership in North Orange County is excellent. It’s the state rules that need to be changed. Leave the CRA alone and go after the Congressional Scumbag Gary Miller and the Little Corporal. I like Ed Royce and all but come on…Why is the average age of our city council over 65? Ed Royce.
If you subtract Quirk and Whitaker the average age is 76!
Mr. Thompson, here’s what I’m saying: If I was a member of an organization that endorsed the likes of Harry Sidhu and then Roland Chi, I would quit immediately and never look back. Its value, whatever it was, has been reduced to zero.
Maybe the current leadership can salvage something from the CRA wreckage. Maybe not. But at the moment, I am under no obligation to pretend that the organization is anything other than a massive joke.
I hope we shall also see a category for most counterproductive endorsement?
Damn, that is one hell of thieves den you’ve shared with us. Hard to imagine anyone being so desperate as to want any of them.
BTW, you left off Alexandria Coronado!
Thank you. Will fix the omission!
Yep. Looks like the stuff left on the beach after high tide.
Brett Barbre is a director on the board for the Municipal Water District of OC. How much do we pay him? Travis can find out. That guys good!
ooopps! I forgot to give you the whole enchilada:
MWDOC Board of Directors
Joan C. Finnegan, President
Jeffery M. Thomas, Vice President
Brett R. Barbre, Director
Wayne A. Clark, Director
Larry D. Dick, Director
Susan Hinman, Director
Ed Royce, Sr., Director
Kevin P. Hunt, General Manager
MWDOC’s Metropolitan Directors
Linda Ackerman, Director
Brett R. Barbre, Director
Larry D. Dick, Director
John V. Foley, Director
MWDOC board members are eligible for up to $26,500 per year in meeting stipends plus travel expenses, mileage reimbursements, medical benefits and a pension plan.
I don’t know how much Barbre took home this year. It would depend on how many $221.62 “lunch meetings” he was able to attend.
At least 3 “lunch meetings” per day.
You forgot the embarrassing Rackauckas endorsement of Roland Chi, where T-Rack slapped his seal of approval on the Fullerton candidate a few weeks after charging him with criminal food poisoning and taking his DNA.