Fringie Failure Rectified

The Fringie Awards came and went but for some inexplicable reason I failed to pass along a Special Fringie Award that is, perhaps, the most deserved award ever won in the entire history of the freakin’ human race.

Well you know what it’s for, just like Friend Otis who reminded us of our oversight.

The Special Fringie for Best Use of Animation Ever, goes to Fire Hero, and it’s brilliant auteur, Oliver Stone.

Always remember. I am Hero and deserve!

39 Replies to “Fringie Failure Rectified”

  1. Funny, sad and very telling. The “cleaned up” version just isn’t as effective.
    With friends who have seen this…all you have to do is look at each other and say..I am hero..and you both start busting up laughing..
    Keep up the good sleuthing FFFF!

    1. Are your friends always amused at complete fantasy?

      Because this video is exactly that. Has any of the morons on this board ever heard a firefighter or police officer ever say that phrase?

      No, they haven’t. Like most bloggers desperate for attention, they resort to fantasy when the facts don’t support their predisposed bias.

      1. Hey 4SD Observer you sure love to shower “this board” with your attention. Speaking of attention, were you paying any when your girlfriend Spasm Keller blamed the naughty blog for all the loss of collaborative comraderie in Fulerton?


        1. Hey Rudy. I know the morons on this board have a short attention span.

          Did you notice this thread isn’t about Pam Keller?

          You’re still spending time thinking about her. Did she turn you down for a date when you were younger?

          Wanna bet she isn’t thinking about you or the morons on this board?

          Seems to me she got under your skin.

          1. Spasm Keller was talking about us meanies. And we’re mean because FFFF revealed all her misdeeds and idiocies.

            I never go out with hare-brained females.

          2. “Wanna bet she isn’t thinking about you or the morons on this board?”

            If she’s smart she’s thinking about what she’s going to do when her sweet deal with the Collaborative is cut off and she has to work for a paycheck like the rest of the teachers at FSD! No more free lunch for Pammy.

  2. Fullerton Rudy :
    Spasm Keller was talking about us meanies. And we’re mean because FFFF revealed all her misdeeds and idiocies.
    I never go out with hare-brained females.

    What does that have to do with the topic of this thread? Do you also have ADD?

    As far as not going out with her? Was that ever an option? Please prove it if she expressed interest in a relationship with you.

    She might just as easily say that if she were single she wouldn’t be interested in idiot bloggers like you.

    Wouldn’t you agree?

      1. Sounds like a personal problem.

        You should seek professional help overcoming your obsession with her.

        Good luck.

        1. 4SD, your obsession with this blog and it’s chasing Keller out of politics should be worrisome to your friends. Let it go.

          Maybe somebody at the Collaborative can put you in the direction of a good therapist.

          As for us, we’re celebrating a Keller-free 2011.

          1. Funny stuff. It’s you guys who keep bringing her up.

            I was responding to a completely different topic when she was brought into the conversation.

        2. 4SD Observer, after reading this thread objectively, it’s obvious that you’re the one obsessed with Pam Keller. I think you should be the one seeking professional help to overcome your obsession with her.

          Good Luck.

  3. 4SD Observer :
    Funny stuff. It’s you guys who keep bringing her up.
    I was responding to a completely different topic when she was brought into the conversation.

    Your fixation on this blog is just getting weird. Please move on. If only for your family.

    1. Joe, you’ve got more total responses on this blog than I. Whose the one with the weird obsession?

      At least I have a family. You’ve got this group of fellow morons.

      Do keep up with your insults.

      It is so easy to turn your weather vanes in my direction.

      I feel like I’m playing with ants and a magnifying glass.

      1. You turned this thread into a Keller post just by showing up and waving your Coveted Fringie Award around.

        I am a FFFF blogger so naturally I comment a lot.
        You, on the other hand, are a sad, lonely, humorless Pam Keller apologist. And you have a lot to apologize for – broken promises, massive developments, boondoggles galore – like paying $6 million to move a McDonald’s 200 feet. And somehow your gal thought nobody was paying attention, that they might somehow be beguiled by batting eyelashes, a stupid, perpetual grin and funny hats.

        Also, your fascination with torturing insects and bunny cooking leads me to believe that you are not a stable person.

        1. I responded to the topic of this thread. It is one of your fellow morons who tilted the subject to Pam. Especially given that she is no longer in office. Yet you the morons continue to write about her.

          Your attempt at defending that act is quite laughable and explains why you are jealous of the achievements of others.

          I’ve never been an apologist for Pam Keller other than defending her against the scurrilous and personal attacks from the morons (like you) on this board. It’s pretty sad that you don’t understand the difference. But it explains a lot of why you’re such a bitter person. That much is obvious in the tones of your writing.

          I never tortured any insects or cooked bunnies. Your attempt at psychoanalysis is as laughable as your commentary on Pam and your obsession you have of her. Do keep trying to deflect. It’s all you have left given that facts have never been your strong suit.

          You claim I have a weird obsession with this board. That is hysterical given that you are one of the contributors. I’m thinking your obsession is more pronounced than I could ever hope to attain.

          1. Scurrilous and personal? Like wasting 1200 bucks at a League of Cities Conference in Long Beach? Like lying to her supporters about development in Fullerton? Like going on the developer’s boat ride? Like soliciting $ from developers for her Collaborative? Like voting to approve Collaborative member’s developments? Like supporting the destruction of affordable housing to build – affordable housing? Like recruiting Collaborative donation recipients to lobby for a fraudulent redevelopment expansion? Like her failure to report non-work time to FSD? Really, the list goes on and on. And none of it is scurrilous or personal. Just fact-based observations.

            Good thing she did drop out.

            Now go back to frying ants and cooking bunnies.

  4. 4SD Observer, you write “You’ve got this group of fellow morons” to Sipowicz. Well, it would appear you are on this blog as much or more than anyone else so I assume you are one of the “morons”.

  5. Fred Alcazar :
    “Wanna bet she isn’t thinking about you or the morons on this board?”
    If she’s smart she’s thinking about what she’s going to do when her sweet deal with the Collaborative is cut off and she has to work for a paycheck like the rest of the teachers at FSD! No more free lunch for Pammy.

    Please explain how that pertains to the subject of this thread.

    Do you also have a difficult time staying focused? Or are you also afflicted with ADD?

    1. Jesus, are you already working for a 2011 Fringie? Pace yourself. You’ve got a long year ahead of you.

      1. You missed your true calling writing for stand up.

        Try again.

        BTW, with me out here easily poking holes in your claims, it’s you that has a long year ahead of you.

        1. Without having to defend Keller’s long list of malfeasance you will have little to do.

          The public employees will be backbiting and snarling over each other’s bones.

          And Nelson will be a County Supervisor for eight long years.


          1. Just one problem. You claim malfeasance but put forth nothing but your speculation.

            Here’s the problem. You’ve yet to put forth anything other than your judgement. There’s been no illegal acts or even breaches of ethical behavior other than the conspiracy you’ve concocted in your feeble little mind.

            Must be why you’re so angry. No one cares what you think because you really have nothing to say that is of any substance.

  6. Joe Sipowicz :
    Scurrilous and personal? Like wasting 1200 bucks at a League of Cities Conference in Long Beach? Like lying to her supporters about development in Fullerton? Like going on the developer’s boat ride? Like soliciting $ from developers for her Collaborative? Like voting to approve Collaborative member’s developments? Like supporting the destruction of affordable housing to build – affordable housing? Like recruiting Collaborative donation recipients to lobby for a fraudulent redevelopment expansion? Like her failure to report non-work time to FSD? Really, the list goes on and on. And none of it is scurrilous or personal. Just fact-based observations.
    Good thing she did drop out.
    Now go back to frying ants and cooking bunnies.

    None of the things you list are illegal. Or even unethical. Could you please show us where submitting expenses for a conference, going on a boat ride, or fundraising is against any law? More importantly, can you prove any of those activities or individuals caused her to vote in a manner she wouldn’t have voted had she not done any of those things?

    If so, all of us would like to see it.

    One thing I’ve noticed about moron bloggers is how quickly they dissolve into conspiracy theory. You’re no exception.

    As far as cooking bunnies. You really display your stupidity. I used the analogy of Alex Forrest to describe your obsessive behavior of her and you’ve tried repeatedly imply I’m the one doing such acts. I’m sure your idiot friends buy it, but those with the sense God gave a lemon (people you don’t know) aren’t buying it.

    Good luck with being a moron blogger. If you’re lucky you might one day be able to move out of your mom’s basement.

    1. You’ve been talking about cooking bunnies for a year. And now you want to fry ants under a magnifying glass.

      You’re sick. You need help.

      I almost hope you get it.

      1. Joe Sipowicz :
        You’ve been talking about cooking bunnies for a year. And now you want to fry ants under a magnifying glass.
        You’re sick. You need help.
        I almost hope you get it.

        As a description of your behavior. Given how you keep bringing it up, it must be right on the mark.

    2. Lying to your supporters isn’t unethical? She promised a citizen-based development process unburdened by out of town developers. THOSE WERE HER EXACT WORDS IN 2006. SHE LIED.


      Well, she’s gone and nothing but a tarnished, nauseating memory. Good riddance. The worst council member Fullerton has ever seen.

    3. 4SD your fixation on talking about bunny cooking and now the insect torture thing has become really and truly alarming.

  7. 4SD Observer :
    Just one problem. You claim malfeasance but put forth nothing but your speculation.
    Here’s the problem. You’ve yet to put forth anything other than your judgement. There’s been no illegal acts or even breaches of ethical behavior other than the conspiracy you’ve concocted in your feeble little mind.
    Must be why you’re so angry. No one cares what you think because you really have nothing to say that is of any substance.

    Speculation? Is that another word you use for evidence?!

    We all know why Keller quit. The meanies had the goods on her.

  8. 4SD Observer :
    Just one problem. You claim malfeasance but put forth nothing but your speculation.
    Here’s the problem. You’ve yet to put forth anything other than your judgement. There’s been no illegal acts or even breaches of ethical behavior other than the conspiracy you’ve concocted in your feeble little mind.
    Must be why you’re so angry. No one cares what you think because you really have nothing to say that is of any substance.

    “No one”? Wrong. I also agree and repeat what DEH wrote in an earlier thread:

    “Lying to your supporters isn’t unethical? She promised a citizen-based development process unburdened by out of town developers. THOSE WERE HER EXACT WORDS IN 2006. SHE LIED.


    And there you have it 4SDO. So put them words in your pipe and smoke it.

  9. W. Fullerton Resident…I do not think that 45D Observer will ever see the facts about Keller..he is a friend of hers. we get it..lets face it..her smile got her a lot of votes and with liberals…thats all it takes to make you one of the “good guys” we have is the inability to seperate his friendship with politics and what she has been doing while in office.
    Fact is that Police and Fire are overpaid and way over compensated in retirement..and 4SD is one of them..I get it..we have been voting for our protectors for years but now, when we see what they really do..for what they get..hummm…sorry we are starting to question you 4SD and the part time for full pay Firemen..but that is what freedom is..
    As for the police, very few heros there either..

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