Fringified: Best Image of 2010
Update 2: Colony Drivell is right. And so another Top Secret session of the nominating committee has been convened to authorize a post-post entry. See last, last image.
Update: Savage is right. And so a Top Secret session of the Nomination Committee has been convened to authorize a post-post entry. See last image.
Scanning backwards over the year the nominating judges have considered these pictures Fringie-worthy. I hope you agree.
1. The Assclown. What could possibly be better than this image of an ass and a clown co-joined for eternity. This picture of Hairball Sidhu shows the transmogrification of an ass into a clown. And now it belongs to the ages.
2. The Limousine Liberals. This was a perfect of top-down do-gooderism photo op: Loretta Sanchez and Lorraine Galloway slummin’ it up in what appears to be some sort of food drive. Enjoy the couture, the pearls and the expensive manicures. Who knew operating a charity paid so well?
3. The Head Injury. Proprietor of the Liberal OC blog (channeling the right-wing noise machine” as one wag puts it) Chris Prevatt excelled himself this past year for doing what he does best – lookin’ creepy. And we had a little fun with that.
4. Keller in the Hat. Poor Pam. Gone but not quite forgotten. This woman really likes to put on stupid hats and mug for the camera. And why not? Looking stupid is a perfect accompaniment to acting and talking stupid.
5. The Fake Abode #1. The beautiful Calabria Apartments beckoned to Hairbag Sidhu. A refrigerator was moved in, but not Sidhu. He registered to vote there, but never actually lived there. The pink stucco box behind the billiards sign was a perfect reflection of the greasy Sidhu hustle – cheap, fake, and ultimately comical.
6. Poor Bella. Somebody should have called the SPCA. Any creature, human or otherwise that is subjected to the vapid stupidity of Lorraine Galloway, the 58 year old teenybopper, has been abused. Arf!
7. Jurassic Park. This image of Fullerton’s ossified Mayor Pro Tem surfaced this year. No, Bankhead is the one wearing the necktie. The delicious irony of this picture is undeniable. And the site? Why, it’s at Hairbag Sidhu’s Elegant Yorba Estate, of course, far from the lowly 4th District he wanted to represent so badly.
8. The Cheap Cologne. Hide and Seek Sidhu met Pam Keller at the big Democrat Labor Day fest at the Santa Ana Zoo. It was love at first sight, a real meeting of the shallow and superficial. And proof that the best exhibits weren’t behind the bars.
It’s got to be the Assclown.
Ditto. Nuff said.
Is that the kid from Life Goes On?
I’m gonna go with limo lib ladies, but only because you left out Bankheadasaurus.
Damn. Gonna have to fix that!
The Assclown is really well done. Kudos to the graphic artist that put that together. That is no ordinary cut and paste job for sure. I cant think of a more worthy figure to transform from butt puppet to Assclown either.
On another note, I think it is extremely tasteless to take yet another poke at a person with Downs syndrome. Number two should be removed.
Graphic artist? Cut and paste? What are you talking about?
“butt puppet”? That’s frickin hilarious. This blog is too much fun and I cant get enough.
It’s even better than I remembered. Wonder if Bankhead has to deal with asteroids like the dinosaurs did.
We are not interested in growths in Bankhead’s nether parts.
Thanks a lot, guys. Chris already has an inferiority complex because he knows that he lacks my powerful intellect and sparkling wit; now you have to rub in the fact that he’s not devilishly handsome like me, either.
Things are going to get awfully mopey around the Lib OC offices until I take everyone out for ice cream with the giant pot of money that we won from our lawsuit against Art Pedroza.
Rack em up hairball!!!
He still owes me a game of pool over an linbrook familia
You forgot the Hypocrite. That bloated windbag Shawnny Boy Nelson who when his fat hand was caught in the proverbial 2.7 @ 55 cookie jar, he the defense attorney claimed he didn’t know what he was signing at the time.
Nice try Mr. Sidhu. The Brian Calle O.C. Register article from Sept 10 states the county paperwork said it was mandatory. The quote : “Mr. Nelson told us and showed the paperwork he signed which states he “must” choose from two options for pension benefits”. When paperwork says one must do something only an illiterate like Sidhu would claim he didnt know what it meant. Mr. Nelson’s crime according to you is being able to correctly read english.
No where is there a quote such as you describe. Nowhere is there a reference to a “mistake” as you describe. Nice try reinventing history but being literate is something voters appreciate and it showed in the results.
Being illiterate like Mr. Sidhu gets you all sorts of chances to reinvent history and also get your butt kicked at the polls.
Ok, Assclown Harry is pretty impressive too. You should sell framed prints.
I don’t get what the Down Syndrome guy has to do with this.
Hollis Dugan …that would be number 3 not number 2…
Matt “JUBAL” Cunningham is a tool.
This guy is a total scammer. I find him to be dishonest in his dealings.
Let’s see:
He works for FIRST5 behind the scenes and then pretends to be a Republican.
He professes to be a “law and order” kind of guy, but goes out on a limb to protect child molesting priests?? YES. I do mean Urell, Matt.
He lands his wife a job against Gay marriage, but Pal’s around with the LOC “boys”, one of whom is openly GAY? After all, Laura speaks “MEXICAN”.
He runs an unlicensed business out of his garage and calls it Suite C. But he says he is a small business owner.
Simply put, Matt is the kind of guy, who you check your wallett when he comes by. DISHONEST.
Dude, what are you talking about?
“And proof that the best exhibits weren’t behind the bars.”
Pure poetry. I’m still laughing 10 minutes later.
The most creative and well written blog in So Cal by far
Let’s hope he ends his political career just as she did.
I love the picture of Keller with sidhu. Not because it shows how low Sidhu would stoop in desperation (we already knew that) but how utterly out of it Keller had to be to endorse this guy.
Maybe this was lost on the readers but the only republican endorsement of note Sidhu had was from the CRA, a group with a militant far right stance on abortion and immigrant issues. Didn’t this very site expose Keller’s far left view of abortion? Isn’t Keller the one who had the immigrant kids and their spanish only parents paraded to the mike at the Fullerton city council (after she paid $25k to their group) to garner support for one of her beloved programs?
Keller has to be the dumbest politician Fullerton has ever had and the competition for that honor is not insignificant. This photo proves she has no sense at all.
RG, I think it’s (the dumbest politician Fullerton has ever had) a toss up between Julie Sa and Keller.
After her “wo is me, play nice kindergarteners” farewell speech & article, I’ll have to vote on Larry’s final two dumbest Fullerton politicians, and cast my vote for “Pothole Pam.” To me, it’s not even close because Julie barely spoke or understood English… what’s Pam’s excuse?