Babs Giasone Hits New High in Low
And by low we mean a really, really, rock-bottom sort of low.
A helpful Friend shared this link to a Barbara Giasone News Tribune, er, “article” from 12/21/09 about some former florist delivery boy and long-mustache contest award winner who showed up at the Fullerton Library impersonating Gene Simmons of the 1970 rock band KISS. This seems to be his current means of employment. Good thing Barbara was on the scene to relay the crucial breaking news to her readers. What if we had missed this? Ha! Just think of all that time other reporters have wasted going to journalism school!
But seriously (!) now, Friends, we’re a city of 140,000 people and this is the sort of thing the Register/News Tribune newshawks think Fullertonians want to see:

But what do we know? This is the same “journalist” who was recently recognized by some sort of “Women in Leadership” event for her achievements. And Pam Keller has publicly praised her as “our wonderful Barbara Giasone.” Perhaps this is exactly the kind of thing Fullertonians want to see! If so, it is the kind of thing we deserve.
Well, maybe not all of us.
The OC Register will continue to circle the drain as long as they publish crap like this. Where are the real journalists in our city? Fire this so-called reporter and hire a hungry journalism grad. Anything would be an improvement.
This woman has the full package!
*Crime Reporting – Reprint FPD press releases
*Municipal Affairs – Reprint City Hall press releases
*Local Events – Reprint Chamber of Commerce press releases
*Education Reporting – Reprint school district press releases
*When the deadline looms and all else fails, go to the Library and look for a wierdo.
It appears that “Scoop” Giasone is in the running to be the most successful graduate of Garden Grove High, along with Jan Flory!
Is this another Marty Burbank story? It kind of looks like him.
Of course this is the sort of crap that a lot of people in Fullerton want us to see. Garbage. Anything but what’s really going on.
Let’s take Pam Keller. Why would she want a real reporter uncovering the $400 a day League of Cities meeting scandal? That’s why to the people in City hall Barbara Giasone really is wonderful. like a Godsend, in fact.
To have a politician call you “our wonderful” must be the most damning insult conceivable – to a real reporter.
Hey Bushala, how about a blog post about the status of FFFF’s lawsuit verses the city/redevelopment agency?
The Obslerver can’t write about it and the fact that FFFF is doing what needs to be done for the good of Fullerton’s future, and poor ol Babs, well she’s too busy and apparently fascinated by the length of this weird dudes fake tongue or Marty Burbanks fake good deeds to write about anything news worthy.
Sandwiched between exposes of fake grass at a Fullerton park and photos of Santa Claus and newborns is the Fullerton Observer’s women in leadership roles (get it, make Pammy mayor, now) banal article. It is 2010, now, and most people know a woman can handle leadership roles if she is honest and sincerely serves the public’s interests and not her own personal gratifications. Thanks to the efforts of Barbara Giasone and those who walk in her footsteps at the OC Register, this newspaper is in chapter 11 and wont exist in 2011.