Handling Politicians: The Termite Queen Syndrome; A Brief Essay

In our casual study of the behavior of our local elected officials we have observed a rather disturbing thing: their treatment by the bureaucrats, local media, and even their own political consultants that is remarkably similar to the treatment received by the queen within the hives and nests of certain social insects.
Their psychological needs are carefully ministered to; their egos are carefully tended and stroked; their sustenance is provided in the form of ceremonial activities and dutiful obeisances pleasantly doled out by a superficially sycophantic crowd.
And there they are: voluntarily trapped in an official cocoon in which their votes are almost as perfunctory as the myriad pupae produced by a termite queen. And like the queen that grows ever larger and ever more constrained by her own girth, our pols become ever more dependent on their handlers.
Even the campaign consultants who are supposed to be working for the politician come to control the behavior of their candidate – stressing useless and harmless “issues” and actually avoiding anything that could possibly be construed as controversial – like actually trying to reform government stuff that just doesn’t work very well.
Just check out any of the websites of these poor creatures, trapped by their own fear and ambition. In the ones where there actually is any content (lots of “coming soon”s) it’s just blather: cliches, nonsense and double-talk, spit out to positively dodge saying anything substantive.
And there you have it friends: the Termite Queen Syndrome.
I just love how they’re called “Honorable.” Honorable this, Honorable that. All full of honor.
Mike Duvall was “honorable’ right up ’til the day he quit.
Joe, you’re so right, it really makes me sick to listen to some fucking idiot being introduced as “honorable” just because they got elected to some city clowncil, water board, assembly, congress, etc. Excuse me while I throw up just thinking about it.
Good post Desert Rat!
The funny thing is that these choad wanks are all so dismally average (or below). Good god. Take an average dolt with lots of ambition and no brains, get him elected and then just keep massaging.
It’s a self-perpetuating racket, I tells ya!
Wow. I thought I was the only one fighting a War against Termites. Do read my blog.
Do read Death of a Nightingale either by downloading it from http://www.deathofanightingale.com – stage version is now better than original – and by buying the book from Amazon. Help me get the play on the stage.