Is He or Isn’t He?

Oops! Looks like re-elected councilman Don Bankhead forgot to raise his right hand as he took the oath of office.

So what does that mean? Was he really and truly legally sworn in when he voted for the insufferable Doc HeeHaw as Mayor and himself as Mayor Pro Tem?  Who knows?

But I know that I want to seem him do it right!

12 Replies to “Is He or Isn’t He?”

  1. I love the picture of half of Doc HeeHaw in the background, hovering over the scene like a malignant gargoyle.

  2. Would his oath from last time count? Or the time before that? Or the time before that? Or the time before that when he got elected again after he got recalled? Or the time before that?

    Wouldn’t you feel kind of stale and pathetic if you held the same petty municipal office for 22 years (except for when you got recalled)? Seeing younger people move to other things while you stayed in that same chair, getting older and older, pretending that you are indispensable to rationalize your mediocrity to yourself? Doing the bidding of a guy twenty five years younger and three feet shorter than you? Wouldn’t you just look in the mirror one day and decide that you should get out before you become physically unable to even climb the steps anymore? Are you afraid to stop because you think that if you do you might not last very long? Maybe you ought to consider some alternatives to just running out the clock up there in city hall instead of having to devise pathetic little strategies to hold on to meaningless positions on a small town council. Hey, maybe you should write your memoirs! There are 22 years on the council to draw from. You could even write a little chapter about when you got recalled. There would be all sorts of people you could talk about, like the other council members who progressed to higher offices, or bigger and better things in their lives, or just knew when it was time to move on. I probably won’t want to read it, but I promise to buy a copy.

    1. The obvious challenge to writing memoirs is that you have to be able write. I suggest he start out with reading. Hooked on phonics.

  3. This is the worst site I have ever read. This is all about name calling and do NOTHING positive for your community. I can only imagine how someone so dark and empty developed such a site based on hate, name calling and being negative ALL the time. Maybe because he failed in relationships or raising a family. I can only hope the spawn of this site developer isn’t as disturbed as the father.

    I have to give a little credit to Sebourn for distancing himself from this site. I read that he”objected to being characterized as being connected with FFFF. Maybe he’s realized that hatred and name calling isn’t the way.

    Fix your own shit before telling us what to do.

    1. #5, I agree at certain times facts do appear to be negative especially when they (facts) make someone look like a buffoon.

      So if you saw a person walking with toilet paper stuck to the bottom of his/her shoe wouldn’t you tell that person that there’s a piece of toilet paper stuck to the bottom of their shoe?

      Or how about if you went with a friend to the park and your friend stepped in a pile of doggy dodo would you help your friend clean their shoe or would you act as if nothing happened and continued to play with your friend all day smelling dog poop?

      1. All this talk of dog poop is getting me excited.

        But seriously, these people like Bankhead and Jones actually believe that they are qualified to do anything other than tie their own shoelaces.

        The tools we use to keep these goons in check is the truth and satire, both potent weapons. If there were accountability and responsibility in Fullerton we wouldn’t even be here, of course.

        We could accord them phony respect and deference like the gaggle of sycophants that pretend these clowns emperors are actually wearing clothes. But why? Study these pages and judge for yourselves whether or not these miscreants have blown through tens or even hundreds of millions of dollars because nobody had the courage to tell the truth about them.

        And if I were “Get some help” I would question my union’s utter selfishness and lack of civic responsibility in helping to elect these geriatric (and non-geriatric) incompetents for my own benefit.

  4. Jesus, I’m starting to feel sorry for the guy. There. I said it.

    Not a single friend or family member to dissuade him from this self-humiliation.

  5. More important than name calling is calling it like it is. Sure csndidates like to distance themselves from FFFF after they’ve capitalized on the site’s popularity, but that’s to be expected of anyone having to try to appeal to people who may have in the past voted for someone like Don Bankhead, who voted to spend $ 6 million to tear down a McDonald’s and rebuild it 150 feet to the east. Am I being negative? Let’s put it this way then: We at FFFF think it would be a very positive action to save Fullerton $ 6 million in Redevelopmemt funds by not spending it to tear down a McDonalds and rebuild it 150 feet to the east.

  6. “get some help” you are a true “asshat” or should I say “assclown”, I guess I could list a host of names for you however that may give you the fuel for your ignorant fire you attempted to lite on the website by judging a man and insulting his character and family who simply has done what this city has needed for over 50 years now, he has exposed these political do-nothings and blowhard’s at the helm of our town’s leadership and their unethical dealings relating to the good people of Fullerton and this great city’s infrastructure. It’s morons like you, Mr or Ms “get some help” who will stand by and watch this great city get runover by political hack jobs that steal from the very city they represent while smiling and shaking hands with Fullerton’s taxpayer’s. Hey “get some help”, go polish Bankhead’s potatoe shaped melon and while your at it buy another bottle of whiskey for Doc Hee Haa. Then take a Greyhound bus to jackwater USA and stay there with your kinfolks for ever. No needs anymore assclowns like you in Fullerton, you will be “getting us some help” when you get your sorry “ass” out of our town!

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