Kudos to Sharon Quirk-Silva For Independence and Accountability

At last Tuesday’s council meeting our elected representatives were served up a tasty morsel from their attorney Dick Jones. He was peddling a load of BS about it being city policy that Planning Commissioners not consider the economic feasibility of subsidized projects. We’ve already documented Jones’ baloney here.

But Sharon Quirk-Silva, would have none of it. She challenged Jones on the supposed policy, and suggested, correctly, that the project be reconsidered in the light of a full review by the Planning Commission. She had the support of Planning Commissioner Scott Lansburg, who actually showed up to indicate that for him at least, the project would have received different treatment had he been permitted to consider the practical economics of the thing.  Good for him.

Attorney Jones of course, pushed back, conjuring up the frightening manitou of “litigation” to chase stray councilmembers back onto their reservation. Now, gee, where have we seen that tactic before?

Meanwhile, Don Bankhead seemed a lot more interested in attending the upcoming ground breaking ceremony (where he can wear a specially painted gold hard hat) than in reining in the Richman/Olson Co. disaster.

In the end nothing came of hearing it except that the Council might have “study sessions” on the matter; which, if it ever happens, will no doubt be steered right back into the direction the city staff wants – at which point Attorney Jones made-up “policy” will become a self-fulfilling prophecy.

8 Replies to “Kudos to Sharon Quirk-Silva For Independence and Accountability”

  1. Lansburg is a new guy on the planning commission, right? It looks like he got his first taste of the ol’ staff deception. I’m glad he figured it out and and stepped up.

    But where was Nelson on this one? Is he still one wingman short of a formation?

  2. Deceit and deception from legal counsellors for the City Council and for the City commissioners (in this case, the Planning Commission) ought to be a major BIG DEAL issue hounding this Council from now until it is resolved.

    A good (first step) result would be to fire the city attorney (Mr. Jones) and his law firm. Then follow up with some cut backs in the city staff, so they don’t have so much time on their hands to be promoting ill-advised uneconomic tax payer subsidized housing (make-work for themselves) projects.

  3. I agree with Rain. This is far from the first time that Jones and Mayer have screwed us. Throw the bums out.

    1. No way city staff would go along with this.They’ve been in bed together too long. Ditto Jones and Bankhead. Would Pam Keller ever go along with that?

      Ain’t gonna happen.

  4. I doubt any of the council members would have the huevos to fire someone for being incompetent or for lying.

    I take that back, Nelson ( Susan Hunt, Bob Hodson, Terry Galpin) and Quirk-Silva might, but they could never get a third vote.

    Anyhoo, I have a dream that some day (3/19/13) Fullerton citizens will have a city council that will reform city hall and who will defend and protect the citizenry from deceit, lies, liars, boondoggles and municipal bankruptcy.

  5. Nelson has dropped the ball big time on this issue and all others related to redevelopment. When is he going to sell off all of his investment in the downtown bar so he can actually vote on crapola like this? Quirk has stepped up, but she alone can’t break up the good ol’ boys and their little lady Pammy.

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