More Accolades For FFFF!

Just yesterday Friends For Fullerton’s Future received yet another award. Our own Joe Sipowicz received perhaps the highest honor an OC blogger can receive: listing as a scary blogger by the creeps over at a blog called Liberal OC. Okay, #7 ain’t #1, but Jebus H. Crisco, not bad for a guy who’s only been a member of our team for only about a year!
The set of low-lifes at OC Liberal’s sole reason for existing is to parrot Obama press releases, extol the virtues of Larry Agran’s criminal Irvine cartel, and support Democratic cretins like Loretta Sanchez and Lori Galloway. Recognition by these people as scary is indisputably high praise, indeed.
Here’s the fun entry:
7. Joe Sipowicz, FFFF — Joe, if that is in fact your name… Joe, is an angry
young man who, from comments and blog posts that carry his name, we have
ascertained works in a gunshop somewhere in Fullerton. That in itself is
scary. And five times a day, we think Joe lights votive candles and kneels down
to worship at the alter of Shawn Nelson. Nelson signs up for the generous
pension; Joe says it’s OK because he never campaigned on what he’d do with his
own pension, only that of evil public employee unions. Harry Sidhu is cleared
by the DA on any wrongdoing, Joe insists Harry is a perjurer but doesn’t say
squat about his own admin’s possible perjurious votes in recent elections
because he hasn’t updated his voter reg forms. Want to send Joe over the edge?
Tell him Nelson is advocating for a 500% increase on taxes for bullet
purchases. “Oh Shawn, I am not worthy to worship you, but only say the word,
and I shall blog about it…..”
Of course that bit at the end making fun of the Catholic Mass will no doubt enrage their RC boyfriend Matthew J. Cunningham, but you have to take chances when you are a cutting edge reporter like OC Liberal’s Dan Cherminowski.
Sidhu is a perjurer. He signed two documents stating that he lived at the Calabria Apartments and he never did. He lied under oath – twice.
BTW, it’s my left arm that’s missing, not the right.
Other than that I accept the award and would like to thank the Academy and all the little people…
They failed to mention joes bad languge and his racist attitudes.
Stupid fuck is not a race.
Compton is racist…he seems to be the only one that talks about race.
According to recent studies it’s minorities that are overwhelmingly racist. Whites actually judge like the late Dr. King asked us too, by their character and based on the information Compton always brings up he must be racist.
oh and his past criminal record
you bad boy you say nothing but dirty talk you go home to you mother now and get spank
Compton II to Compton I – f u!
uhh i dont capitalize the c, cmon man get it right.
If you ever find enough energy to use the shift key, apply it instead to finding a job.
Hahahaha. Now that’s some funny shit right there. Tony you’re the Phil Hendrie of blogging. If you don’t know who Phil Hendrie is, then google him. Phil’s guest are as phony as your bloggers.
Now go pat yourself on your back and have another cup of kool aid. Make it a double so Jo-Jo can have some too.
What a joke. Hahahah.
Man you FPOA guys are really jealous of this blog. You must be you’re here all the time making asinine and irrelevant comments.
BTW, how does it feel to have FFFF solve your crimes for you?
Aw that’s right. You really weren’t trying anyway!
Joe Sipowicz = Tony Bushala
Wow, Tony, you’re so full of yourself that you post accolades to your own pseudonyms? That’s hilarious (and a little sad).
Just like your entirely self-funded “grass roots” political action committees that you pay for.
And patting yourself on the back for your web hits? You’ve already shown all of Fullerton (and Orange County) that you have no principles and no credibility, so we all know that statistic means nothing.
Man you FPOA guys are really jealous of this blog. You must be you’re here all the time making asinine and irrelevant comments.
BTW, how does it feel to have FFFF solve your crimes for you?
Aw that’s right: You really weren’t trying anyway!
“that statistic means nothing.”
Wrong. it means that tens of thousands of people have watched “I am Hero and Deserve.”
What a hateful, sad, pathetic, perjurer, racist piece of garbage. Congratulations on one of your 7 personalities “winning” this fabulous award. I’m sure your family must be very proud.
Geez I wish I could write as well as Joe. It’s just a real honor to have a patriot-writer like him on our blog team.
Tony-Joe-Jan’s Dog-DR-ect-Quit pretending to be all these different people. Your caught, everyone knows that you have multiple personalities on here and in real life. Such a sad little man who has to buy his friends. whitaker must owe you big time for you paying for his election. You’re a sugar daddy and he’s you little bitch. Time will show us all now what’s in it for Tony or Joe or Jan’s pooch or whatever name your using. Pat yourself on the back for your racist hateful site. Perjurer!
Matt Cunningham outed sex-abuse victims.
way to go Joe!, as for those bloggers who accuse tony of being the only blogger on this site, you are wrong and as sometime who defended
continued. . . what really annoys people is the fact that many people read this blog, more than the OC
Register or Fullerton Observer to find out what is being discussed and planned by our civic leaders. While the OC Register reports only fluff pieces and the Fullerton Observer has legally been proven not to be a newspaper due to its lack of journalistic ethics, the FFFF is our city’s sole source of relevant info.
Hey guys where are my congrats? I was named the #1 scariest blogger by “Chimichanga” and company. I am honored that they feel that way.
Congrats. It is an honor isn’t it?
Joe, is it true that you are an alcoholic that works in a gun store?
Yes, of course that’s true.
That Cherminowski family is a classy bunch, you know he runs one “Of Tech’s leading boutique PR firms”, whatever the fuck that means.
However, things might be tight in the Other SUITE C, dan has left his rented digs (a desk in a windowless closet) for a new office in Irvine, that has a short commute: 30 feet. Another let me work out of my spare bedroom and pretend I am a Blogger/PR/Reporter/Activist……Sound familiar?
Plus, I know a lot of guy’s who hate thier wives, but none to the point of pimping them out on “Dancing With The Stars” for $136. prize money, things must be getting tight at the LAT too, better hope that Health Insurance sticks!
Finally, has anyone noticed the LOC sharing the AD with his sworn “enemy” Red County over at Total Buzz? As the Orange Juice boys would say “now thats Channelling The Right Wing Noise Machine”.
Congrats Joe!