Nelson vs. Sidhu @ OCGOP; Round 1
As promised, I will be sharing with you the debate between Shawn Nelson, who lives in our district, and Harry Sidhu, who moved into our district twice just to run for yet another office. His first so called “residence” was at the Calabria apartments on W. Lincoln, where we proved Sidhu committed voter fraud here. The other residence is over on Lucky Way.
Both candidates are running in OC’s 4th Supervisorial district special election to replace our current State Assemblyman Chris Norby. I’m going to start off this series of video clips with both candidates’ opening statements. Enjoy the show:
God, Harry talked about safe neighborhoods and released prisoners. Do we have a jail in the 4th? Isn’t that actually Orange?
Then to run down a list of endorsements who aren’t even in the District, what an idiot.
How does all of these politicians backing this phony look at themselves in the mirror??? They look really bad!