Norby Demands That Sidhu Stop the Fraud

Well, let me tell you. I came this close to telling the truth...

Harry Sidhu has been playing campaign website musical chairs and it had finally started to get noticed. But not in a good way. You see, Sidhu has his personal website to which he directs readers of his ghostwritten newsletters, and it includes a collection of endorsements that he got, presumably, from any of his many previous runs for public office. But it doesn’t say that.

We first reported on the situation, here. Tucked into the upper right hand corner is a link to Sidhu’s Supervisor campaign website.

We have learned that our State Assemblyman, Chris Norby has just sent Harry Sidhu an email demanding that Sidhu remove Norby’s name from the list that intentionally misleads people into believing that Norby – as well as a host of Orange County politicos – is endorsing Harry Sidhu for 4th District Supervisor.

Chris Norby has not endorsed Harry Sidhu for the 4th District Supervisors seat. Norby has endorsed Fullerton councilman Shawn Nelson for the job he once held.

Visitors to our site are well aware that Sidhu has proven that it doesn’t bother him to fool his constituents. in fact, his first act as a candidate to represent us was to lie about his “residence” in the seedy Calabria Apartments – right next to the Linbrook Billiard hall.

Sidhu has a big problem with the truth. Let’s see if he ever cleans up his website misdirection.

11 Replies to “Norby Demands That Sidhu Stop the Fraud”

  1. Could we get a list of the people that endorse Sidhu who actually live in the district and are elected to an office above council/mayor?

  2. I have a vid of Norby endorsing Sidhu for one of his earlier campaigns. Would have gone beautifully with this post.

    This unethical carpetbagging crap needs to stop.

    1. ‘MINO” or Mexican in name only. That is pretty funny.

      Sidhu is a “VINO” or voter in name only as he certainly is not a resident of the district.

  3. Letsgetreal: You need to come out and oppose Harry Siduh who doesn’t live in the district he is running in.

    And lets get this clear, Tony B. did not do anything other then ring a doorbell and ask a question. That was it. So quit with the lie.

    Would you oppose 60 minutes from knocking on Mrs. Bernie Madoff’s front door back in the day to ask the question of what she knew about her husbands crimes and if she was aknwoing participant? Of course not. Thats what reporters do.

    Harry is committing a crime trying to act as if he lives in the distrcit when he doesn’t and in reality, his wife could be a willing accomplice should she play along with the sharade.

    We can only hope that the DA in O.C. will go after Harry as the DA in L.A. did with the mayor of Vernon.

  4. FINALLY, the truth is starting to come out. What a disgrace this Harry is.

    How can two of our sitting Supes be supporting this joke? I hope this comes back and bites them, they should have just stayed out of it.

    What a phony this guy is.

  5. If Harry is this shifty with his campaign website, imagine him on the county dais. Scary!

    This guy is a liar. How can anybody actually believe this Serial Candidate (5 elections in last 8 years)…and more coming.

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