Pacific Strategies & The Case of the Great Disappearing Agenda Item

Hey, I didn't write that agenda entry. Or did I?

A quick perusal of the OC Children and Families Commission meeting for July 7, 2010 might be a bit misleading. Item six talks about a Strategic Communications Work Program and lists the “consultants” – really lobbyists and promoters whom we’ve seen before – Pringle and Associates, and O’ Haren, and the comically named White House Writers Group, that are lining up to line their pockets at the expense of hungry kids.

However, it’s not until you actually look at the agenda item staff report that you see our old friend Matthew Cunningham from Suite C described. Hiding something? The budget item is for “on call” services for a total of $30,000.  I’m not sure what on call services amount to, but clearly Cunningham is still to be employed doing whatever it is he does for the Rob Reiner Tax and Redistribute Commission at the princely rate of $200 an hour.

The somewhat ambiguous phrase “a no-cost extension will be executed, and as necessary, modifications within the contract and budget authority” is appended. Apparently “Final” FY 2010-2011 budget actions take place in October.

12 Replies to “Pacific Strategies & The Case of the Great Disappearing Agenda Item”

  1. Why is the commission still giving huge sums of money to these consultants?

    There are people who are looking for work and these consultants already have work and do other work for other people.

    I don’t get it!

  2. Where is EVERYONE on this?

    Obviously, the OCR, LAT and the hard hitting Reporters on the LOC (not to mention Matt’s other employer, Red County) don’t think that thirty thousand dollars is a lot of mony for updating Facebook pages and reading the Fresno Bee.

    I guess it’s OK for SOME people to waste tax money, just not those OTHER people.

  3. This commission does not need consultants. It was formulated to help kids. It seems the wealthy are paying for political consultants rather than the original purpose. They scream redistribution, when in fact it goes to republican pundits and consultants. There is something surely amiss.

    1. It’s an interesting perversion of the mission. They spend public money to employ the otherwise unemployable Pringle et al to lobby. lobby for what? For their funding!

      Then there’s the totally unjustifiable White House Writers Group – the personification of repuglicanism, and of course Cunningham who is being paid $200 bucks an hour to do what teenagers do for free.

    2. The Grand Jury slammed the concept of government lobbying government. If that was banned half the pugs in Orange County would be working swamping out the toilets at Sidhu-owned El Pollo Loco’s in the Inland Empire.

  4. I like how the dude from the White House Writers Group: Adam D’Luzansky, wrote an article about Social Networking/media being useless.

    I did’nt read the Drivel, but I can’t help but think that I know ONE HUGE USELESS SAP working out of his garage “suite C” that fits the description!

  5. Sounds like you’re overqualified for that job Joe. Did Tony pay you extra tohelp him move into that place with his brother George?

  6. the “on-call” is a code that they are going to route billing through one of the major contractors on this contract but that the work will be done by Jerb and the pay will be routed thru the contractor to Jerb. Another way of saying nothing has changed. Even tho you busted them. Thats why other contractors are involved. dimes to $$ you will find Jerb involved with them

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