Pathetic Red County Attack on Capo Kid

I play dodgeball with big words...

You’d think an individual like Matthew J. Cunningham, who makes his hypocritical livelihood leeching off of big government programs for kids, would show some  decency toward one.

But no. Here is the irrepressible Jerbal denigrating eighteen year old Saam Alikhani, who has the effrontery to run for the Capistrano Unified School District school board against some typically useless repuglicans.

Here’s the money quote from our rodentine friend:

Generally speaking, the thing about 18 year olds – especially those who are abnormally politically aware – is they believing they have all the answers while possessing limited awareness of how little they know. That’s an asset in the context of putting troops into the political trenches – but a liability in an elected official.

Of course The Jerb is describing himself as a Young Republican at 18; and, come to think of it, as a middle-age repuglican at 40-something  – sucking off the ample teat of the welfare state Children and Families Commission.

And then there’s this unintentionally hilarious observation:

Yes, one can point to Placentia Councilman Jeremy Yamaguchi, who was just 19 year old when elected in 2008. I have talked to Jeremy, and he is an impressive young man who, by all accounts, has been a fine councilman. But I’d maintain Yamaguchi is the exception to the rule.

Newsflash, readers: the Jerb’s  pal Jeremy Yamaguchi endorsed both hollow carpetbaggers Linda Ackerwoman and Hairball Sidhu; but of course to Cunningham that constitutes a paragon of virtue.

The Arab-phobic neocons at Red County may actually be more alarmed that this guy is an Arab-American than for any other reason. Why else attack an eighteen year-old young man? So get ready for the typical Arab bashing that has become the hallmark of the repugs.

And of course William Pitt was Prime Minister of Britain at 24.

29 Replies to “Pathetic Red County Attack on Capo Kid”

  1. The Register did a piece on that kid so Cunningham had to leap into the breach to go after him. He and Hanlon are either on somebody’s payroll or they want to be.

    BTW, dead-on with regard to anti-Arab stuff over there.

  2. I doubt if high school kids play dodgeball. That was a joke.

    Cunningham’s attack on a kid who he thinks may be backed by a union, while he feeds his family off of a big, liberal, feel good program is pathetic.

  3. If the Red County wants to go on the attack, they should assign one of their non-hypocrites to do the job. This guy is just embarassing himself.

  4. Ooo – thanks for the heads up Tony, that’s my boy he went after – Saam I Aam! Never would have known if you hadn’t done the dirty work of reading Red-Face County for me.

    Persian-American, Arab-American, well, not exactly the same thing you know… but equally scary to a Rethuglican like Matt!

    1. Yah Art, maybe they can send Tish and Stroud down there with a couple baseball bats.

      Seriously, let’s stop calling him a kid, he’s a young man and a lot smarter than Jerbal.

  5. When is this young man having a fund raiser? I want to attend!! Get an active FB page and website so I can follow your campaign Saam!

  6. this blog has a reputation for making very insensitive racial remarks, especially during the sidhu campaign. Is 18 year old really qualified? u guys are so all over the place, u hate carpetbaggers but love a totally unqualified 18 year old. He doesnt even have a semester of junior college, not that u clogs would know anything about that.

      1. this young man is not a kid he knows more about how the current board rips off the tax payers and how it all is going to stop with him there, his ideas for our school system is a first he is a university student if you attend one of his lectures you will freeze in your seat.
        did you attend a jc or are you a high schoo; drop out

    1. “this blog has a reputation for making very insensitive racial remarks,”

      Oh really? Can you point out one post that made a racially insensitive comment about Hairball?

      1. Rudy, don’t even bother with that guy. He’s a friend of Little Billy Turner who would sell his soul for an X-tra large cup of Coke.

        The “you’re racist” card is the only thing Sidhu has going for him. Apparently assclownery is an accepted form of behavior.

        1. When did it become illegal to point out someones full name, or where they were born, or their national background?

          It’s part of the make up asshole, welcome to politics.

  7. So this is what it has come to for JUBAL!

    Criticizing 18 year olds who are trying to take part in thier community.

    What a pussy. Why does’nt matt run for school board? Oh yeah, he gets FREE TUITION in exchange for his defense of Fr. Urell!

  8. Let’s not forget that this recall is teacher initiated. The School Board stood up to the Teacher’s Union and required pay cuts. The teachers went on strike. The compromise provided for the pay cuts with a future reopener to reexamine when economic times are better. Hopefully Mr. Alakhani is not a teacher supporting candidate. This economy has hit us private sector folks, the teachers are not any better….plus they have great benefits.

  9. Regardless, this young candidate should be judged on the merits of his positions on the issues and his motivation for running. Nothing more, nothing less. Nothing personal regarding his background.

  10. Hello everybody,
    thank you for your support and kind comments. If you have any questions you can contact me on my website,, which also accepts donations. At the home page of my site, on the bottom right corner, there is a link to my facebook and twitter page. Thanks again for your support.

  11. (My response on Matt’s blog, not sure if he will approve it)

    Matt! You’re still doing your little “blogging” thing over here? Good thing Bushala let me know you attacked my main maan Saam, I would never have known! Damn, it’s stuffy in here. Mind if I open up a window?

    It’s just, this tiny little world you and Chip live in, it makes me sad. Over there, the Big Bad Union. Over here, all right-thinking people. Everyone you ever meet. This isn’t real life.

    My gosh, you people parody yourselves better than I ever could. Love that catchphrase, “rolling-back the CUSD recall revolution.” LOL. Will it catch on if you say it enough, Mr. Wordsmith? Have you looked at the standard-bearers of this “revolution?” Winsten, Bryson, Lopez-freakin-Maddox? I rest my case.

    A revolution of what then? Three million of waste already? Hiring expensive lawyers like Phil Greer at the drop of a hat? Giving away a hundred grand of district money to your wealthy supporters? Flip-flopping on local control as soon as you’re in office just to make it harder for anyone to run against you? By the way, the teachers won that completely unnecessary strike, not because of the Union, but because they had the massive support of parents and taxpayers.

    You have no idea what’s happening in the Capo USD, it is so much bigger than you could imagine. Union’s got nothing to do with it. This is conservatives and liberals, parents and taxpayers across the spectrum uniting against your corrupt, inept, wasteful little clique of faux-conservative insiders to wrest back their schools from ruination.

    Saam can take care of himself; he could take you with half his brain tied behind his back. But you lot will be pushed into the sea. Right off one of those San Clemente bluffs. Without knowing what hit you.

    (PS. Let me know if you respond, I’m pretty busy.)

  12. kid, why don’t you report this blog to the orange county human relations commission as a hate crime? Give ole rusty boy some out of context evidence and you got yourself a job there skewing stats and blathering on about the “tip of the iceberg”.

  13. Jerbal is a liberal hypocrite milking the tax payer teat and trying to shield Catholic pederasts – oh yeah – and his mustache is creepy

  14. looking forward to november, if you have not listened to this young man speak you are missing the boat his ideas and plans are what the current board does not like, education first , no more spending of tax payers monies irresponsibly(register article on Mr.Street his top advisor is a current board member that purchased a SF to John Wayne 1 way ticket for $3000 with tax payers $) go SAAM you have our vote

  15. Well I’m sure this kid wouldn’t buy a $1.2 million decrepid building like Jerbal’s friend Harvard educated Clerk-Recorder Tom Daly did. And I’m sure he wouldn’t give his buddies $48,000 contracts for doing nothing like Tommy boy did. Maybe that is why Slummingham is upset this guy is running.

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