President Obama Visits FFFF, Gets the Scoop on OCCCO
Last Thursday our humble blog had a visit from the Executive Office of the President of the United States. It looks like someone on Barack Obama’s computer was doing a bit of Googling on a organization called OCCCO when he stumbled across our post on The OCCCO Scam.

Maybe the President’s office was researching the Orange County branch of the national Pacific Institute for Community Organization (PICO) non-profit after it had requested another round of taxpayer funding from Obama’s bulging cluster of social welfare programs.
Hopefully FFFF was able to shed a little light on the subject. Glad we could help, Mr. President.
You have a wide audience. And I don’t just mean fat.
President Obama visits FFFF………….give me a break or maybe that’s why were all screwed up.
It’s true.
It’s about time government took notice of this grass roots blog. Maybe the Obama administration is trying to figure out why Meg Whitman in October chose Fullerton, of all places, to announce her candidacy for governor. Maybe fullerton and FFFF is percolating freedom from big government tyranny and the chicago machine can’t understand this novel idea.
The fact that you can actually track the origin of hits to that degree of detail is actually a little creepy…
Now we’re all going to have to shower.
Maybe this outstanding group could hire Matthew J. Cunningham to “educate” the public about what a great org they really are.
Of course they’d need to get their hands on some mighty big tax revenue to afford his wordsmithing.
Ms. Keller, whatdya say?