Scott Baugh is Coming To Town

At the Orange Juice blog Art Pedroza is passing along a missive from OC GOP Chairman Scott Baugh, here.
Seems Baugh has chosen downtown Fullerton’s Slidebar Cafe as the site of some sort of “Citizen Power Rally” to promote the Paycheck Protection Initiative that also dovetails with his newly-developed manifesto to punish Republicans that take public employee union money. We wrote about that here. The event is planned for February 13th at 10:00 a.m.
The Slidebar is a logical site for Baugh who is clearly trying to exploit the populist anger of the so-called “Tea Party” movement. Last year the Slidebar hosted the John and Ken Tax Revolt/Smash Arnold’s Videos Party, although the Slidebar is also known for its ecumenical tastes when it comes to an event-hosting venue.
Baugh is likening his new mission to the nobility of the Minute Men at Lexington and Concord, but it’s really hard to see him getting involved in something unless there’s a Main Chance angle. He may believe that harnessing the T.P. energy is necessary to keep his party a going concern, but given the number of local GOP electeds who have taken public union money, it’s a safe bet that the ‘Pug gentry will avoid being seen on a dais with Baugh.
And let’s not forget that just a few short months ago Baugh was supporting the totally fraudulent Ackerwoman campaign for State Assembly so it’s pretty hard to take anything this guy says about reform as being serious. Wonder if Baugh can be persuaded now to condemn the fraud of carpetbaggery and fake residence. Hmm. Scott?
Anyway, our ever-vigilant crew will be on hand to chronicle the fun and games.
Well…I suppose it’s better than him not taking these positions. Difficult to do it with credibility.
Ugh. Next.
just maybe, Baugh has learned (from this blog) that it’s never too late to be smart.
people are beginning to realize the conflict of interest that exist between a public employees union and “their” candidate of choice.
Does that include Norby? He was supported by public employee unions?