Sheriff’s Union Sends Sidhu a Dictionary

It looks like the Sheriff’s union has been watching the same video clips that we have. You know… the ones where Sidhu stammers incoherently and fails to answer simple questions about union pensions.
That must be why they sent out this mailer with a photo of Harry sifting through a dictionary, as if to tell voters “Harry knows pensions. See, he looked it up!”
What a bumbling buffoon! It’s no wonder county unions can’t wait to sit at table with Harry Sidhu and negotiate their next pension spike.
2010 is the year of The Unions vs. The People. That is the message that Nelson should be spreading.
Did Harry shave his knuckles for that photo? Geez.
Maybe he can look up the definition of “carpetbagger” too.
Is “serial candidate” in the dictionary?
Maybe he’s looking up UNION SHILL.