The Dingos Took My Baby!

And now, because you deserve it, we present another slow, mental unwinding by everybody’s Southern fried favorite, F. Richard Jones. Here he holds forth on the subject of coyote miscegenation, apparently an area of special expertise. Of course I couldn’t imagine mating with a wolf, at least not without a step ladder.

Remember Friends: when the coyotes attack your home, be sure to obey their commands and avoid eye contact!

9 Replies to “The Dingos Took My Baby!”

  1. This individual is a freaking nut job. A disgrace to the City.

    Oh wait! He keeps getting re-elected. So he must be representative of the great minds of our citizenry.

  2. I always appreciate a classical allusion (i.e. “the dingos”).

    It seems you recognize coyotes as harmless pets, friends and play things.

    With the ever declining population of cigarette smokers I suppose you also lament the reduction in opportunities for your children to access and then play with matches.

    Oh wait, I forgot, you government employees cannot normally-naturally reproduce.

  3. Did I hear him correctly at 0:58? That the eastern coyote is attacking children, homes and farm animals? What are they doing to the homes, lunging at the walls and tearing out the insulation?

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