The OC Register Editorial Board on the Fourth
Today the print edition of the OC Register contains two endorsements of Shawn Nelson. One is in their list of all ballot and candidate endorsements. The second is part of a piece called “Ten things that matter in this election.”
We agree with this statement from the Register: “The two most important issues, we believe, are public employee union pension reform and continuing a lawsuit that challenges a retroactive pension spike for sheriff’s deputies. If the lawsuit prevails, it will have implications in California and nationwide. Mr. Nelson is the only candidate to pledge to pursue both issues.”
I voted for Sidhu. Nelson is a douchebag and I wouldn’t give the bum a mop job let alone elect him to a Suoervisor’s seat.
Spoken like a public employee…
Sidhu escapes back to the Hills after he comes in fourth behind Nelson, Lorrri and Rosie.
I was just reading Matt Cunninghams eloquent article on why he supports Sidhu.
It was a little late, considering the voting begins in a little more than 24 hours. But it was compelling! I am sure it was designed to sway lots of votes. And save face, when his boy loses!
Of course this hack, who has for MONTHS been CHEERLEADING for Harish, has not once stated why he does support him. He promised me he would. He has not.
We all know that Matt is hedging his bet, knowing that when Nelson takes the prize, he can say, “I never offically endorsed him”.
The worse part about this is what a pussy Matt is. Aside from Fr. Urell, the guy has NEVER stood up fro anything. He floats trial balloons about his wife running for office, but never declares, he thinks he is clever for his deniability.
I call it being a political pussy.
Hey Hector, nice pastoral words you use there.
Not that this has anything to do with you, but, as I have heard it, the unions had their hooks into a Supervisor that left and went up to Sacto some years ago and this dip-stick went and stuck in an Assembly Bill, that Does NOT ALLOW the County of Orange the right to put out to bid for janitorial service on all of its buildings.
That costs us the taxpayers an estimated $10 Million annually for County employees, with full benefits, to vacuum and empty trash cans.
There is no doubt that a vote for Sidhu will only exacerbate the pension tsunami and break the back of the county taxpayers.
Thanks for your help in destroying the county by voting for a brainless assmonkey union puppet.
Matt Cuningham is just like all the ass wipes he hangs out with. Foe example, Tom Daly doesn’t take a stand on anything. During the period when same-sex marriage was being allowed did anyone notice tht Tom ran for the hills instead of taking a position on whether to marry gay couples or not. Instead he hid behind Jean Pasco’s skirt like a little kid and kept his trap shut which is the way he should keep it. Some Clerk-Recorders in California said no. Others said yes. They took a stand. Daly in his Hillary Clinton-like cautious ways said nothing and rode the wave out. Just like Cunningham he will wait for others to make the tough decisions and then jump on the winning side. Cunningham should lose his contract with the Children and Families Commission and Daly needs to be voted out for being a yellow-back.