The Pitfalls of Carpetbaggery
The Register’s Jennifer Muir reported on 4th District Supe fundraising yesterday and pretty quickly got onto the topic of a salient campaign expense in Lorri Galloway’s forms: $850 to Taormina Properties – the guy who was supposedly providing the 3rd Distict resident Galloway with a plausible 4th District address.

This item has already caused speculation as to whether Galloway was trying to fob off rent for her fake address in the Colony District as a campaign expense. Not so says Galloway. The $850 was for campaign space rental that just happened to be in the same building as her “residence”! She declined to tell Ms. Muir how much she paid in rent for her alleged living space.
Well that’s sort of embarrassing – more amateur campaign follies, and all due to her political ambition and office-lust that has caused her to dummy up a fake residence in our district.
Another interesting fact from the campaign finance reporting documents is that her landlord, Bill Taormina, has given Galloway the $1700 limit though his company “Clean City.” And so we immediately start to wonder whether Galloway is paying full market rental on her Taormina-provided campaign space, and, of course how much she is paying for her Taormina-provided newly new address in Anaheim’s “Five Points” area, farther west out along the #42 OCTA bus route.
Joe, on the latter point we will never know. Rental of a living accommodation won’t show up on any campaign documents since it’s not a campaign expense.
But it does make you wonder…
Anybody know the relationship between “Clean City” and the City of Anaheim?
Just wonderin’.
They contract with the city for tagging removal and other misc clean-up services.
Oh, and check out the forms closely and you see that Galloway bought “office furniture” from her own thrift store (did she give herself a discount?) and has received significant campaign contributions from her charity’s employees (did they get bonuses ahead of time?).
Cynical? Hell, yeah!
someone needs to find out where she got the $100K to loan herself. I’ve seen her car/ house and know her husband doesn’t make much.
wish i had an ELI House to have as a front to take from…
Speaking of the Eli Home, I lived there, back when it was for homeless women and children; not ‘battered women and children’ as it is now. I got treated VERY POORLY. I had to pay a lot of my welfare check towards rent to Lori. I had to be on welfare at the time… I was kept busy for hours, doing housework. One Sat. we all did housecleaning that lasted all day. I remember cleaning the oven and had to do it about 3 times because the housemother, Daphne, didn’t think I did a good enough job.. Those who are homeless, already feel bad enough. And to be at a place like the Eli Home makes one feel worse and worser about one’s self image..
May I ask why Galloway, Loretta Sanchez and Quirk in Fullerton are constantly seen in a red suit? Are they in a club or something?
Pure and simple…this is the politics of corruption and obfuscation. This is the best example of the need for sunlight on these types of transactions and underscores the need for campaign finance reform. Just connect the dots and one sees her attempt to skirt campaign reporting laws. For no other reason than her business/personal relationship with Taormina… All one has to do is google Taomina and his brother and the shenanigans in Rialto and Riverside and their paid lobbyist activites and the corruption they bring to the political arena. The mere fact they have a contract with the City of Anaheim (heres the rub-they can easily say that they dont because they sold their fathers company to the company they work for-yet are acting as good community citizens-and the “new” company is the responsible party.
Time to pull the orange curtain away from the Taomina/Galloway charade and soon
Carpet buggery?
Maybe she moved to the Five Points area to enjoy daily the wonders of Mos2’s teriyaki bowl…
Gustavo, Mos makes one kick A chicken bowl. Order it skinless though and get me extra hot sauce.
1. How much of the place you rented to set up residence in the 4th District was for your campaign office, and how much space was used for your residence?
2. How much was the total rent for the two portions combined?
3. What furniture did your campaign buy from Eli Home?
4. How did you arrive at the value of the items sold to your campaign?
5. Did the Board of Eli Home approve that sale, or did you make the decisions alone?