What Are They Doing Now?

So who really is responsible for Fullerton’s out-of-control “public safety” pension vortex?
Here’s a handy list of everyone in the history of Fullerton who’s ever voted for the public safety 3 @ 50 pension scam, and their current whereabouts:

Don Bankhead (R) – Fullerton City Councilmember, and Mayor.

Dick Jones (R) – Fullerton City Councilmember.
Chris Norby (R) – State Assemblyman, 72nd District

Mike Clesceri (R) – is rumored to be working security at suburban Chicago mall.
Jan Flory (D) – tries to remain relevant by stirring up neighborhood resentment against kids riding bikes.
And there you have it. A 5-0 vote. Motion made by Flory and seconded by Norby, to go along with the most irresponsible vote in the history of Fullerton.
“the most irresponsible vote in the history of Fullerton” – That about sums it up.
Here’s the really crazy part: Only one of them has admitted their mistake.
….and, correct me if I am mistaken, did NOT repeat it when confronted with the similar issue while serving on the County Board of Supervisors.
True, but Norby gave the cops a huge pay out for supporting his re-election in 2000.
Does a disingenuous apology years later count for much?
Who would’ve thought that our financial future would be flushed down the toilet by 4 “fiscally conservative” Republicans?
Pam Keller is a “fiscal conservative,” too.
Ha. Hahahaha!
…anybody with two brain cells to rub together. There are no “fiscally conservative” Republicans around here, except during campaign season.
Jan Flory’s dog and Jan Flory’s son must know each other.
Well JFD?
Hey according to the cops you guys never go after Norby.