Why Is Janet Nguyen Increasing Staffing In the 4th District Office?

Janet Nguyen. Why is she trying to horn in on the 4th District office?

We have heard from reliable sources that Board of Supervisor Chair, Janet Nguyen, has very recently hired two individuals to join the remaining staff in Chris Norby’s ex-office. How?

Under board policy the chairman is supposed to take oversight of that District office.

But, I have to wonder why.

Since there is no longer a supervisor to report to, and hence no staff work preparatory to supervisor’s meetings, the staff should be reduced, not increased. There would seem to be less “constituency” type work to be done since there is no supervisor to direct it, and in any case the replacement election is just three short months away. So what gives?

Is Nguyen just planting “her” people in the office to report back to her directly? And are these “her” people that she intends to keep in place in the wildly remote chance that her boy Harry Sidhu should actually win the upcoming election?

Hmm. More “fiscal conservatism?”

10 Replies to “Why Is Janet Nguyen Increasing Staffing In the 4th District Office?”

  1. Perhaps the completely worthless Phil Tsunoda has finally hit the road. Norby didn’t drag him to Sacramento as he would’ve left a trail along the sidewalk.

  2. Are these people there to answer phones and emails from constituents who are too dumb to know that no one’s home?

    I’m sure they have one of those clever government titles such as “Analyst II” or “Clerical III”.

  3. Why not? Who is going to call her out on it (other than fff, of course)? A little more government cheese never hurt nobody.

    Except taxpayers.

    1. I have heard he is going back to Daly’s office in June once the new 4th Dist Supervisor comes back. This plan hinges on Daly winning reelection for Clerk though.

  4. Leave it to a dim witted elected to prove she is unable to restrain herself at the first opportunity. Gee, wonder why Moorlock didnt vote for her to be chair?

    Janet, when you are not that bright, try to stay a little more quite.

  5. Hell I cant understand half of her comments when ever I hear her. I just knod my head just like the rest of us in her staff. After she leaves we all ask….WTF did she say?? Oh and I think she is hiring a third person for the 4th district office.

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