$500,000 More Reasons To Recall The Three Blind Dinosaurs

In today’s LA Times an unnamed source in has indicated that the settlement of a sexual battery case with two women is going to cost us (you taxpayers, finally get it?) half a million bucks.
You remember the case, right? The one where FPD cop Albert Rincon alleged serially sexually assaulted women in the back of his patrol car; the one where Federal Judge Andrew Guilford refused the City’s request to throw the case out and issued a scathing opinion about the City’s complicity in the series of attacks by placing Rincon back on the streets of Fullerton to attack other women. Yeah, that one.
$500,000 right out of our pockets to pay for just one out of control cop and his bosses in the FPD who covered up for him. That would certainly include our MIA Chief Sellers and his predecessor and current council member Pat McKinley. And what in the world have former Fullerton cop Don Bankehead and Mayor Dick Jones been doing on the City Council for the past 23 and 15 years, respectively. They certainly appear unwilling to take any responsibility for the police department over which they were supposed to be asserting civilian control.
Remember to remind the Tumescent Trio of these facts tonight.
and they only offered Ron Thomas $900K for murder?! not that i’m surprised.
There was no offer to Ron Thomas. What you saw was a letter containing potential dollar amounts of a potential offer potentially to Ron Thomas.
There was no offer.
Rather than “potentially” offering a settlement to Mr. Thomas, Fullerton should have “potentially” tried to do a better job with their investigation, instead of trying to cover up their behind.
Maybe they “potentially” could have held their officers accountable and disciplined inappropriate/unprofessional/unlawful behavior and not only would Kelly Thomas still be alive, but many others who have been violated and abused would have been spared.
Ya just like they “potentially” beat Kelly to death right? All the witnesses just saw what “potentially” happened and are just seeing things??? I don’t use this word very often but in this case EF you dumb ass.
If I were them after hearing what the Judge said
I wouldn’t take the settlement, they can probably do better in court. Are they sueing Rincon and Wren too?
Officers Rincon and Wren suffered broken bones while these women sexually assaulted them officers in the back of their patrol unit.
I don’t think Rincon’s bone is ever broken.
Did one of the cops say last week that they wouldn’t have a problem letting their daughter go on ride along with Albert Rincon?
Maybe thats the problem, poor decision making. If you would let your daughter go on a ride along with a person that has been implication in multiple sexual assults, then you have serious problems making sound decisions.
It’s true, we also asked for a picture of Rincon since he is accused of such crimes. They would not let us see or have it.
Why do you need a picture of Albert Rincon? You aren’t safe around ANY of us.
I am very very safe. Even with the likes of you around…
Try calling Police Officer Standard and Training in Sacramento and I think they might have a photo of him. I know they photos of everyone who works for the department and it does have to been kept on file.
Someone here posted that Capt Hughes said that but I don’t remember if they got that from an article or read it in a paper.
I think this post covers things pretty well.
Poor judgment and incompetent parenting.
WOW!!! Poor kid. I hope the other parent disagrees.
It was mentioned that Captain Dan Hughes made that statement. This goes to show you that a seemingly decent man like Captain Hughes can see good in their criminal cops.
There will be a ton of pay outs in the near future….a FULLERTON of pay outs.
I have no information on that.
Peapody, I think you missed something. There are about a dozen more women out there that might want to step up and file a civil case against this should-be sex-registrant and the City. This one rapist could cost us a helluva lot more than $550K.
And Rincon, et al should all go to state prison for racketeering on top of the sexual assault and kidnapping charges.
No, I noted that the half mil was for the two women in the case that was filed.
I’m sure there will be others. Not enough fingers to plug the holes in the dike.
Officer Rincon’s DAR seems to be malfunctioning and a replacement device has been ordered.
The department has handled this issue appropriately.
Hughes has to go!
Hamilton has to leave!
I hate Hutchins but her deputies are looking much better than our current criminal cops.
Yeah right. Ever been inside a county jail?
From a fiscal standpoint, it seems in the best interest of the City of Fullerton to fire all officers and completely disband the police department for the next 5 years furthermore they should not allow the sheriff’s department to incorporate former officers. In other words, start from scratch.
Currently the police department is a huge liability for both the City and Tax Payers. Right now there are at least 17 officers who are accused of crimes ranging from murder, attempted murder, sexual assault, fraud, theft, excessive use of force, lying under oath, planting evidence, using city resources for personal use and so forth.
At least 7 officers (that we know of) have been an paid leave for months pending investigations involving one or more of the crimes that I listed and Chief Sellers continues to extend his medical leave. This means tax payers are on the hook for about $50,000-$60,000 a month for officers and a chief who are never on duty.
On top of this, tax payers are going to be paying millions of dollars in settlements and law suits directly related to the conduct of these officers. I have a feeling that as time goes by there will be more people coming forward to report additional instances of misconduct and crimes involving Fullerton PD.
The roads are disrepair, the sidewalks are cracked and crumbling and the abandoned buildings are a blight but this is just the beginning of worse things to come. If FPD is allowed to continue to operate, other much needed programs will be discontinued and employees ranging from parks and recs & streets will be laid off.
Businesses will continue to leave along with citizens and people will not come into the city to buy products, attend venues or eat out of fear that they could be harassed by FPD. All of this means an even greater revenue loss for the city.
There is also the public safety issue. Citizens are afraid of their police department and likewise officers are afraid to normally perform their duties due to what has transpired.
When a Fullerton Cop pulls behind me I’m petrified and thinking off a safe place to pull over that’s in front of witnesses and pray that I’m not going to get assaulted or even killed but fortunately I haven’t been pulled over.
As a tax payer I shouldn’t feel like this and it angers me when I hear about the amount of money that’s being spent to keep this fledgling department in operation.
This isnt “an isolated incident” or “a few bad apples” its a systemic problem deep within the department. Many of the officers have been with the department for decades like acting Chief Hamilton.
No amount of “training” will fix this problem or make it go away, doing so will only mean even more tax payer money wasted.
We need a police department that works not one that needs to be constantly fixed. Disband the Fullerton Police Department.
This happens everywhere…Fullerton is the only ones to get caught as of right now. I know this first hand. Stand guard people and continue to bring every department that corrupts and abuses their authority to justice. It’s only a matter of time. Funny how one video recording can start a landslide of corruption.
I will be there in sprit,thank god for the good people of fullerton.
$500k times 12 is 6 million dollars not including all the other cases.
Capt. Hughes has to go.
Capt. Hamilton has to leave.
Sandra Hutchins is ‘the south end of a north-bound horse”.
Fu*@ em all!!!
you mean, pat mckinley, the ex board member of rusty kennedy’s orange county human relations commission? I guess the half million tax payer dollars is just a hand-up for human decency after the obscenity inflicted on unsuspecting women caught in ex fullerton police chief pat mckinley’s town.
Pat McKinley has spent a great deal of time delving into the criminal mind while interviewing potential FPD new hires.
McKinely told those stupid voters that he supported pension reform, but once he got behind closed doors he gave me a wink and a nod.
3 @ 50, almost there.
Taxpayers are always victims. Lead by examples. Take money from their salary, pension, and benefits.
Better yet, we need to prosecute these criminals and start recall immediately. Do not allow these crooks to destroy our beautiful country and above the laws for too long.
That, and he is perfectly willing to risk his daughter’s safety for the sake of a fellow officer. True blue. If he really said that after all that Rincon has been accused of, honestly, my first thought was he was having sex with his daughter. Father’s who molest their kids are known for letting other people molest them as well. And again, I don’t know if an officer said this or which one, but if they did, it is seriously disturbing.
You are in ‘rare form’ once again Sgt. Goodlie. lol
Was it not the case that the DA decided to not pursue criminal action against officer Rincon because at least another (6) of alleged victims got together to review and compare their stories.
Well, wasn’t that exactly what the Fullerton 6 did when putting their story together after the incident with Kelly Thomas on July 5, 2011 ???
Chief Hamilton said that this practice was perfectly legitimate so the officers could refresh their recollections. Well consider the other groping victims just telling stories to refresh their recollections of how they were violated by this officer.
And, seeing as we the citizens of Fullerton are on the hook for $500K to compensate the (2) plaintiffs for reparations of actions that the FPD said didn’t happen, apparently something happened if the Council and Judge Guilford indicated it may have…….
I wonder if the others are now going to step forward as our city has now verified something indeed did happen And are willing to pay out settlements. How much more of this are we going to be hit with ???
The six (it was actually seven) did not get together. That was another lie from my boys.
Two of the women were friends. Naturally they talked to each other about the rape-assault at some point. The DA brought it up but did not give any details because it helped them look less stupid.
Good point,very,very,very good point. I see now, do as we say and don’t do as we do.
given the common application of “tumescent” as a descriptive term I doubt these three are ever tumescent without the use of various E.D. enhancements (pills, devices, other options advertised on late night radio)
Tumescent generically means swollen.
I understand that; but it’s commonly used in a different context… hence my allusion to E.D. enhancements 🙂
I don’t understand, the OC Register reports the following:
Attorney Bruce Praet, hired by the city to represent Rincon and the city, did not return several calls asking for comment.
Does that mean the City paid his attorney fees (our tax-payer dollars)?? Is that right?
Yes. Bruce Praet is paid (generously) with your tax dollars.
Oh goody. My tax dollars are being used to to defend AND pay a rapist police officer.
Disband Fullerton PD!
Isn’t that a conflict of interest?
The corruption that is going on here is mind-blowing. How did this happen?
I agree get rid of the entire PD and the 3 dummies and start over.
It does seem to be a conflict of interest if the city hires an attorney to defend claims against one of its officers by one of the citizens of that city. Is the city going to pay for an attorney to look after the best interests of the Citizens of Fullerton?
The more corruption that floats to the surface, the more pissed I am about this whole scandal. I say throw the 3 blind mice out, and disband the entire FPD.
You can’t throw us out until you figure out how to pay off our pensions. Good luck with that.
The Moron stated:
Was it not the case that the DA decided to not pursue criminal action against officer Rincon because at least another (6) of alleged victims got together to review and compare their stories.
Well, wasn’t that exactly what the Fullerton 6 did when putting their story together after the incident with Kelly Thomas on July 5, 2011 ???
Chief Hamilton said that this practice was perfectly legitimate so the officers could refresh their recollections. Well consider the other groping victims just telling stories to refresh their recollections of how they were violated by this officer.
Great points that once again show the Double Standard of Law Enforcement and another lame excuse for the District Attorney’s office to cover up for their ‘Bad Boyz in Badges’.
If Bankhead, Jones, and McKinley are charged with malfeasance due to an Orange County Grand Jury investigation, and others are found to be implicated this could be covered by (RICO) Racketeering Influenced Corrupt Organization Act
RICO is Federal,really serious.
B and J are just ignorant fools. Their offense is gross neglect of their duty to provide civilian oversight of the FPD.
McKinley has a bigger problem. For 17 years he WAS FPD. And now he’s on the council voting on settlements that will keep facts about FPD corruption out of court. See the problem?
Yes, indeed I see the problem. And I am writing a post on McKinley’s manifest conflicts of interest that are going to cost us plenty.
Did McKinley’s settlement include a non-disclosure clause to help keep this case under wraps? I hope so.
Is this EXTORTION MONEY from Rincon??
If they charge and discipline him will he RAT THEM OUT??
The BIG question here is, does the city council have ANY control over the police department, at all?
This happens everywhere…Fullerton is the only ones to get caught as of right now. I know this first hand. Stand guard people and continue to bring every department that corrupts and abuses their authority to justice. It’s only a matter of time. Funny how one video recording can start a landslide of corruption.
Reply to #47
Grand jury is basically run by the DA’s office. It uses DA investigators so do not hold out hope for a Fullerton PD investigation by DA Tony R.
However, in another state, I was on a FEDERAL Grand Jury and we basically cleaned up a lot of organized crime. Now they use the FBI as well as other Federal agencies and the US Attorney and bypass political hacks like the DA.
In reference to who pays these settlements, the police union ore the taxpayers, I keep telling you on here its the Fullerton ratepayers (businesses) and residents via taxes and fees. It will be enormous, you will see! So those calls for disbanding Fullerton PD and replacing it for 5 years with OC Sheriff due to huge cost savings are doable. However, the city is on the hook for the bloated pensions due to the overly generous Fullerton payscale.
Officer Rincon is still out there and a Fullerton PD Captain said he would trust Rincon with his daughter in a police car. Of course he would, Rincon would never do anything to HIS CAPTAIN’s daughter – he would be dead! Either physically or no longer fit to serve,via the Captain or the myriad of charges that would occur. So the Captain should have been called on that dumbass remark at the meeting.
The fact that Rincon is allowed to continue serving tells huge amounts about what is wrong in Fullerton. Yup Fullerton, not just Fullerton PD since they are a reflection of the callous, uncaring attitude of voters and the city council that reflects the voters. If I were the 2 councilmembers who supposedly support Kelly Thomas I would have voted NO to the settlement thereby forcing a trial with depositions. NO settlements, just trials – over and over.
did you see this bull$#?+ sellers need another 60 days and $38K to calm down.
Fullerton to hire doctor to verify police chief’s medical leave
Oh great! More tax payer money wasted on Fullerton PD’s misgivings but at least its a start in the right direction.
They need to dissolve the entire agency now.
Thank you, Paul
For the insight concerning the Grand Jury operations.
Where does the State stand on this sort of matter?
Does the State have any sort of standing, after all these municipalities derive their power through the Health and Safety Codes. Any answers-please.
Fullerton police chief extends medical leave again
“He’s seen a doctor (hired) by the city, about two weeks ago,” Felz said. “That is policy with anybody.”
So, that LA Times headline means nothing.
Fullerton cop sex-assault suit may be settled
U should interview the victims get their story three long years
One of the agenda items on this evenings’ City Council is to start paying ($) for several part time reserve cops. This funding is coming from a Federal Grant, there are usually strings attached to this funding, primarily matching City funds.
Fullerton is not in a viable financial position or operational position to be taking on any obligations concerning the FPD.
With the future obligations of impending and future litigation, the City of Fullerton Municipal Bond rating may be cut down (3)three levels.
A cut in the bond rating may have severe affect on the West Coyote Hills Development.
BTW does the City have any obligations concerning the UNFINISHED Amerige development?
no mun no fun yo sun
to bad so sad yo dad
Wrong Guy :
The total for now is 24:
And who else?
Watch Commander (?)
Perry Thayer
Add OFFICER JONATHAN MILLER, who was the officer in the Mam case who supposedly had someone jump on his back and choke him, which Mam was later accused of and then acquitted of doing. That never happened.
Do most of these officers tend to work night shifts? Look for patterns.
Are the four Fullerton PD officers that participated in farting in the face of the suicide attempt victim on this list? If not, I vote to add them too.
I opened the OC Register where the City Manager, Joe FELZ, stated that Sellers had been examined by a city retained Doctor for an independent evaluation and was awarded another 60 days of paid sick leave.
Considering the circumstances and timing of the original award of sick leave in August,Why was the independent evaluation not ordered at that time?
The FPD police chief is a high profile position and the management of this element STINKS.
Is Felz related to Sellers?
reply to #63:
I cannot answer your question since I was a member of the federal grand jury and did not know how they picked and chose cases. But I am sure the state does not forward cases to them. Groups like ACLU, etc. can help in providing info to the US Attorney for the district that includes Orange County.
Sorry I cant be of more help.
The state bosses have better deals
Reply to 67:
Yes a number of unsatisfied and pending lawsuits that can total many millions of dollars may work to lower Fullerton’s bond rating. However, usually bond rating agencies do not take that info into account until the money is paid and problems begin to arise in city’s finances. So possible obligations due to police misconduct are not normally part of the rating equation.
Fullerton seeks to fire police officer who allegedly groped women
City Atty. Dick Jones said the city has issued a notice of intent to terminate Rincon. “His badge and gun have been taken,” Jones said.
with or without his pension?
According to the LA Times article, City Atty. Dick Jones “said that Rincon’s prior disciplinary record would play a roll in the termination proceeding but declined to say what new issue arose to initiate the effort to terminate him.”
The new issue that arose was the scrutiny by the citizens of Fullerton. Plus, they have been reading this blog all day. He is only being fired now because they have been found out. They did, in fact, attempt to get the case against Officer Rincon dismissed when, in fact, they should have charged him with a crime.
O.K. The official running total is now 25:
And who else?
Watch Commander (?)
Perry Thayer
Jonathon Miller
Thanks for the update blessusall.
There are more who should be on the list.
There should be more names on this list. Look for ways to find documented instances of other officers connected to these cases that suggest collusion. Simply looking at all the officers who were present during the cases that we know about that have already been shown to be problematic.
Also, it would help to know how many officers raided the Nordell’s home–even if you can’t know the names, it shows how pervasive the incompetence is and the lack of very basic decency in not addressing it after the family repeatedly requested answers. Plus, their reports also did not tell the whole story.
Repeated instances of turning off his DAR that also coincided with complaints of sexual abuse by women he arrested alone should have led to termination.
Exactly they were caught. What else is coming?
Demand full disclosure. What other complaints, lawsuits, pending litigation, potential litigation currently exist? You have a right to know.
Thank you Atty Jones for your announcement concerning the termination of Rincon.
Why was such an announcement made by a city contractor and not directly by the City Manager?
That audio system had best be 110% operational for this evenings council meeting!
Is FELZ on sick leave now?
Hopefully they will soon discover that their avoidance and manipulative tactics aren’t going to work so well for them any more.
Long time resident:
Would you mind if I read your comment above at tonights city council meeting? That is of course, you plan on being there and speaking.
I hope you do.
It could take a long time to read that list of appologies.
The City may need to change its claim to
“The city of horses”.
The streets will be in such bad condition this coming springtime, you may need a horse to get around town.
you better take a sack lunch to the meeting tonite, its going to be a looong nite..
did you notice that first litigation in the agenda tonight??
Fridman and Lemanski v. City of Fullerton
i haven’t heard about this one…
WTF.. oh noes.. a dental lab.. while they have cops who sexually assault women and do all kinds of other shit .. INVESTIGATE THE FUCKING POLICE DEPARTMENT ..
HORRIBLE City Council ..
Rincon gets beefed by some female pond scum at Bananas. The PD sends it to the DA for a criminal investigation. DA says accusations are unfounded, but tosses a Brady letter at Rincon. Rincon stays on administrative leave, PD does an internal affairs investigation, and cannot find a basis for dismissal. Rincon returns to duty, but is assigned to the desk. PD finds a camera monitoring system that can be worn by Rincon, but not turned off. Rincon returns to duty. Rincon returns to administrative leave after federal suit filed. Judge Guilford tanks city’s defense, city has a prejudiced judge, and needs to settle. City pays, but a lot less than if they had terminated Rincon, with a DA’s finding of unfounded allegations. He would have sued for wrongfull termination, and would have been awarded back pay, legal fees, and the court would have ordered him re-instated. Well, then we could have blamed it on the Superior Court, but they aren’t liable for their actions, so we would have paid twice. So the city, and its taxpayers were f–ked no matter what……
“So the city, and its taxpayers were f–ked no matter what……”
Yes. The day that McKinley hired the perv.
Rincon is the victim? Holy Shit you really are living in your own little universe, aren’t you. Well, you your pals and McKinley, that is.
He turned off his DAR INTENTIONALLY for some reason…
Just so happens turning off his DAR coincided with sexual assaults on said women
DA is a LIAR and complicit in any crimes committed by Rincon after he chose not to prosecute
Start a campaign to file criminal charges. The DAs office will shit the bed. The DAs trying to earn his envelope and drop the charges.
City needs to class action sue the Council members to recoup the award monies.
$900,000 here, $500,000 there, $35,000–
Come on down, you’re then next contestant on Fullerton’s Price is Right!
Much of this happened on McKinley’s watch.
She-Bare 🙂
It used to be worst! One of the previous Sgt.’s or Lt. was really corrupt. It was the Sgt. or Lt. who sang, “The Lion Sleeps tonight.” I can’t remember his name but he was in bed with the director at FPCA and he would hire all the corrput recruits. This person was so involved in the City and helped connected these two chiefs. He also got a lot of recruits hired at the other PD. He worked at the College as well. He passed away several years ago. This has only come to light because of the age of Video Phones but it was always corrupt. He use to say, “it’s better to be judged by 12 then to be carried out by 6.” I learned so many crazy sayings that were just wrong to do or say if one was to protect and serve.
If you are interested to learn how cancer attacks on a healthy human, take a closer look at collaboration of Fullerton city hall, police dept., and unions.
By the time you realize, it is too late, nothing but man-made disaster.
Not true.. all they had to do was ask him why his turning off of his Digital Audio Recording device just happened to coincide with the MULTIPLE assault claims