A 4F Record Year
Well, Friends, 2011 was a record year for our humble little blog. We’ve had 2,013,945 visitors, and counting. I wonder what next year will bring for a blog that all began here, the day I questioned the ridiculous and deteriorating Redevelopment Styrofoam light fixtures at the downtown plaza.
See what I mean?

That was just three short years ago, and since then we’ve taken on every Sacred Cow of Fullerton’s reactionary old guard – from ridiculous Redevelopment boondogglery to a police department stewed in rampant corruption. And we’re not done yet, not by a long shot.
Stick around as we continue to poniard the pompous and demand accountability from the unaccountable. You’ll laugh. You’ll cry. You’ll experience a whole range of emotions. We promise.
Happy Birthday Tony!!!
Nice little blog you got going on here.
Enjoy your day.
I have enjoyed the your words, and those of your informed readers. Have a happy new year, and many more to coome my friend!! 🙂
Thank you for all the wonderful work you’ve done this year. Now go blow out some candles, old fart! 😉
Poor choice of a moniker. I guess I’ll go back to being anonymous.
Tony, you and your FFFF have done more to improve the quality of life for the good people of Fullerton than our city council members and our local “activists” who cared more about coyotes than a disabled,Fullerton street person brutally murdered by our police officers.
Wanted to tell everyone in here- have a great new year- thanks for being part of my daily routine…coming in here and seeing what my freinds and neighbors think….thank you for being the guys that took a chance and said the truth- even if it was ugly…love and respect
Raise a glass in appreciation of yourselves for a job well done, , God Bless!
Thank you for keeping the comments section open and for the most part unmoderated. This policy is what makes FFFF great.
Count me in for another year, and more.
Happy New Year, best wishes and all my hopes to everyone (even the trolls) in 2012.
Thank you FFFF for aiming your flashlight on the plague of rotten cops and crappy politicians; it clearly isn’t Fullerton alone, but you, and sadly, Kelly, have brought this outrage front and center. Thank you for this, all of you.
It’s quiet now, but we’re all still on board and paying attention out here.
There will be justice for Kelly Thomas, and Fullerton will be fumigated after the recall is complete.
I visit here at least once a day, every day. The bad guys are counting on fading interest, but that will never happen, ever. I remember Kelly Thomas every day, every time I visit this website.
So like I said, thank you FFFF for doing what you do. We’re not all living in Fullerton, but we’re all with you.
Happy New Year to everyone.
All my hopes are with you.
Happy New Year to you all!
Over 2 million visitors my ass! Maybe if you count every single blog post not each individual blogger! So in reallity you had 15-20 regular bloggers posting!
That’s still a record…and why are you here?
My goodness, such anger. You should turn that energy toward cleaning out that pigsty on the corner of Highland and Commonwealth. Or maybe start working on that HS diploma once again.
You, yourself seem to have visitors and commenters all mixed up in your poor, undersized noodle.
Please do seek some sort of help in 2012. Your step kids and ex-wives will thank you for it.
Is that you, Goodlie?
I believe that. Think about how this blog brought out a worldwide story. 2 million is believable.
You didn’t count all those who read the blogs yet did not comment on them.
Thank you FFFF for:
* Bringing to light the horrible death of Kelly Thomas.
* Allowing everyone to participate in your blog despite differences of opinion.
* Showing the world it is possible to crack institutional corruption, forcing accountability no matter how difficult.
* Setting an example for all cities to follow.
* And finally, for giving me some distractions from some pretty horrific pain in the last few months. FFFF has inspired me.
* Happy New Year to everyone! We deserve it.
Amen to that and talk to you and all the good people on this site and happy better year in 2012
Congratulations and thank you! And a very Happy Birthday to you!!!
Wait…isn’t your birthday not for a few days?
This blog and all involved are to commended for their courage wit and
humor. There is nothing more American than the freedom to share opinions and speak out against injustice and corruption. This forum is an indispensable tool with at times an incredibly diverse audience. Happy new year to all. And to all those on the wrong side of things please remember it is never too late to do the right thing.
Happy New Year to everyone here who seeks justice for the brutal, horrific, merciless, unprovoked and evil murder of Kelly Thomas. Thank you FFFF, and G-D bless Kelly and his family.
Yes, GOD bless Kelly and his family!
Neighbor Shelley said it best. (Hi neighbor 😉 Ditto…and Happy birthday Tony!!
Is this 2,013,945 visitors or 2,013,945 visits to the blogsite? Does on profile equal one visitor?
Regardless this site receives quite a following.
It was a pleasure meeting you this year FFFF.
One of your regular commentors, Spunky, told me about you the day after I learned of the Kelly Thomas murder by Fullerton police. I went down to the memorial site at the bus depot in early August and the first person I met was Cathy Thomas, Kelly’s mom. From that day forward, I have been looking at and commenting on this blog, protesting on Saturdays and speaking up at the council meetings. So glad to see there is a prosecution in motion. There wouldn’t have been if it weren’t for Kelly’s family, Kelly’s Army and FFFF’s reporting.
Blessed is the age when men and women have the courage to stand and tell the truth.
Happy New Years to the people who have blessed us all.
Happy Birthday Tony! Keep up the good work! Bruce and I wish you the best in 2012.
Well done Tony, let me raise a glass and twitch a shoulder to you.
Best of luck in 2012
This is so funny. I see how things have not changed in three years. Tony, Travis, and Chris. Having dialog with themselves using multiple pseudonyms.
Enjoy “First Night” – if you have withdrawal symptoms from no alcohol, try menudo tomorrow morning to cure what ails you
And two million visitors. That’s a helluva accomplishment, say, what have you ever accomplished? You had to cheat to get over the obstacle course at Chief Cueball’s Academy for Murderers. Hahahahahaha!
BTW, yes that sport coat does make you look fat!
Since being unable to post this on the slimebar blog, I had a thought worth pondering by all.
If Kelly was burglarizing cars, what burglary tools did he have in his possession when the cops stopped him? Did he have crow bars, a spark plug? A screwdriver?
Was damage done to any car in the parking lot due to a burglary?
What burglary tools did the cops write down in their evidence log for the main report?
Fullerton pd’s own crime stats for the time period around Kelly’s murder show no auto bugs, just catalytic converter thefts! Let them explain this one!
Not true
Happy Birthday FFFF and Tony. Happy to be here with people like you around.
You folks have done well, VERY well. Hope all of you have a safe and Happy New Year.
Don’t stop doing what your doing.
Happy New Year to all the “good” people here 🙂
great blog, keep it up.
happy new year to everyone.
Despite the critics one thing that can not be disputed is the real affect this blog has had on Fullerton, its electeds and the city staff.
You have taken on issues no one else would have in this era of diminished press presence, cut through the stenographer mindset intent on reprinting the city issued press releases and in the process have written some exceptionally fine pieces of investigative journalism. My favorite, however, is this site’s insistence on maintaining a sense of humor.
You have attracted your share of haters and it is clear who they are. Jealousy, fear and guilt have exposed these people for what they really are and the comfort alloted to many of the insiders of Fullerton in the past is no more.
Job well done and here’s to 3 more years. Happy New Year and Happy Birthday to Admin.
What can I say? THANK YOU!!!!! They have know idea, what is about to hit them. The residents are watchin you “City of Fullerton”.
You exemplify community service!
Your blog has repeatedly achieved what it sets out to do, sometimes drawing the ire of others. But, you have not stuped to the level of sophmoric pranks and mindless bullshit.
Instead, you and the Brethren at FFFF have kept their eye on the ball.
2011 was tough for the community, hopefully next year, some of the issues we face can be brought forth and debated.
So with that It’s off to Florinetines for cheap wine and bad food. NOT!
Happy New Year everyone! I look forward to reading and posting on this blog in 2012. I have appreciated how welcoming the people of Fullerton have been on here.
As I get ready to enjoy some of the festivities in DTF, I want to wish everyone a very Happy New Year. Enjoy tonight and for those going out, please remember there is free towing from 6 PM to 6 AM. If you know me, feel free to call/come by later for coffee or sober time. Mi casa su casa. Peas to all :-p
And if you’re a woman wear something conservative, wholesome and not too reveling that way you won’t be mistaken for a slut and have an officer molest you.
Happy New Year from your friends at Fullerton PD
Here is the new custom training uniforms for 2112
Happy 2012 Everyone! Hope everyone made it home safe.
Tony, it’s a good thing that there are bloggers out there watching very closely and holding people accountable. Keep up the good work FFFF…you are needed.