An Obvious Conflict of Interest

I’m wondering when folks in Fullerton are going to start wising up to an inescapable truth: the fact that the former Chief of Police, the man who hired and trained Fullerton’s lawless cops, is now one of three City Councilmen who can approve huge settlements against the FPD that are forthcoming. That would be the Honorable Pat McKinley who as Police Chief hired the thieves, con men, pick pockets, sexual predators, thugs, goons, perjurers, murderers, and of course all the accomplices who have known perfectly well what was going on and said nothing, or worse, abetted the criminals.
Why is this important? Because, first of all, plaintiffs are going to be backing up their semi trailers to the City Hall loading dock to shovel the cash in. But it’s also important to realize that by offering hefty settlements McKinley can keep the sordid and worst details about all his proteges misdoings from coming out in front of a trial jury, inquisitive newspeople and nosy bloggers. He can also keep details of his own personnel decisions from being properly scrutinized by the citizens of Fullerton.

Consider the case of Albert Ricon. The City has just settled with two women who accuse Rincon of sexually assaulting them; $500,000 worth of settlement, to be precise. During the a DA investigation and Federal prelims it came to light that Rincon was aided and abetted every step of the way by a completely indifferent police hierarchy that included McKinley at the top. There is no reason to not to conclude that McKinley and his She-Bear knew all about Rincon’s little problem up to and including 2008, yet kept him on the street anyway.
We already know that it was McKinley who hired a one-eyed cop named Cicinelli who had been rejected by the LAPD, and who has been (under)charged by the DA with involuntary manslaughter in the Kelly Thomas murder. He happily admitted on CNN that he hired all six of the Thomas incident perps, some of whom have been featured on these pages for offenses well prior to the Thomas murder.
To some it may be apparent that McKinley’s election last November was really important for McKinley, personally, given his ability to help sweep the trash back under the rug. Too cynical?
It’s also perfectly fair to say that if the people of Fullerton knew about the mess this clown had made of the FPD during the 17 years in was well-paid and pensioned to be in charge, he would never have been elected at all.
Definitely conflict of interest. It is very obvious Fullerton now has a Fox (Councilmember/Former PD Chief) guarding the Hen House (Police Department). Disgusting!
Do the dare: Ask City Attorney for an opinion on record!
“A Obvious Conflict of Interest”
Could that be AN obvious conflict? 😉
The original headline was “A Blatant conflict of interest”
But don’t forget, he has had his eyes bloused a few times!
That was one of the dumbest things I have heard anyone ever say!!
How is it I heard him say that on CNN when he was unable to speak about the incident due to his attorney’s instructions?
Right, that boy ‘n me talked reel good when we wuz ‘spressin’ our’uns medical o-pin-ies.
Eventually the hush money will run out, then what??
I will retire.
On a donut disability.
Am a star* in my own mine and i don,t care if the people,don,t like me.I hired the best killer cop,s in CA. to get you sheep in line,It,s ok i go to CONFESSION.
McKinnley denounced Quirks resolution toward the end of lasts nights city council meeting to have a public commission to work with the police dept. Nobody would second the resolution. McKinnley and Bankhead both said that the sitting chief Hamilton could do the job find and make any recomendations for change within the dept.
I’m sorry, but do you mean Whitaker would NOT giver her a second on her motion????!!!!!
Regardless of the actual effectiveness of such a commission, the refusal to even discuss it is yet another huge red flag.
As far as Whitaker, I hope someone who knows him will ask him point blank why he refused to second this.
Whitaker was right. A commission would be an utter waste of time – just window dressing for a corrupt culture.
You have to admit that whether or not a commission is worthwhile or not depends on several factors:
1. what is possible for a commission to actually do under POBAR
2. who is on the commission
3. how much authority and independence the commission has.
We can’t control 1 but we can 2 and 3.
If the people on the comission are good, and the commission has both authority and independence then it would not be “an utter waste of time.”
Anyway, what is the alternative?
Quirk-Silva is usually full of Hyperbole, Rhetoric and Gas but never any substance.
Never take her at her word. Always listen very carefully to what she says and don’t fill in the blanks for her.
Maybe Whittaker should be recalled too. Possibly when he stood up for Mr Thomas, it was the exception, rather than the rule. I can understand why McKinnley would disagree, but Whittaker? Just being the lying, backstabbing politician they or most of them, really are underneath. We need to start banning lawyers from running for office too as long as I’m talking, too many lawyers in politics, FWIW. This city, this county, needs a civilian reviw board, police investigating police, or DA investigating police or themselves for that matter, is a bad joke,
Whitaker’s refusal to second her motion was that he thought it was too soon to be discussing a citizen oversight committee. He wanted to wait until Genaco’s investigation was complete to consider something like this. I can live with this reasoning, as much as i think something like that should be considered.
Thanks for the info. I can understand that position and it is not a fundamentally irrational one, but he still could have seconded the motion so that the issue could have been openly discussed. Then he could have just stated that he’d rather wait until after the Genaco investigation to actually form the committee. Not even seconding it just made him look bad IMO.
A little bird told me that Whitaker is very knowledgable regarding POBAR and civilian oversight committees. Given that, I assume his position was more strategic than obstructionist. I withdraw my prior criticism!
Disband FPD and FIRE MCDICKHEAD!!!!!!!!
Don’t fire the officers.
Disband the Fullerton PD completely. They are a gigantic liability for the tax payers of Fullerton.
There needs to be a comlete restructuring of the leadership. Is there anyway to by pass the recal and call for a state of emergency?
Good point.
This should be classified as a ‘State of Emergency’!!!
The 3 turd,s really stick togather don,t thay.
This among the many is a perfect example of why we need a civilian revue board, with teeth not just for Fullerton but for all of Orange Co. The police policing themselves is a joke, they’d as has been shown, rather leave a cop on the street committing rape, murder, etc., than admit there might be a problem. Obviously the Police Officers Bill of Rights, needs to be re-written or gotten rid of completely, because as it stands, thanks to Governor Jerry Brown, their rights as it stands are apparently greater than those of the people that pay the taxes that support them and the PD’s. Also, the DA has known all along for instance that Rincon was an abuser and rapist, he penetrated one, at least, with his finger, yet they did nothing, leaving him on the street to commit further rapes and abuses, rather than damage their conviction record. Supposedly when the DA investigates they tiurn the results over to the chief for action, where was the action? Was there even an investigation? They say yes, but was there, really? If they let him go, what’s to keep him from going to anoth police agency and getting back to his serial sex crimes?
that is right, Deaf #8, Whitaker did not back Sharon up by seconding.
Did he say why?
Yeah, what gives? Whitaker, why not support this as at least a concept worth developing?
Am really good at pissing off cop,s maybe i can take a ride out to see some of thes FPD ape,s and get me some payolda.O thats right thay hang there inmates.
It’s a fine line between just far enough and too far. Just far enough is a pay day, too far you’re dead, or in a coma or something.
Orange County already has a review board consisting of one of Gennaco’s former staff autos from Laoir. From all of the money being spent on Stephen Connory’s office of independent review, they don’t do too much to earn their keep.
Threaten every city council member with recall until the scream uncle and set up a review board for you.
A police commission is a great idea. We’ll finally have some police buttsniffers to read all of my press releases and give us some well deserved Kudos® bars!
Goodbar looked ill last night. I think he’s sicker than usual.
a citizen liaison committee to the police is a wonderful and great idea in order to help the public feel a bit of trust with police. why because we know that if you throw a couple smart homeless people on the committee a couple people to show up when they don’t show up a couple people from sunny hills a couple people from truslow, acouple from west fullerton and a few from east fullerton, we would start participating, and be invoved and see whats going on. TRANSPARANCY and that is what MCKINLY, BANKHEAD, JONES, AND WHITIICKER ,DO NOT WANT.
WE NEED TO GET REAL HERE. no more pussy footing around. the avalanch of issues that is, has been, and will be THRASHING US, if we do not , take Actions NOW…
I am writing this from my wettish tent on los angeles city hall.
occupy wall st. occupy fullerton,
start living on the lawn of city hall, it is legal and good,
come to LA its onderful
from trusslow a couple
I cant spell
Most spammers can’t.
Ignore the haters Chiken. And thanks for your work with occupyLA. Agree with their platform or not, we need more concerned citizens out in the streets.
Why don’t he and a few friends come down to Fullerton instead of spamming us about coming up to LA?
Hate to break it to him but its not like most people care about this occupyla “movement”. It will never pick up steam like occupy wall street in new york.
If you really wanted to make a useful statement, you would camp on the front lawn of fullerton pd and city hall. This city is in shambles.
I’ve seen a ton of AnswerLA and other leftist protestors out front of the Fullerton Police Station. Probably some of the same people doing the OccupyLA.
ps we have been there many many weeks in a row and probably we will start living out on fullerton lawns. rent is far too expensive . . and platform shatform.
plus your idea about things not taking off well things are off n running
Pricks I wonder why either a father a brother a boyfriend or husband has not gone after that piece of shit pussy pig and either threatend him knock the shit out of him or killed the loser he will do it again and again
The policeman’s Bill of Rights needs to be fixed or eliminated. There is another bill of rights that supersedes their rights to molest citizens with impunity. It is called the first ten amendments to the Constitution.
Conditions are ripe in Fullerton and Orange County for meaningful change. This opportunity for wholesale reform may never present itself again . Something meaningful must arise from the Fullerton summer of 2011.
McKinley ought to recuse himself from votes on handling police misconduct. Schmoozing the public won’t work anymore.
You’ll need a recall of the three old mules, first, otherwise you’d never get a independence or reformers. You’d get an “advisory” committee full of Chamber of Commerce lackeys and maybe a few Rusty Kennedy zombies.
Yes, I absolutely agree with you on this. Any commission picked by Bankhead, Jones and McKinley would indeed be “an utter waste of time.”‘ Or worse, since the perception of there being “civilian oversight” would be used to combat legitimate civilian complaints about FPD misconduct. In THAT case, no oversight committee would be better than a completely compromised one.
No, after they are recalled.
OK Folks
Its getting very obvious that settlements of lawsuits that involve monetary compensation always result in an agreement for both sides to not discuss the settlement either the terms or what actually happened. A lawyer needs to be hired to tell city council which members need to recuse themselves due to intimate knowledge of the incident. In this case the ex chief who hired Rincon would be a good example. However, the vote could still be 4-0 in favor of settlement.
So the question begs to be asked: Who on city council voted for the settlement? I thought you had at least 2 members who were willing to help FFFF. Did they vote for the settlement or not? Is the vote public or at least released after the closed door session as required by the Unrah open meetings statute? Is Fullerton properly notifying the public of the vote? Somehow I have a feeling this is another coverup and will continue without a lawsuit.
Did you know that Cicinelli is getting 1 3/4 pay to do a one person job? He still collects disability at 3/4 even though he is NOT disabled from doing his job. So he lost his pay while he is being charged with involuntary manslaughter, BUT he STILL GETS HIS 3/4 DISABILITY PENSION.
Something seems very wrong in the current system of pay, pensions and procedures for “punishment” and we have Kelly THomas to thank for bringing it all out!
You must understand that most politicians are like shady pawn shop owners. They take pride in their ability to sell you a piece of manure at top dollar. It makes them feel clever and smart. And once you hand him the money (vote) to consummate the transaction the slimey snake will boastfully laugh at you on the inside while skaking your hand and giving you that fake, empty smile.
This goes much deeper than McKinnley. It is a systemic disease that has infected our entire political system. McKinnley is just a symptom.
Pension scandal
On July 12, 2010, it was revealed that Carona received over $215,000 in pension checks in 2009, despite his felony conviction, as the county’s retirement system faces a massive shortfall totaling $3.7 billion unfunded liabilities. He is one of approximately 400 retired Orange County public servants who received more than $100,000 last year in benefits. Also on the list of those receiving extra-large pension checks is former treasurer-tax collector Robert Citron, whose investments, which were made while consulting psychics and astrologers, led Orange County into bankruptcy in 1994.
Citron funneled billions of public dollars into questionable investments, and at first the returns were high and cities, schools and special districts borrowed millions to join in the investments. But the strategy backfired, and Citron’s investment pool lost $1.64 billion. Nearly $200 million had to be slashed from the county budget and more than 1,000 jobs were cut. The county was forced to borrow $1 billion.
The California Foundation for Fiscal Responsibility filed a lawsuit against the pension system to get the list. The agency had claimed that pensioner privacy would be compromised by the release. A judge approved the release and the documents were released late June 2010. The release of the documents has reopened debate on the pension plan for retired public safety workers approved in 2001 when Carona was sheriff.
Called “3 percent at 50,” it lets deputies retire at age 50 with 3 percent of their highest year’s pay for every year of service. Before it was approved and applied retroactively, employees received 2 percent.[33] “It was right after Sept. 11,” said Orange County Supervisor John Morrlach. “All of a sudden, public safety people became elevated to god status. The Board of Supervisors were tripping over themselves to make the motion.” He called it “one of the biggest shifts of money from the private sector to the public sector.” Moorlach, who was not on the board when the plan was approved, led the fight to repeal the benefit. A lawsuit, which said the benefit should go before voters, was rejected in Los Angeles County Superior Court in 2009 and is now under appeal.
Carona opposed the lawsuit when it was filed, likening its filing to a “nuclear bomb” for deputies.
One thing that worries me as a Fullerton resident is the pending line up of litigants the longer this police mess takes to sort out. Some lawsuits will be legit, others will be frivolous, it doesn’t really matter. People are going to use the City of Fullerton’s coffers as their stimulus package in a down economy. This should scare everybody who lives here.
I keep wishing somebody smarter than myself would write a blog post outlining the City’s financial condition since the onslaught of new lawsuits.
I think the FPDs being framed. The police union told me so, I was told that by the police officer who was soliciting donations for the bail out of jail for the innocent men in uniform in Fullerton.
That explains it ALL..
FPD is being framed. WE knew that all along. lol
Yo! Wrong wuzzup wif uz .
WANTED; To answer for the MURDER of Kelly Thomas:
Jay Cecinelli
Kenton Hampton
Manny Ramos
Kevin Craig
Joe Wolfe
James Blatney
You that have come to be known as the ‘fpd6’ are a disgrace not only to your profession, but to your family name as well. You will be remembered as sadistic, bloodthirsty cowards, that brought shame not only to yourselves, but to your families as well. As long as law abiding people seek justice for the weak and the oppressed may your names be remembered for this cowardly act of violence.
WARNIG: Sexual predator alert.
Albert Rincon
Your mom must be so proud……
I wonder if Albert Rincon has children and ever responded to calls at the local schools.
I know for a fact that aggressive predators like him target children first. There is no way he assaulted 12 women but didn’t go after his own children or children he had access to.
Any commission picked by Bankhead, Jones and McKinley would indeed be“a waste of time and a fraud. They would just choose people who support them and the police. I agree, the perception of there being “civilian oversight” would be used to combat legitimate civilian complaints about FPD misconduct.
The recent Homeless Committee has the same kind of people, Ron Thomas was even shut out of that one…
For as long as Sharon has been on the Council, and as much as she disagrees with the “trio” she still wants to curry favor with them and the police..just listen to her ” I didn’t do anything wrong” speech from last night after the woman spoke about Whitaker and Quirk reacting too quickly.
I have seen Whitaker out at the protest numerous times talking with people and showing he is available. If you still doubt his intentions, ask someone who knows him, not this Chi…ahem…Chiken…
Or ask any of the Thomas family members.
And it will get at it’s worse peak when a movie is made about this incident. The rest of the people in the world that haven’t heard about this or don’t know much about it, WILL know what disgusting human beings you are…
If your family members don’t disown you then, that would mean you succeeded in breeding scum like yourselves.
Hey it’s raining outside!!
I am sure all of you are opening your homes to help Kelly’s friends out!
How many have you given shelter to?
I’ll match it. 🙂
I promise I won’t go out and beat any of them to death.
Does that count?
No, I for one am not, it would be foolhardy to take any stranger into your home wether they be dressed like a pauper or a prince but, I am not beating them to death or sexually assaulting them either. Like many others I contribute what precious little that I can by way of canned goods, clothes and blankets. How about you and yours? You need a blanket or a hot meal?
I’m with you, Nomad! I’ve known a few homeless people personally; I dated one before he decided he liked the homeless lifestyle. He (call him “Joe”) showed up in my life in 2008 (sent me a letter asking for money that I didn’t have) and found shelter with someone who had known him far longer than I have. What I learned about “Joe” after he left his friend’s home stunned me. He had taken his mother (then in her 80s) from her home and into homelessness with him, living off her small pension and social security. After she died, he cashed her pension checks. He stole from his friend before leaving and it turned out he has stolen from several others who had considered him a childhood friend. So, like Nomad, I will (and do) contribute in other ways but will not take anyone into my home.
If you are hungry, and I have something to eat, your welcome to half. Too bad you weren’t taught that a real man is respectful to women, and kind to the helpless & needy, he ought not torment them or force himself upon them. Sounds like you have much to learn, maybe someone will help you out someday.
I wonder if any of the city council will take a stress leave the same way the chief did.
THIS IS FUCKING SICK SHIT IT,S GOING ON ALL OVER NOW!!!!! Detroit cop gharged in shooting death of 7 year old GRIL,In botched midnight raid.www.police one .com
who can stop them,god help us all!!!!
haven’t seen this pointed out anywhere. i missed it myself at first, but the goons who raided the house by mistake didn’t report it to their superiors (per FPD policy).
and here is a meticulous minute by minute account of the murder of kelly thomas, begging the questions: why wasn’t wolfe charded?! why was cicinelli only charged with manslaughter?!
charged, not “charded”.
this is the same Pat McKinley who while fullerton’s police chief served on rusty Kennedy’s orange county human relations commission(OCHRC). and it was rusty kennedy executive director of the OCHRC who over a month ago highly recommended, at a city council meeting, the city of fullerton conduct its own “independent” investigation into the beating death of kelly thomas by fullerton police officers. Rusty kennedy then highly recommended a man called Gennaco who from postings on this blog has an unimpressive record in prosecuting law enforcement for misconduct. Kennedy, McKinley probably want an “independent” investigation by Gennaco to refute or cast enough doubt on the FBI’s findings that shows the level of corruption and cronyism in fullerton’s police department and city council.
I think they’re setting Sellers up to be the scapegoat. He’s already down and out, may as well pin it all on him.
“At the city council’s most recent meeting on September 20th City Manager Joe Felz presented a proposal entitled Fullerton Task Force on Homelessness and Mental Health Services.” . . .”OC Human Relations Commission CEO Rusty Kennedy was proposed to lead the group.”(FFFF 28th Sept. 2011)
another conflict of interest? when will mckinley and kennedy realize this is about covering up a murder and not another excuse for another keller collaborative
These assholes sure have their claws deep in Fullerton.
Our local Assemblyman Chris Norby has a meeting at the Sizzler on Harbor at Valley View the 2nd Friday of every month, no appointment necessary,best to verifyy with Mr. Norbys’ office.
This is our best input point for changing the present system, such as we have in Fullerton.
With pressure from a higher political level,the media (KFI)(OCR)(LAT)(OCW)(WEED)(CULTURE), the citizens and supporters we can.
As we have slowly learned, the system will not change from within as evidenced from the status quo of Bankhead, Jones, Jones, Felz, and McKinley.
An oversight COMMISSION needs to be established at state level for every incorpoarted city in California to monitor all aspects of police departments.
In fact this would remove the local police departments from local jurisdiction to control by the State Attorney General or some shared oversight authority.
We have so much wrong with this city in nearly all departments, but the most demanding and hottest is in the FPD.
Punish him at $4000 a week terrible penalty. They also added lifetime medical.
Sellers has been gaming the system for a long time from a shielded and advantaged position.
He will never be able to enjoy his ill gotten gains as befalls so many others of the same ilk.
LEGACY is prominent word we hear in the public media nowadays.
I meet quite a few retirees in my travels and a foremost questions is ; what company/profession /job did you retire from.
A liar is easy to smell!!
Included in any qualifications for future, if it exists, employment in a FPD should be the requirement for quarterly drug testing ( blood and urine) and psychological testing to be conducted on a not to exceed a 4 years basis schedule, by and at non local facilities.
This exemplary ex Cop can be found at Hero’s, Joe’s, SlideBar, or any of the other local drunk hangouts boasting on how he would ROUTINELY beat up people who were in custody and cuffs, or how he would offer female prisoners an option to erase their crime for sex.
Folks, we have a police commission. It is called the city council and they are directly elected. All the rhetoric about another group dealing with the same issues with less authority is nothing more than a desire to have different people making decisions.
Why does anyone think another group appointed by these same 5 would do any better job? Oh, you dont want these 5 to appoint? Guess what? The group would have to be elected by the very same city that elected these 5. You would expect a better result for what reason?
IF you want different decision makers that actually have some sense and concern for the people I suggest you all show up to vote next time you have a chance.
OK YOU GUY,S AND GAL,S The world is looking at fullerton,RECALL the white washing sonsabitches ! The 3 italian have shit on the good people of yall city long enough.God Bless the good folk,s of Fullerton.