Amateur Psychologist Strikes Again

What is it about some cops? They just feel compelled to act out roles for which they have no qualifications. It’s not enough just to chase ’em and catch ’em. Oh, no. We have to be regaled with legal mumbo jumbo and psychological drivel to explain our own moral inferiority.
Take the classic case of Mr. Pat McKinley, formerly of the LAPD Riot Squad, Fullerton’s police chief from 1993-2008, and now councilmember. We have heard about him sharing, oops, no selling, his in-depth knowledge of the criminal mind here.
But this is by no means recent behavior for McKinley, under whose “leadership” the FPD descended into an undeniable culture of corruption.
Here is an LA Times article from 1991, shared by a commenter. It’s about a lawsuit involving the use of martial arts nunchakus on anti-abortion protesters. From the article:
Nunchakus consist of two 12-inch lengths of hard plastic connected by four inches of nylon cord that officers clamp tightly around the limbs of demonstrators to force them to move.
The Operation Rescue lawsuit alleged that officers selectively “tortured” up to 500 protesters at demonstrations in 1989 and 1990 as the activists attempted to block the doors of clinics in Los Angeles.
In all, more than 30 people filed medical claims against the city for injuries allegedly suffered during arrests. Three of the protesters testified that they suffered nerve damage and broken limbs.
Our old friend Pat McKinley is quoted from a 1989 declaration to a judge urging him not to outlaw the use of the martial arts implement on pro-life protesters:
“Pain for many of the demonstrators is a catharsis for past failures to take action against abortion,” McKinley said. “Therefore, they have an unusual capacity to withstand pain. Some appear as a young child welcoming punishment for past transgressions. With this unique ability to withstand pain comes possibility of injury since a great degree of pain is required to induce compliance by arrest.”
Well, thanks for that in-depth analysis Pat, based on zero years psychological training. Notice how in one sentence he manages to psycho-analyze, demean, and then dehumanize the protesters, too. Just about like the cop apologists have tried to do with Kelly Thomas, the allegedly souped-up super tramp.
But really what this is all about is McKinley’s desire to justify torturing protesters. Why? Because it will make his job easier. And anyway, it’s for their own good, see?
As he blandly looks into a TV camera and tells his constituents that he has nothing to apologize for, consider this laundry list of offenses and incompetency only the most narcissistic, self-aware-less jackass could overlook:
Kelly Mejia iPad theft accusation
Todd Major ripping of Police Explorers and taxpayers to support his pill habit.
Kenton Hampton beating up, falsely arresting, and falsely testifying against Veth Mam. Civil suit on the way. Frank Nguyen lied on the stand, too.
Ditto Kenton Hampton and Edward Quinonez – at least no perjury. Yet.
Ditto allegations against Cary Tong against a college student.
Allegations that Vincent Mater encouraged a jail suicide and then smashed his DAR to try to conceal evidence.
The false identification of Emmanuel Martinez by Miguel Siliceo and his subsequent wrongful five-month imprisonment (with $30,000 bail – five grand higher than Jay Cicinelli’s).
Hiring sex criminal Albert Rincon and ignoring numerous complaints from women he abused. Habitually turned off his DAR against department policy. Several hundred thousand dollar settlement recently agreed to.
FPOA president John Cross detaining and beating up an innocent motorist. Slap on wrist.
Hiring a one-eyed cop, Jay Cicinelli, as a favor to an LAPD crony after that cop had been deemed unfit by the Chief of the LAPD.
Six FPD cops murdering, or aiding in the murder of a mentally ill homeless man Kelly Thomas. Cimimal charges, civil rights charges, civil suits on the way.
Cops he hired conspired to get their stories straight, were coached by supervisors, and were put back on the streets the next day.
Department spokeman and union officer Andrew Goodrich spinning false tales about the Thomas murder to mislead the public and the City Council.
Etc., etc.
Of course this is just some of the stuff we know about. As Michael Gennaco says, “there is more. There always is.”
Remember that these people and actions were foisted upon Fullerton by rudderless FPD that allowed Pat McKinley to spend his time “inventing” a police vest and slaving over his She Bear tome. And nothing for McKinley to apologize for.
Given his denial and inflated sense of self, it seems to me he is in serious need of some psycho-analysis himself. But the real kind, not the kind he dispenses to women who buy his book.
fuck this guy
Haha morons!!!! Keep wasting your time!
Libyan dictator Moammar Gadhafi, the most wanted man in the world, has been killed. Gadhafi was said to have been a flamboyant tyrant who TERRORIZED HIS COUNTRY and much of the world during his 42 years of despotic rule. At the height of his ability to threaten terrorism, President Ronald Reagan dubbed Gadhafi the “mad dog of the Middle East.” He was accused of backing the 1986 bombing of a Berlin disco popular with American soldiers, reportedly funding the hijacking of the cruise ship Achille Lauro in 1985, and the 1988 bombing of Pan Am Flight 103, which resulted in the U.N. and United States imposing sanctions on Libya.
Video was aired of what appeared to be the dead leader, which showed Gadhafi lying in a pool of blood in the street, shirtless, and surrounded by people. (sound familiar? )
The international community has raises questions about the brutal killing of the former Libyan leader. “He deserves to die, but not in this sort of way,” said Mohammed Hamed, one of those who saw the images. “It’s haram [forbidden in Islam] the way they treated him.
Here is a picture of Moammar Gadhafi after being beaten to death.
Contrast this with an image of Kelly Thomas after being beaten to death at the hands of the Fullerton Police Department.
What did Kelly Thomas do to deserve such a beating, nothing at first, he was a homeless man sitting on a bench and to anyone’s knowledge, Kelly had never hurt a flea.
What happened? A local bar owner and Fullerton Police apparently plotted a schemed to have Kelly Thomas taken out. The bar owner called in a false police report and the Fullerton Police came. Kelly was sitting on a bench harming no one and hurting nothing. The FPD knew Kelly would not start a fight, so they scared Kelly Thomas into running, and them beat him to death for resisting arrest.
The FPD is an evil institution run and staffed by immoral people controlled by an immoral organization, the Police Union Thugs.
I believe places have something like a “soul” although the are certainly not “alive” like humans/animals. I believe places that allow the existence of an evil institutions like the FPD have a damaged “soul”. One example would be Nazi Germany. The good news; unlike humans, the “soul” of a city can be healed; all that is necessary is for honorable people to stand up for honor and goodness and force the evil out or kill it off.
The FPD did worse to Kelly Thomas for no good reason than the rebles did to Moammar Gadhafi for what they believed were good reasons. This type of EVIL cannot be allowed to continue.
Please, people of Fullerton, make no mistake, you are being put to the test here. Will you take the easy route and let evil survive or will you end it? Please, for the sake of your children, dissolve/disband the FPD and start the healing of your city’s soul. If your city leaders will not listen, then please note there are more honorable citizens in Fullerton than FPD police officers.
Dear Simmons,
I have been suggesting this very scenario for some time. Glad to see that someone else can see the apparent conspiracy.
I merely differ as to who originated it. And I think that the bar owner — if he did what you say — did not understand the likely consequences of his action. Only the conspirators knew.
“There are two kinds of people: 1) Those who do not believe in conspiracies, and 2) Those who have participated in them.”
one typo I seen in my post . . .
“unlike humans” should be “NOT unlike humans”
Just when I thought I had fully grasped this guy.
There is a very dark spiritual component at work in this man
McKinley’s statement in that recent interview, “it will be an interesting trial.” “Mr. Barnett is an extremely competent attorney”.
Truly a sicko!!! He said that with a cocky smirk on his face, in other words, rooting for Mr. Barnett to get Ramos (his murdering scumbag student) off the hook.
McKinley needs multiple enimas to remove all the bullshit from him as well as an exorcism to remove all of the demons from him.
What would McKinley say if you challenged him to a debate?
Here is an e-mail I sent to Joseph Felz and the city council yesterday:
Pat Mc Kinley
TO: 2 More2 recipientsCC: recipientsYou MoreBCC: recipientsYou
Hide Details FROM:Ron Moore Message flagged Friday, October 21, 2011 8:41 AMMessage body
To All:
Another blundering and sickening statement McKinley made was touting Ramos’ attorney. (see link below)
That is so reminiscent of all those idiots hanging over the freeway overpasses cheering on O.J. Simpson in that infamous white Bronco chase with police. Rooting for murderers is just sickening, particularly coming from a city official.
Removing him from city council is critical in improving the state of the city of Fullerton.
Wishfully yours,
P.S. Feel free to respond if you’d like; especially you Pat, you demented coward.
Ahh!!! This explains how the former director of FCPA was able to get so many of his recruits hired by Fullerton. Most of the instructors they were on “Work Comp” and were collecting their wages from LAPD and also collecting wages from Fullerton College. Also, many of the instructors started their own companies. Such as selling vest to the PD’s, punch n pull and etc. You guessed it! All the chiefs would buy their stuff. Since it wasn’t their money. They would buy, buy and buy. Spending the tax payer’s money. I had heard they all worked together at one time. Believe me they knew all the ropes!
Go easy on Mckinley, for he has had his eyes bloused, blowsed, blosed,.. a few times! WTH???
Not to mention the cumulative sun exposure to his chrome dome…
Nude noggin.
Unbelievable that some resistance is met at the Recall Table when asked to sign to recall McKinley. The list above should be at the tables for all those that don’t seem to know or don’t want to know the reasons he should be recalled. Great Information, keep it up!
McKinley’s list of Self-Proclaimed Expertise:
-Medical Examiner (“Facial injuries do not cause death”
-Expert Profiler “Those women were not like THESE people”
-Psychologist “Therefore, they have an unusual capacity to withstand pain. Some appear as a young child welcoming punishment for past transgressions,etc.”
-Chief of Police “I hired em all.” (His proud statement regarding his FPD6 murderers)
He’s a real he-man! Ha-ha-man…? He’s an animal!!!
He actually said “Those ladies weren’t PEOPLE like this.” I think that’s very telling–he doesn’t even think of them as people, much less women. As we’ve been saying, they completely dehumanize the people they beat, abuse, and malign.
Felz is just a puppet. Who controls his strings? We might find out someday. Where is the DOJ?
Excellent helpful research information and presentation!
That Pat McKinley and his cronies (Don Bankhead and Dr. Richard Jones) and his supporters (Ed Royce) are a cancer on our community is now clear and well known (thanks to your blog-effectiveness, which so greatly enhances the communications capabilities of so many excellent grass roots conservative voices, previously rarely heard-published).
One of the fundamental causes of this cancerous corruption in our local government is the government workers UNIONS. McKinley is the face of this poison, but he is truly a symptom of the disease.
Getting rid of McKinley, Bankhead and Jones is an essential battle but the WAR is against perverted “money interests” of those who LIVE OFF OF “GOVERNMENT” either as vastly overcompensated (and thus “willing to KILL” for their jobs) government “workers” OR as members of the croney bribe kickback special interest TAKERS of “favors” from corrupt elected officials.
When we get rid of these three “creations” (or creatures) of the government workers UNIONS, let’s not fail to replacement them with courageous representatives of citizens’ interests rather than “government workers'” or cronies’ interests.
I used to admire many civil servants (now known as “government workers”) but those folks traded the admiration and respect of the public for an inflated undeserved paycheck.
Pay government employees the market wage, OR LESS, and make it an especially attractive career option ONLY BECAUSE OF the public appreciation and respect (they used to call it “pyschic-income”) which ensured that it was a proud, honest, high class of individual who chose public service as his vocation.
Dear Rain,
Can you direct me to anything that indicates that Congressman Royce has publicly supported the three councilmembers who are targeted with recall? In the past, he has claimed that he does not weigh in on local political controversies. He stayed neutral in the First Recall during the 1990s. So I would like to know.
Thanks, WSH
Mr. Hume,
I have no special information regarding Mr. Royce, merely the bunches of Fullerton Police Department PAID FOR campaign literature mailers which announced that Ed Royce endorsed all three of these RECALL targets in each election for as many years as Royce has been in congress.
This disgusts me. Of course, I don’t believe in hitting children with nunchakus either, as apparently Mr. McKinley does. He is not a psychologist but I am and I can tell you, he doesn’t know what he’s talking about. What do you suppose beating and torturing citizens under color of authority is a catharsis for? Hmmmm……
get this beast, blessusall-go get him-dont let him get away with this as he obviously has been for years- this is not the 80’s anymore
It was wrong in the 80s, too.
Merijoe–it’s scary to think about what else he’s been getting away with, don’t you think? Just what we know about is pretty horrific.
yes, bingo exactly, how many dead bones have they buried under their lies and coverups over the years, decade?, and not just in fullerton. I dont get the mentality of a human being feeling compelled to coverup for a person they feel close to no matter what. I told my own flesh and blood brother that if I knew for a fact that he did something like murder or was even accused of it- I would sing to the top of my lungs about him. not cover up for him…so im not the one to run and hide under.
of course it was wrong in the caveman era but, i mean they got away with more crap in the 1980’s than today
I know, I was just kidding.
This guy hates everyone..
torturing protesters is okay
killing homeless people is ok
molesting women is ok
false arrest of asians is ok
false arrest of Hispanics is ok
bogus tickets to white guys is ok
Stealing from kids in airports is ok
Stealing from kids to buy drugs is ok
Being a sex perv with a boat is ok
He hates everyone who is not a cop…..
I’m sure he’s done all of the above ‘corrupt’.
He does possess that ‘Us vs. Them’ mentality, ie. ‘Cops vs. Citizens’.
I intend to speak with Ed next Satursay; I’ll be there anyways. 😉
On Saturday, October 29, from 9am to 12pm, Rep. Ed Royce will host a free paper shredding day at Fullerton City Hall, located at 303 W. Commonwealth Ave, where he will be available to discuss the number one consumer complaint and the fastest growing crime in America – identity theft.
The Federal Trade Commission reported 250,854 identity theft complaints in 2010 alone. California ranks number four in the number of victims of identity theft per capita.
A person’s identity is one of their most important possessions. Take this opportunity to shred your personal information to better protect you and your family from identity theft. (Each person may bring up to five 10″x12″x16″ boxes to be shredded for free.)
oh, i have some stuff that needs shredding
like i would ever bring something personal of mine to those lunkheads lair-they would dig it out, piece it together and make some shit up about me then falsely arrest me, handcuff me, fondle my boobs then break my fingers because, evidently, I was “resisting”
wonder if FPD will be shredding their internal investigative files?
Cops and criminals are born from the same spoiled egg. McKinley is bathed in police culture, totally immune to what we Citizens deal with every day. The police and the corrupt city council are not our friends and we need to take back our city.
The recall is a good start, but it’s just a start. We need to dismantle the inbred corruption and return Fullerton to a Citizen controlled city. We cannot and will not trust local government until we flush out the trash and corruption that is endemic in our city.
By the way, Sellers is a fuc***g coward, walking away from the police department without a single honest comment to us and not even attempting to protect his corrupt department. All while sponging off the city that he refused to live in, despite a contractual obligation to do so. FPD is nothing more than a pack of well paid, well protected wild dogs.
Bingo, thats partly why we’re continuing the saturday protests.
The protests are great and have been hugely effective, but we need to take it to the next level. The council and the PD are playing a waiting game. They are well paid, protected and are just waiting for us to get bored. We need to step it up, be loud and not settle until we get the fair, honest local government that we deserve.
Amazing…simply amazing. This must be a perk when you are a Free Mason.
Dear LaRoo:
Are you saying that Pat McKinley is a Freemason? Where did that come out?? WSH
The free masons have a tight grip on the OC isnt that right T-Rack?
Yes, I always thought he was an “Asshole Baby”.
He probably spews santorum when he’s throwing a fit.
Mr. Magoo, I mean McKinley needs to have that pain and abortion rights protestors info plastered on several mailers to the City of Fullerton recall mailers when it is time to vote him out of office. I thought this disgusting person was just losing it ala Mr. Magoo, but this proves he has always been an airhead when it comes to the rights of citizens.
It’s obviously not just senility that is McKinley’s problem. He is a power monger and hate monger of the worst kind.
What I found interesting in a creepy sort of way, aside from what Mckinley was verbalizing at his now infamous, “she bear,” fiasco, was his body language. His blatent posturing and waving around his hand was disturbing. I’ll bet someone who is versed in interpereting body language would have a field day with this. My girlfriend sometimes takes my hand and lets it envelope hers and refers to them as my “manly” hands and I will JOKEINGLY rub my chin or wave my hand, you guys know, like when your gals ask you what time it is, and you kiddingly bow up that bicep while looking at your watch, but this guy does this in a room full of strangers, I really think he believes he is a “she bear” magnet, stirring up the theramones by waveing that gnarled paw around.
Freud would probably say McKinley shaves his head to represent a penis. He obviously fancies himself a highly charismatic sex symbol – apparently a common delusion among Fullerton cops, considering the number of sexual assaults committed against women by FPD misfits.
what would Freud say about 90% of the FPD being flabbo mcfatties aka orcas?
He’d probably say “Zay ist zooch peegs!”
“Some appear as a young child, welcoming punishment”…….Oh, hell no! this CREEPER has got to go!
That statement by McKinley is cause for concern on many levels.
And yes, it is creepy.
At the end of Pat McKinnleys video interview when he goes off the air the camera is still rolling and his body language suggest a different kind of composure when he begins making striking gestures as if with a police baton . It appears someone back stage steps in from behind to tell him he is still on the air for a few more seconds when he looks surprised and then appears to then relax his composure again.
( 25:30 in the video)
are you sure on the time for whatever you are eluding to?
24:30 would be the correct location
From the Wikipedia article on Arvada, Colorado, which is a suburb of Denver:
Police scandal
Arvada was home to one of the largest police scandals in Colorado in 2010 when a neighboring police agency was needed and requested by the chief of police to intervene in the criminal conduct of Arvada’s police force. Arvada’s city council had chosen not to intervene in the previous criminal conduct of several members of the Arvada police, despite a cost to the city of close to half a million dollars defending the criminal actions of one police officer alone, during a period of budget crises.[19] The police officers involved had been routinely breaking and entering into peoples homes in the hope they would find criminal activity, as was found by several federal jury trials.[19] Police chief Don Wick sought other avenues of investigation and contacted the Arapahoe County Sheriffs Office[20] to conduct an investigation into the criminal conduct of some members of the Arvada Police Department. This was prompted by the assault of a man that the police department had arrested and was in handcuffs. Two officers (Whitney Bauma and Noah Rolfing) watched Charles Humphrey punch a restrained man, then all of them collaborated to cover up the crime. [19][21] At least 6 police officers resigned because of the investigation.[22]. “This has been one of the greatest challenges facing our department in its history. It’s been an emotional time for everyone involved,” Wick said. “This has impacted officers on the streets to our non-sworn staff who are critical to the operation of the organization.” [23][24] Charges were ultimately dropped, but the Arvada police department stood by the resignation of these former police officers because their conduct was not appropriate for a police officer. [25]
Wow it sound slike amateur hour in Arvada. They could learn a thing or two from FPD about malfeasance. And yet, FPD kops remain free and (mostly) employed.
Anonymous: “By the way, Sellers is a fuc***g coward, walking away from the police department without a single honest comment to us and not even attempting to protect his corrupt department. All while sponging off the city that he refused to live in, despite a contractual obligation to do so. FPD is nothing more than a pack of well paid, well protected wild dogs.”
Can you imagine the nightmare it must have been to have him for a father?
Yes, his body language alone speaks volumes. Whether an expert or not, people naturally read others people’s body language, facial expressions and tone of voice. I think it’s pretty obvious he is an arrogant, controlling and deceitful person. He needs to be stripped of any power and sent packing without any more of our hard earned money.
I think a lot of people, myself included, have woken up to what is going on in our city and won’t be able to go on as if nothing has happened. No amount of time will let people forget and I believe we will be ready to band together at a moments notice if need be.
We need more people to show up at the protests! Come on down people! had alot of protesters today…LOL!! Get a life!!
we are continuing the protests coplicker- if only 2 show
get used to it
Anonymoose, shut your fucking piehole you sack o’shit!
Merijoe, VW, The Moron and brother, etc..Nice to have met up with everyone again. Next week, duty calls for Fedup and I to go to another site. Merijoe, thank you for the nice gift today. I now remember what it is like to wear dog tags again.
If nothing else, I do hope the world sees that change requires effort on the citizen’s part. Just bitching about it to friends at a party will not get the job done. The corruption and abuse by LEO’s, will continue until people get off of their duffs and get involved.
It was bigger than last week and it will be bigger next week. 😀
Aye, nice meeting you today. 🙂
I wish we could find some of these terriorized anti abortion protesters from then and talk to them
U S C……….31 N O T R E D A M E…….17
I want to pass on my condolences to your better half. I think breakfast in bed or lunch/dinner by you should be in order. I don’t think Fedup is going to be too happy this evening so try to be nice…….
It was great sharing the same space with you both this afternoon and I look forward to hanging with you guys when I don’t have to rush off to work.
I want to give a shout to Merijoe and all the others who showed up this Saturday to show solidarity. Good job to all. I know it was a good job because many folks honked while passing the corner, which brought the police out from their enclave to throw dirty looks,
God bless you all……………………..
Heh, yeah, me too. I’d like to remind them that abortion is legal and so is contraception and they have no right to prevent people from either.
I am in no way condoning them being terrorized or the use of any excessive force against them, but I have to speak to that fact that they were breaking the law.
Slavery used to be legal too but it was not moral therefore it became illegal.. If not for a sacrificial lamb like Emmett Till Rosa Parks my never have found the strength to stand up for others.
Go to if you want to see what you are defending;
WARNING: it is very graphic as it shows an actual abortion. Sometimes people need to see what a horrible thing it is to take a innocent life.
ALL life is precious.
For some reason the link did not work. I was able to go to it by entering it separately,
again, WARNING: it is a very graphic abortion video
are you fucking nuts? why the hell would you hijack my post which clearly requests that I wish I could speak to people who had to go thru this excessive force nunchuck thing and turn into some asshole shit about “THEY- were breaking the law” go fuck yourself
this has nothing to do with what they were protesting -you ignoramous motherfuckin fascist-everyone in america has a right to protest whatever they want without fear of a nunchuck hitting them on the back of the head. jackass
I agree merijoe, we STILL have freedom of speech here in America and we should be able to peacefully protest without fear.
Make all the comments and jokes you want he has used this city and designed exploitive pension prizes for him and the boys and you taxpayers are paying for his life of leisure and quality for men of his ultra superior station. He is above you peasants he shits on every day he enjoys the inflated pension you handed him because of you stupidity.
Wow, are you living in the Dark Ages still? We are an enlightened society, try joining it. You can’t legislate morality. Stay the fuck out of my womb asshole.
You can’t legislate morality?
That is what the law is…legislated morality.
What do you think the law is based on anyway?
The law is the standard of MORALITY that society agrees to abide by and therefore legislates.
Try not to name call we are, it is not productive to the discussion.
Don’t fall for my typical diversionary topics of left vs. right, gay rights and abortion.
We’ve been throwing these topics in people’s faces for years whenever we get in a jam. If I were you I would stick to the Kelly Thomas beating, corruption, fraud and other issues affecting the city of Fullerton and just ignore the typical diversionary topics. 🙂
“He (mckinley) has used this city and designed exploitive pension prizes for him and the boys and you taxpayers are paying for his life of liesure”…….He (mckinley) is above you peasants he shits on every day”….. We have our heading for the new recall flyers, thanks for your contribution to the cause, danny. We could’a done it without ya.
“I, ah…this abortion issue in the States is dividing the country right in half. You know, and even amongst my friends – we’re all highly intelligent – they’re totally divided on the issue of abortion. Totally divided. Some of my friends think these pro-life people are just annoying idiots. Other of my friends think these pro-life people are evil fucks. How are we gonna have a consensus? I’m torn. I try and take the broad view and think of them as evil, annoying fucks.”
-Bill Hicks
Define evil “we are all one”, if “we are all one” then how can you call anyone evil without calling yourself evil?
What would be the logical opposite of that? That pro-death is good and conciliatory? And chaste?
They weren’t protesting, protesting is legal and I am all for it. They were blocking the entrance to a facility which as I stated (and provided a link for) is against the law. Ah, but the rights of the people they were infringing on apparently don’t matter to you. Nice. I also stated that I did NOT condone them being terrorized. Perhaps you should read before you flip out and start calling people names.
The following behaviors have especially to do with reproductive health care clinics but can also be applied to places of worship
Blocking a person’s access to the entrance of a facility
Impairing cars from entering and/or exiting a facility
Physically stopping people as they are trying to walk toward an entrance or through a parking lot
Making it difficult or dangerous to get in and/or out of a facility
Trespassing on the property of a facility
Committing any act of violence on a clinic employee, escort or patient
Threats of violence
Stalking a clinic employee or reproductive health care provider
Arson or threats of arson
Bombings or bomb threats
Not prohibited
The following behaviors are not prohibited because they are protected under the First Amendment right to free speech
Protesting outside of clinics
Distributing literature
Carrying signs
Shouting (as long as no threats are made)
Singing hymns
Kelly Thomas was uhh…. loitering in the parking lot. I’d say he deserved to be beaten to death for breaking “the law”.
In fact, breaking any law should result in a swift beating and/or death.
ok, this is going to be my last post to you, troll, you dont seem to get it- I dont CARE what they were protesting or whether or not they were blocking an entrance GET IT? they didnt deserve a nunchuk in the head or whatever those idiots did or were thinking of doing-do you understand?
and, PS, I doubt very much the whole crowd of people were all just standing around blocking an entrance without a protest sign in sight-just blocking doorways and entrances-nothing else. derrrr
After finding that LA Times article, I had to put my personal feelings and politics aside. Abortion is one of the most difficult issues in our country.
However, nothing they did justifies the level of violence they received. From this perspective (post FPD) there is no way to really know how it all went down. The attitudes and comments made by McKinley during Rodney King riots and then just recently, have shown him to be consistent in his sexist, racist, elitist views.
We have to separate the issues being protested from the police behavior. As long as they are exercizing their right to free speech and they are not breaking laws, all is fine. I know a lot of these protesters would go limp making it difficult to move or arrest them. It is at this point that the police seem to want to use pain to make them comply and rapidly disperse.
If we start deciding who can and cannot exercise free speech based on personal beliefs of what is right or wrong, WHERE DO WE DRAW THE LINE?
It could be YOU next!
Get a sense of humor.
Have one, not about murder though, nothing to laugh about.
“Some appear as a young child welcoming punishment”….On the surface this creepy, beginning of a sentence appears as if Mckinley is condoning child abuse or molestation, and maybe he does in private, but in this context he is laying the groundwork to justify excessive use of force by his officers ,,,,,,”with this unique ability to withstand pain comes possibility of injury since a great degree of pain is required to induce compliance by arrest.” Just sane enough to be dangerous.
From OP: “The Operation Rescue lawsuit alleged that officers selectively “tortured” up to 500 protesters at demonstrations in 1989 and 1990 as the activists attempted to block the doors of clinics in Los Angeles.”
This is NOT legal. No, they should NOT have been tortured in any way. But the point needed to be made that they were breaking the law and I find it disturbing that no one has taken issue with this.
By the statements of merijoe and Anonymous it is clear you don’t see the difference between protesting and breaking the law. The people that were being blocked from the clinic were being terrorized as well.
I am really disapointed.
WHY did you feel the point needed to be made?
You of all people… right and wrong is always the same, right or wrong, regardless.
It’s not murder. Murder is illegal.
So was it murder before Roe vs. Wade?
Where did I say I condoned anyone being beaten? Please, point that out.
You were implying that they “got what was comin’ to ’em” because “They weren’t protestin'”.
Firstly, I see no reason for you to have gotten upset over my comment. In no way was I disputing what you said. But you are a hypocrite to claim to care about the rights of one group and not another.
pot meet kettle…ALL life is precious…
well said Anon
we are all one… why don’t you go downtown, maybe some drunk will want to debate your issues….
here is the chilling you tube of use of the nunchucks on the abortion protesters in 1989
Yes, but you don’t seem to care about the freedom of the people trying to enter and use the clinic. Where is their freedom? You don’t seem to have a problem with that being taken away. And you clearly stated why. I never brought up any issue of murder. You did. They have a legal right to use that facility. These people were NOT peacefully protesting, can’t you get that in your head? You don’t care about the rights of the people using the clinic and that makes you and merijoe hypocrites.
And Kelly Thomas was loiterin’ and resistin’ and while we’re at it, lets forget about Criminal Code 2670
If a peace officer uses unreasonable or excessive force while (arresting or attempting to arrest/ [or] detaining or attempting to detain) a person, that person may lawfully use reasonable force to defend himself or herself.
A person being arrested uses reasonable force when he or she: (1) uses that degree of force that he or she actually believes is reasonably necessary to protect himself or herself from the officer’s use of unreasonable or excessive force; and (2) uses no more force than a reasonable person in the same situation would believe is necessary for his or her protection.]
It don’t matter what tha law says. Once they start resistin’ all gloves are off …yes sir.
Yeah, except the life of the woman who doesn’t want the baby. Hypocrite.
And we can all tell, that this is a statement from a “left brainer” telling people what they can do.
They’re trying to turn this into a left vs. right/abortion/gay rights debate. Don’t fall for it. Its standard ploy to get people focused off the issue at hand which is police abuse.
Just ignore these posts
Remember police abuse affects all of us regardless of political affiliation, race, sexual orientation, etc.
Last time I checked the woman usually gets up off the table and walks away….the baby, well you tell me.
Hard to compare the two outcomes, don’t you think?
Yes, that is a question!
I bet McKinley is just lovin this blog now. Don’t let him WIN!!!!! The issue is Fullerton for now. We have a mess to clean up in this city.
Merijoe, don’t let them get to you. You have done a great job.
ANYONE trying to take the rights away from people should be considered dangerous are a threat to our freedom. If you take offense to that or see it as a ‘distraction’ you are allowing people like McKinley to continue to have power.
They’re trying to turn this into a left vs. right/abortion/gay rights debate. Don’t fall for it. Its standard ploy to get people focused off the issue at hand which is police abuse.
Just ignore these posts
Remember police abuse affects all of us regardless of political affiliation, race, sexual orientation, etc…
A friend has informed me that the “SHE BEAR” book by McKinley may have been plagarized from the book “THE GIFT OF FEAR” written by Gavin De Becker.
I haven’t read either book or checked the copyright dates or bio credits, but it would be a good time for some sunlight.
DIOGENES would have a field day in Fullerton,
If you noticed, McKinley is still there. The only sure way to fix this, is the recall. We allowed him to be in his seat, that he holds. And is he effecting your freedom? You seem to be able to write what you want right now. Or do we need to get you a bigger drum?
bigger drum please
You got it!!!!! Freedom is great isn’t it……
Do you think it is OK for a group to block the entrance to, or prevent people from using a legal, public facility?
Stoicism (Greek Στοά) is a school of Hellenistic philosophy founded in Athens by Zeno of Citium in the early 3rd century BC. The Stoics believed that destructive emotions resulted from errors in judgment, and that a sage, or person of “moral and intellectual perfection,” would not suffer such emotions.
Stoics were concerned with the active relationship between cosmic determinism and human freedom, and the belief that it is virtuous to maintain a will (called prohairesis) that is in accord with nature. Because of this, the Stoics presented their philosophy as a way of life, and they thought that the best indication of an individual’s philosophy was not what a person said but how he behaved.
I like this. Thank You
retreating to the past to attack the future: like spock on star trek
“THE GIFT OF FEAR” written by Gavin De Becker
copyright 1997
Do you think it is OK for a group to block the entrance to, or prevent people from using a legal, public facility?
FYI, I remember Selma, Bull Connors, George Wallace, Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King,Medger Evers and many others,,
When are you bunch of gutless people in Fullerton,California going to wake up and take to the streets to reclaim your city from the tyranny that you citizens have endorsed and are paying to support.
Most of you gutless complacent bastards deserve everything bad that you’re paying for, its not a good investment for you and your family’s future.
Good. It infringes on people’s rights and happens to be against the law and I think it’s pretty important to protect those. For merijoe and Anonymous to claim that these people were simply protesting and had every right to do so is wrong. They were terrorizing people. They weren’t just voicing their opinion, they were forcing their will on others. They were breaking the law, a good law, and one you guys don’t seem to care about. That scares me as much as people like the three blind mice having any power over people.
And just because the anti-abortion people were breaking the law it does not justify any violence used on them.
They’re trying to turn this into a left vs. right/abortion/gay rights debate. Don’t fall for it. Its standard ploy to get people focused off the issue at hand which is police abuse.
Just ignore these posts.
Remember police abuse affects all of us regardless of political affiliation, race, sexual orientation, etc.
Wrong. I clearly stated they did not deserve to be tortured or terrorized in any way. But people are so quick to react that they don’t see that.
I repeat:
They weren’t protesting. They were terrorizing people. They weren’t just voicing their opinion, they were forcing their will on others. They were breaking the law, a good law, and one you guys don’t seem to care about. That scares me as much as people like the three blind mice having any power over people.
And just because the anti-abortion people were breaking the law it does not justify any violence used on them.
It’s called doublespeak. Something political operatives are well versed in.
Example: We Are All One, I think you’re a dumbass who has an IQ of 80 or less so I can’t take what you say seriously but I also think you’re a very bright, intelligent and well educated person and I value your opinions.
Thank you for your articulate and correct assessment.
The correct and articulate assessment I was referring to was from We Are All One. Many Thanks!
We Are All One. Thanks for saying what I was thinking. You are clearly the smart one in this bunch. Too bad these left wing kooks can’t see that.
Why is this a “smart” vs. “dumb” issue or are you trying to discredit someone or elude that a person’s value is based on their intelligence?
Please, I am fully supportive in that I want justice for Kelly but “we are all one” has negated the value of life for the unborn by flinging this straw man argument of a woman’s right to her own body supersedes that of the child’s right to life…the breaking the law issue that keeps coming up is one I am not even addressing……the BIGGER issue is one that “we are all one” is IMO pushing her values or lack thereof on everyone and if we don’t agree then we are all hypocrites, go figure. So much for tolerance…
@ Dr. We We Head Jones, it is clear you don’t get my point and what you are saying is not making sense. Please re-read what I have said. I think we care about the same things but have a communication breakdown.
Wrong. This has noting to do with abortion or political affiliation. This is about human rights and protection of them.
Youre very right my friend. You couldnt give a shit about those topics. You politically savvy hacks just use those topics to divert people from other issues.
Forcing your will on others is okay for the likes of Rincon, Ramos, Cicinelli, etal. Their organization is outside the law and the motto should be “Whatever it takes”
So when you can’t make an argument you just call someone stupid? You are a weak minded individual and help keep narrow minded people like Mckinley in power.
I clearly stated that I think you’re a very bright, intelligent and well educated person. But you are so quick to react that you didn’t see that. 🙂
I think there is something in the constitution about the rights of citizens to assembly.
Tony, Chris, Travis… Can’t you do something about the vulgarity on this blog? Why is it necessary? A nice back and forth conversation without the four letter words would be refreshing. Sheeeesh!
What are they supposed to do, play hall monitor?
This site is a labor of love that pays nothing. Why should anybody have to play censor?
They do have a motto, ornery, some group that calls themselves big city cops, thier motto translated from latin “they dont have to like us, as long as they fear us’ or words to that affect. Typical gang B.S. a link to it was posted on another thread some time ago.
Kind of forgot about the BBC gang.
This is the kind of bunch that wants to carry the flag in the parade and solicit donations on the sidelines, but afterwards the same ones will subvert the symbology of the flag and steal the donations.
I simply point out that people who are “terrorizing” other people (by forcing their will on them and breaking the law) should not be considered peaceful protesters that are exercising their 1st amendment rights. They are violating other innocent people’s rights and this needs to pointed out. But apparently this doesn’t bother you. Fucking hypocrites. The amount of ignorance, hypocrisy and intolerance by some of the people on this thread truly saddens me. You don’t care about justice or freedom. Stick your heads back in sand.
You are the obvious hypocrite.
Kelly’s Army is fighting the FPD corruption in Fullerton. One battle at a time.
Try and stay on topic, whoever you are or whoever you are pretending to be….
“You dont care about blah blah”
^You got twisted sister. The chain in your brain is missing a link hoe.
make that BCC
Yes, let’s start censoring so people can’t voice their opinion. Way to lose bloggers.
I was going to post that the BBC is a highly respected broadcasting corp, the other group not so much until my screen refreshed…cheers
Tomorrow I’ll try to write something that sounds intelligent for you hypocrites, after church.
I simply point out that people who are “terrorizing” other people (by forcing their will on them and breaking the law) should not be considered peaceful protesters that are exercising their 1st amendment rights. They are violating other innocent people’s rights and this needs to be pointed out.
How can anyone have a problem with me pointing this out? Are you really about protecting the rights of others or only what serves your agenda?
They’re trying to turn this into a left vs. right/abortion/gay rights debate. Don’t fall for it. Its standard ploy to get people focused away from the issue at hand which is police abuse.
Just ignore these posts. Don’t engage them in debate.
Remember police abuse affects all of us regardless of political affiliation, race, sexual orientation, etc.
Oh goody.
Great, say a prayer for me ornery, (apparently I’m a poet) and a sinner.
Abuse of power. Violation of people’s rights, yes. The rights of the people trying to use the clinic were being violated but you seem to have no problem with that. I guess you have your ‘personal’ reasons. These are human rights that are being violated and it has nothing to do with left or right, gender or sexual orientation. People forcing their will on others should not be tolerated, period.
He is trying to turn this into a left vs. right/abortion/gay rights debate. Don’t fall for it. Its standard ploy to get people focused away from the issue at hand which is police abuse.
Just ignore these posts. Don’t engage him in debate.
Remember police abuse affects all of us regardless of political affiliation, race, sexual orientation, etc.
“We are all one” may I make a comment to you?
No judging, no accusations, I’ve just read you guys going at it back and forth every time I check in, and you, boyh sides have defended your positions passionatly, but just as an observer, I think you guys had an epic misunderstanding. I took the other standpoint to be that the use of nunchucks and the injuries inflicted by thier use was unacceptable, and you seem to be in agreement, but you seem to be focused on the “protesters” not allowing people to pass unmolested, and I agree that was wrong but you guys are arguing two different topics, just my opinion, we need you all!
there it is. the point is and always has been, as far as im concerned, the use of nunchucks on ANYBODY by the police-nothing else- nada, fin.
The use of nunchucks on people by the po-po. the use of nunchucks on people by the po-po
Everything I have to say on the matter is up there in black and white.
Thank you. These are all human rights issues and I am for the protection of them. All of them.
Me too!
Especially the ones who have no voice..yet, the babies.
“And just because the anti-abortion people were breaking the law it does not justify any violence used on them.”
That is really the point. And McKinley’s attitude shows that anyone breaking the law deserves what’s coming, including injuries.
We will never win the debate on abortion period!
We Are All One has strong opinions. Nothing wrong with that unless it infringes upon my own personal freedom.
Do you know how the pro-lifers dealt with clinic thing? They had, and maybe still do have, people on the sidewalks running up to cars with signs begging them “think it over”. Not all women go in to terminate a healthy pregnancy; some are there because of serious complications in a doomed pregnancy. One thing I don’t think people know is that many HMOs contract out to these clinics, even in cases where the mother desperately wants the pregnancy.
The protestors should not be allowed to block entrances, but they should be allowed to protest.
And McKinley’s attitude shows that anyone breaking the law deserves what’s coming, including injuries.
I’ll change that to:
And McKinley’s attitude shows that anyone breaking the law, or perceived as dissing police officers) deserves what’s coming, including injuries.
not sure if you saw this, I found the actual youtube from that 1989 incident with the nunchucks and McKinnley again is quoted on here
Now we have a visual. God that makes me sick!
WOW, the broken arm is shocking.
Thank you for the visual merijoe, we need to SEE something sometimes to FULLY get it.
Truly sickening.
1989 everyone got their ass kicked by the police. I remember I got my ass kicked too for popping off to them in college. Lol
College. Yeah, right. I think you meant con school.
Why do you keep coming on here playing good cop, bad cop?-who are you that wolf in sheeps clothes, Dan Huges (AKA the guy in charge of ordering Orca sized nazi uniforms?)
I’m always a good cop. 🙂
shut up, hag
so Pat McKinley,the ex board member of Rusty Kennedy’s orange county human relations commission, a commission that says it is dedicated to protecting the civil rights of all people, asserts police officers torturing pro-life demonstrators ends the feelings of sadness these demonstrators feel about all past abortions. This is why it is good police officers torture these demonstrators. And Pat McKinley likens these demonstrators to children, who asserts all children are sinners and ask to be tortured. And like children, these pro-life demonstrators endure much pain before they ask the police officers to stop torturing them.
So using pat MckInley’s logic, then it is a good thang that the fullerton police force,the one McKinley metaphorically formed with his own hands, used their hands to sexually abuse, steal and murder the good people of fullerton.
You know I believe McKinley has painted us a picture of hell
Excellent logic!
I agree and thanx
excellent and sad at the same time -isnt it? wake up fullerton and all other US cities-be vigilant about the person who is running for office and your votes-and Yes, I am but wasnt always that way
Here is a link that Downey PD killed someone. This happened yesterday.
Saw that on the 11:00 news last night.
ONce again, I wasn’t there, but when you get two or more rambunctious cops together at night, one of them is bound to get trigger happy.
The official police statement was: Officers tried to detain the man but they said he resisted. One officer fired at least two shots at the man. It was unclear how many times the suspect was hit.
Notice once again how they said he was ‘resisting’? That is getting old LEOs!!!
Downey PD has been known to ticket people for spitting on the sidewalk.
Anonymous, you have a right to your beliefs/opinions, but you do not have the right to impose them on anyone else.
Impose? How am I “imposing”? If you would be so kind; Try to answer without calling me names, also if you would stop assuming that would be helpful as well, only address my posts and the words I have typed to tell me how I have “imposed” my beliefs…..
YOU are the one who stated your beliefs and started this off topic discussion. I have simply stated mine.
To the person posting as “we are all one”
having comments for the Topic at hand? (Fullerton police corruption)??
Get FfFF on the case immediately 🙂
A 32-year-old man who was arrested in connection with the shooting of a Twin Rivers Police officer in North Sacramento has died while in custody, according to reports. Tyrone Smith, pictured right, was apprehended after a door-to-door search in the area around Grand and South avenues around 11 p.m. Saturday night. The officer who was shot was taken to the UC Davis Medical Center, and is still in critical condition but is expected to survive.
It all started Saturday around 2:00 o’clock when a 25-year-old Twin Rivers police officer attempted to pull over a white SUV for failure to yield. The driver refused to stop and a short vehicle pursuit ensued. Shortly thereafter, the driver foot bailed out of the SUV and the officer gave chase.
At some point during the foot chase, the fleeing suspect shot the officer before jumping back into his SUV and speeding away. According to sources speaking exclusively with ranSACkedmedia, the officer was shot 8 times, twice in the legs and twice in the arms, with the remaining rounds striking his body armor and chest. Twin Rivers police spokesman William Cho told NEWS 10 that one shot penetrated the officer’s abdomen, barely missing all of his vital organs. Doctors are optimistic about chances of a full recovery for the officer.
Tyrone Smith, the suspected shooter, was arrested around 11 P.M. near the corner of Branch and Nogles streets, close to where the original incident took place. A video on the KCRA website shows officers transporting a man, reported to be Smith, as a brief struggle breaks out before the man is taken to the pavement.
FOX 40 is reporting that while Smith was being transported from a police substation to the Main Jail he started to experience an unknown medical emergency. Officers pulled over in the parking lot of the Jimboy’s Tacos at the corner of Fruitridge Road and Franklin Blvd to administer CPR and call the Fire Department. Firefighters transported Smith to the hospital where he was pronounced dead.
Throughout the day, conflicting reports were being published on various news sites. At one point, the officer was reported to be female, shot with her own weapon, the shooter firing his gun from inside the SUV. Those reports, so far, have turned out to be unfounded.
“According to sources speaking exclusively with ranSACkedmedia, the officer was shot 8 times, twice in the legs and twice in the arms, with the remaining rounds striking his body armor and chest. Twin Rivers police spokesman William Cho told NEWS 10 that one shot penetrated the officer’s abdomen, barely missing all of his vital organs. Doctors are optimistic about chances of a full recovery for the officer.”
After he recovers I’m sure there will be a spot waiting for him in FPD.
or at least a promotion.
What an idiot you are Merijoe. My guess is that you are a bitter old alcoholic broad whose life consists of a monthly walk to the mailbox for your disability check and spending the days posting on this blog in a Popov induced stupor.
hahahahahaha-good one
maybe he will have one ear when he gets hired by the FPD
You fffers are unbelievable! You are showing your true colors! A police officer gets shot and you can only see your own personal agenda still! You people are unbelievable! What would you people do If there was no police? And then I am assuming if any of you idiots become victims you wil not call the police??? Ya right!
haha, you are funny fffer (AKA merijoeisacunt) love your rambling posts-comic relief
C word. That’s hate at its finest. I just use the Hoe word. 🙂
Speaking of personal agendas, how come you overlook murder, rape, assault, theft, perjury, suborning perjury, terroristic threatening, and brutality committed by cops? Methinks thou dost protest too much.
Anger is one letter away from Danger
with material like that, I can see why the comedy ‘career’ was a no-show – LOL
Talking about true colors, try using a decent username. It might jump your I.Q. level up a few points.
The difference between this site and the BCC site; here, you can say what you think. Not all people will agree, however, no one will remove what you say because of extreme bias.
True. Not much middle ground on this site though. Extreme each way is the norm.
Either you support corruption
You want to recall the corrupt buffoons.
no middle ground is right.
I myself found the remarks about the shot police officer to be in poor taste.
These remarks about the shooting of the cop were made by me because Reality the Demon was trying to start some underlying shit (as usual) “see, a poor cop was shot by a citizen-cops have to kill people”
I in no way am happy or take lightly, the shooting or killing of anyone-even a gestapo
So glad you always know how I think because I’m a cop. As they say on the street “you so dumb MeriHoe”. I said no more than put FFFF on the case because I know FFFF knows by reading line 1 it was a coverup and murder. 🙂
Poor A – now that she actually has people responding to her gestapo posts, she’s addicted. How many posts today, Merry? 50? 60?
Poor taste but expected from this group.
we know what to expect from your group.
-sexual assault
-broken bones
-loss of blood
-false charges
-wasted taxes
Enjoying my Sunday dosage of FFFF. Always good for some far right comedic relief. All love though. 🙂
What is really ahocking is that Fullerton hired McKinley after he made these psycho comments.
That’s it exactly!
well you can thank these fools, doesnt seemed that they looked much into this guy other than what he told them
He also brought LAPD with him.
Flood of Departures Offsets LAPD Hiring Gains : Law enforcement: Despite a near-record number of recruits last fiscal year, the number of officers is about 215 short of Mayor Riordan’s goal.
“I’ll take all I can get,” said Fullerton Police Chief Pat McKinley, who left the LAPD himself in 1993 after serving for 29 years. “I’m very high on the LAPD. They just apply. We don’t recruit.” McKinley said he has hired four LAPD officers in the past two years.
I really don’t like words being put in my mouth.
I hope someone gets you for Christmas one of those clowns filled with air that have a sand base so you can punch it over and over again, I really think that might help you as you seem really agitated by the posts I read, anywho….
Never said the protesters were right or wrong.
I don’t rush to judgement 🙂
I had not seen the video prior to Merijoe posting it.
Simply stated my views on abortion in response to you stating your opinion.
I am moving on now “we are all one”, suggest you do the same.
Last night I was informed of a plot to assassinate President Obama. The conspirators are conservative high ranking members of law enforcement, the national security apparatus, congress, the military, and private business. One of the conservative members of the US Supreme Court was also implicated. The warning was repeated twice, and was accompanied by a description of violent social unrest in this country as the conspiracy is revealed. NOW is the time to prepare for upheaval in this country like that being seen in Arab countries
Why would conservatives want Obama gone? Most of what he does is what they want. Guns allowed in natiotional parks, more subsidies for nuclear power, free reign for the financial services industry, more bailouts for banks, military in more middle eastern countries. Sure, he finally ended the gay military ban, but that’s because he needs their money to get reelected. He’s the best thing to happen to conservatives since Bill Clinton.
Conservatives do not want bailouts for banks. You’re thinking of bankers.
Well, yes. They bankrolled Obama, so they get what they want.
Sounds like a bunch of alarmist propaganda.
Wait and see …
The last time exactly such a conspiracy was carried out against a Democrat President, we ended up with President Johnson. He ended up carrying out (liberal-at-the-time) social legislation that President Kennedy had blocked. But the war in Vietnam was ramped up by President Johnson. So the assassination conspiracy had mixed results.
So if this is threatened assassination not a hoax, then the conspirators had better really think about the potential results: a Biden presidency, with Hillary Clinton as “Vice President”. And maybe Bill Clinton as “President of Vice”.
With sarcasm aside, I think that any assassination attempt upon a duly-elected official is an attack upon the principles of representative government. Most of the recently-deposed heads of state in the Arab countries did not achieve election or retain their positions through any sort of genuine representative governmental process. There is no true comparison between those deposed rulers and our elected President. Let us hope that, in the future, these Arab countries can evolve into fully-functioning democratic republics, complete with the recall, referendum and initiative.
“President Johnson. He ended up carrying out (liberal-at-the-time) social legislation that President Kennedy had blocked. But the war in Vietnam was ramped up by President Johnson. So the assassination conspiracy had mixed results.” and that is how LBJ ended up with the nickname Bread and bombs Johnson, if his welfare programs couldn’t feed all the poor, then send them off to be war to be killed
This is absolutely not a hoax – I’ve been warned four times previously about this group. The last straw was the announcement that our troops are leaving Iraq by year’s end. What’s going on in Fullerton is a microcosm of what’s going on in the federal government.
Then again, maybe that’s WHY the hired him–because he represented the values of FPD.
Forget following the money trail. Follow the friendship trial from LAPD SWAT and you’ll be totally surprise! Most of these guys were caught double dipping and booted out of Rio Hondo’s academy and started Fullerton’s College polic Academy and they all have been in bed with each other for a very long time. This is why they all got away with so much stuff. Please listen to me! This guys are all so corrput. Check the friendship trail as it leads to the money trail.
I almost forgot, the name of the person who was responsible for all the connections years ago was some guy named Deveney! He was the go to man who hooked up everyone! He was the one who stolen the song from the Tokens!
3 of the 6 graduated from Fullerton College Police academy
You make a lot of noise claiming to care about the people (terrorists) who were being beaten by the cops, but have no concern for the people they were terrorizing. That makes you a hypocrite. And a dangerous one.
Thankfully abortion is freely and legally available. To assume that it is legally or morally just to deny a woman’s right to choose abortion is qualitatively equivalent to denial of ALL rights – and is tantamount to state-enforced pregnancy.
Just as you do not have the ‘right’ to impregnate a woman, in exactly that same way you do not have the ‘right’ to impose pregnancy upon her after conception.
The choice to carry or abort is hers and hers alone, unless you think that she has less rights after conception than she had before conception, in which case your argument is fallacious and self-defeating.
Argument isn’t carried on the basis of mere belief (“I believe” that a great sky-god will cause the world to end/begin/undergo cell division at such-and-such a date and time”) nor is morality really anything more or less than a consensual hallucination -a bias elevated to the status of a social more. As such, neither metaphysical belief nor alleged morality are suitable basis for a reasoned argument.
It’s attitudes like yours that encourage THIS.
You are hypocrite to claim to care bout the rights and the laws that protect them for one group of people and not another. Sickening.
yeah, nunchucks on citizens is not cool. I agree.
Recall the 3 blind mice. Did you sign the petition yet??
McKinley’s experience is not limited to streets.
He is named in a pending class-action lawsuit against the LAPD, which claims the department was using police dogs in violation of the U.S. Constitution. The lawsuit alleges that police dogs constitute “deadly force” and were improperly unleashed on black and Latino residents.
“It’s an attractive thing for attorneys to sue over,” McKinley said about the alleged abuse by police dogs. He was commanding officer at the Metropolitan Division for four years, and the K-9 unit was part of his command. “They just went right up the chain of command,” McKinley said.
from 1/17/1993 above
The point is this (and observe how I make one without name calling),,,,, >>> the woman carrying the child does not have more rights than the unborn child in her womb in my MORAL view.
Is it a life or not?
When did it start?
If the child is a person which I believe he or she is. If left to grow, he or she will become (even in your eyes) a viable human being, then he or she has every RIGHT TO LIFE that the constitution guarantees the mother. The mother’s rights do not supersede the child’s in matters that pose potential death to one and not the other.
Go to www. and watch the horrifically graphic video of a actual abortion then come back and tell me what you saw, if you did not in fact see a human being losing it’s life.
As for “imposing pregnancy upon a woman after conception” HUH? How does one impose something on a woman after it has already taken place? The woman has imposed it on herself (in most cases)…..and now there is a baby that is INNOCENT regardless of how it arrived at that point in time.
To call me a hypocrite in order justify a baby losing his or her life is a truly pitiable state for your soul to be in.
I cannot help but wonder what you are fighting against or perhaps running from with all your name calling and anger, perhaps it is time to find some peace, just a suggestion, sincerely.
May God have mercy on you and open your eyes.
There is no god and to use your personal, superstitious beliefs to demean, dehumanize and demonize those that don’t share them is dangerous.
There is a God and you are in fact confessing your own sin.
He is the one who will judge you in the end, not me.
I have no righteousness of my own I am a sinner (just like you) but I accept His atonement for my sin.
I will pray for you to have your eyes opened.
This is my last post to you.
“I cannot help but wonder what you are fighting against or perhaps running from with all your name calling and anger, perhaps it is time to find some peace”
I am not angry, nor am I fighting anything, merely standing up for the rights of people that you so easily dismiss. And as for name calling, you seem to think it’s fine to call me or anyone else exercising their rights murders and immoral which makes you a self-righteous, bigoted, judgmental ass.
Your guilt trips, fear mongering and shock tactics have absolutely no effect on me as they are not what rule my decisions. I have peace and no one can give that to me or take it away.
lol, fire and brimstone right here in Orange County, what a surprise.
I blame the churches.
This has what to do with Kelly Thomas and Fullerton?
Again, the abortion debate will never end. Of that I am sure. They were blocking access, and they did use terrorist tactics. All illegal are activities.
Personally, I find it extremely offensive and dangerous that they are even allowed anywhere near the clinics. As I said before, some HMOs contract out to those clinics to save costs. Not all of them go in there to deliver a live, healthy baby. All they do is compound a woman’s suffering.
Stripping all of that aside, do we want a blood-thirsty, power monger, namely Pat McKinley, meting out punishment for anything?
I’m quite sure he is the main instrument in that corrupt culture of FPD.
You sign the recall petition?
In Cypress, there was a huge protest in front of an abortion clinic around 12 years ago. The police chief of Cypress rounded up those who broke the law and placed them in the city tennis courts next to the police department lockup because there were over 200 arrested.
They were all processed and most were released by the judiciary quickly since none had outstanding charges. Lowenberg was promoted to chief at Huntington Beach based on his stellar record. There were no beatings, no settlements, no nothing. Everything was done according to the book!
That is proper policing. In Fullerton it would be an out an out disaster!
Who you hire is the most important decision of all. Pat McKinley obviously did a poor job of screening his recruits. Its in the process of costing Fullerton, lots of money. When the criminal complaint is adjudicated next comes the civil case and settlement.
Fullerton voters, your ex Chief Mckinley is now on the city council covering up his screwups. You want more of him or not?
Merijoe#33 I don’t think you have to worry about anyone fondleing your boobs!