Council Fun Tonight!

Word on the street is that the Three Desiccated Dinosaurs are arranging a little theater for tonight’s Council meeting.
It seems that they are jes’ goldarn sick and tired of being told what horses’ asses they are. Well, I say if the horseshoe fits, wear it.
Anyhow it looks like the old boys are organizing a display of affection directed to themselves by their cronies in the Rotary Club, the Chamber of Commerce, etc., in order to suck up the 30 minutes now allocated for public comment by Mayor HeeHaw.
Well, alrightee, then. Since the Three Blind Mice need to gin up a claque to shower praise on the indefensible this is really sort of pathetic. They must be alarmed by the fact that nobody in Fullerton under 65 years old supports their miserable misrule.
So get there early and get your speaker’s forms turned in. And get ready for some real fun!
Excellent. Now we’ll get to see who’s in this lackey parade, besides the fat head Larry Bennett.
I can’t wait to hear Florentine. Yo, joy-see!
It should be interesting. I wonder if McClanahan and Florby will be there. Will Ackerman speak?
Maybe Ackerman can explain the supposedly horrible deal he made with Bushala back in 1992.
Any comments regarding the Fullerton Police Department could also be made during item 8, which is about the proposed police union MOU.
There you go!
I’ve been trying to read the documentation about the MOUs on the city’s website but whatever interface they are using sucks and it gives me an error every time I try to download a pdf. If anyone can download it, can you post it with a link?
Here you go:
IMHO with all this going on who needs the theater….what time does it start and is it avaiable live like before?
6:30 start time (comments will be after invocation, pledge of allegiance, proclamations, etc.); should live stream on the city web site (5 minute delay I think) and to ATT U-Verse customers (ditto re: delay).
I still can’t believe I give up Mark Harmon for this, but sacrifices must be made for the greater good.
Best show in town! Can’t wait.
Senility, degradation, insincerity,
There are a few over 65 years of age that haven’t supported this bunch of BS for a long time.
That RDA, the planning commission and the city managers office has been the self serving center for many years. The next ring of feeders consist of the chamber of commerce, the DTF merchants and other civic groups that have been duped and subverted.
BTW: The denial of access to information or the open presentation of information in the true form is a way to distort the intentions of the Brown Act that calls for open discussion with all parties having the same information.
The city attorney has the responsibility to inform the council during open session that the city managers staff has not adequately informed the public of all items open for discussion.
The city council sits as the board of directors for the RDA and appoints all the members of the city committees and commisions.
Rotten at the core spreads outwardly.
Freshness does not spread inwardly.
Every time I look at these 3 doofus’, I think of Benny Hill’s Theme Song.
LOL! God bless Benny Hill! lol!
Yakety Sax + CHP = LMFAO!!!
Thanks Travis,
Read the MOU, no mention of any required drug testing.
How much will elimination of the 5% salary cut in 2009 cost. To me this means the raises will be restored and back pay to the date it was implemented will be due, if this MOU is accepted.
The distortion of the word “savings” in this MOU is a travesty and insult.
They failed to mention “for the children”.
There won’t be drug testing. There will be no cuts. I told you that months ago. Pay and benefits will only change if things change statewide. Police pay and benefits are consistent statewide. Fullerton can’t and won’t implement some massive pay and benefit change just because you want it.
You have no idea what you are talking about… Everything you said is incorrect.
Greed is Good – Gordon Gekko (Wall Street)
This is beyond absurd!!
“Greed Is Good” is improperly attributed to Gordon Gekko. The phrase was coined by Professor Proctor Thompson an Economist at Claremont Mens College (CMC) in a scholarly paper on the virtues of Capitalism that was published in the mid-fifties.
A person who represents himself has a fool for a client.
My money says it will get thrown out.
That MOU is one looooonnnngg document, which is clearly part of their strategy to sweep stuff under the rug. 3% @ 55 is still a pretty sweet deal. Everybody gets their 5% salary reduction restored, and notice they say “No across the board salary increases.” Hmm, what other kind of salary increases are likely to bubble to the surface? Priviledged salary increases for those in command?
I overheard a conversation, yesterday, that was discussing TRIPLE overtime.
Threat of extortion??
Homebaseump, you heard that from the voices in your head. Stop trying to stir things up. Like your friends on this site always say, back it up with facts. Don’t just make shit up.
LOL. If you want to know about overtime just look at the overtime budget for police. It’s minimal.
Overtime budget for police. It’s minimal.
Makes no sense at all.
Show me the $ numbers.
I think it’s doubled since the city had to pay overtime for security on Saturdays and the fundraiser
Last time I checked there were zero police officers for the protesters on Saturdays EXCEPT for when people honked in support.
Then the FPD dispatched the Union President , Barry Coffman. and Officer Kirk, his Vice President along with four other squad cars to issue one ticket to one motorist.
True. Probably over budget now.
Public info. Ask for the budget and current expenses.
I wonder if Mayor Jones will ask Dick Ackerman to introduce himself:
” I am Dick Ackerman, I live in Irvine……….”
What shill.
wonder if the million sticker truck will be parked outside-complete with a gun rack inside and some elk horns in the back seat
Well, they did outlast public sentiment and outcry. Give them their due. They are still there directing the police department and the other really nifty Fullerton departments. I knew that they would outlast us…and they have.
Give it up. They have won. Or don’t you think so?
Oh, one more thing. The other Fullerton publication has switched over to topics more interesting to Fullerton residents…you know, sports and all that. Murders of members of our community just don’t make the list nowadays.
What other Fullerton publication would that be?
pluralize other
Reality is and Strike 3,
Both of you sound like ducks, just fall in line and quack, quack,quack.
You sound like a couple of inside system suckers that can always find some kind of weasel reason to deflect straight forward enquiry and curry favors from those in position to devour you,at their whim.
I just called you out to back up your ridiculous statement. What’s wrong? Why is it ok for you to make accusations or spread rumors without backing it up? You just deflect and attack.
By the way you STILL haven’t answered my original question. Where did you get that info from?
I like to think I’m a pig not a duck.
Back to the MOU, the city staff continues to present to the city council for a blanket approval of elements that are involved in legal proceedings which may lead to the dissolution of the FPD.
BTW; Strike 3, I was standing in line at Walmart.
It’s amazing, the stuff can hear, standing patiently and nonchalantly in line.
It should only be taken with the slightest and most remote sense of any truth or validity.
Are you the greeter?
No worries friends.. I plan on being the last person to make comments this evening. I’m hoping to keep these guys up until midnight. Anyone with me here?
Erin, you’re an idiot. Go ahead and waste time talking your shit. No one is going to listen to you anyway.
Not true. More people listen to Erin than to the 3 def, dumb and blind dinosaurs.
Or stinking pigs. oink! oink!
Well spoken . The truth stood on its own tonight .
Make sure someone reads STORM’S posting at the meeting-dont rush but keep it under 3 min or he’ll shut off the mike
you are correct about them. Always making excuses for bad behavior.
Wish I could be there tonight…hope all goes well with the RECALL group. Try not to let the turkeys get you down.
These three men, Bankhead,Jones and McKinley are not kind, humble or diligent. To McKinley add not loyal to the promise he made to serve and protect the public from harm. Our three city councilmen are proud, lazy and dislike those who tell them the truth. McKinley has earned himself the extra character flaw of traitor to his profession, police officer.
These organizations may flatter these three men.
We, the good people of Fullerton, are humbled by Ron Thomas’ diligence to seek the truth and justice for his son’s murder, and we seek to restore representative government to our city.
I hope someone at this council meeting, tonight, reminds Bankhead, Jones and McKinley what is truly valued by good people.
Another one of those ethereal thoughts.
If you were the FPD bargaining agent, what would you demand in a penalty clause of this future bargaining contract, if the government decided to terminate for whatever their reasom may be?
Get ’em Erin, I’ll be there in spirit!
Go, Christine! She just called him a sexual predator for hiring the FPD predators 🙂
She is being honest.
Love that about her.
Is Jones still telling her to shut up? lol
HeeHaw allows speakers who lavish praise on him to run over their allotted time; people who stand up to his buffoonery are summarily cut off in mid-sentence.
So true. It was stated at the last meeting that public comments would be limited to 30 minutes, but seeing how there were the 70 and older suit & ties kissing ass to the three it went on for more like 50 minutes last night.
I will lavish him on Thursday, but not with praise. 😉
You know, far be it from me to condone tactics which might seem less than peaceful to some, but some kind of Southern pie (sweet potato maybe? Key lime?) carefully flung into the face of HeeHaw would be …. uh …. sweet.
notice how all the anti recall bozos are reading from scripts and are over 1000 years old!!!
And most of the people speaking in support of The 3 Old Farts are dressed in business suits. Recipients of council favors, perhaps?
I’d love to attend a roast for Dickhead McKinley, but there wouldn’t be any laughing. Especially from Dickhead! lol
That’s McDickhead!
BWAAAA!!!!! Stop, McKinley!!!! Stop speaking!!!!
God now I wish I could have been there tonight
…go check what I just put on the anti-recall facebook page lol.
VW, can you post a link?!/pages/Protect-Fullerton-Recall-NO/239836429404438?sk=wall&filter=1
Facebook requires a membership to access it. Way too much spyware and malware to go in that cesspool.
hmmm beat me to it, guess who I am over there? 😉
Happy this whole kelly thomas thing finally blew over….what a joke
You sound like one of those GED thugs… Or their spouse.
It blew over so much that the murderers go in front of a judge this week…. it is still going on.
blew over? you have seen phase 1, we’re not done-just taking a break…. a joke are cops and city council and residents of fullerton and other assorted low lifes who cover and rally around murderers
“Dick” was just blathering on about parking in London and bicycle riding in Amsterdam… Considering his familiarity with the former location of the Erogenous Zone (near CSUF), does his familiarity with bicycle riding in Amsterdam derive from experiences in their redlight district (the primary tourist attraction of that sort being De Wallen)?
Dick Jones, Mayor of Fullerton, displaying obvious signs of dementia as he showers the council chambers with his pithy insight into London’s parking problems:
“This is why when I asked my grandson about ten years ago what’s the difference between Los Angeles and London he says ‘In Los Angeles people drive; in London people walk.’
And I think that hits it on the spot because a lot of people in London realize that they cannot find a parking place.
In fact, if you go downtown I think it’s now 10 pounds to go to the central downtown during business hours. So maybe that’s why a lot of people ride bicycles in Amsterdam.”
People ride bikes in Amsterdam because it costs 10 pounds to park in London. Right.
It starts at 01:50:00 on the archive video.
Sorry to harp on McKinley this evening, but he needs to recuse himself from item 8
Get me out, I’m stuck in my throat! Travis, public speaking is not for you buddy! You looked like you’re going to throw up. You represented the FFFFers well.
Stick to your computer, you looked like a fool. You’re an embarassment to the other F’ers.
You’re sickening.
Ignore him. He’s angry because the FPOA death squad just took a pay cut courtesy of some political pressure from Le Fullerton Recall.
LMFAO! did the widdle baby get his widdle paycheck cut? ahhhhh… poor widdle baby piglet
Travis doesnt represent me neither do you. I speak for myself, jackass.
Reminds me of Andrew Goodwrench giving a made up version of the facts to the media
Why isn’t Bruce there? Bushala didn’t give him the kitchen pass?
By now the council has probably accepted the MOU.
My understanding is, that this acceptance of the MOU is not in any way, shape, form or fashion to be considered binding.
Now,what will the progressive innovators and ingenious city employees dream-up as enforceable sources of revenue .
OOPS! Big mistake according city employees with such a burden, they can simply download all such arbitrary petty control and revenue streams from the Net.
I just watched the hole City Coucil Meeting…”Somebody give me a pencil so I can stick it in my eye, so I can feel better”
How big was the hole? You realize if a non FFFF clan’er said the we would have the GED word used on us?
sorry whole
We only use GED when a 26 year-old $90K a year pickpocket strangles the language.
“How big was the hole? You realize if a non FFFF clan’er said the we would have the GED word used on us?”
A “clan’er said the” – don’t you mean “said that?” Or did you leave out a phrase as in “said the (truth about those 3 dirty old bastards) we would …”
Just where DID you get your GED? Cracker Jacks?
Bought it for $10 in the ghetto. I got a ID card too.
Do you have two eyes, or are you another One Eyed Wonder like Cicinelli?
Glad to see you made it home from the meeting!
Easy meeting. Council is confident and cocky.
More like “Old Fartin Dust”. Bankhead needs to be tested…..Speaking is just not there anymore….
Your continual comments tell me you are a dork! Get a life! At least I put the band back together!
They shouldn’t be.
Had to leave a bit early, what the final on the MOU and who was the nay?
or should I ask, were there any naes?
I’d bet that TRAVIS is not even a member of the good ole boys club “Toastmasters”.
Check out what Pat McKinley said:
Yeah, I really wanted to ask him what it was that he also should’ve said instead when he told all of the women present that “inappropriate touching” “ain’t a good thing, but it ain’t a dangerous thing.” Ridiculous.
Where the hell is N.O.W (National Organization of Women)?
Where the hell is Gloria Alred?
Where the hell is Loretta Sanchez?
Where the hell is Diane Feinstein?
…They have to know about Fullerton. How long are they going to allow this to happen?
My god, listening to McKinley would make you think it was the 60’s not 2011.
What Mr. McKinley stated tells me that he had intentions of retribution or retaliation by contacting the DAs office.
Mr. McKinley was not acting or officiating in any official capacity and for the DAs office to have any means or manner of communications for any purposes whatsoever at this time, is subject to review in any future court proceedings that Mr. McKinley may be party to.
Lets not forget that Mr. McKinley has made a career of self embellishment by debasing,deprecating, and disrespect.
So, um, who the heck are the mercenaries?
Just as well light a beacon candle for the Three Amigos
There were about 5 people protesting and the honkers were their own people going around the block and honking…honk!!
No just the people that are gonna not vote for the recall..old people..old money…conservative fullerton…they always win.
reality is ………….was at the city council meeting tonight.
this officer wouldn’t let her fellow officer get away with misconduct.
Transcript of McKinley trying to walk back his “not women like you” comment at the Soroptomists club:
Jones: Ok, now we will end and go to consent calendar. Uh, one person has extracted Item 4.
McKinley: Let me speak.
Jones: Yes, ok. Just a minute, Pat.
McKinley: Yes, Mr. Mayor, what I would like to do is I would like to clarify an issue here. I do give a class; it’s called “She Bear.” I’ve given it for over fifteen years. I’ve given it to thousands of women [I bet you have! lol]. Literally thousands. And I did write a book, I’m not on a book tour.
On this last meeting it was called…
(voice speaks off camera, Jones bangs gavel)
… it was called by the Soroptomists of, uh — a friend of mine, Whittier, in Brea.
During that meeting I was foolish enough to think that the women that were in there that I recognized from this
audience were there to learn something. In regard – my mistake – they were there to try to hijack the meeting.
They asked me –
(off camera voices, Jones bangs gavel)
Jones: You had your turn. (bangs gavel)
McKinley: They asked me a question that none of the other women in the … that … some of them were police officers’ wives, some of them were police officers’ mothers. None of the other women understood what they were talking about, so I tried to quickly explain.
(voice off camera, Jones bangs gavel)
I tried to quickly explain. And what I did say was “They are not women like you.” The two women. There wasn’t seven, there were two.
(voices off camera, Jones bangs gavel)
Jones: Knock it off! (bangs gavel)
(voices off camera)
McKinley: There was, was — What I should have said was “What is reality?”
(voices off camera)
The District Attorney said that both women were not credible witnesses. That’s what I should have said, I didn’t want to say that to lower the exectations.
(off camera voices)
And thank you for bringing that up.
What is reality?
McKinley waxes philosophical?
Nah, that was an embolism. He’s had hundreds, thousands of ’em.
I was at the senior citizens suck up festival last night at City Hall and it resembled a bunch of piglets sucking up to the mother pig trying to get a better teat to suck on and keep themselves fed. I don’t think that any of these three honestly realize that 80-95% of the voters here in Fullerton are chomping at the bit to get them out of office, and that the recall WILL be successful by Christmas. The recall election will be anywhere from 88 days to 180 days after the signatures have been verified. I collect these signatures and I can honestly tell you that there is no way on God’s green earth that the recall effort will fail with the amount of voter dis-content that is out there. The Rotary club’s Rah-Rah reach does not effect most Fullerton voter’s whatsoever.
Herman Cain’s inability to remember key aspects of his sexual harassment lawsuits may be genuine. He has a hole the size of a silver dollar on the top right portion of his skull. Whatever memories he had of the events may have been blasted out in some unexplained mishap.
It’s time to carefully review video of The 3 Codgers. If they have holes in the top of their head it may explain their bizarre disconnect from reality. And why Dick Jones has a compulsion to incessantly bang his gavel.
No, Bankhead had a frontal lobotomy.
I noticed alot of very pissed off looking gentlemen in the audience last night. Looking closer I could see that at least 10 in crowd were FPD in plain clothes. Also the anti recall parrots were a joke.
It would be fun to match the photos of the UC cops with their posts on Big City Cops!
Keep those cameras a rollin’
I was told four of them were police officers (including one female officer) and a few others were firemen.
Correct…Barry Coffman, Mr. FPOA President was sitting amongst come other FPD officers with their suit and ties, looking mighty well-fed as usual.
Someone probably told him Jones was bringing some of his “Rincon, finger lickin chikin” ….to share.
Correction for above: “sitting amongs SOME…”
Screw it…I can’t spel this morning…
simply total balkanization propaganda last night
In reference to the 3 stooges
“If the Internet has given us anything, it’s some idea of how much psychosis goes undiagnosed.”
From a novel about a serial killer…
They were there for their negotations, contract. Do you think they were there to listen to the blonde tweeker looking trailer trash.
They were there to protect the city council in the event someone tried to pull a stunt like dump glitter on the old farts. Just more presence to sit in the audience and monitor the attendees.
It’s hilarious to see you duck and cover.
Wow such harsh words about the blonde. Officer Edgar, you thought she was attractive in 2009.
FYI she isn’t a tweeker. She explained that to you when you met her.
What up! It’s me the one with the Spunk! I have said time and time again II might need a Donut I’m not a tweeker! And Yes I do love in a Mobile home and proud of it! I’m my grandmother caregiver we live I Rancho Fullerton! Come talk shit pussy boy! this 95 pound lil girl could go rounds with ya! I’m doing pretty good pissing off the three blind mice and loving every minute of it! P.S I will be at the post office today stop by say it to my face! I can bet you don’t have the balls!
I know that’s what they were there for. I’m assuming you were one of them because I was shocked at their juvenile behavior.
Hey I can say with out a doubt that that little blonde thing has never purchased tweek from me…and I run this town- gees they broke into a coulple old peoples house with dental equipment instead of my meth lab…gotta love it.
Well there is one person on here I recognize, TOMMY CHONG, thanks for being there for Kelly!
Now you can bet that the 3 Amigos are seriously concerned about their reputations and quality of life being ruined if this all goes to an election. They had a sweet deal going between city council pay, health insurance, redevelopment agency fees, agency fees for the innumerable commissions “meetings”.
If it were me I would be mightily pissed off at Fullerton PD for letting this Kelly thing sidetrack their sweetheart deal. Instead they are going after the Kelly Supporters. Just because they are old does not mean they are stupid. Well, their choice of supporting killers shows they actually are stupid, misinformed or getting even more money in “political contributions”! Time for the dinosaurs to go!
Really? I’m on there and do not have any issues at all.
Well, then you probably haven’t been revealing U.S. government high crimes like the assassination of Kim Il-sung and the attempted assassination of his son Kim Jong-Il. Among the more visible overseas crimes. And that’s not even beginning to account for the domestic assassinations that includes clergy and military personnel.
That type of thing tends to get the FBI on your back really quickly. And a slew of character assassinations: dangerous pedophile, highly dangerous terrorist, psychotic, neurotic, neuralgia, and every other thing including the kitchen sink they can throw at you.
Not when it’s real …
I watched the council meeting. The first reaction I had was embarrassment, because I have a hard time understanding how they can just sit there and stare at the audience with their little puckered faces. Then I heard the lame attempt by McKinley to explain his She-bear book talk with the Soroptimist Club. He had every opportunity to apologize for his remarks, even if he didn’t mean them the way they were perceived. Of course he REALLY meant that the two women molested by Rincon were not credible, i.e. sluts. And it just sort of spilled out of his mouth that they were not “like those women” because he taken off guard. But he blames himself for thinking they were there to actually learn something instead of hijacking his talk.
Yeah right.
How about saying, “I’m sorry for the remarks I made. No woman should ever be molested ever, no matter what the reasons are for their arrest.”
No strike that. No woman should ever be molested ever!
He has just made it worse for himself by opening his mouth like that. Even my mother, who used to work with his first wife when he worked out the LAPD Monterey Park Station, continues to express her dismay and disappointment about him. And believe me, that says a lot.
can anyone tell me about council meeting tuesday night? how did it go? thanks……………
You can watch it online:
Whoever officer Edgar is. Ok blonde trailer trash.
This is 2011..that’s what drugs do.
Wow tough…You are ridiculous!!
All wannabe aristocrats. Fullerton has snobs? Yes sireeee. They were all representing that night. All the the rest were mindless zombies that hold their hands out hoping one day to be one of the lower class aristocrats. One day they will put down the OC register (and line their bird cages) seek out the information instead of it being spoon-fed to them from some idiot box they stare at all day while being retired.