FAIL To The Chief

We received the following correspondence from a long-time Friend.
The controversy surrounding the recent beating death of Kelly Thomas, a local mentally ill homeless man at the hands of the Fullerton Police has been marked by the absence of Chief Michael Sellers. The FPD has instead relied on its regular spokesman Sgt. Andrew Goodrich for information about the case. This might be thought an appropriate channel of communication if this were anything like standard police work. It is not. Six sworn peace officers beat a man to near death (he died days later) in the parking lot of the Fullerton Transportation Center, and no explanation has been offered other than that the man offered physical resistance and that a thorough investigation will follow.
The brutality of the beating has left many in this city asking how it was that six trained police officers could not subdue a single unarmed man without killing him. Chief Sellers, who is reportedly vacationing, neither returned to Fullerton to appear before the press and public or even offered a written statement about the tragedy. His complete absence does nothing to assure the people of Fullerton that there is responsible leadership being exercised over the officers in his department.
Very pathetic
Even Chief Clancy Wiggum would have figured out that it’s time to make a public statement when someone is beaten and then dies while being taken into custody.
Don’t forget…The Chief has a boss too. His name is Joe Felz.
Who is steering the ship?
If the Chief is not engaged in a situation like this, then does Fullerton even need a Chief? It appears that the Chief has found the optimal semi-retirement/pension spiking job. Perhaps instead of a Chief the position should be reclassified as the Clerk of Police. Such duties maybe, just maybe, could be accomplished.
You hit the nail on the head!
Most contract cities using the sheriff’s department get a lieutenant which is far cheaper than a chief!
Let’s vote for our chief of police instead of having a bureaucrat appoint him/her!
How many of these bad cops were hired by McKinley? ALL OF THEM!!!!
Here in Santa Ana we just shoot them like we did a mother Susie Young Kim in front of her crying and begging 18 mo old daughter: “please do not shoot my mammy.”
Chief Paul Walters turned his thumb down and the officer kill little girls mammy execution stile.
Then the Pig goes to Washington and gets metal from the communist Obama.
Good question Johnny Donut…does the Chief work for the City Manager or directly for the City Council?
So there is an internal investigation, a third party investigation (the DA I believe) and a lot of conjecture with various allegations. The item was even addressed at City Council last night during the public comments.
How ’bout we let the ‘light of truth’ get put on this and let the facts fall where they fall AND THEN make some judgments.
I realize it’s easy and somewhat satisfying to shoot then aim (excuse the analogy) but that sort of view is, uh, er, hmm, I guess I’d say more interested in the emotion, rhetoric, hysteria, and generally ‘stirring the stink’ that really getting at the truth and then taking appropriate corrective measures.
I’m just saying…….
You sound like a former chief…
SD, Yes we should reserve judgement until all of the facts are in, but in the meantime the people of Fullerton need to know whether our town is being patrolled by responsible professionals or psychotic killers. As head of the department Chief Sellers should have something to say to us other than” bon voyage, I’ll send you a postcard”.
Is there a tape of the “arrest”? If so, is there any reason it should not be released?
This killing has the capacity to undermine out confidence in the FPD. I think these are legitimate-even crucial-questions for the Chief of Police. If I had that job I would be here in town trying to answer them.
SaltyDog, the “facts” will be carefully hidden and delayed for up to a year from now. By that time, how many more will be beaten and harassed by the Fullerton PD?
In a year, most of us will have safely forgotten Kelly Thomas and the truth will have been whitewashed beyond recognition.
The fact is we are not safe from our very own Porcine Protectors.
Kelly will not be forgotten by those who knew him. Nor will the search for answers and justice.
Chief Sellers is a fine professional leader. There is no reason for him to curtail a much needed vacation that will enable him to came back refreshed and ready to do battle alongside his troops against the low-lifes, thugs, druggies and thieves that want to do US harm.
With today’s superior technology he can be in constant contact with his outstanding Command Staff and relay any critical information and decision-making.
So please lay off the Chief and Back the Badge!
BTB, don’t forget the mentally ill and homeless on your list of people the police battle against.
Badge, dont forget any Baptist pastor’s families that may live in close proximity to actual parolees who need the living shit scared out of them by having their homes raided for no reason. If that pastor’s wife gives you any ‘tude beat her senseless and show her who is boss.
You forgot the traffic violators and hot soccer moms
Back the Badge, you must be a professional comedian, cuz you are an f’n laugh riot.
Please remember to thank a Fullerton policeman next time to see one for defending YOUR home and property and family from the army of prison felons lurking out there who want to do YOU harm.
The army of prison felons? You mean the the FPD right?
Alas, you are correct “Back The Badge'” superior technology does allow him to be in constant contact with “his or the City’s?” outstanding Command Staff. Too bad the superior technology isn’t so superior that he can provide a statement to the citizens of Fullerton regarding Department policy and a go-forward strategy to evaluate and make a just determination.
Your attitude is apparent, the Command Staff is not “his,” it is “ours.”
Just as an FYI, I just got off of the phone with a Register reporter about another matter and the Register has requested the tape from both the Fullerton PD and subsequently the DA FPD denied the request as it is an active investigation. And, no shock here, but I have confirmed with somebody that spoke with Susan Kang Schroeder, Rukaukus’ Chief of Staff that they have viewed the tape.
You mean Lou Ponsi and his crew have gotten off their asses and are going to do their jobs?
No more Andy Goodwrench exclusives for Ponsi!
Public Records Request it! Government cant deny a record of something to keep everyone in the dark while the elite jerks get to view it for their convenience.
People are going to rise up and get fed up with this crap.
When there is an “investigation” state law allows the city to withhold a lot of things.
It doesn’t force them to withhold anything, however. If the tape serves the interest of the city bureaucrats, it would have been released already. It’s probably reasonable to assume that the tapes don’t show anything that the city wants us to see.
Chris Thompson, face the facts, you must be a candidate for the City Council. You are the only elected official engaged in the issues that matter in Fullerton.
Are you claiming that the schools aren’t more screwed up than the city?
Have you seen SB 48 or the fact that they are telling me I must budget upon a false revenue reality…and that I must flat-staff based upon that same fantasy?
Chris Thompson…”some men are born to greatness, others achieve it and some have it thrust upon them.” You have achieved greatness. The schools are indeed a mess, particularly with the new State mandated gay/lesbian inclusion in history. We need you in the biggest Arena. Your destiny calls!
How do we go about making it mandatory for Fullerton Police Officers to submit to drug testing? Earlier this month we had one sentenced for stealing to support his Oxycontin addiction, and this has all the earmarks of “Roid Rage”.
His membership in the $100,000 Pension Club is only a few years away.
Sellers was Nelsons pick, com’on give him a break.
Everybody’s entitled to a mistake.
Actually “everybody’s entitled to four mistakes” should be the GED FPOAs motto.
That way you could steal a computer, pop pills and commit credit card fraud, or even beat a homeless dude to death and get of Scot free.
Is the saturday protest still on?
What do you care? Despite your veiled threat of showing up, your absence was noted at the last one you demanded we hold.
Please bring Harry Sidhu along, if you can pry him away from his peacocks and dinosaurs. I hear he’s all about victim’s rights.
@travis, so do we know how many officers are now on PAID VACATION oops, i mean paid admin leave???? i hear there are quite a few…..i also understand there are some officers that were convicted of crimes and on probation. And yes they are now patrolling the city….names anyone??????
@back the badge….explain that one….officers on probation…….
False information. Where do you people come up with this shit…some retard tells you something and you believe it? How bout some fact finding first, EXPLAIN THAT ONE.
False? Says who?
If you know some facts please share them.
There were two officers on paid administrative leave pending internal investigations at the beginning of June. I have asked for updated figures, but I have not heard back from the PD yet.
who says i never showed up?
@back the badge, don’t u worry. if i have a situation that involves theives,thugs, druggies i think it will be in MY best interest to take care of it my self. since officers at FPD all hold the above titles and committed the same offenses……..names????
@anonymos… what information r u referring to as being false?….
Cops on Probation for crimes. Completely false
So the cop with a DUI is no longer on probation?
@anonymous…..u sure about that??? might want to check on that….how many brady officers are at fpd, how many on paid leave right now….do some research and get back to us….
Research not needed, but you should educate yourself before making false claims. No officer is employed after being convicted of a crime and placed on criminal probation. Paid leave is not probation or conviction. Brady cops also are not convicted or probationers, and i am not aware of any Brady cops. Bad info AGAIN being propagated by this hilarious site.
Research not needed, but you should educate yourself before making false claims. No officer is employed after being convicted of a crime and placed on criminal probation. Paid leave is not probation or conviction. Brady cops also are not convicted or probationers, and i am not aware of any Brady cops. Bad info AGAIN being propagated by this hilarious site.
@anonymous…not true, there are a few officers that are currently employed by fpd as patrol officers. assualt on a minor,kidnapping, several dui’s…ring any bells?
i am sure the names will come out soon enough.
u should make ur self aware there are 2 brady officers working at fpd.
never said brady officers are convicts or probationers…. u may want to EDUCATE UR SELF… a brady officer is when an officer has no credability. officers in question become brady officers if they done something to take away credabilty…..
so make ur self aware… and i know exactly what paid admin leave is.. 8 officers on “paid vacation”..u may want to educate ur self on that topic.
Uh oh.
As a citizen who keeps hearing about how broke municipalities, states and our country is, I’m curious.. how much money have the citizens of Fullerton had to pay out to settle lawsuits brought against the FPD? Out of court settlements or otherwise. This should be a matter of public record. I want to know.
@back the badge…still waiting……for u to verify the above….
@btb, still no answer from u, plz do the research and educate ur self……, u sure did back down quick….so who has false statements now….false claims…..not so false… names?????? …
I bet if you are able to get all 6 names of the police that beat Kelly, I am sure that they were all hired under Pat McKinley.
Tony, you got some work to do. But I don’t think that were any new hires after him for a while.
To Tony:
I am glad that you took my advice in researching some of the people that McPension hired.
Good Job. Let’s get that recall.
Why won’t the FPD reveal the names of the officers involved in the beating?
YES YES that is good point…show us the money!! You would think we are dealing with the NSA or CIA w/ all the secrets that these clowns keep from us it is incredible that those in charge are NOT accountable to anyone from the cheif to mayor to the council to city manager to city attorney all these clowns need to pack their bags time to go…
Looks like someone is catching up. Sharon Quirk-Silva has called for Sellers to resign.
Sellers could take a lesson from LA Fire Department Chief Brian Cummings who will participate in “community service” as a result of an incident 13 years ago where firefighters posed with a porn star (?) and their fire apparatus (the mechanical type!). He acknowledged it was wrong.
Who cares about his showing off the Big Hose.