Florentine Floats To Surface of Bowl
![Big Tony](http://www.fullertonsfuture.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/Big-Tony.jpeg)
Here’s a damn funny letter sent into the Fullerton Observer by clever wordsmith Anthony “Big Tony” Florentine, a local “family friendly” bar owner and notorious rules-dodger. He has hundreds of thousands of reasons to support his corrupt pals on the City Council since they turned a blind eye to his illegal night club operation and then actually subsidized a fire sprinkler main so he could keep liquoring up the cast of Doc HeeHaw’s Wild West Show.
You may also recall how Big Tony even managed to swipe a public sidewalk with the help of his pals on the city council – probably the most blatant swindle in the history of Fullerton.
Florentine has been giving the Three Dyspeptic Dinosaurs campaign contributions for years and years, so these profitable quid pro quos shouldn’t be a surprise to anybody. But it sure makes it hard to believe this cut rate Tony Soprano’s sincerity when he says anybody else on the planet is “full of shit.”
The best part of his letter is how this cheap bastard bamboozles The Observer into giving him a free ad for his place of business. Anyway, here is Florentine’s letter:
I was at Smart & Final several weeks ago where Tony Bushala was sitting at a card table soliciting signatures for the recall. I greeted him, shook his hand, and told him I thought he was full of s**t, and that what he was doing to our City was BS.
I offered that his only interest in this tragedy is to get control of the City Council so he can foist development projects that may be of questionable value. Whereupon he lost it and went berserk, which he is wont to do when one disagrees with him.
My expletives were not meant to insult him (I’m sure that would be hard to do), I used language I knew he could understand and that described his condition and the content of his actions.
There was no one outside Joe Florentine’s restaurant soliciting signatures, and no one who came outside and spit on anyone. If that had been the case why wouldn’t they have called the Fullerton P.D., identified the person and had them arrested for assault?
The whole story is another Bushala-inspired fabrication meant to discredit someone he doesn’t like.
By the way Florentines’ has a delicious new value added menu with large portions and a family friendly atmosphere. Try it. You’ll like it.
Anthony J. “Tony” Florentine
Yo, T!
Hey Paisano–wait a minute wasn’t that a cheap wine back in the 70’s?
For the record, the 2-for-1 food at Florentines is shit, but the beer flows like wine.
Mmmm Beer, Stater Bros., Stella Artois $24 a case…………
$24? You’ve been swindled.
We want our sidewalk back! Florentine is a class 1 a hole. And the food sucks….. I made the mistake of eating there once, the steak had marks where the jocky was whipping it. I sent it back twice.
Someone please explain this “swiped a public sidewalk” for those of us not in the know…?
explaination is here: http://www.fullertonsfuture.org/2009/the-mysterious-case-of-the-disappearing-downtown-sidewalk/
merijoe, you should be ashamed of yourself for calling a police officer a “one eyed copper” You should have called him a “one eyed , MURDEROUS, copper” eh. I have NO respect for human kind that murders human kind.
His shameless plug at the end is hillarious.
“Gee, wonder why Tony lost it? I wasnt trying to be insulting when I told him I thought he was full of s**t and I spoke words so Tony could understand what I said-no so I could”
His commercial of the newest weasal piss on his menu at the end was precious
You go too, Fullerton Observer for printing this
I Ain’t A’ Swallerin’ All That!!!
” why wouldn’t they have called the Fullerton P.D., identified the person and had them arrested for assault?”
I think he has the order of actions and personnel reversed.
I know, I laughed out loud at that one, too. Why not, indeed?
People, it doesn’t matter how much we bitch and moan on here. What matters is that everyone who is a Fullerton resident who is also registered to vote signs the petitions and VOTES.
yes-but this shit is funny
Wasn’t Bushala a good guy?
Not if you’re a Dessicated Dinosaur.
I am ashamed to be Italian with all this goomba, dirty cop stuff going on…. My Momo would slap you in the face and tell a priest on you.
Gotta admit he sure knows Bushala well. 🙂
Hey O’ Malley are you Pomona Cops as bent as FPD?
Reality has a place in Newport and has orgies on a boat named “Pirate” … ask him how the Catalina Bucanneer thing went, he probably swapped boyfriends with the perv ex Fullerton cop living off our tax dollars.
Lol swapped boyfriends. Pirate. Brilliant. 🙂
take you 2 days to think of that one? who do you work for anyway?
That’s funny stuff!
Florentines sucks! Sky high prices and crappy second rate food that makes Norm’s look like Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse.
The mismanagement of the whole fiasco concerning the manner and in which Florentine was able to appropriate the exclusive use of public property STINKS. YEAH, it was finally settled with the city accepting about $7.00 a year for rent. This is an issue that really is in need of the bright sunlight.
Generally, I think the Planning Commission is as disgusting as the City Council.
The Chamber of Commerce is the common ground for discussion of possible controversial items that are anticipated to require City Council action. This is a way to circumvent the requirements of the open meeting law, aka; The Brown Act.
There are some more of these LONG TERM city contracts that need to opened to the sunlight.
Any contract with a term of more than 5 years should be subjected to an indepth audit with additional review for misrepresentation, undue influence, conflict of interest, kick backs, bribery and fraud.
Nothing funny about these expensive clowns that have purportedly to be in charge.
Large portions of bullshit ladled out to idiots who like their pabulum boring and insipid.
I’ve heard Bill Gillespie goes there every Tuesday “nite” for the early bird special.
I’ve never been there and don’t plan on it. I got a flyer in my junk mail for this place and felt nauseous just looking at the ad. Some overweight dad with his overweight kid stuffing greasy food in their faces. Vomit. Just what Fullerton needs, another slop house serving up heart attacks. I’ll pass.
Here’s a news flash — Tony Florentine is a big, loud-mouthed, self-righteous motherfucker who bullies his way around life. Heaven help those who disagree with him, the man has no tact whatsoever. I once saw him speak up at a council meeting, defending the infamous land grab in front of his son’s restaurant. Tony had nothing but contempt for anybody with a differing point of view. As a matter of fact, the only thing that came out of his mouth that night was a hot stinky steam, emanating from the huge fucking pile of shit that hibernates deep in his bowels on a daily basis. His organism creates it faster than it can physically be evacuated. That condition alone is bound to make anyone look like a supreme asshole.
Well said.
Or to put it more simply: he is full of shit.
“Tony Florentine is a big, loud-mouthed, self-righteous motherfucker who bullies his way around life”
Well that sums it up pretty succinctly.
I DO NOT UNDERSTAND. I really don’t understand the appeal of this place after hearing sooooooo much about it. It’s just a run down tacky ass club in a piss wafting alley that attracts mouth breathers in Affliction shirts and skanks in tube tops. Sure, they might play some decent tunes every now and then but I’d never be caught dead in this place.
For sure, Fedup and I will be at the John and Ken recall Rally on Wednesday. See everyone there.
Who took all the flushing levers off the commodes & urinals in city hall?
interesting, I just finished that book written by Pat McKinley “She Bear” I liked the safety tips in there but was quite aware this book was written by a huuuuuge hypocrite -if only he actually listened to himself and cared before hiring a one eyed copper and again if only he listened to himself and cared while in office things wouldnt be so fucked up in fullerton now.
I was struck by this paragraph on pg 61and thought about Kelly’s case and Ramos barking out orders one after another
“Reaction time is the one or two seconds it takes every human to process what is happening, develop a response and act. There is a lag time between when the brain perceives the need to stop and the time it takes to complete the physical action of moving…The rest of us require a few seconds to think and act”
Tony Florentine, you provoked Tony Bushala..I’ll WILL NEVER go to your restaurant!!!!!!!!!!!
It’s obvious that Tony Florentine specifically drove over to Smart and Final after hearing that Tony Bushala was manning a recall signature table. This was done for the sole reason of trying to bully Tony Bushala, and attempt to dissuade him from the recall effort.
Thank you Tony Bushala for not backing down and continuing forward with he recall effort. Fullerton needs more Tony’s like Tony Bushala, and less Tony’s like Tony Florentine.
Thank you for the link!
merijoe: You should be ashamed of yourself for calling a police officer a “one eyed copper.” That makes you just as bad as you perceive him to be. It shows you have no respect for human kind, and worse… no respect for yourself.
The one-eyed copper murdered someone. merijoe is simply pointing out the obvious. She “perceives” him to be bad? So does the DA, asswipe.
uhhhh, READ (if you can) my posting, the chief assjack HIRED a one eyed copper – I cant stand idiots who spout off without getting their fact right.
And Im not ashamed of anything I say as long as its truthful-troll.
Further Mckinley is a big fat hypocrite. he speaks in the book he wrote a couple of years ago about how he believes in resistance and fighting back
(I guess he measn unless you are resisting and fighting back one of his special fascist nazi’s)
What I think is hilarious is how all you fffers are so easily distracted! Not one of you morons have even mentioned that dirty hobos name! Bushala has all you puppets right where he wants you! Controlling your thoughts and now has you focused on his newest agenda! Morons!!!
Dirty hobo? Are you talking about Kelly Thomas or Dick Ackerman?
Which dirty hobo are you referring to?? there are three of them on city council.
Who the fuck are you calling a dirty hobo? you piece of shit my cat wouldnt piss on-you disgusting small penis’d or large vagina’d weasal -you are lower than the hunchback of notre dame with scolosis
and the only puppet is Goodnoccoio
oh yeah, you are a motherfucker and your were adopted
This whole thing is about Bushala, not Kelly Thomas! Ron Thomas thinks he is driving this bus and that everyone else are his passengers, along for the ride, when in reality Tony B. is using Ron Thomas, to use the City of Fullerton to use the D.A. to use the legal system to use the people of Orange County to sit on a jury so that the two officers will be acquitted and Tony can blame the Fullerton City Council and then he will have an excuse to get the recall going and hope people are too stupid to see what he is doing so he can get rid of the current members of the council so he can put his people in and then he will have all his agenda passed without him having to fight City Hall and …
Oh Heck, this is all so convoluted…
But you get the point!!!
Wow, he’s really crafty. Especially the parts where he got the FPD officers to commit egregious crimes, including killing a man. And getting the officers to repeatedly use excess force on victims, commit perjury by lying on their reports and under oath in court–that was a nice touch. He had to start this plot a long time ago, since we know that Rincon was molesting women as far back as 2008. So he is patient, too.
No the whole thing is a bout an army of thieving, lying, sexually assaulting, pickpocketing, beating, murdering cops.
Yes it’s a Culture of Corruption. And yes, it’s that simple.
Timeline. The recall will be done before the two officers’ trials. Your theory rests on the existence of time travel. Perhaps that’s the wormhole we’ve been hearing about?
Recall the 3 blind mice, we got the point, thanks hog man.
Hey! Porky Pig! I mean Culo, como caca, I just took a huge dump with corn and peanuts, I think you have a mouth to match this lovely dish! Pigs love corn!
Every cause needs someone to organize and to pass on information, if Tony Bushala has become the figurehead, along with Ron Thomas, of course, of Kelly’s Army, then so be it. I dont think any of us start off our day by chanting BU SHA LA over and over again, but this man has put himself out there in the pursuit of justice for K. Thomas and I would stand beside him any day against the likes of someone who refers to a mentally disabled murder victim as a ‘dirty hobo” I’ve heard it said that God knows whats in a mans heart…..
If this theory of yours is convuluted to you and you were the one that decerned it, it just looks like Bullshit to me, but you get the point!
Ha,ha,ha,ha, this guy sounds like one of those cheap scumbag car salesmen!!!
“By the way Vomithouse has a disgusting new value added menu with large portions of our shit we call food and a Thug & Hoe friendly atmosphere. Try it. You’ll regret it.”
I used language I knew you could understand and that described the condition and the content of said shithole eatery.
From the letter, regarding Tony Bushala:
“I greeted him, shook his hand, and told him I thought he was full of s**t, and that what he was doing to our City was BS.”
What is he doing to Fullerton, other than exposing the truth? Maybe he doesn’t like HIS boat/restaurant rocked.
“Whereupon he lost it and went berserk, which he is wont to do when one disagrees with him.”
What does he mean by berserk?
“Berserkers (or berserks) were Norse warriors who are reported in the Old Norse literature to have fought in a nearly uncontrollable, trance-like fury, a characteristic which later gave rise to the English word berserk.”
When it comes to corruption in government, the people must stand up. And if that means becoming a berserker, than so be it.
When it comes to corruption in government, the people must stand up. And if that means becoming a berserker, THEN so be it.
Hey Florentine, I want my sidewalk back!
Councilmembers who voted to give sidewalk away in 2003/4:
Don Bankhead
Heehaw Jones
Mike Clesceri
Leland Wilson
Shawn Nelson
It wasn’t their sidewalk to give away!!! GIVE IT BACK>>>>>! Mr. (self proclaimed) Fullerton!
And flush. We need a clean bowl.
I’ve lived in downtown Fullerton for 2 years and always wondered about that dangerous(for a senior citizen) narrow sidewalk. Now I know it’s just more corruption. Boycott Florentine’s-the food is not very good anyway.
Value added: that means load up the rubes on the filler starches and send ’em home bloated.
and extra scoop of value in every bite
Try our new Blue Cheese Bludgeon Burger with a side of Taser fries and trans fat dipping cancer sauce.
Mention “Mc-Dick-Head” and get 25% off your civil rights!
Sorry ‘Big Tony’; verdict is in. Your restaurant BLOWS and so do you. I’ll bet you SWALLOW too!
Florentine is a former school teacher and a failed at everything businessman, until a fire insurance settlement, a new wife with money and connections, and a hard working son showed up. Without them we are talking about a guy searching the sofa for quarters.
All you morons just keep proving my earlier point! Thanks fffers keep up the good work!
Wait a minute…I thought you were the “Morons”?Have you ever noticed that when you point the finger at another there are always three pointing right back at you? Didn’t think so. Carry on.
Keep up the fail Moran
And your name is? So what should we call you,, Moronica?
“By the way Vomithouse has a disgusting new value added menu with large portions of our shit we call food and a Thug & Hoe friendly atmosphere. Try it. You’ll regret it.”
Should be on the front of their menu.
Moron, Are you with us or still agin us?
Go to Florentine’s and have some lunch. While your there why don’t you take a nibble on ‘Big Tony’s’ hot dog special.
You think the Kelly Thomas case was unjustified homicide, just wait til the hose nozzle case hits the news! this case is really bad too!
oh you mean the long beach one ? holy shit whats taking so long?
John and Ken mention the hose nozzle police murder now and then. They said they were going to look into it, but so far, nothing.
They’ve been busy with Sacramento and Michael Jackson stuff, which is understandable. It IS KFI, after all. They paint the airwaves with a broad brush, which is why we love them.
My mom listened to KFI when she was packing my lunch and I was waking up for grade school in Glendora back in the 60’s.
Question: I know the Slide Bar and Florentine’s are off limits forever, but is there a list of Fullerton restaurants that aren’t in the sack with Cornpone Jones and his band of boneheads?
We’re up there all the time and I don’t want to be caught innocently and stupidly fraternizing with the enemy. You guys would never forgive me.
My girlfriend and I stopped in at The Matador for brunch one Sunday (BKT — Before Kelly Thomas) and had the best Eggs Benedict ever. Great meal, great cocktails. It was great! Pretty impressive for the early Sunday crew. We’d like to be regulars, but we don’t know the skinny re: their relationship with Cornpone and his out-of-control PD.
When you guys go out to eat in Fullerton, where do you go?
A & V’s old school Fullerton.. I miss Spadra though… Personally,, Georges these days , who can afford a $17 plate at Bourbon Street? And the jackasses who hang out there sadly overshadow the good food there and make the dining experience suck…..
And don’t forget to boycott the Slimebar while you’re at it!
@SDLocal: I’ve been told the owner of Florentine’s also owns the Tuscany Club and possibly a third establishment. Can anyone confirm this? I would also like to know as all connected businesses are off limits for me as well.
Florentines, Tuscany and Palapa. One alcohol license for three bars, all connected to the same kitchen, and no restrooms in Palapa, gotta go next door to Florentines or Tuscany. What a scam.
Yes, the one next door , Palapas?
Say, how did the Melody Inn burn down? And before that how did the tree mysteriously die out front?
I personally saw a pile of sawdust on the floor just outside the back door the night the Melody burnt down. Someone was inside the place on scaffolding. True story!
Who let this happen? 1 booze license for 3 bars? And a sidewalk! Who else gets that deal? Heroes and Roscoes have individual licenses, as does every other bar in DTF.
BTW, have you ever seen Florentines on a weekend night? The front doors are locked, it’s packed with college kids, dark as f*** and only one exit in the back. That place is a potential firetrap. Like the Melody Inn.
Lets get Great White to play there!
I cant wait till the recall fails and the cops are found not guilty….
We’ll see about that.
I can’t wait till the recall succeeds just to watch all the cockroaches scurry.
Me too so I can laugh my ass off and watch these cop lickers cry like little bitches.
only need 1 person to have reasonable doubt…and not sure if you have done research on who the cops attorney is….you may want to look at his track record
Case History
People vs. B
Officer for the Los Angeles Police Department charged with Assault with a Deadly Weapon upon Rodney King.
~ Jury Trial/Not Guilty
People vs. C
Fireman charged with 1st degree murder.
~ Jury Trial/Not Guilty
People vs. H
Police Officer charged with sexual assault against 9 separate women.
~ Jury Trial/Not Guilty All Charges
People vs. M
Defendant charged with special circumstance double murder and robbery.
~ Jury Trial/Not Guilty
People vs. P
Defendant charged with murder of her husband’s mistress and her 6-month-old baby.
~ Jury Trial/Hung Jury; Plea to Time Served and Released from Custody
USA vs. M
Marine Captain charged with homicide at Camp Pendleton.
~ Military Jury Trial/Not Guilty
People vs. G
Defendant charged with Conspiracy to Commit Mayhem against the daughter of John Wayne.
~Jury Trial/Hung Jury
People vs. T
School teacher accused of child molestation.
~ Jury Trial/Not Guilty
People vs. S
Defendant charged with special circumstance murder. Death Penalty case involving a full confession that was admitted into evidence.
~ Jury Trial/Hung Jury
People vs. G
Defendant charged with rape.
~Jury Trial/Not Guilty
People vs. J.R.M.
Pilot charged with possession of a firearm at the airport.
~ Jury Trial/Not Guilty
People vs. I
Los Angeles Police Officer charged with murder
~ Jury Trial/Hung Jury; Case Dismissed
People vs. M
Husband and Wife charged with several counts of child abuse
~ Jury Trial/Hung Jury; Case Dismissed
People vs. E
Riverside County Deputy Sheriff accused of 15 counts of child molestation.
~ Jury Trial/Not Guilty
People vs. M
Highly televised involving Inglewood Police Officer charged with Assault under Color of Authority.
~Two Jury Trials/Both resulted in Hung Jury; Case Dismissed
People vs. J
Police Officer charged with 6 counts of child molestation.
~Jury Trial/Mistrial; Case Dismissed with Prejudice due to DA misconduct
People vs. R
Defendant charged with prostitution.
~Jury Trial/Not Guilty
People vs. N
Riverside Police Officer charged with Assault with a Deadly Weapon and Use/Exhibition of a Firearm.
~Jury Trial/Not Guilty
People vs. T
Defendant charged with Vehicular Manslaughter.
~Jury Trial/Hung Jury; Dismissal
People vs. A
Attorney charged with Sexual Battery.
~Jury Trial/Not Guilty
Shouldnt be hard to create resonable doubt when these cops fought a convicted schizo homeless asshole, who by the way was also a convicted felon. I think good old Orange County will probably support the cops…
Wow. I knew he was good but didn’t know he was that good. Crazy.
You may be right. Fortunately those pigs are finished as cops.
Homeless asshole? You talking about Ramos?
You really just can’t get past that these cops killed a man for nothing more then sitting on a bench can you? Don’t trip copsucker I know plenty of your partners are headed to the “Special Needs Yard”,know what I’m sayin’ jack? They know whats up and so do you.
Amen. 2 are going to trial and the jury will decide that fate. I don’t know anyone else going to any special needs yards. Is a special needs yard a jail? Other than that, all is normal and unchanged. Maybe you were talking to FPD Rocks.
It was directed at FPD Rocks, RI,your ok with me.
I remember when that shit went down, about this prick stealing Fullertons sidewalk. That pussy friend of his, Mike Clesceri was “mayor” and in public comments, actually told Florenfuck “Don’t worry, Tony, nobody is taking your restaurant away from you”.. before public comments was half over!!! The fix was already in, Florenfuck was able to keep Fullerton’s sidewalk for ONE DOLLAR A YEAR!!! Fuck him, Fuck his nasty food and Fuck his desperate deals..Notice on the flyer–15% tax added on BEFORE discount!!! WTF? whoever takes this “deal” is an idiot that would eat leftover Las Vegas Buffet food, which is what it probably is..
Don’t forget Paul Dudfuck’s (aka “Dudley”) role in this mess too. How did so many slime buckets get to running this town?
Years ago, maybe 15 to 20?, I went to a Fullerton PD party as a guest of the band for a fund raiser for a good cause. I won the one of the big prizes and gave it to the lady who organized the whole thing for her hard work! So I had a nice feeling about the Fullerton PD at that time. Then something happened, “Chief” McKinley arrived on the scene and the whole place seemed to go to shit.
From what I see and hear now, NO ONE from Fullerton PD has spoken against either Cyclops or Ramos or a fellow officer with 10 sexual predator type complaints the latest of which cost the city a mere $500,000. And McKinley says its the fault of Kelly’s army, normally these low class girls that are molested get $10,000.
I will never again support anything at Fullerton PD because NOT ONE policeman has come forward to tell the truth. When I see ONE policeman come forward with the truth, I will once again support their PD. Its a very sad situation all around.
A little bird told me something is brewing with the Flo mob.
Yup. Makes ignoring the fire code and stealing a sidewalk look good!