FPD Releases Sketch
On Thursday the Fullerton Police Department released a sketch of a sexual assault suspect, according to the Register, here.
The attack occurred on October 12th, on Berkeley, near FJC, one month earlier. A little late. Still, not bad for Andrew Goodrich, who inexplicably (or perfectly explicable if you believe in the FPD Culture of Corruption) remains the face of Fullerton on police matters.

Naturally some of the commenters on the ensuing thread wonder aloud when the Goodrich & Co. are going to release the image of former FPD cop Albert Rincon, who sexually assaulted women in the back seat of his patrol car, with the full knowledge of his superiors in the department.
Oh, that’s right. Former police chief, city councilman and current recall target Pat McKinley has explained all: “it’s just touching. Not a good thing, but not a dangerous thing.” So despite a $350,000 settlement (to date) Rincon is not really a danger to anybody.

But if that sets the bar for behavior then it looks like their suspect falls well withing the bounds of propriety established by McKinley.
Kimber~You have no idea what you just said is so true..
Yesterday someone asked about the Rincon settlement agreement….
Here it is: http://www.fullertonsfuture.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/Bode-Nastasi-Settlement-Agreement.pdf
FFFF, how about a special post on the settlement?
Looks like a concrete example of McKinley sweeping his trash under the rug.
The missing paragraph should state that the settlement monies should be paid out of the pension plan of both police officers and their hiring chief, Pat McPension.
Won’t happen. People are so shocked that people who commit a crime still get pensions. I just heard about the Penn State mess and now the big talk is how they are all still receiving their pensions. REally? They haven’t even been arraigned yet and they want their pensions. Just clear examples of why pensions can’t be touched, even if you commit a crime.
If you haven’t done so already, open up that settlement document and find the two places where it says “The City shall pay..”, you can just hear the vacuum of money being sucked out of the taxpayer coffers. Then scroll down and look at those signatures (Rincon, Felz). It really hits home when you see that shit. How do these people sleep at night?
How do these people sleep at night?…They don’t sleep at night, they sleep on duty! Goodlick has been known to even run and hide when a shot’s fired call comes out (when he wasn’t warming up the comfy chair he sits in now). Talk about a waste of taxpayer dollars.
kimber cdp ultra II – An excellent choice!
Foolerton is a waste of space in Orange County.. The city needs to be leveled starting at Highland and Commonwealth..
Consider the following: Cypress, Irvine, Newport, San Juan Capistrano.
Hey! Wait a minute! That’s my hood.
hmmm…. Lets start with your house then work are way out from there. It may be we won’t have to level the whole city 😉
longtime fullertononer, There is no corruption at my house as there is at the corner of Highland and Commonweath…
I guess I got a little carried away…. I just am not ready to see the city leveled .. 🙁
FPD gone wild!
Moi has excellent taste in her weapons!
Hey Erin if you don’t like it here why don’t you leave! I am sure you won’t be missed! Have a good weekend! 🙂
Asshole! Come up with your own name, bee-yahtch!
Oh I’ll me missed.. So STFU CackleFOOL.. At least I own a home in Fullerton…
and teeth
Like I’ve said before, “There’s the right way and then there’s the Fullerton way”….
It appears this you tube video has resulted in an internal investigation by the West Covina Police Department. I just watched in on Channel 11 news.
The two police cars are from the WCPD and so are the unifroms used in this. I noticed some shoulder patches covered up with stripes so you can’t see the actual department logo.
Allegations also include whether blank ammunition was used in this or live ammunition.
Seems the power to be in West Coving don’t think this video is funny.
Another scandal on the horizon for some brainless cops.
This is all due to affirmative action and our dumbed down public educational systems. We are getting the dregs of society in our law enforcement.
Those are not real guns. Look like airsoft, some appear to be Desert Eagle clones. Most cops carry a Glock or a Sig. I prefer my 1911 Officer .45, but I do like my Sig too.
I like the Glock as well as the 1911 .45. I like the look of the Kimber. Fine art with a trigger!
I wouldn’t want to be on the business end of any of these!
Well, I personally don’t care what cops carry. GLOCKS ARE POS! KIMBER MAKES BEAUTIFUL WEAPONS, A .45 IS A .45!
I wholeheartedly concur!
Sounds like these imbecilic lametards were firing live rounds. Wonder if they falling rounds hit anyone?
Now they’re talking about the muzzle flashes from the West Covina coppers weapons. Look carefully at video you can see them. What a bunch of fucking retards these cops are!
Guess I’m back to being fedup, kimber is napping.
Kimber makes some really nice weapons. Have you seen the Solo? They are supposed to be hard to get your hands on. I love my S/W’s too!
Goodrich strikes me as the chicken/weasely type cop that would quickly drive the other way in the event of a bank robbery hold-up. He’d be too afraid to go against ‘bad guys with guns’.
WHat an overstuffed wuss.
He doesn’t want to look like Cicinelli…
That’s tellin’ her CackleFoos. I’m assuming it’s a her since you referred to her as bee-yahtch. LOL
It’s probably a neutered male, Wrong Guy. But the characterization still works! lol!
Wrong, in this day and age being called a beeeyatch can be gender neutral…applies to all” sexes”.
I wasn’t referring to its gender when I called it a bee-yahtch, I was describing its personality — it’s still a bee-yahtch regardless of what is or isn’t lurking in its crotch.
I see below another one has popped up begging for attention. Must be ADD in the orphanage water.
School is out – it’s a SNERT (aka snot-nosed educationally remediated teenager)
LOL! Gawd it’s good to not still be a teenager! I don’t get the music … : (
Ah, yes! Another interesting trait of the Goodrichus titanicus is its voracious sexual appetite. There are reports of the creature attempting to mount animals twice its size and outside its species.
Caution must be exercised when in the presence of Goodrichus titanicus as any sudden movement or noise can trigger a sexual onslaught.
Man you ffffers are truly incompetent morons! You get distracted so easly I think it’s hilarious! One guy mentions guns and the next thing you know you ffffers are rambling about guns!!!! I love how you have all lost your way! I bet you morons don’t even remember why you first started posting! Haha
CackleFOOL~Chinga a tu madre..
Just passing the time away until the trial is over and Sissy and Ham-os are locked up where they belong. Guns dont kill people, one-eyed cops do.
OOhhhh noooo… sorry for the digression, mate!!
OOhhhh noooo… sorry for the digression, mate!!
Anyone for a discussion on cameras or fly fishing?
Sure, which one first? LOL bet the know it all’s will come-on and blather somemore…they don’t want to talk about fishing wahhhhhh!
Goodbar on duty!
We remember. It’s because of people like you.
Chinga a tu madre CackleFOOL
(pssst! Erin, what’s that mean?!)
Look it up Foos…
They have to life, just each other..loosers!!
Vete y chinga a tu madre CackleFOOL
Erin, here’s a joke CackleFool won’t get, but I know you will.
Q: What do you call an Amish man with his arm up a horse’s ass?
A: A mechanic. lol!
Not sure what that means, but LOL!!!
Think about it, One for the books. lol! A Mennonite told me that one.
Maybe this will help:
Amish video?
Actually, my post ended up under the wrong place. Should have went under Erin’s.
Erin no preste atencion a los que son de abajo. No somos asi.
Exactamente, son las ovejas y no saber de lo que hacen.
I for one remember starting to blog here over what happened to Kelly. Lock n load you dirt clod!
Right on, fedupwithmorons – me, too! The only reason I can see they would come over here is to show solidarity with the corrupt boobs. Or because they hope one of the boobs might perchance cast a glance their way and nod approvingly.
It’s the “wink n nod” approach to covering up corruption and misconduct.
Yeah! Taking 40 winks and nodding off while Fullerton skids into bankruptcy.
Stay anonymous until you learn how to use the english language.
Yeah, what the ‘f’ did that mean?
Good question Wrong! Damned GED coppers!
yes!! the GED word. I’ve missed that word the last few months. 🙂
They can’t write, play fair, understand logic, be honest, get away with murder, get away with groping, get away with stealing, etc.
Did I miss anything Fedup?
Not that I can see Wrong, I’ll get back to you if I think of something to add. Lololol!
Sounds like the USA majority in the year 2011. LOL
So………..Goodrich now just thought it necessary to expose a sex crime- that was probably pretty relevant info we ladies would have liked of had. So you gave this criminal that has assaulted women a month head start? My lord Andrew, what do you do the other 39 hours a week, I mean beside trollin in here. Gee, makes you wonder why my pals and I think its kookoo whats goin on over there. Did you not read the report from the judge? whats wrong with asking the publics, help- I know your showing up in the ninth with some beer and nachos, but come on- lets hope you find it, in whats left of the meager bit of integrity that you own Andrew, and give all of us a picture of Rincon. Anyone in here, no matter what side- knows its the right thing to do. You stupid fat goober.
You stupid fat goober. hahahaha… I’m not as nice.. He’s a stupid fat donut eating faker..
Goodrich -He is not stupid. His base salary is $125,000 per year with generous benefits and pension. His only cost outlay is for donuts! He needs no bullets in his new job and he uses his old belt which he let out a few notches (nachos?) in the past year or so.
Tuco knows. Smart man. 🙂
For the record, Iw as no where near fullerton.
Geez willakers, this is an awful story-if only the victim, woulda taken the she bear classes…..this woulda never happened.
Does anyone who posts here, or even admin know what Rincon looks like?
Does that sketch resemble him at all?
Just wondering why it took FPD nearly a month to produce the information publicly.
Just thought Rincon may have gone on a stalking rampage after being dismissed from FPD and that’s why they gave him a month head-start.
Seems like they would be that brazen and stupid.
Rincon looks like a weasel…that could very definitely be him. Bwwaaashhh!
Lets drive the moron GED cops something to whine about! Lets talk about guns,cameras,books,forensic science, anything to make them crazier than they already are!
Goodlie is a green goober!
I think the talk about video cameras by itself would make them crazy.
I used to work in retail security, and operated store cameras…amazing the things that go on under your nose.
Speaking of which, did you ever catch one picking their nose?
Wrong, its hard to catch them with fingers up the nose porthole, when their heads are up their anal porthole.
Check this out:
fpd needs those guns
While we are on the subject of Rincon, it has been over a month since the Notice of Intent was filed.
I am the hoping the delay in implementation of the Notice is because Rincon’s union opposes it; maybe a hearing is scheduled on the matter.
Anyone with a update on this situation?
Skelly takes about month to conduct, and then the hearing person has to make their decision. Usually about 2 months to hear. They get paid that whole time as you know. 🙂
If you ever have a creepiest guy in Fullerton contest, my vote will be for McKinley. There is just something really scary about that creep.
Vw, I met R. Lee a few years ago, one of the nicest people around. Have my pic taken with him to remember the event.
Awesome! I love meeting celebs that are down to earth, they are the only ones that get my respect.
Where’s Merijoe lately?
Hopefully she got the hint that her posts where pointless and wasted everyone’s time!!! Or that like this whole issue like Kelly Thomas it’s dead!!! Time to move on morons!!!!
Dont’t know. I’ll send her an FB message.
Before they are convicted and sent off to prison, can we send Ramos and Cicinelli out to Pennsylvania to take care of this matter?
Just remember, Conrad Murray just showed what Cicinelli could get. Less than a year, and it’s county jail. Don’t get your hopes up yet.
I think we should send the entire department.
Kill two birds with on stone!!
What do two Joes have in common? Joe Felz and Joe Paterno both were concerned for the greater liabily of the instutions they work (worked) for. Joe Paterno said,…. “A tragedy occurred, and we all have to have patience to let the legal process proceed…..This university is a large and complex institution, I have always acted honorably and in the best interest of the university….
IN the case of fullerton the Joe Felz, city manager, who was looking out for the best interest of our city advised his constituents to keep quiet on the unfortunate “incident” in order to protect the greater liability of the city. Is it ok to keep it quiet and play down the casualtys in both of these cases in order to protect the greater cause?……Unfortunatly, the original problem would never be corrected. and its certainly not fair(putting it mildly) to the victims and the family and also the community at large.
Thanks for the comment. There is an excellent essay in the WSJ today on the theme that I am going to post about.
Is there a way to block that grinning Goodrich photo at the top? I feel like I need to take a shower every time I open this page.
I feel your pain, brother. Looking at that smug, bent GED mug is trying. But it’s good pain. It will make you stronger.
The only thing getting stronger around here is the smell of pigsh*t. Hogzilla returns!
Oink. 🙂
Sticks and stones may break my bones but dumb shits will never hurt me..you loosers!!
2muchface, why don’t you just not log on to this waste of a blog! Really what a waste of a poste! Really????
Just who the hell do you think you are, you pompous ass?! Get the fuck out of my space! Really!!!
Plus I make a hell of alot more money that you rejects do..jealous????
I am such a sorry piece of shit. I raped my brother, shot my dog through the head, and now I’m having urges to walk out in the street naked. Help me!!!
Colin Powell says Occupy Wall Street movement is “as American as apple pie.”
Looks like the popular sentiment is against tyranny in black uniforms and with freedom in dirty blue jeans.
all little bitches,
the street lights are on go back home and hug your teddy
Now I know I’m getting to you retarded ffffers when you take my screen name and use it!!! I love how angry you get!! Keep up the good work morons! Haha
Go choke on a donut, asshole. If anyone knows about taking someone’s screen name, it’s YOU!
Hope you like your next job as dirt inspector.
Es usted realmente que gran parte dentro de ti CackleFOOL
Go ahead and gloat, cop-o-crap — your day of reckoning is almost upon you. What happened to Kelly Thomas is only a sampling of what’s going to happen to you. Lovin’ It!
Attention Room: CackleFOOL is a LEO in the room inciting mischief. Lock’n’load!
Keep your day job, buddy! You FAIL at stand up comedy!
It’s pathetic when cops act like children. The West Covina cop video is a perfect metaphor for the current state of law enforcement: self-indulgent, arrogant swaggering assholes with the mentality of a pubescent moron who recently discovered ejaculation.
Guess they’re going to have to learn the hard way the meaning of “What goes around, comes around.”
LOL you know none of those guys are cops right? Good try though.
Spoken like the ‘Creepy Little Bastard’ Pat McKinley himself.
“I make a hell of a lot more money than (not that, asshat) you rejects do….jealous?????
You bet we are Mr. She Bear. LOL
Oh but I bet whips and chains will… 😀
Someone needs to follow that old coot around and see what he spends his days doing. That Penn State scandal is creeping me out!
I so agree whole-heartedly Cackle….
That SO depicts the ‘Mightier than Thou’ attitude of many LEOs these days. I notice when you get 3 or more male officers together, they go into that ‘bully’ mode, just like on that video. My experiences one-on-one with LEOs has usually been pleasant.
One-on-one my experiences have been mostly pleasant, too, Wrong Guy. But then again they usually put on that Officer Friendly disposition when they’re dealing with the public.
I suppose Freudian slips will now have to include media like the disgraceful West Covina video – under the guise of humor, it unintentionally telegraphed their true contempt for civilians.
Interesting statement Wrong Guy. Maybe that’s why I don’t hang out with cops. Hmmmmm.
God help me,I just want to smack the shit out of Goodbitches face….he has that “I’m a punk bitch” look about him!!!
Notice the squinting eyes, the smirking lips – almost pulled into a sneer. It wouldn’t take much to change that sneer into a rictus! (*gasp!*)
What’sa matter boys? Having trouble finding a judge to sign a warrant this early in the morning? You’ll notice I said “wouldn’t take much” as opposed to “I’m going to.” I was merely stating that visually there is a very fine line between a smirk and a rictus.
You need to go into another line of work – your hilariously obvious attempts at entrapment are the stuff movies are made of. Like “Police Acadamy.”
Para aquellos de ustedes que son amantes de la policía, por qué no lanzar una gran fiesta para el pedazo de mierda y sus armas de fuego juntos. Asegúrese de que atienden en los donuts.
Yeah, what Erin said!! And double from me! (snicker!)
As shocking as the Penn State scandal is, it’s only the latest in a long line of pedophile sex scandals operating at the highest levels of government.
During the 1980s a prominent and very powerful political operative named Lawrence King was procuring children from Boys Town in Omaha, Nebraska. Clients of the pedophile ring included highly-placed Pentagon officers, members of Congress, and even people associated with the White House.
A documentary exposing the pedophile ring was filmed and set to air on the Discovery Channel, but was yanked just days before broadcast.
The coverup of one of the most horrific episodes of pedophilia in this country’s history continues to this day.
Here’s a rough version of the documentary, literally saved from the cutting room floor, and available on YouTube.
Erin go back to Mexico we speak English in this country! Oh but you are probably in line for your WIC and food stamps and unemployment! Cackle you can join her Mexican ass too!
Hey, GED, do you find the idea of a foreign language intellectually frightening?
That guy speaks “alien.”
I suppose CackleFOOL should be given a little slack. His mommy was that woman in Tijuana who would let the donkey mount her.
His daddy was the donkey.
how about the sketches of the rogue cops in the dept? i want to see those too!
Fullerton politicans and cops are disgrace to America.
Fullerton great post you f’n moron!!!
Okee dokee….. What about the sketch? What about the friggin sketch? Can we talk about the sketch being released a month later? Reality Is, would love to hear your take on that.
You have to remember that Goodrich is just the Press Information Officer, part time. He just says or does what the Chief and the bosses tell him too. That’s it.
Sketch artists take time. There is a big delay in just getting them in to talk to the victim. You can’t just get the victim in the next day due to the trauma. They try, but sometimes it just doesn’t happen. The case is usually investigated, leads followed, cameras identified, victim interviewed, witnesses interviewed, and if all plays out good then a sketch artist is located and an appointment is made. They are expensive and it takes a good amount of time. For obvious reasons, they aren’t used on every case. So those are the factors I normally see on a delay such as this. Sketches aren’t usually used for instances of one victim either. You see them more on serial cases where the suspect hits over and over in a geographical area.
Anyways, hard to know for sure what the month entailed. Sometimes it’s as simple as that was the first time the victim could sit down with one and go over the details with a sketch artist.
I saw this doc. last week. It made me sick. I can not even begin to know how deep this child slavery ring goes. At this point I would not be surprised if a few certain city council members were involved. Just sayin’.
The Penn State thing is now a government operation?
The whole Penn State thing sucks. I feel bad for Joe Paterno. The others screwed up bad. If Joe had seen what happened, reported as he did, and it was a slap on the wrist, that’s different. Who knows the whole story. I know reading the filing it was sick and that dude needs to be hung.