18 Replies to “FSD Trustee on the Air”

  1. Did Thompson forget to tell KFI he gets taxpayer funded healthcare for doing a part time job? Guess that slipped his mind. It’s about $25K a year right, along with a pension?

    1. I’m not Chris, but I’ll be happy to answer your question.

      Teachers are priceless and should make a million-billion dollars each.

      Since we don’t have a million-billion dollars, we should probably determine the required qualifications for good teachers and set the price based on the supply of available teachers who meet those requirements.

      Or we could just let the unions ream us all.

  2. I agree we should get rid of bad teachers, they’re not only a drain on our resources, but they can have a long-reaching negative impact on kids.

    But how do you find out who they are? I hear an awful lot of complaining, but nobody’s really come up with a way to identify a “low-performing” teacher. What exactly does that mean? Do you just look at student test scores? That’s only legitimate up to a point; there are so many variables and it forces teachers to teach to the test, which can suck the life out of education.

    Tests are significant, but they’re not the bottom line. That kind of thinking has brought us to where we are now, where kids spend too much time preparing for standardized tests, pushing other aspects of a complete education (e.g., art, music, reading for fun, PE, etc.) out the window. I don’t know what the answer is, but I’ve yet to hear anyone come up with a realistic way to conclusively identify “bad teachers.”

    1. Every boss knows if and when he has a poorly performing employee. So why don’t principals have the ability to follow improvement/termination proceedures?

      Answer: Union policies.

      1. Again — what is meant by a “poorly performing employee?” What’s being measured there? And how does the principal “know?”

    2. “I hear an awful lot of complaining, but nobody’s really come up with a way to identify a “low-performing” teacher.”

      And what does that tell you about the utterly failed state of Educracy. They either can’t come up with a way to judge teacher performance, or they have refused to try.

      In either case its a stinging indictment of all those phony EdD bastards out there calling themselves “Doctor So-and-So.”

      Their inevitable solution? Pitch more money into a vastly expensive enterprise that still hasn’t discovered a way to assess its employees.

      UTTER FAILURE 101!!!!!

      1. I see… So all we have to do is get rid of bad teachers! Why didn’t you guys just say so in the first place?

  3. Since no one seems to be able to answer the question I will ask again. HOW MUCH DO YOU THINK TEACHER’S SHOULD MAKE? Give a number. Amazing how Chris or any of the anonymous clowns can’t answer that question.

    1. I already told you how to figure out how much teachers should make. I’m not sure why you’re demanding a single number. That seems like a simple-minded approach.

  4. heyba manba. Iba didn’tba knowba thatba bushalaba hadba anyba englishba skillsba.

    Iba needba someba weedba.

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