Fullerton Recall Meeting This Wednesday
If you are a Registered Fullerton Voter then YOU are absolutely the KEY to this recall. You are the only people qualified as legal “signature gatherers” who can sign the bottom of our petitions. You will be the team that takes down McKinley, Jones and Bankhead for their lack of leadership and transparency leading to and following the death of Kelly Thomas.
If you are available to do any signature gathering, we would like to ask you to attend a meeting this Wednesday, August 31st, 7:00PM in the church located at 112 E. Walnut Ave., Fullerton, CA 92832. There is plenty of public parking adjacent to the South side of the railroad tracks across from the train station. Walnut Street is accessible via Lemon or Highland, but not Harbor. Food and refreshments will be provided, so feel free to come hungry.

At this meeting, we will be doing the following:
- Identifying leadership for signature gathering teams and even for other roles in this campaign
- Initial signature gathering training
- Summary of all of our excellent reasons for recall which should appeal to the left, right center, libertarian and anyone else who advocates for honest, transparent government.
- Showing off our Signature Team Stations
The petitions have been filed with the City of Fullerton and we are awaiting approval. Our best guess is that we are one to two weeks away from receiving the go ahead from the city to begin signature gathering.
Please RSVP to chris@fullertonrecall.com.
and if you need to check your registered voter status, go to:
Thanks Praying!
Shawn Nelson hired Chief Sellers, That bad decision needs to cost Nelson his job. Send a message to all elected, you can’t dump on us taxpayers and run.
Recall Shawn Nelson too!
Shawn, SHAME ON YOU for allowing Chief Sellers to suck on you, as a favor to become C.O.P. for our beautiful city, which your Bozos are trying to turn into Bagdad. We WILL recall your incompetent corrupt ‘heinie’.
On paper Sellers is the perfect chief…I mean WAS until McPensions boys killed Kelly.
Loved that post.
#389 by Fullerton Stories on August 28, 2011
New Witness In Thomas Case Defends the Police!!!
Tony we need to do a better job of screening, the bloggers do not need to see this kind of propaganda.
I beleive the video on the Public Bus! Un-scripted and authentic to what happened. THOSE PASSANGERS WERE TRAUMETIZED!
Correct, you’ve got the exact point.
The OCTA bus video showed IMMEDIATE reactions from a variety of people who didn’t know they were being taped..
Very little time had passed so it was a fresh account of what each had seen.
It’s going on almost two months and NOW these others show up “claiming” to be witnesses but with differing accounts.
You know what, I’ve changed my mind.
Whoever said this guy was paid off in exchange for rambling on about his opinions might be right. Nothing like some free booze to grease the wheels of injustice.
Really depends on what the bus people say they saw in their interviews. Their reactions were clear, but what they actually saw is key. Reactions alone won’t convict anyone.
Disregard that, I suck cocks.
I heard the Slide Bar gave this guy a bar tab to film the video.
And sum pigs feet?
Although unverified, that sounds more believable than Fritschie’s ‘testimony.
My opinion, for what it’s worth is you should not censure that link. Allow people to make up their own minds. If you try and control the information you are no different than the FPS and DA’s office. jmho
Besides, “Fritschie said he knows many people will disagree with his account of the arrest…
“I’m entitled to my opinion. People say it’s radical. That’s what I drew from what I saw,” Fritschie said.
And you are concerned someone might believe this self-serving joke?
Maintain your own integrity. Allow it to stand.
Sorry: censor
So how did the idiots at Fullerton Stories (owner a Chamber of Commerce/City bootlick) get in touch with this clown. Any doubts? GOODRICH.
#8 – Goodrich is a pussy cop who got his a$$ kicked in will to survive in the police academy. Curled up into a fetal position and was wailing like a girl (sorry ladies, no disrespect intended). This ‘cop’ wouldn’t answer his calls for service and would watch is dvd’s on his laptop if a shots fired call came out. Cheater, chicken, sgt. Goodrich, at least he’s not a murderer right???
You will learn in court if it gets there that he came forward. No police contact. My guess is this guy will be long gone if a trial comes though.
This man is clearly an undercover cop or has been paid by the cops to say this bullshit. Fred Alcazar thinks the cops allow this man to sell his goods in exchange for his interview I don’t know but he clearly did not like Kelly Thomas. I have never seen him before its for this reason i think he’s a cop. I spend a lot of my free time train watching an know a lot of the homeless in the area.
As many people have said before, there is much more to the story. I know conspiracy and coverup. There are numerous witnesses saying what actually occurred, and not what you guys are hoping occurred. Too late for you to persuade this witness into following your plan. Reality is hard to beat sometimes.
This so called witness was hardly credible, if he was there at all.As the interviewer even said in the video, he gave more opinions then a factual account.
The one supposedly “factual” thing he said I found interesting was that the cops talked to Kelly for “a couple of minutes” and then Kelly ran.
The other recent guy claiming to be a witness said “the cops were talking to him for about 20 minutes, yeah EASILY 20 minutes”.
So who’s lying? Who has the facts wrong? Seems like both.
The only action he spoke of on Kelly’s part was swinging his head back and forth and an arm under his body. If he’s in pain, its natural for him to resist. If he’s being beaten, its natural for him to resist.
I don’t necessarily believe this guy was paid off but doesn’t matter, he was loopy as all get out. If this is their best witness for the defense, they’re in big trouble.
Simple solution, release the city video, in its entirety, and unaltered.
This was only one witness. Couldn’t provide alot but could provide some key things. There are many more that saw other angles and points of the fight. This with the video and reports is what the DA will piece together. Obvious. Then if charges are filed they will all be our put thru a major wringer on the stand, both for and against. 150 witnesses and everything else. Long process. I don’t think this blog will be happy with the result though.
“This was only one witness. Couldn’t provide alot but could provide some key things…”
Key things? Doubtful.
“There are many more that saw other angles and points of the fight. This with the video and reports is what the DA will piece together. Obvious. Then if charges are filed they will all be our put thru a major wringer on the stand, both for and against. 150 witnesses and everything else. Long process…”
Look, I don’t mess with your smiley face trademark. Leave my arguments to me. As for the DA? BS. He’s the one running the coverup. Different story when the Feds go to trial.
“I don’t think this blog will be happy with the result though.”
Again, BS and propaganda. You are trying to influence the outcome of public opinion. It is public opinion that will insure justice in this case, not the DA.
I take up the pooper.
Relying on a schizo homeless jewelry seller? Arf!
I wonder what kind of jewelry that guy sells. Beer bottle caps strung on dental floss?
Reality Is, you really need to show up to your shrink appointments.. How long has it been? Your ‘no-show’ fees must be out the roof. I can work with you and guide your ‘lame-ass’ to true reality. God gave us all two ears, two eyes and one mouth. You must use them accordingly.
I’ve seen alot in my time but no shrink yet. Thanks for the offer though. 🙂
This is a great idea to bring the police department to it’s knees. I talked to a cop the other day and he told me there were 6 cops working the streets at any given time. If we told everyone to file formal complaints the cops would spend more time investigating those complaints and less time writing my kids and yours bullshit speeding tickets.
#316 by David T. on August 26, 2011
The best thing to do to keep the police in check is to file complaints. The leaders in our community were fed up with the LAPD stopping and searching our community all times day and night. The way we solved this problem was to file complaints. Let anyone you know that when they get stopped by the police for any reason they need to file a formal complaint. The best thing to complain about is the officers attitude or a violation of civil rights for the stop by the police. Don’t belive it if the desk Sgt. tells you its against the law to file a false police report….It is not against the law and is in fact a right to complain about any cop you run up against.
In LA the cops can’t promote if they have complaints being investigated. The complaints take so long to investigate because there are so many complaints. Sooner or later the cops will stop doing anything that might generate a complaint. The cops will quickly learn your community is not worth messing with.
Stand up before its too late!!
Yea great idea. I just called the desk and left a msg to detective dept to alert them what you are planning….thanks!:)
Internal affairs handles those. Doesn’t matter how many you file, the cops still do their jobs that are assigned to patrol. Your complaints are handled by priority by the same IA personnel.
Now where all da white womin at?
“In LA the cops can’t promote if they have complaints being investigated. The complaints take so long to investigate because there are so many complaints.”
And that is how we ended up with a bunch of ex-LAPD goons at FPD!
Entirely possible. If they did get a bunch of founded complaints, they may have thought their career was over at LAPD and bailed. Never know. A cop with a big jacket doesnt get hired much these days though. Too many good cops to choose from.
Wish I could sign those recall petitions.
Me too.
Go back to south county.
I wish I could sign as well.
Good luck and Godspeed, Fullerton citizens. Your friends and supporters are all over the state, country and beyond.
The world is with you, but keep it local. You will win this. You will win Justice for Kelly.
Blessings on you.
“but keep it local.”
What does that mean? Are they going to export it? Import it? Pay tariffs on it? Been puzzling over this weeks now. What does keep it local mean? Just curious.
I’m simply noting that, even though the national media (and beyond) have evidenced a modicum of interest in Kelly Johnson, his murder is still first and foremost a Fullerton problem that must be attended to by the good citizens of Fullerton.
That’s all I intended to say. I mean no disrespect to anyone on this blog, and I bear no disrespect for anyone allegedly involved in this terrible event. I don’t. I wish I had never heard of it.
I wish I had never heard of it. More to the point, I wish it had never happened.
But it did happen, so here we are.
You know, 50, 30, twenty years ago this story probably wouldn’t have made it outside the borders of Orange County. The modern 24-hour news cycle is a flesh-eating monster now; they’re always looking for something to splash on your teevee screen.
CNN and FOX and MSNBC will mention Kelly and even take an occasional 2 minutes to update his story now and then, and that’s a good thing. But they’re 3000 miles away in Manhattan.
Kelly Thomas was murdered in Fullerton, murdered by the FPD. That’s the story. It’s a local story. That’s all I meant to say.
The world is watching, but it’s up to you, Fullerton.
YIKES. I meant Kelly Thomas. I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry. I was cutting and pasting.
Explanation appreciated, SDLocal. Thank you for satisfying my curiosity. It has been puzzling.
“…splash on your teevee screen.”
Splash, LOL. You sure hit the nail on the head about the National/Multi-National News Media. They’re like hungry sharks. They never stop moving, constantly prowling for new ‘food.’ “Splash,” loved it!
You posted nothing there I could disagree with. We will all feel the impact, I believe, but you are correct. Only Fullerton can handle Fullerton’s business.
Again, thank you.
All the best,
Great suggestion Recall Now. The problem would be, many ordinary good citizens are afraid to walk into a police station and file a complaint through that route, based on ‘deflection’ statements from the usually ‘Beerbellied’ Desk Sergeant, giving the legitimately complaining citizen an evil look and telling them ‘filing a false statement is a crime!’ Hopefully most citizens of every age, race and creed get the gonads up to do this on a regular basis as you stated. I could see your logic on how that would keep these lazy-ass, donut munching no-goods from hassling innocent citizens.
get em wrong-im in south OC and cant, rooting for all of Fullerton
You can mail in the form too. Eventually you will be called in to be interviewed about your complaint. File all the false complaints you desire.
And you’ll be charged. Hope no one believes this shit.
Charged for false complaint report? It would have to be really made up to be charged. I don’t think I know of anyone being charged ever.
*Grimacing* Not all businesses are corrupt.
SD Local, you mean a great deal to us, seeing how you are in lo-cal (no offense). Thank you, genuinely for your support on this blog.
Welcome. 🙂
No offense ever taken, WG.
We’ll be neighbors soon, BTW. We’re stuck in escrow, but we’re coming. We decided to make the move well before poor Kelly was murdered, so you see, I do have a stake in this terrible situation.
Unless I overlooked some of your previous postings SD Local, I had no idea you were moving out here. We need to great you with RED CARPET upon your arrival. Truly.
I agree. With a big kiss.
Just a guess, but is SD loca moving to the bum box on east commonwealth? she sounds like she/it would fit in just fine there
Well, maybe we can hoist a couple in memory of Kelly. He certainly deserves far more than that, but sometimes we can only do what we can do.
I will never forget this. I will never forget Kelly Thomas. I’m on board forever. I promise.
Same with Matthew Shepard. We must protect each other.
I’ve been around a long time, and I’ve travelled; I have some things I would really like to share on this blog, but I’m concerned about things, you know.
Maybe some day we can all sit down together and toast the great, wonderful work and commitment of the fabulous Fullerton citizens who will bring Kelly’s killers to justice.
Is there any safe place in Fullerton? I like the Matador, but I’m a noob.
“I have some things I would really like to share on this blog, but I’m concerned about things, you know.”
Trust your instincts on that one. Word to the wise.
I’m from out of state, but watching this with great interest. Those cops who did the beating need to be charged with capital murder (and convicted). The NOPD cops who were in the killings on Danziger Bridge were convicted and awaiting sentencing; hopefully these scumbag FPD cops are looking at the same scenario. These cops can spend the rest of their miserable lives in SuperMax/SHU.
The video said it all….
Ditto, Billybob
FPD Dicks, that now includes you ‘tu sabes’ (by the way, get the fuck out of here if you can’t speak proper English). I’ll take that RED CARPET we will roll out for SD Local and family and when were done with that, I will roll it up and corn-hole you with it. Show some respect for good citizens moving to our still beautiful city. Yes, and get the fuc# out of here!
Easy, friend. This is all sticks and stones stuff; no need to bother or be troubled by the trolls.
Let’s stay on point. The point is justice for Kelly.
We’ll be here as long as it takes. I will, you will, we all will.
Keep the faith, keep your wings, watch your butts.
Justice for Kelly Thomas.
Keep it up.
Always respect for respectful people. 🙂
Once he gets here he will see what a bunch of losers you guys are and exit fast.
You guys? All cops? You really think that? You would be surprised what good people some are.
Are you talking to yourself again!?
Why thank you. 🙂
You are SO ‘one step ahead of us’ NOT! Your wannabe snitchie snatch has NO validity of a threat, Buttplug!
OK, the new witness said he did not see any beating, So come up with an alternate cause of death and reconcile it with the city “video”.
Reality Is, deal with you later.
Sometimes reality is hard to accept. 🙂
KISS THIS Reality Is!!! And yes, you know the rest of the drill;…………..
now lemme rim that bunghole
#11 by digustedbythis on August 28, 2011
#8 – Goodrich is a pussy cop who got his a$$ kicked in will to survive in the police academy. Curled up into a fetal position and was wailing like a girl (sorry ladies, no disrespect intended). This ‘cop’ wouldn’t answer his calls for service and would watch is dvd’s on his laptop if a shots fired call came out. Cheater, chicken, sgt. Goodrich, at least he’s not a murderer right???
Let me guess….Nowling or Cross?
An alternative cause of death hmmmm…
I know Excited Delirium!
I would love to attend but I live in Reno right now. I’m all for anything to help the homeless.
Let’s get real…no one ever checks the signatures on that stuff. You can say you live where ever you what to live or say you live. If any voting cop asked you were you live when you gathered signatures you just say at that time I was living in Fullerton.
I worked on and off for a couple of years gathering signatures and no one ever checked where I lived… come on get with it this is for a real cause, for Kelly….come to the meeting and make a change and show these fucking pigs they can’t push you around…..power to the people.
Oh my God, you guys are really fucking with the system, and they hate it! Rock on guys!
Let me get this straight. If you put your hands behind your back when ordered, you will not get beaten to death. Fair enough.
If you are a known psychotic in your town known to police to not be able to react rationally, then Lexipol says that you can be beaten and tazed into submission.
If you are tazed and no longer have the motor ability to respond to commands because by design the tazer overrides the ability to connect desires from the brain to transpond to mussle movements, then Lexipol says that you can be beaten to death. Right?
I request that anyone who is not fully versed in Lexipol even try to respond to this comment.
That leaves only you, Reality Is. Right?
It is me against Lexipol, and there is only room for one of us in Fullerton.
Of course me since I have Lexipol memorized.
First major issue is you say a known psychotic known to police. Kelly was known as your standard transient, nothing else. That will all come out in trial if it gets to that point. So the rest of your question doesn’t apply. I can say I know numerous transients and I don’t know any specifics about if they are mental, drug addicts, violent, nice, etc. Most vary day to day based on alcohol use, drug use, medication, etc.
But tazed and lose motor ability to respond, that is possible. In the instances I have seen, that is clear and the taser works. In this case the taser didn’t work. That will also be shown in court.
So I guess your question wasn’t specific enough.
Fact is, Kelley Thomas was a scumbag that got what he deserved. Would have happened to him one way or another.
Reality Is, you forgot to mention that a Sergeant from the IA office fields the complaint, even by phone, takes accurate notes of your complaint, however, you then get follow up by the same local Sherrif’s Department who “rear-ended” the citizen in the first place. In the end, once again, you get a ‘Dear John” letter from that same corrupt agency. An honest citizen’s complaint goeth nowhere beyond that. At least that’s the Charlie Brown treatment I got.
True. Same at any PD in the US. Not much you can do about that. I believe the truth is told in an investigation. You don’t. That will never change.
So we don’t tell the truth? Let the mortars fly……..
You read it wrong. I said the truth is told. Sometimes people think it was wrong, I.e. Attitude, language, force, arrest, etc but based on policy and law it was within policy or law. Sometimes it’s found to be a violation. I’ve seen it all in terms of that. I also said I think that investigations are fair and they seek the facts and truths. Sometimes it comes down to interpretations.
Sometimes transient assholes just need their attitudes re-adjusted. Sometimes permanently.
Classy, as always.
Stay on point, everyone. This is about Kelly.
This is about Lexipol.
We got what we voted for…Vote your heart out.
Good point. You all voted these people into office. Now you have to do the work to get them out. Good luck.
Thomas Kelly is still with us. His spirit wandering around Fullerton City Hall, Police Dept., and crime site. His soul will never rest until justice serves. Death man cannot do anything and he needs our helps. Fullerton community needs your helps.
We will not let his death go to waste. Together we will get it right for Thomas Kelly and our children.
Good luck. Will take a strong will, tons of work, millions of dollars, and strong state support.
I was talking to some people last night who are in politics who say it will go through. That’s what scares you all.
Hmmmmm. This response was to something about state laws and changes, not the Kelly case. I’ve said all along I think there will be charges. I just didn’t know if it would be for political reasons or due to the amount of force. I’m not scared. I want justice if someone did wrong.
Far as I’m concerned, though, justice was served when my boys owned Mr. Thomas in his face.
Good looking out admin.
Great points Fullerton. I will never stop crying over the loss of this man I never met, even when justice is served. My well controlled anger will probably never go away either, but from what I’ve heard from his parents and others who knew him well, I wish I could of known him.
He was a nice guy most of the time. He had his extreme ups and downs. I think looking back if he received proper help, he could have led a different life. I know the sales job is that he wanted and desired to be a transient but I’ve never found a schizo or any transient that wanted to live on the street.
In the end it’s better for us all now that he’s dead.
You’re right on Real. That’s what got me on my toes initially. Then I heard from witnesses that said the same details as was told by the insider that went public on KFI. They need to “Stop Resisting” this investigation once and for all!!!
You might want to rethink this. The passengers totally contradict esch other “man he was just chillin” to “man he was drunk” to ” he wasn’t drunk, just chillin” on and on and on.
Reality Is… have you hacked all our computers now and seen our porn and how poor we are? 🙂 Shiiiiiiit, I bet you’ve profiled us too and are going to hunt us down and kill us-all because we fucked with the system. The establishment is fuckin’ shitass scared and they’re tryin to bring us down. We ain’t gonna be brought down. You’re here cuz you’re scared. Prove me wrong!
Yea I’m scared. Porn is legal. Poor is normal. No one is going to be brought down. We just want justice based on the facts and fairness to all. Can’t we all just get along? I arrested Rodney King once. Nice guy as long as off the PCP. I love everyone. Even you. 🙂
Sorry. That was, um, unique of me… Guess I should get to bed.
Rodney King never learns… I’ve heard that it’s a bitch to arrest someone on PCP.
Good night, Reality Is. 🙂
PCP is the worst. Many people have lost their lives or limbs or careers over a person on PCP. The stories are so crazy that no one would ever believe it could even happen. 25 guys on 1 guy and the 1 guy is winning. It’s insane. Night.
Are you EVER going to stop talking to yourself?
What do you think? 🙂
I just made this shit up.
Wrong Guy: Dont you know that “they” feel just as strongly as you do about the way they see it. Why should either side stop resisting?
This is America and we have the right to bitch, moan, groan, gripe and resist all we want to or be pro Kelly all we want to. Don’t try to stop that process.
I agree. From my stance, I’ve never tried to get someone to change their view. I just try to convince people to look at the big picture, the actual events, instead of false information provided by people trying to spark more interest. Not just this event but any event. I’ve worked with police activists and anti police people for years. Good conversations, good ride alongs, good learning experiences, good laughs. Learning and seeing day to day happenings, going through scenarios to see how they would act or react, it’s all very good and very enlightening for everyone involved.
You are right, Searcher of Truth. You are right as long as we don’t threaten to kill anyone or be stupid as hell. Tony, be proud. Be very, very proud. We have a good debate here now.
#23 by Jan Flory’s Dog on August 28, 2011
Relying on a schizo homeless jewelry seller? Arf!
I wonder what kind of jewelry that guy sells. Beer bottle caps strung on dental floss?
Come on Tony (I have seen you use he name Jan Flory’s Dog before) this is not a nice comment you made about this homeless man at least he tries to provide for himself. Maybe his wealth was not given to him by his family.
Nice one Reality Is! Seems like I’m rubbin’ off on you. lol
That explains why they put him in the position of being the department’s ‘used car salesman’. He has no problem feeding the media the most outrageous ridiculous lies.
The Declaration of Independence
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.
That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security.”
More than 200 years ago, we must hold these principles close to our hearts. Fullerton and Orange County politicans and officials are disgrace to America and its people.
The Declaration of Independence has been running through my head since the last week of July. What an exquisitely worded document! Thank you Fullerton for posting it. We should often refresh our memories as to why this great nation was founded, and petty tyrants should be put in their place whenever they are discovered. It is beyond understanding how police can tolerate these monsters within their ranks. What is the point of taking an oath you can so easily forsake?
With power comes responsibility, and with great power comes great responsibility. What greater power than life and death?
What has happened to honor amongst police officers and their leaders?
You must be referring to the Fullerton/Kelly incident. The cops aren’t dealing with them because they aren’t working. If you thinks cops are running around beating people and being quiet all day everyday, well, they aren’t. You might be surprised how often it actually occurs. I know I know, don’t believe me. 🙂
First Amendment – Establishment Clause, Free Exercise Clause; freedom of speech, of the press, and of assembly; right to petition
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Second Amendment – Militia (United States), Sovereign state, Right to keep and bear arms.
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed
Third Amendment – Protection from quartering of troops.
No Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the Owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law.
Fourth Amendment – Protection from unreasonable search and seizure.
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
Fifth Amendment – due process, double jeopardy, self-incrimination, eminent domain.
No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.
Sixth Amendment – Trial by jury and rights of the accused; Confrontation Clause, speedy trial, public trial, right to counsel
In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence.
Seventh Amendment – Civil trial by jury.
In suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise re-examined in any court of the United States, than according to the rules of the common law.
Eighth Amendment – Prohibition of excessive bail and cruel and unusual punishment.
Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.
Ninth Amendment – Protection of rights not specifically enumerated in the Constitution.
The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.
Tenth Amendment – Powers of States and people.
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
Amazing how much is open to interpretation these days huh? You ask 10 people everyone has a different opinion of something as sacred as this!
How is ‘our’ side is resisting? YOUR ‘BAD BOYZ’, ie. DA T-Rax, your C.O.P. Smellers and the high powers at FPD ARE the ones resisting cooperation with the investigation. Examples of your resisting (driven by guilt of course) are as follows: 1) Failure to release the names of the 6 goons responsible for murdering Kelly Thomas. (Thanks to this blog, we gottem anyhow) 2) B.S. claim about car burglaries. 3) Claims that Kelly had legal docs that didn’t belong to him 4) Claims that a couple of ‘wimp’ officers had broken bones. 5) During the incident, guilt-ridden and nervous officers saying ‘Get Back’ and confiscating citizen’s cell phones. Stay tuned for more bullsh%* brought to you by Fullerton’s Finest Hot Air Balloon Boy, Mr Goodrich.
No we do not live in Fullerton anymore. Fullerton is still in our heart. We treating strayed animals better than Fullerton officials and its gangs taking care of its citizens.
This incident putting Fullerton on the world map. Chinese, Pakistanis, Iran, and North Koreans are laughing at Fullerton officials and cops. Orange County District Attorney and our Justice System are disgrace to America.
That wasn’t Chris Thompson.
Fullerton: Do you really think anyone outside our local jurisdiction cares? They don’t. They read or hear about it and never think about it again. And who cares what they think of us in Pakistan or Iran or anywhere else?
Do you really think anyone outside our local jurisdiction cares? They don’t. They read or hear about it and never think about it again…
That is not only inaccurate, it is out and out stupid. There have been and still are people from several states who post here. If you really believe what you said, you are an idiot. If you don’t believe it, you are a liar. Which is it?
And who cares what they think of us in Pakistan or Iran, or India, or Indonesia, or Australia, or The Philippines, or China, or Japan, or Korea, or Russia, or Germany, or Poland, or Sweden, or Denmark, or Amsterdam, or France, or Spain, or Italy, or Greece, or Austria, or Switzerland, or England, or Ireland, or Iceland, or Greenland, or Canada, or Brazil, or Chile, or Argentina, or Columbia, or Venezuela, or Costa Rica, or Haiti, or Cuba, or Miami, or New York, or Chicago, or Kansas City, or Houston, or Denver, or Boise, or Seattle, or Portland, or San Francisco, or Sacramento, or LA, or… anywhere else they watch International or National news? (I left out a WHOLE bunch of places where people are watching the news waiting to hear what happens next in Fullerton).
But, you are correct Searcher of Nonsense, why should The United States of America be a beacon of Freedom and Liberty, and HOPE for Iraq, or Iran, or Syria, or Pakistan, or North Korea, or North African nations, or MIddle Eastern people or anyone else in the world? Nobody cares about what happens in Fullerton except you and one or two people on this blog. Yep, you got it all figured out. Like your bud Reality IS likes to say, “why not open up your eyes to the big picture?” It will be refreshing when HE finally does. You? I don’t hold out much hope for.
If we are in the news worldwide, you can thank Dad Thomas for that. He wants to keep this thing going as along as he can or until he gets his money from the City of F. $$$$ TWENTY MILLION BIG ONES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fullerton doesn’t even pay it. It comes out of a huge pool from a bunch of cities.
Wait! Was Searcher of Nonsense correct, or are you correct Janebum?
Yeah, Fullerton is in the WORLD NEWS, but not because of Ron Thomas. You are in the World News because six of your chimpanzee brethren jumped up and down on a human being until he was DEAD.
It’s hard to tell which of you two is the stupider… Oh my God !! Dumb and Dumber in REAL LIFE.
yea we heard you the first 20 times. get a new gripe
Beware 112 E. Walnut Ave. Fullerton Ca. is the same location where a Hit and run occurred a couple of months ago. The Suspect George Bushala is out on bail and his money has allowed him to maintain his drivers license. The jury trial is set for Oct 3rd 2011 in North Orange County Court. Those of you who would like to prevent any property damage and who would like to attend the recall rally are encouraged to take the train.
No witnesses, no damage, no case. The DAs got some explaining to do.
This is something else! I’ll park in the parking lot myself. 🙂
I live in the mountains of northern New Hampshire in a town of about 900 residents. I learned of the Kelly Thomas murder from a lawyer friend in North Carolina on the phone, and the next day went to work and one of my coworkers brought up the murder. My other coworkers asked what we were taking about. I directed them to the internet photo of Kelly, the next day these other coworkers spoke of their discussions with their spouses. Where I am going with this is that I heard no here use any other word than murder to describe Kelley’s death. This is pretty much republican country up here, I am one of about 10 liberals in town but pretty much the liberals and conservative seem to be one on this issue. Take back your city, sweep out the mayor, the three delusional counsilors and all of their supporters in city government. Then go after the DA, seems like a piece of work this one, just trying to save his ass by ignoring video and eyewitness accounts which any ten year old could see points directly to murder. The police department needs severe culling, starting at the top and just work your way down. Theodore Roosevelt, before he was vice president, was the Commisioner of Police in New York City. Both the city goverment and the department were openly corrupt, no all but most. Roosevelt, in his very practical way physically policed the police. He took to the streets day and night and scared the living hell out of the bad apples in person. Corrupt officers were fired on the spot, and officers found to be brutal were dismissed by the Commisioner himself. Aside from having another Roosevelt at hand , perhaps the citizens of Fullerton should form a citizen review board and actively police the police. Hell citizens it is your tax dollars that pay all public servants in the city, get aggressive, not combative, and take back your city! You have people here in the Live Free or Die state cheering you on. Good luck.
Thanks for the encouragement from rock-ribbed New England!
I for one was PROUD to attend tonight’s meeting and see citizen government in action. This is going to set an example all through our great country.