Is Goodrich on Thin Ice?

That water's cold. Deep, too.

Here’s a Lou Ponsi effort from The Register, December 21.

Describing ongoing investigations by a special consultant, Ponsi notes a second investigation, as described by outgoing “Acting Chief” Kevin Hamilton:

a second (investigation) is on “allegations of misinformation disseminated from Fullerton P.D,” Hamilton said;

Wow. I didn’t know Michael Gennaco had been directed to look into the disinformation campaign waged by the FPD in the aftermath of the Kelly Thomas killing. Maybe I wasn’t paying sufficient attention. It’s going to be really hard for Gennaco to whitewash the various and multiple deliberate falsehoods uttered by police spokeshole Andrew Goodrich.

After the killing, when the perp-cops were still on duty pretending nothing had happened, Goodrich began lying to the press. First was the characterization of Thomas as combative and violent, two assertions we now know were false; then there was the whopper about cops receiving serious injuries – broken bones in fact. Later Goodrich was forced to admit to  squishy “soft tissue” injuries of some sort, although the broken bone lies and the mischaracterization of the beating death, alternatively as a “tussle,” “scuffle,” “confrontation,” or “fight” was perpetuated, and never corrected. In fact Register scribes still insist on avoiding the use of the phrase “beating death.”

Goodrich was also quick to note that Thomas had objects not his own in his possession, that he knew was nothing more than trash fished out of a train station trash can.

It won't support much weight...

Goodrich whoppers in other cases surfaced this fall, too. Like the sad defense of Kenton Hampton and Frank Nguyen whose untruths were an attempt to convict the completely innocent Veth Mam of assaulting cops. After a jury unanimously acquitted Mam, Goodrich’s lame defense was that the cops did not commit perjury because they thought they had the right man, a story that requires us to substitute utter incompetence for outright perjury. Well, take your pick. It hardly matters anymore.

If Gennaco’s investigation really is legit, and if Goodrich wants to save his oily hide, he may have to finger somebody higher up.

In any case, let’s hope the new “Acting” Chief Hughes starts acting, and starts by putting the odious and arrogant Goodrich where he belongs – behind the wheel of a squad car; or better yet, pounding the Barf Beat in downtown Fullerton.


23 Replies to “Is Goodrich on Thin Ice?”

  1. It’s not what your eating Mr. Goodrich, it’s what’s eating you that’s making you put on all of those pounds.
    Confession is not only good for the soul, it also does wonders for the waist line.

    1. Goodrich was just following his orders by the insiders who chose to roll the dice and crapped out on this one. The Ponzi scheme piece is just more smoke and mirrors while they play musical chairs over there. I have witnessed repeated demands for Kelly’s name to be cleared and to this point have fallen on deaf ears. It is never too late to do the right thing. Goodrich knew full well what he kind of BS he was disseminating and was and continues to be a willing servant. Que sera sera with him.

  2. I don’t remember that, either. Maybe Hamilton was just babbling. Maybe Ponsi got it wrong. Who cares?

    The Gennaco report will exonerate everybody, and then there will be a party paid for by the FPOA.

  3. I know how Gennaco operates within Lasd ….it’s a joke. Deputies who should be charged and tried for criminal activities are allowed to skate. Just read the oir reports, they speak for themselves.

    1. We,the good people of Fullerton, figured that out when ex-Fullerton police chief and now Fullerton city council person Pat Mckinley highly recommended Orange County Human Relations Commission CEO,Rusty Kennedy, would highly recommend Gennaco.You see, Rusty stated he knew Gennaco and his good deeds thus Gennaco would be themost appropriate person to do an “independent” investigation.
      what I can’t understand is how the CEO, Rusty Kennedy, a life-long resident of Fullerton and a professional colleague of Pat McKinley, and whose commission acts as a clearing house for community members’ complaints about police brutality never heaps new about the systematic abuse of Fullerton’s community by its very own police force. I gues we, the good people of Fullerton, will never understand how that could happen to Rusty Kennedy.
      Maybe Rusty’s sister, Sharon Kennedy, the editor of they Fullerton Observer could do an investigative story why Rusty’s commission seemed oblivious to the betting, molesting and murder of members of our community.

      1. Pardon the errors in my writing,I got an iPad for Christmas and the keyboard is so sensitive and unforgiving

  4. Sgt. Goodrich has been a loyal soldier to the city of Fullerton, which is currently under attack.

    1. a loyal soldier to the city of Fullerton

      That says it all: a loyal soldier, not a loyal peace officer or policeman. To the city of Fullerton, not to the people or citizens of Fullerton.

      Probably doesn’t even live in Fullerton, probably another one that lives in a million dollar mansion at the beach, just like his chief? I’m starting to think that unlike times past, now they deliberately hire cops who live outside Fullerton, so they don’t know those they’re “protecting, don’t have friends and aquaintences, could care less it’s just a job. Makes it easier to tune up, or beat down, or kill.
      Of course, I could be wrong…just what it looks like.

    2. He did it to himself. Sometimes we have to suck it up, and say we made a mistake, and put our egos aside. BTW, the City is not under attack, just very visible.

  5. Sounds like the investigation has turned up other matters that needed to be addressed……Good, , let’s clean all the crap out……..

    Look into everything that doesn’t appear to be as it should, , because we all think there has to be more that no one knows about yet….

  6. The City Officials and the FPD have a huge price to pay for the way they have treated “us” and “outside patrons” of Fullerton.

  7. Barf Beat foot assignment would accomplish at least two things –

    Enforced weight loss program/improvement in his cardiovascular health

    Wipe the smirk off his face when he has to smell the effluvia on the Barf Beat, especially when he has to clean it off his shoes after walking in it

  8. Sgt Goodlie has been a fine soldier for the FPD. If you think he has the brains to make this crap up, well, the Fullerton Public Library is for sale. Just see me for the price!
    Let’s get real. Goodlie is a worker (desk job type) who follows orders. Find out who gives the orders and the problem is solved! The orders were NOT from our vacationing, oops sickly, chief Sellers. He was not available at the time, since he was making arrangements for his cruise!

  9. Good. I have become over the years not so comsumed about the facts made available but have learned to look beyond to how the facts are made available.

    Not to disagree, Tuco, but Goodrich has . I believe , a masters degree from UCI. He is therefore not allowed to play stupid and claim that he was simply holding a desk job beholden to anyone.

  10. I wish people wold stop referring to cops as “soldiers” with the rapidly escalating militarization of tje police, the increasing numper of people who are beaten, tazed and killed for little or no reason other than that they can or want to (for instance the Riverside deputy that blew three holes in an unarmed man in a bar after shouting something like I can do anything I want I carry a badge), it doesn’t seem appropriate, they aren’t “soldiers” they’re police officers or peace officers. A big part of the problem is a lot of them think they’re “soldiers” too, but soldiers are trained to kill, first last and always period, but with a police officer killing is supposed to be the last resort after exausting all other means.

  11. “‘spokeshole’ Andrew Goodrich.” Did Hamilton really use this exact terminology to describe Goodrich? He seems too professional to lower himself to this base sort of language…

  12. Hamilton said;

    Wow. I didn’t know Michael Gennaco had been directed to look…..

    disregard last comment, #16. I see that Hamilton didn’t say Wow. Thatis just where the commentary picks up.

  13. This kind of explains why Andy Fatbitch has been calling up every media outlet whenever something happens in Fullerton that makes the department look good.

    Looks like he’s desperately trying to become the next Jim Amormino/Steve Whitmore …HA. Fatty better enjoy it while it lasts because he seriously lacks personality and appeal. Hell even Doc “Boss Hog” Jones has personality.

  14. You can’t fire Goodrich, but you can encourage his retirement! Spokesperson for a beleaguered PD is more than enough to obtain a disability leave for a year and then retired! If he needs assistance on this, Goodrich can travel 43 miles to San Clemente and ask that famous but sickly chief Sellers how to fill out the paperwork!
    Bye bye Andy!

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