It Takes Courage To Say No
A while back we did a post about the value of saying NO. Today let’s look at someone else who appreciated the importance of putting one’s foot down: the two-term President Grover Cleveland.

Back when Grover was the Governor of New York, he said “no” when Chatuatauqua County proposed to spend tax dollars for a soldiers monument. He said “no” to the Fredonia Library Association, which sought to be relieved of paying local taxes. He said “no” to the town of Elmira, which tried to avoid liability for personal injuries occurred by those traveling its unsafe streets and roads. He even said “no” to Fayetteville, his boyhood hometown, when they wanted to borrow money for the purchase of a new steam fire engine.
Cleveland kept his promise that he would be a guardian of the people’s interest, which meant guarding the keys to the people’s dinero.
Why is this relevant? Because saying “no” to police unions, fire unions, teachers, prison guards, custodians, bailout bankers, and subsidy-sucking union allies is often the right thing to do.
I wonder what the ratio of non-public / public employees was in his day? I could only find this chart of government employees vs. manufacturing employees. In 1960 there were double the number of manufacturing jobs to government jobs. Today, that has reversed itself. Wonder how Grover would fare today in an election? About as well as Ron Paul probably.
As soon as government can outsource (ala Costa Mesa) they will join the manufacturing jobs that have been outsourced. Lets hope it’s not to India etc.
Now former Tustin Councilman and all around good guy Jim Palmer essentially said the same thing last night at the Central Committee meeting after we awarded him our “local legislator of the year”. He reminded everyone of the value of just saying NO.
In Santa Ana Mayor Pulido appointed a Top-Gun Police Chief Walters to manage daily affairs of the city. Santa Ana is the only city in the OC managed by the police and only city which has SAPD13 death squad.
And little midget Mexican (Speedy Gonzales) Pulido is in control of it.
Just imagine Fidel Castro in power for forty (40) years and Pulido (20), now controlling a death squad.
Take D-tour around the Santa Ana or you may end up like Susie Young Kim assassinated in front of her 18 month old child for opposing Pulido.
Interesting info:
Grover Cleveland is the only US president to serve two non-consecutive terms (1885–1889 and 1893–1897).
Perhaps it’s more fun for blow hards to say no…it’s a little-man complex, a desire to get back at those real or imagined enemies….when in reality, the enemy is only in your head. It’s far easier to stamp your feet like a little girl and say NO!
You unionistas are just too accustomed to being told “yes” to all of your crazy GED demands. Now that the harsh realities of grown-up economics are making the reality crystal clear to the public you can kiss your six-figure future good bye.
Typical response from a tea-bagging 99WK CAVE’r. My six-figure future looks as bright today as it did 10 years ago. The more things change, the more they stay the same.
Six figures? I guess for that kind of money you’d better get around to fixing that pothole on El Toro Road. Don’t make me call your boss. City managers don’t like to be bothered by that kind of triviality.
Oh that is funny, I am working on a blog post over at Red County and quoting Grover Cleveland!
Too bad modern-day Democrats have zero in common with old Grover. Too bad Repuglicans don’t, either.
Did you know Grover received 40,000 dollars for his two years as Erie County Sheriff, thats over 700,000 thousand in todays money. I guess it was different when the the tax money was going to him
Aw, shucks, don’t pay any attention to this guy. That’s what he wants.
Oops! Back in the front pocket I go!
He also invented the butt plug and cross dressing.
Another GED heard from.
That’s not quite true, dipshit.
“Rather than receiving a set salary, the sheriff collected fees. These could amount to more than $40,000 over a term of three years-the equivalent of $800,000 in current values.”
“Grover Cleveland” by Rita J. Markel
So I contacted the Erie County Library and was given the figures that over 2 years, Cleveland made claims on 370 accounts for a total of about $7,000 being paid on most of them. However, I also spoke with and corresponded with Rita Markel (the author being quoted here) in Boise. She said that it was typical that Sheriff’s were paid fees related to enforcement back in those days and that she did believe that Sheriff of Erie County was how Cleveland got his financial start. However, she had no specific data to back that up. She was also kind enough to point me to the following website with these comments,
This looks legitimate to me–well-written and researched. I didn’t find anything I didn’t agree with.
Good luck with your research. Let me know if you find something interesting or questionable. If I can help, I will.
She said that she grew to like Cleveland very much through her research. She did not feel that he had done anything dishonest, just that Sheriff was a lucrative job in a large county back then. Not sure why the library didn’t have more data on it.
For the Grover Cleveland lovers, Rita also said that she was excited about the fact that New York Times columnist is about to come out with a new Grover Cleveland biography. I forgot the name of the author, but I will find out.
This doesn’t settle anything, but I am inclined to believe that Grover made good money as Sheriff.
So a public servant using his position to make tons of money, yeah i guess that is a tax payer warrior
Oh no! My boss is shootin’ off his yapper again. And back into the front pocket I go….
“…………injuries occurred by those traveling its unsafe streets and roads”, sounds a bit like Fullerton.
F4D, “unsafe streets….sounds a bit like Fullerton”, you’re wrong. Is sounds a lot like Fullerton!
For sure Cleveland is an interesting study in US Presidents, as junior notes he served non consecutive terms, but was also a “Bourbon Democrat” who supported business and interviened in the PULLMAN strikes to keep things moving.
Largely unreported was how he was elected with the help of the Hearst men (George and William), and vice versa. How that relationship helped shape democratic politics for a century to come.
That Fat bloated Turd was a Cop….Fuck that guy!