John and Ken Event Postponed, Chief Sellers Still Under the Weather

The recall targets have been given a temporary reprieve from John and Ken’s physical presence due to inclement weather. We’ll be rescheduling the event sometime after next week.

Meanwhile, City Hall is still being battered by the media storm of their own creation. Check out today’s news byte… apparently Chief Sellers’ medical leave is having hefty impact on Fullerton’s finances.

Still, $19,000 a month is chump change compared to the damage Chief McKinley’s wrecking crew did while Sellers watched safely from his office. As with many of his FPD cohorts, it’s just plain cheaper to keep him at home where he can’t hurt anybody.

187 Replies to “John and Ken Event Postponed, Chief Sellers Still Under the Weather”

      1. Anonymous :
        Insider told me Albert Rincon was fired today! Thank God that creep is off the streets!

        Tell the insider TO TELL THE TRUTH ABOUT WHAT YOU KNOW. You can leak it if you have to, but get it out there.

      2. The news said the city was “seeking” to fire him. They have to through all the proper channels to do it right. They don’t want him coming back with an appeal and a lawsuit!

      3. Can’t wait for election day. John and Ken get out here and make it on the date of the next council meeting PLEASE.

  1. From a fiscal standpoint it seems in the best interest of the City of Fullerton to fire all officers and completely disband the police department for the next 5 years furthermore they should not allow the sheriff’s department to incorporate former officers. In other words, start from scratch.

    Currently the police department is a huge liability for both the City and Tax Payers. Right now there are at least 17 officers who are accused of crimes ranging from murder, attempted murder, sexual assault, fraud, theft, excessive use of force, lying under oath, planting evidence, using city resources for personal use and so forth.

    At least 7 officers (that we know of) have been an paid leave for months pending investigations involving one or more of the crimes that I listed and Chief Sellers continues to extend his medical leave. This means tax payers are on the hook for about $50,000-$60,000 a month for officers and a chief who are never on duty.

    On top of this, tax payers are going to be paying millions of dollars in settlements and law suits directly related to the conduct of these officers. I have a feeling that as time goes by there will be more people coming forward to report additional instances of misconduct and crimes involving Fullerton PD.

    The roads are disrepair, the sidewalks are cracked and crumbling and the abandoned buildings are a blight but this is just the beginning of worse things to come. If FPD is allowed to continue to operate, other much needed programs will be discontinued and employees ranging from parks and recs & streets will be laid off.

    Businesses will continue to leave along with citizens and people will not come into the city to buy products, attend venues or eat out of fear that they could be harassed by FPD. All of this means an even greater revenue loss for the city.

    There is also the public safety issue. Citizens are afraid of their police department and likewise officers are afraid to normally perform their duties due to what has transpired.

    When a Fullerton Cop pulls behind me I’m petrified and thinking off a safe place to pull over that’s in front of witnesses and pray that I’m not going to get assaulted or even killed but fortunately I haven’t been pulled over.

    As a tax payer I shouldn’t feel like this and it angers me when I hear about the amount of money that’s being spent to keep this fledgling department in operation.

    This isnt “an isolated incident” or “a few bad apples” its a systemic problem deep within the department. Many of the officers have been with the department for decades like acting Chief Hamilton.

    No amount of “training” will fix this problem or make it go away, doing so will mean even more tax payer money wasted.

    We need a police department that works not one that needs to be constantly fixed.

    Disband the Fullerton Police Department.

    1. on the bright side, fullerton’s downtown library that sits next to fullerton city hall recently had a 10 million dollar facelift courtesy of plastic surgeon/fullerton city council member dick jones and his cronies

    2. “Long time Fullerton Resident”
      Absolutely you make common sense.
      We do not want to change the pin and leave the dirty diaper on.

  2. Who is Sellers. Where did he come from? ….. give me a reason to believe he’s anything more than a glorified crossing guard.

      1. Actually he was the police chief of Laguna Beach where the police are noteworthy for lawsuits by homeless people. Hmmm sounds familiar. I bet Officer Ramos will testify that he was told by his chief to chase out the homeless.
        “I was just following orders”!

      1. I forgot to mention the ACLU was after Sellers when he was in Laguna for 8 or 9 homeless “incidents”! Where is the ACLU now on this current set of cases like the sexual assault under color of authority, killing homeless folks. Anyone know where the ACLU is?
        Oops I can tell you. Fullerton is a conservative town and Laguna well you know Laguna, its a hotbed of liberalism! If I am wrong please ACLU, send me a note!

    1. FYI –

      The city of Fullerton’s former risk manager [mentioned in the article above] admitted last week [June, 2011 per an OCWeekly update] to scheming with his cousin and cousin’s boyfriend to signing off on phony personal-injury and property-damage claims and cashing out about $28,000 in payouts for his own use.

      In exchange for guilty pleas, 45-year-old Darryl Raymond Phillips of Fullerton must serve 180 days in jail and three years of probation and pay back the loot. Phillips’ cousin and cousin’s boyfriend suffered the fake injuries and damage that resulted in fraudulent claims being filed against the city.

    2. Why did they take police with them? Is everyone in the Fullerton civil service a coward or is it meant to justify so many grossly overpaid cops?

  3. The FPD is NOT a fledgling operation. It is a very mature organization that is in the final stages of its life cycle. Organizations are many times destroyed from within, and the FPD is a good example. Of course it had assistance from well wishers and the herd of “good citizens” that were used and manipulated to condone and give them the benefit of the doubt.

  4. Is he going to try to come back, or is he just milking the city for a nice , long, paid vacation?

    1. he’ll get as much as he can, then he will file a “cumulative trauma” workers’ comp disability claim in conjunction with an application for CalPERS disability retirement – a reasoned guess based on experience. He probably would have done so anyway (many sworn employees do so as they approach “retirement” age), but this accelerated it.

  5. I read the OC Register article concerning the Fridman/Lemanski litigation. The incident occured in April 2010, why has it taken 18 months to get this to this point?
    If you are trying to hide something , get a barking dog or two. You may be assured that there will be NO response to any neighbor complaints.

  6. “Currently the police department is a huge liability for both the City and Tax Payers.”

    And it gets worse as time goes by.

    And therein lies the essence of Fullerton’s financial future.
    As radical as it sounds, it would most likely be cheaper to start all over again.

  7. How do these people look at themselves in the mirror?

    City needs to hire a private investigator to spy on Sellers just like SAIF does to FRAUDS AND CHEATS like him

  8. Reschedule John & Ken for a TUESDAY before a council meeting!!

    Then the crowd will all be on hand and can roll right over to public comment!

  9. Anonymous :
    How do these people look at themselves in the mirror?
    City needs to hire a private investigator to spy on Sellers just like SAIF does to FRAUDS AND CHEATS like him

    They’re all on the take.

  10. It really is a shame that these crimes by LEO’s here, are, but a micro-cosm of the corruption and lawless actions that are prevalent in all departments country-wide.
    I do implore those who have been falsely arrested, to act quickly, if you decide to undertake legal action against the arresting department/officer, as there is a statute of time you have to be under, in order for your case to still be considered “Active”.

  11. Peaches :
    he’ll get as much as he can, then he will file a “cumulative trauma” workers’ comp disability claim in conjunction with an application for CalPERS disability retirement – a reasoned guess based on experience. He probably would have done so anyway (many sworn employees do so as they approach “retirement” age), but this accelerated it.

    I have a friend who works for L.A. County. Let’s just say he is in charge of who goes into and out of Fire Department, Sheriff and Police employment positions in his “jurisdiction.”
    According to him, Sellers will make out like a bandit, filing for the “4850” medical leave plan. LEO’s are quite familiar with this plan, as the same Doctor told me that a staggering 70% of L.A. County Sheriffs retire on this plan, and consider it an “entitlement.”

    As others here have posted, Sellers will be eligible for 50% of his six-figure retirement tax free, for life. As I calculate it, if he lives to 90, he will have hit the 6 million dollar lottery, half of it tax free. Absolutely mind-boggling.
    Unless he’s suffered a heart-attack, disabling stroke, or some other tangible life-changing malady, he should be required to return to duty. However, according to my Doctor friend, it isn’t all that hard to get this incredible “disability” assigned and slide out of his responsibilities.

    1. ah yes, 4850 time… that was always fun to track to make sure anyone on it didn’t go over their “entitlement”. I had my own opinions about 4850 time but wasn’t high enough on the food chain to do much.

  12. Chief Sellers, for his stress related injury, will be evaluated as to the pecentage of disability. He will then be paid a lump sum regarding this disability, after all is said and done. This does not include the percentage of permanent disability his Dr.’s will negotiate towards his retirement. Whatever percentage is agreed upon, will be TAX-FREE for life!

  13. Dr. Zillman :

    Peaches :
    he’ll get as much as he can, then he will file a “cumulative trauma” workers’ comp disability claim in conjunction with an application for CalPERS disability retirement – a reasoned guess based on experience. He probably would have done so anyway (many sworn employees do so as they approach “retirement” age), but this accelerated it.

    I have a friend who works for L.A. County. Let’s just say he is in charge of who goes into and out of Fire Department, Sheriff and Police employment positions in his “jurisdiction.”
    According to him, Sellers will make out like a bandit, filing for the “4850″ medical leave plan. LEO’s are quite familiar with this plan, as the same Doctor told me that a staggering 70% of L.A. County Sheriffs retire on this plan, and consider it an “entitlement.”
    As others here have posted, Sellers will be eligible for 50% of his six-figure retirement tax free, for life. As I calculate it, if he lives to 90, he will have hit the 6 million dollar lottery, half of it tax free. Absolutely mind-boggling.
    Unless he’s suffered a heart-attack, disabling stroke, or some other tangible life-changing malady, he should be required to return to duty. However, according to my Doctor friend, it isn’t all that hard to get this incredible “disability” assigned and slide out of his responsibilities.

    I woudn’t doubt for one second that this medical leave is another loophole to garner him more money in retirement.. maybe he had to retire early because of all the stress? and that gives him an even bigger benefit?

  14. anon :

    Anonymous :

    fullertonian :
    Who is Sellers. Where did he come from? ….. give me a reason to believe he’s anything more than a glorified crossing guard.

    ACLU has met Sellers before. You should call them.

    Goog God. This explains a lot. The ACLU definitely needs to pursue this matter. The DAs office knew and know more about Chief Sellers treatment of homeless. This needs to be shown to all. Sellers is laughing his ass off at us at $4000 a week and all he has stolen. Sellers is struggling by on a paltry $4000 a week. Sellers is on the edge of being homeless. That explains his disabling high blood pressure and stress. The poor soul.

    1. Whoever hired Sellers was aware. He fit in with McKinley’s plan for “getting tough on the homeless.” The officers in the Kelly Thomas murder were working for FPD long before Sellers got there.

      1. The “publisher” of that page states she will delete harsh comments. Can dish it out but can’t take it evidently. You notice though he only has 222 “likes”.

  15. Dick Jones says we are fiscally compromised in Fullerton? Wait until the lawsuit settlements are paid, or worse, wait until there are civil trials and depositions and all the crap comes loose! Juries will be more than willing to stick it to Fullerton as long as its not in their own backyard!

  16. Tacos :
    45 min Public Comments beginning now as of 6:49.

    45 minutes.. wow..

    guess 500,000 doesn’t buy much time from scumbags like your city council

  17. Next time you see capt dumb fumes Hughes ask him why the DA says you let the murderers keep their badges for 21 days after they murdered Kelly

  18. van get it da artiste :
    on the bright side, fullerton’s downtown library that sits next to fullerton city hall recently had a 10 million dollar facelift courtesy of plastic surgeon/fullerton city council member dick jones and his cronies

    How the hell can anyone justify spending 10 MILLION dollars on a freakin library? Does it have gold toilet seats? I betcha someone does as a result.

  19. Is the City Attorney saying that basically a police officer can commit crimes against a citizen as much as they want while going through the “due process” of terminating an officer? Can they not be charged with a crime if they commit one? Why haven’t they been charged with crimes? Why are they only now starting the due process on officers who have shown a consistent pattern of unlawful behavior over a long period of time? Why would you want a police department if police officers have the freedom to systematically violate the civil rights of the citizens and…you can”t really do anything about it because it will open the City up for greater liability? So the citizens pay the price with….their lives? Their physical and emotional well-being? You have people in Fullerton who have been raped and brutalized by Fullerton officers and this was happening and known to be happening LONG before Kelly Thomas was killed. There are clear indicators of wrong-doing, some capatured on video and punctuated by the practice of turning off or damaging DARs. Why would you want to live in a town where a police officer can sexually abuse the citizens, this behavior can be known to all of his superiors AND the DA and he continues to be working in the public, exposing other women and children to acts of sexual violation? So it saves the City money but at what price? And in the long run, how much is really going to cost?

    1. These questions need to be answered appropriately before any healing can occur. If the result of the police bill of rights is that police officers can commit crimes with impunity, then those rights have to be taken away. The public gave police officers those rights in good faith, but FPD has pushed the envelope to extremes. If the District Attorney doesn’t help, officers feel at liberty to openly commit crimes and have do so.

  20. Furthermore, this is not good enough. They were not trying to terminate any of these officers. They would not be contemplating terminating any if it had not been for the people of Fullerton who continue to show up, speak out, and stand up for justice.

  21. blessusall :
    Furthermore, this is not good enough. They were not trying to terminate any of these officers. They would not be contemplating terminating any if it had not been for the people of Fullerton who continue to show up, speak out, and stand up for justice.

    you don’t terminate people who will rat you out for high crimes and misemeanors

    1. Anonymous:

      “you don’t terminate people who will rat you out for high crimes and misdemeanors”

      I believe you are completely right about that.

  22. dickie is the one that said the mafia ran his hometown well


    HEAR HIS PUNKASS trying SHUTUP people? POS

  23. dang- did you hear that bag of wind explain the endless BS to get a LEO fired? but, no one has even started this redtape-why? and to that dick attorney, “yawn” personality of a dial tone

  24. Somebody ask McKinley what a woman should do if she is being sexually molested by a Fullerton police officer who has her handcuffed in the back of his cruiser, with his DAR turned off, with an established pattern of this very behavior but who cannot be fired because it might cost the city too much money?

  25. Honestly, there is something seriously wrong with these men on your city council. I don’t get it. At all.

      1. You’ve also got some FPD officers with antisocial personality disorder (sometimes referred to as sociopaths).

  26. You should ask them if this means a Fullerton police officer can systematically commit crimes against the people and they will basically do nothing because…well, they could get sued by the officer if they fire him. I do not believe that. Ask why they can’t charge a police officer with a crime if he has, in fact, committed a crime.

  27. WOW.. Jones is A CREEP.. wtf

    trying to lie and push this saying. “we don’t need another lawsuit” wow..

    wow wow wow

    trying to force this through with EXPEDIENCY

  28. true.. put a porn shop next to DAYCARE facilities

    lol.. you can tell so easily when he is going to profit

    too bad he didn’t have this much concern for Kelly

  29. I do not like religion but DAMN..

    750 feet is somehow harming the porn industry..

    I am pissed at these freaks

  30. I bet Jones is a giant pervert

    pushing the vegas train and porn industry

    I am not against porn industry but how is 750 feet so restrictive..

    this lady right now .. nobody really cares about Churches..

    Hey bitch.. it is none of your business what another woman does with her pussy.. stfu

  31. I normally won’t say mean things about someone–just keep pointing out the facts–but it may be a fact that the city attorneys are “dumb as rocks” to quote the minister.

  32. I wonder if “Dick” ever shopped at the Erogenous Zone? He sure knew that at one point in its history it was located near Cal-State Fullerton 🙂

  33. Oh, now that’s she’s said they’re not going to file a lawsuit, he can apologize…after more excuses about why city council did not respond sooner. Of course, we all know that they finally responded because a boatload of people started showing up to the council meetings demanding Justice for Kelly and subsequently the Nordell’s plight became more publicized. Then, and only then, did they begin to makes steps to respond ONE YEAR after the incident.

  34. Let us face the fact that our public employee system is broken both figuratively and literally. It is clear that the deck is stacked in their favor.

    If we want better govenment, we have to start by being better and more involved citizens.

    Freedom is not free. We all need to get to work! The future, our future depends on it!


    Regarding your question on LEO’s who have long history of complaints and the such; these officers are coddled, as they produce lots of arrests. For these types, it is the numbers they care about. They do not give a damn about the innocence of citizens, all they want, is to be the top guy at the end of the month. There is actually a chart that has the “Top Dog” of the month regarding arrests. Now, it does not take a rocket scientist, nor a seasoned Psychologist, like yourself, to imagine what an emotional rush and status it gives these sick and fractured psyches. The only ones who really know, are the many falsely arrested, who had the misfortune of crossing paths with these psychos.

  36. Regarding the police squad attacking and entering the house/address not easy to get a grip on.
    The city council was so congratulatory to themselves and FPD Capt. Hamilton that there is now a procedure for conducting such an operation.
    It is difficult for me to understand that the FPD was conducting these raids without a procedure.
    What JUDGE signed these various warrants and under what pretense was it submitted for authorization?
    The extent of stink appears to extend beyond the FPD.
    What has happened to all the property that has been confiscated in these hundreds of raids that Hamilton stated the FPD has conducted?
    If these warrants were obtained under false pretenses, what were the real purposes.
    Maybe all the warrants issued and raids that have been conducted in the past 15 years need to be reviewed for further investigations.
    How many raids were conducted without a warrant?

    Have these various warrants been obtained

    1. There was no warrant because it was a parole check. Parole checks can be executed at any time without a warrant, as long as they are done on the right house.

  37. I know of one LEO, who was fired for fraternizing with female inmates. He was one of the few officers who gave us classes regarding just this subject. He was terminated, because the inmate brought it to her attorney, and the wheels of justice thankfully did their job right.

  38. Hey City Council…I will leave my front and back doors open for potential FPD raids, with tazers even! I happen to need a good retirement plan at the moment!

  39. step up :
    Don’t mess with the Rev. Wiley Drake…B…s…t!** when it comes to religion, damn it!

    Yeah, he doesn’t want sodomites in our here town. Seems there are far more hanging around in Churches than sex shops. At least in sex shops they are over 18.

  40. city council meeting is now over. Toward the end of the meeting Quirk suggested discussion to be opened for a community oversite committie for the police dept.
    she could not get a second on the idea to move forward. Bankhead and McKinnely both said that Hamilton is perfectly capable of oversite and to make any recomendations for improvements within the dept.

      1. A little bird told me that Whitaker is very knowledgable regarding POBAR and civilian oversight committees. Given that, I assume his position was more strategic than obstructionist. I withdraw my prior criticism!

    1. Those fools’ comments on Hamilton being capable of doing oversight on the FPD himself show the fundamental problem. They don’t want watchdogs, because they are essentially criminals. They don’t want the police to answer to the citizen because fundamentally they are authoritarian and think they are above us.

      Whitaker’s refusal to second the proposal is beyond inexcusable. People here like to trash Quirk-Silva but at least she tried to do one of the things many of us have been calling for, establish a strong independent civilian oversight committee. Stop giving Whitaker a free pass. He just failed all of us, our community, and the memory of Kelly Thomas.

      1. Those that do not do the proper job they were elected to need to be unelected and replaced.

        Thats about as simple as politics can get.

  41. Up until now… Rev Drake has been content with his Buena Park parcel…guess he is now looking to expand into realm of Fullerton??? ‘B…s..t!!**

  42. fullertonian :
    city council meeting is now over. Toward the end of the meeting Quirk suggested discussion to be opened for a community oversite committie for the police dept.
    she could not get a second on the idea to move forward. Bankhead and McKinnely both said that Hamilton is perfectly
    capable of oversite and to make any recomendations for improvements within the dept.

    As I said previously… I ‘m waiting…..

  43. I heard somewhere Sellers was the first person to call for an independent investigation from the FBI. Anyone know the veracity of this statement? Also, what role does the Watch Commander have in this? I really think it looks bad for Sellers right now. I mean unless he is dying of cancer or something, how could you take medical leave after your force was involved in such a egregious offense unless you had something to hide? I am trying to reserve judgment until all facts come out, but definitely stinks of cover up.

  44. #106 by step up on October 4, 2011

    Up until now… Rev Drake has been content with his Buena Park parcel…guess he is now looking to expand into realm of Fullerton??? ‘B…s..t!!**

    Shame on you, we need more Hobos in town..Rev Drake is a good man I hope he puts his new Fullerton Hobo town next to your home.

  45. #108 by Brandon on October 4, 2011

    I heard somewhere Sellers was the first person to call for an independent investigation from the FBI. Anyone know the veracity of this statement? Also, what role does the Watch Commander have in this? I really think it looks bad for Sellers right now. I mean unless he is dying of cancer or something, how could you take medical leave after your force was involved in such a egregious offense unless you had something to hide? I am trying to reserve judgment until all facts come out, but definitely stinks of cover up.

    Ask Shawn Nelson.. he hired the clown….

    1. Hey FPOA goon – back on July 2nd you wrote:

      “The number one duty of local government is to provide public safety……”

      Care to comment on that in light of your union members’ serial criminal behavior?

  46. What a f’ed up city Fullerton is. I feel sorry as hell for all your fine folks who call it home. You need to rid city hall of all that filth and fecal matter that has built up over the years. Just clean ’em all out. Start with the Council and when you finish there purge your PD of all the disgusting slime. The city reminds me of the old Boris Karloff horror flicks when the townspeople went off on Frankenstein and Dracula. You folks have every damn right to be enraged. They’ve turned your castle into a house of ill repute. They’ve slimed all of you. Take it back from ’em. Fire all of ’em and return your city to it’s rightful owners!

  47. step up :
    Up until now… Rev Drake has been content with his Buena Park parcel…guess he is now looking to expand into realm of Fullerton??? ‘B…s..t!!**

    “My true religion, my simple faith is in love and compassion. There is no need for complicated philosophy, doctrine, or dogma. Our own heart, our own mind, is the temple. The doctrine is compassion. Love for others and respect for their rights and dignity, no matter who or what they are – these are ultimately all we need.” Dalai Lama

  48. Jt :
    Those fools’ comments on Hamilton being capable of doing oversight on the FPD himself show the fundamental problem. They don’t want watchdogs, because they are essentially criminals. They don’t want the police to answer to the citizen because fundamentally they are authoritarian and think they are above us.
    Whitaker’s refusal to second the proposal is beyond inexcusable. People here like to trash Quirk-Silva but at least she tried to do one of the things many of us have been calling for, establish a strong independent civilian oversight committee. Stop giving Whitaker a free pass. He just failed all of us, our community, and the memory of Kelly Thomas.


  49. The problem with citizens’ oversight committees is that they are completely useless.

    Any such committee would be an extension of the City Council meetings with people screaming at each other and accomplishing nothing along the way.

      1. Huh. I know they often are just an ineffective rubber stamp, but we have a chance here to form a truly independent one. And I know that the proposal Quirk-Silva wanted to discuss was leaned towards the strongly independent, with subpeona powers. As far as who would be on it, we could fight like hell to get some of US on it. You really think that wouldn’t make a difference? There’s a reason the blind mice didn’t support it – fear.

        1. Police oversight committees are toothless in California due to the Police Officers’ Bill of Rights. Any committee would serve as an additional layer of bureaucracy to help the city council hide from its responsibilities.

          1. I understand there are structural obstacles to them, especially POBAR. That doesn’t mean they are totally toothless though. Like I said, the language in this proposal was tough. We had/have a chance to create the most independent oversight committee in the state.

            A lot of things we might want are just not going to happen because of legal obstacles. Do you really think there is some process whereby we can get all FPD fired?! Snowball’s chance in hell. Going to OCSD might save us money but doesn’t help us combat epidemic police brutality and misconduct, UNLESS we have strong civilian oversight.

            Instead of engaging in pipe dreams and epic revenge fantasies that will never occur, why not try to actually create meaningful change?

            1. Recall
            2. Strong, independent oversight committee.

            If people have better ideas let’s hear them.

          2. Jt, what I’m saying is that state law precludes having a “strong” commission.

            My understanding is that the commission could do nothing more than make recommendations to the council, and that the commission would still be prevented from viewing any personnel records, police reports or case information, meaning they have the same information restrictions that the public already suffers from.

            The only real solution is to elect a city council willing to properly manage its police department.

          3. Yeah, and if they could get it into law the FPD would want bloggers stopped as well.

            Has anyone noticed the FPD is coming apart at the seams because of internet networking and people of good will pushing for the right things be done?

            Posting on blogs might seem ineffectual to some, but there’s not a single member of FPD that isn’t searching out every post and shaking in their boots.

            Sunlight is the best disinfectant.

            Additionally, a Citizens oversight committee doesn’t have to be toothless. Make it public policy to broadcast all meetings and post all activities on the internet. Let ordinary citizens oversee the committee and get more participation in local government.

            Nothing would be happening at the FPD now if it haden’t been for the protesters, bloggers and reporters.

        1. Don’t know about that, but I do know there are strong and independent critics of FPD who would happily serve.

          Clearly such a committee should be set up after Jones, Bankhead and McKinley are recalled so they can’t stack it with their minions.

          By the way, I’m not arguing this would
          be a perfect solution. It will
          at best be a slight improvement, allowing for slightly more accountability and transparency. Still, it’s one of many ways we the citizenry can begin to exert some more authority over our rogue police force.

        2. Gotcha Travis.

          No access to police reports and civilian complaints would in fact weaken this to the point of being useless. So if that is the case, I understand your skepticism. Are you sure that POBAR would prevent this?

    1. now? really?

      what happened to 5 years ago? and what dept did he come from in the first place? wonder if they knew

      from OC Weekly…
      “Officer Albert Rincon, who was hired by the department five years ago, allegedly had a habit of detaining women and either making sexual propositions to them, groping them, or doing both, the document states”

  50. blessusall :
    Oh, now that’s she’s said they’re not going to file a lawsuit, he can apologize…after more excuses about why city council did not respond sooner. Of course, we all know that they finally responded because a boatload of people started showing up to the council meetings demanding Justice for Kelly and subsequently the Nordell’s plight became more publicized. Then, and only then, did they begin to makes steps to respond ONE YEAR after the incident.


  51. Jane H :
    The news said the city was “seeking” to fire him. They have to through all the proper channels to do it right. They don’t want him coming back with an appeal and a lawsuit!

    Jane does the report name who it is that is trying to fire Cheef $eller$. The bigger concern by the Fullerton bosses is the damage that $eller$ can do with the trash he has on the them.

  52. Kelly’s poopy pants :
    #108 by Brandon on October 4, 2011
    I heard somewhere Sellers was the first person to call for an independent investigation from the FBI. Anyone know the veracity of this statement? Also, what role does the Watch Commander have in this? I really think it looks bad for Sellers right now. I mean unless he is dying of cancer or something, how could you take medical leave after your force was involved in such a egregious offense unless you had something to hide? I am trying to reserve judgment until all facts come out, but definitely stinks of cover up.
    Ask Shawn Nelson.. he hired the clown….

    $eller$ is a weak sister. Any one who has such a retirement package is not returning.

  53. I agree with the idea of disbanding the FPD. It makes sense.

    As it stands, EVERY Fullerton cop is seen as a potential thug, thief and/or just a creep. This applies to the “good cops” as well, who remain silent behind their Blue Wall. A clean person who lives in a filthy house will eventually become covered in filth.

    It’s time to clean house.

    1. The FPD will disband it self. They will all fly away on DISABILITY and leave us here in Fullerton with crippling financial settlements. Also, the abusive early disability pension packages will be our tax responsibility for decades to come. Chief Sellers and his crime family are laughing their asses of at the FOOLS in FOOLERTON. I am moving out of town before my family is attacked by these bums.

    2. agred

      Anonymous :
      I agree with the idea of disbanding the FPD. It makes sense.
      As it stands, EVERY Fullerton cop is seen as a potential thug, thief and/or just a creep. This applies to the “good cops” as well, who remain silent behind their Blue Wall. A clean person who lives in a filthy house will eventually become covered in filth.
      It’s time to clean house.

      agreed- 110%

  54. merijoe :
    now? really?
    what happened to 5 years ago? and what dept did he come from in the first place? wonder if they knew
    from OC Weekly…
    “Officer Albert Rincon, who was hired by the department five years ago, allegedly had a habit of detaining women and either making sexual propositions to them, groping them, or doing both, the document states”

    Who hired him? The pervert was hired and protected by who? Who set this deal up? Who brought this animal pedophile to Foolerton and endowed Rincon with the power of authority on the streets of Foolerton. DOES OFFICER FRIENDLY RINCON BE ADDED TO THE SEX OFFENDERS LIST?

    1. Good question. I’ll bet the lawyers for the plaintiffs have some background information on Rincon.

      Mall cop? JC security? There’s got to be a record somewhere.

  55. So the liars are now saying publically that its normal procedure to have an independant doctor review for “fit for duty”- I work in California disability-and work especially with the “1st responders” employees, not that it matters-and, no, its not “normal” procedure to have an independant review this soon unless it was suspected to be a phony diagnosis (technically called, malingering) -this is being done because someone put pressure on someone to do it

  56. Travis Kiger :
    There was no warrant because it was a parole check. Parole checks can be executed at any time without a warrant, as long as they are done on the right house.

    So, breaking and entering charges sound good here since it was the wrong house.

    I forgot if they kicked the door in or not?

      1. No. The Police Officer’s Bill of Rights specifically says that is legally impossible for a cop to commit a crime.

        1. I’m guessing this is some kind of tongue-in-cheek overstatement. But it does seem that way, especially after hearing the city lawyer’s explanation of “the process” last night.

          If there are any POBAR experts out there reading this, now would be a good time for some in-depth analysis.

          Idle speculation – could a case be made for POBAR being unconstitutional? Anybody ever try?

        2. You make it sound like it’s carved in stone.

          I have to disagree.

          If it were as you say, neither Ramos or his buddy (Whose name I can’t spell and am too lazy this morning to go look it up.), would never have been charged with a crime.

          Sounds more like set of guidelines. (Does anybody recognize the quote? (-: )

  57. Seller left town because he didn’t want to inherit a problem the McKinnley started. Maybe McKinnley told Sellers its better to leave town so that he wouldn’t have to point the finger.

    1. Sellers is week. He could not stand up to Mckinley or the council. He did not cut out the rot in his police dept and he sat back and let cover up after cover up happen. He was hand picked for this job because of those attributes. He has been around long enough to know where all the skeletons are buried and he knows it will all come out now, eventually. he is in CYA mode because that $4,000 a week does him no good in prison…. and look at the guy he would not last 3 years in a Federal facility. He is trying to pad his pension and hope it all goes away….. but he oversaw the rot and covered it up….. he may get a pension but his family will spend it for him and he will get some sodas and twinkies once a month.

  58. At the city council meeting last night i couldn’t help but wonder how much McKinkley paid his butt-sniffin’ buddy Dennis Azivito (check spelling) to get up and talk about how great Hamilton was, how great the entire city council was and especially praising his mentor of 30 years ago, Chief of Police Pat McKinley. As soon as he finished, he was greated by “Big CityCopper!”, “CopSniffer!”,etc. Then about two speakers later, some middle-aged lady, a resident of Fullerton named Nancy Weinhardt (not sure of last name) got up and defended the FPD citing sections 3300-3312 of the “Police Bill of Rights”.
    I also wonder what FPD and/or the city council paid her to show up and kiss their ass?

    1. That was quit a show those two put on, or shall we say tried to put on. It was quit obvious they were paid or owed someone a favor. Also, its amazing, meeting after meeting the lies pile up and the guilty plead the 5th or mumble some legal jargon in order to hopefully confuse the town folk.
      Why is this investigator taking so long. City attorney explained the hoops that must be jumped but never told us where we were at. Oooppps yeah he did, slipped and said that they were expecting his report last week and said it is taking longer than expected. Strange, but it seems as though everyone who is scheming is scheming and pretty much doesnt give a shit what anyone or any citizen says or does. So yes, the FPD and the city council is putting the Fu back in Fullerton.

  59. Joe Sipowicz :
    No. The Police Officer’s Bill of Rights specifically says that is legally impossible for a cop to commit a crime.

    Yep, they don’t have to obey the law, just enforce it. Kinda like bad parents that say, “don’t do as I do, do as I say” but we all know kids learn by example.

    1. …and thats the way to do things. Keep it in front of the public and watch the stink wash away.

      We have to allow for due process and it will take some time, but I’m seeing more things being done now than even the naysayers in the beginning of this thought could happen. (-:

  60. To put the Rincon matter into perspective and truly illustrate the extent to which FPD unofficially sanctioned his actions:

    OCSD fired deputy Scott Montoya last year for repeated sexual misconduct not nearly as severe as Rincon’s.

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  62. Didn’t Sellers agree in his contract to move to Fullerton? He never did!

    Medical leave–in San Clemente.

  63. I have reported BCC Facebook to a few places already

    I suggest others do the same

    They are true scum of the earth.. we give them brand new cars and technology and armor and weapons and they tell us to fear them..

    disgusting is all they are

  64. People of Fullerton must be ready to pay $180,000/year for Chief Michael Sellers “Fallen Hero” when he announces his “retirement” with pre-arrangement and pre-approval from City Hall.
    Honorable Sellers is ready to collect an additional amount of “Disability” due to work environment and many others.
    If you got your wish to fire the rest of the thugs, each cop and employees will take a great sum of money and ready for early retirement.
    You must be ready to pay a lot more for the damages his cronies and protectors leave behind.

    If you know how cancer work in human system, take a closer look at Fullerton.

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