From the “John and Ken” webpage at the KFI website (photo caption by me):

Recall Councilman Pat McKinley, Mayor Pro Tem Don Bankhead, and Mayor ‘Dick’ Jones! These three idiot city council officials need to be held accountable for letting the Fullerton Police Department become a cesspool of corruption, full of rogue cops who murdered Kelly Thomas.
Give them the political death penalty and remove them from office!
Location:Fullerton along Highland Ave., between Amerige and Commonwealth
We will be there Wednesday, October 5 from 3-7 PM with recall petitions for you to sign!
Show up, sign a petition and stay for the show! Only Fullerton registered voters can sign the petition, but everyone is welcome to come.
Fullerton residents wishing to sign the petition or gather signatures can learn more at www.fullertonrecall.com.
Click HERE to watch Pat McKinley defend the policemen on CNN!
That ought to be for 500-1000 triple siggies.
How come those dudes look they got their heads squished in a vice. This might explain a lot.
3 Blind Mice….
you coming out to this?
Never think they are blind! They know and SEE exactly what their actions,inactions and just plain incompetence are doing. They just don’t care because they have one hell of a gig that many of us wouldn’t mind having. Screw everything up, turn a blind eye and rake in the bucks.
But I might add, never underestimate the treachery these guys are capable of exhibiting. We need to stay focused to get rid of these three because they won’t go without a fight.
On a side note, I was wondering if you could do me a favor. I am missing so much work my wife is getting suspicious of me. Do you think you or Fedup could write me an excuse so she knows I am actually on the front line of a good cause ???
See ya later my Friend………………….
A big shout out to J&K for being a media outlet that refuses to toe the line for the oligarchs. God bless you, fellas. And thanks to KFI for not hog tying them. Power to the people and long live the 1st Amendment!
These three city councilman who have never ever stopped to listened to Fullerton residents, could sure learn a thing or two from this young lady in this video. If they watched this they may just very well remember how sweet a voice can sound to some people…
I believe that video is fake. How does she instantly understand what the other woman is saying being deaf her whole life? She’s also not reading lips at several times in the video.
Not to crap on your post, I’m just saying…
….And the U.S. never landed on the moon because the whole thing was staged on a movie set somewhere in Hollywood.
The video does not mention that the young woman, although born deaf, had used a variety of hearing aids growing up, hence her ability to grasp language skills readily.
My reasoning is that candidates for cochlear implants brains have developed enough “hard wiring” for them to develop further syntax if they had artificial devices earlier in their lives which allowed for initial syntax development to occur in the brain.
This leads me to a Helen Keller quote, which I may be paraphrasing a bit, “we have 10,000 windows of opportunity in front of us, however most people usually never see even one of them because they are too busy looking back at the door that closed behind them”
The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt within the heart.
and lastly…
The highest result of education is tolerance.
I repeat: “Facial injuries are not life threatening”. Thank you so much for that information Mr. MacKinley. I wonder what killed Kelly Thomas? hmmmm. well, it wasn’t the facial injuries, or the broken bones in is face and skull. Maybe The blunt force trauma and choking on his own blood?
How could he go on CNN and flat out lie and cover up the beating. This whole thing is just disgusting..
Is dick wearing a rug?
dunno about that, but it looks like McKinley is wearing veneers on his teeth compared to the other two
Give ol’ Donasaurus a break, those choppers have nibbled on smaller reptiles for at lest 3.2 million years.
Donasaurus? I just peed in my doggie bed.
Just listened to the comment made by McKinley on the CNN interview which is essentially the same comment made by Dr. Jones, “facial injuries are not generally life threatening” is a profoundly asanine statement.
In Vietnam, the guy next to me that took the AK-47 round just under the left eye didn’t look or appear to be too serious until I rolled him over, he was still breathing when he was MEDEVACed.
Did Dr. Jones delivered the same quality of service to his patients under the guise of reconstructive cosmetic surgery as he has to the citizens of Fullerton in his esteemed positions as City Council member and MAYOR?
He did tits and nose jobs.
its what’s under those facial injuries that are life threatening
the military is where docs go that cant make it outside. ask any vet.
Or the military is where a doc goes if he wants to make an extra 29K a year with the reserves.
“If we make mistakes, we need to correct them. If we do our job right, the people should know…” – Sheriff Nick Navaro (1930 – 2011)
What happened to men like this in law enforcement?
They did their jobs well, grew old and died.
We’re currently stuck with the likes of fatso and the cyclops, ad nauseam — coast to coast.
Admin – Possible rain next Wednesday.
Supposed to be a cold rain storm, not tropical.
It look like a pretty slim chance. Thanks for the head’s up though.
Hey Anonymous
Sheriff Navarros’ statement is a pablum bullshit.
Any and ALL mistakes will be covered-up to the fullest extent possible. Mistakes are admitted to with the caveat that the personnel in question did not receive adequate training for the situation in which they were confronted. Internal disciplinary action will be administered and ADVANCED training programs will be considered for integration in the future.
Reading the fine print (#2font) in many of these peoples record will change the glow on the shining portrayal that is put forth to their family and the public.
It just doesnt stop. ” double header of shame” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iWtxLsLcY2s&feature=youtube_gdata_player
Here’s a zinger from the “BCC” Facebook Wall:
Big City Cops LOL… that would be nice…but not worth the effort…they’ll soon tire out, the “novelty” of the incident will pass and in a year they’ll say “Kelly who”… we’ve dealt with these types often…
we’re keeping their profiles addresses and info in the event something happens where they may need info on a possible suspect… some are making clear and definite threats against LEOs… some are very specific… almost like signatures…
“The novelty” and “Kelly who?” Wow.
These cop suckers are always full of overused unoriginal cliches and slogans.
“He shouldn’t have resisted”
“Don’t call 911 when you need help”
“They put their lives on the line everyday”
“Apples and oranges”
“Its a thankless job”
“Try putting yourself in their shoes”
“Innocent until proven guilty”
“We don’t know all of the facts”
“Where was Ron Thomas when his son was homeless?”
“Most of the protesters are out of town trouble makers”
…I’m sure I missed a few others but the point is they are incapable of forming original thoughts because they’re either not bright or they can’t logically justify the actions of certain officers.
I believe “we’ve dealt with these types often” means they probably kill innocent people frequently.
It seems the veil of secrecy of the FPD is being pierced , albiet incrementally on a step by step basis.
Will ex-chief Mckinley admonish and preach to the women molested by his Officer Rincon that they should have participated in his “She Bear” self protection program. Perhaps, the Chief had in mind this exact example(Officer) when he started the “She Bear” self defense program. If so, then his self acclaimed public service program was a sham to cover his own ass and exonerate his responsibility for not taking appropriate action to remove Rincon from the FPD.
We now have the CITY (taxpayers) offering $$$$ to settle,out of court with two VICTIMS of police officer misconduct.
This may settle the external legal actions with these two plantiffs, and there may be more coming , but it does not settle the case internally.
This misconduct was basic civil rights violations and you can’t lie or threaten your way out. Best not to consider pleading the fifth. It’s time to cover your ass and spill your guts.
PS; anything you say will be used against you in a court of law. There is no consideration for anything in your defense. Plea bargain/have a good lawyer!!
…I find hypocrites morally repugnant and it sounds to me like Pat McKinley was a bona fide hypocrite in that he created an environment where women were sexually assaulted by at least one member of his police force and then he profits from the situation by writing a book called “Shebear” in order to profit from the toxic environment he created. Sort of like how the city council allowed all the bars downtown so it would be like shooting fish in a barrell for the Fullerton Police department to profit from the DUI’s/502’s and drunk in public arrests….
Councilmember McKinley has received numerous honors in his distinguished career, including an “Award for Excellence in Community Service” by the Mojave Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution for his “She Bear” program which teaches women how to protect themselves from assailants.
Councilmember McKinley and his wife, Barbara Ann, have three sons and three grandchildren.Active in the community, Councilmember McKinley is a member of Fullerton Rotary – Main and of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church.
More questions about the terms of bail for Ramos and Cicinelli.
1.Are they wearing tracking (GPS) devices?
2.Were their passports surrendered?
3.Were their bank accounts frozen?
4.Were any kinds of restraining orders issued?
5.Are they under court ordered and assigned protective services?
6.What agency is paying the bills for any court ordered terms, conditions,and living expenses?
Are these bail conditions open to the public?
If anyone knows–PLEASE POST
there’s a gps ankle bracelet on ramos. that’s all i know. i saw an interview with the guy who was making him wear it.
I think the bail bond’s insurance is making him wear it.
From today’s OC Register
Councilman Pat McKinley said he supports the radio hosts right to stage a rally, but the former Fullerton police chief certainly disagrees with the pair’s opinions: “They are toxic people who create problems for a lot of folks. I wish they would stay away.”
Question: Does that mean that the thousands of people who disagree with him are all ‘toxic’?
Yep. That sums it up.
Is something that John and Ken can say more toxic than murder, sexual assault and cover-up?
admin, how about a post on that?
I know this is wrong to say .. but I wouldn’t mind wiping my as with Dick Jones toupee
Toxic is McKinleys disgusting PERMASCOWL.. him and dicky boy both have permanent upside down smiles.. if there is a God.. it is their punishment to look that damn ugly
LMAO.. the BCC Olympics vs Special Olympics in a debate contest.. I have my money on Special Olympics
Anyone seen the “Mad TV” Impersonation of Kenny Rogers? That’s who Jones looks like in that pic
Pretty sick that you can tell a man, “These fists are going to fuck you up,” kill him, and still have people come to your aid. What is this, Mexico?
No matter what the evidence…more justification, arrogance, denial…
Big City Cops
…that badge and skull represent the ugliness which allows you to sleep comfortably in your bed…We are the monsters who fight the monsters.. we have to be… otherwise we’d be too scared to do our job…
Thursday at 8:52pm · Like · 4 people
Stupid jackasses at BCC-
who determines who’s a monster? you?
Im not a monster, yet Im treated like one from you power hungry apes
Believe me when I say this, and I know Im speaking for alot of the taxpaying citizens, I dont sleep good because of you nazi’s-I lock my doors and windows at night and hope you dont come a callin and bust into my home on some made up false arrest
It’s not the the criminal citizens that keep me awake, its you, legal assassins that worry me at night, and day too for that matter
Here, here!
Agreed, but they’re not all monsters.
Hell, there’s one officer in my city that if anyone raised their voice to, every other member of the community would form a human shield around him.
This officer is really one of the good guys and a personal friend. He’s been doing his job in our downtown area for almost 30 years, and prefers it on the beat. (I’ve only known him for 15 years.)
We’re dealing with some real problem people here, but yes, not all police officers have a bad seed in them.
Some of them should have halo’s. Make that most of them.
Eexcuse me,
but if you tolerate or nod your head knowing full well whats going on and who pulled (and is always pulling) scummy unethical crimes then you are just as culpable, if not more for hiding the thing – and I dont care if you friend wears 3 rosaries and 5 crosses- MURDER IS MURDER and God kind of looks down on it and all those who have participated in it, whether they’re silent or not- He is not a respecter of persons-
Good old priests that everyone loved and thought highly of, still butt raped little boys and if they didnt do it they covered for others that they knew did it.
All are monsters whether you did it or just know the details and wont say anything to help
Interesting…just the other day, I heard someone else also compare the scandal of the church with the scandal in the police department. It makes a lot of sense…it’s a case where many powerful people covered up something so terrible and many people didn’t want to believe it was true. And yet it was. Maybe it will just take some more time for people to open their eyes to what appears to be an epidemic.
Pat McKinley “Coroner can not determine the cause of death” interviewer replies “what should happen to these 6 police officers” McKinley “don’t leap to conclusions”,”they(police officers) due process.” Did McKinley learn the art of lying with vagueries from his colleague, Rusty Kennedy, the executive director of the Orange County Human Relations Commission?
“…a lot of folks”=FPD, Fullerton City Council, etc.
Ah! I see, now.
Thank you for clearing that up. (-:
See everyone at the protest today..
I want to justice for Kelly but fuck John and Ken. Has anyone every bothered to listen to the garbage the comes out of their mouths? They are on the wrong side of every issue except Kelly Thomas.
They are also for the recall of the 3 Blind Dinosaurs. Which is why they’re coming to Fullerton.
I take it you are okay with tax payer money being used to support people who have come into this country illegally.
Am I right “boldsoul”?
I missed something here.
When did we transition from murder to immigration?
Now, now. Unless you have your own radio show you can’t reach as many people as they can, and toxic or not, they are entitled to their opinions.
And they do help keep Kelly case in front of the general public.
When I was a cop, they called me Liar. But now that I am grown up, they call me Politican.
WIG! Yup, that’s a F-hairpiece on F-Dick.
I strongly support the recall, but John and Ken can just shut their mouths for a change and stay in Los Angeles!
i bet you think we shouldn’t be paying taxes at all.
Am I right Anonymous?
I don’t always agree with John and Ken. And yes, they can indeed be jackasses sometimes. But I really like them because they speak their minds. They get right to the truth and don’t kiss up to anyone. They’re not like other radio talk show hosts who kiss up to political parties (like Rush Limbaugh). They go after everyone and anyone equally…Rublican, Democrat, whoever. And they’re also not like other talk show hosts that are knee-jerk cop kiss ups and apologists. They have been saying right from the beginning that what the cops did to Kelly Thomas was horrible and that it was murder.
People might not always agree with John and Ken, but when they’re right, they’re REALLY right. They have been a huge part in uncovering the corruption in the Fullerton Police Department.
The John and Ken show is extremely powerful because they represent the average public citizen. They don’t kiss up to political parties. They don’t side with Republicans, Democrats, or anyone…they’re just people who get pissed off when they see something that they think is wrong. And that is very refreshing to see. That’s why people like their show.
Thse 3 idiot city council members are done. Tony Bushala has done a lot of work exposing all the corruption in Fullerton and getting the recall started…but now that John and Ken are getting involved, it’s a done deal. Their goose is cooked.
Exactly. McKinley just doesn’t like that they’ve played a major role in bringing this story to light. If it weren’t for this blog and their radio show, I don’t think we could be certain that the movement on this case would’ve taken place. I don’t imagine that all the other cases that have been brought forward would have been taken quite as seriously either.
With every word that comes out of their mouths, they only solidify my decision to sign that recall petition on Wednesday. In fact, part of me is glad they keep making jerks of themselves (just like when the officers handed out honking tickets) because it makes it easier for me to feel even more confident that my stance is the correct one.
In my second paragraph, “they” refers to the three City Council members…not John and Ken.
Ill be there for a short time. I have a session for my dog obediance class ont hat day at 6 oclock so I have to leave early. But Ill be on hand at 3 to pitch in.
Ill be there for a short time. I have a session for my dog obediance class ont hat day at 6 oclock so I have to leave early. But Ill be on hand at 3 to pitch in.
This Wednesday folks, let’s make it huge!
I cannot wait to see which of the 3 blind mice get the least number of votes in a new election. The fact that they are fighting this tooth and nail tells me there are serious, costly cover ups within PD and city government, maybe redevelopment, maybe downtown bars, who knows? But it will all come out! Thats what makes America great!
I remember when Fullerton was great and look forward to the City recovering from its costly mistakes.