Pat McKinley Can Find Soulmates Among Egyptian Junta
What’s that you say, Harpoon?
Here’s a story from CNN about how Egyptian military authorities subjected arrested women protesters to strip searches and “virginity tests.”
Here’s the money quotation from one of the charming gentlemen generals who run that unfortunate land:
“The girls who were detained were not like your daughter or mine,” the general told CNN at the time. “These were girls who had camped out in tents with male protesters in Tahrir Square, and we found in the tents Molotov cocktails and (drugs).”

Now does that sound familiar? Oh, yeah, right. The She Bear at the Soroptimists. Maybe we should invite Amnesty International to Fullerton to check up on Chief McKinley and his She Bear.
UGH!! What a deceiving look..
Rawr Rawr Rawr, no one understands you She Bear..
Yeah those Egyptian women had no credibility.
Having studied 20th century Middle Eastern history, many aspects of Arab culture were and still are misogynistic.
Yet,McKinley was raised in the United States and spent his professional career in Los Angeles and Fullerton.So where did McKinley learn to dehumanized people by categorizing them. who put the bug in his ear that degrading humanity into demographics made for better police work and a safer community?
McKinley innocently believes there are good women and bad women, and there are good people and then there are bad people. Using McKinley’s comments and his actions bad people frequent bars in downtown Fullerton (the public defines them as customers),homeless,mentally I’ll,ask the FPD why they are being arrested or demand their civil rights not be violated by false rarest,perjury or murder.
Having said that, who are McKinley’s good people? those who promote and protect him and his associates.
The mentally ill
What a violation of human rights and, like Mckinley-who has a clear issue with women,
its not up to this misogynist to decide who is decent, credible and honorable.
What exactly is involved in a virginity test? anyone know?
I have an idea in my mind, but, with so called doctors performing these, I wonder what the test involves. and is there a reason why it would be important to do these tests? just wondering
Many might unknowingly think that rape and assault are crimes of sex, they are actually crimes of Anger.
And power!
It is this sadistic tendency that is characteristic of narcissism as opposed to other psychological conditions affecting level of self-worth.
I think a virginity test is simply seeing if the hymen is intact.
though the term polite company often is used with sarcasm, I wish you would have practiced the denotation of this phrase as most readers are masters of the obvious.
There are 2 FFFF blog post of McKinley being described by Dr Ott. If you havnt read them you should. Internal feelings of inferiority, can really show up, in odd ways. The posts are very educational. Politicians have a higher number of Narcissists.
He makes my skin crawl.
I heard a story last night that PatMac is “teaching” his “She Bear” classes to the women at the WTLC. (Women who have been abused)
Can you say, Fox in the henhouse?
Oh Jebus. That’s just creepy.
whats WTLC? I think the media should be advised
This explains why he has tan skin and shaves his entire head including face and eyebrows.
…It’s like he’s trying to erase his roots.
Or maybe he just doesn’t want to leave any DNA evidence. Like Gattaca, but stupid.
Off Topic: Is it too late to submit my nomination for a Fringie? Check out photo #28 of 60 here:–.html?pic=2
Yes, too late. Fringies are over until 2012.
Be sure to remind me next December.
Maybe it’s time for a new sister city arrangement? Tyrants of the world, unite!
Check out a new court decision. Arizona v. Roth. It’s important stuff!
Be sure to remind me next December.
sorry Merijoe WTLC is the Womens Transitional Living Center it is for abused women and children. A great facility to get them back on their feet and protect them from their abusers.
They also think domestic violence is funny or they’re pricks or maybe both which is why I’m not surprised that he is being allowed to speak at their center. Got to love their “Sock it to ’em” event for a women’s shelter.
From the PDF:
I wouldn’t be surprised if Pat McFeelgood had a hand in coming up with such a stupid insensitive name/slogan for this event.
F everything about the hierarchy in Fullerton.
double entendre, me double liken to the duplicitous Pat McKinley and associates
McKinley should not be allowed to give his SheBear BS ramble to women that have been subjected to abuse. This will be another slap in our faces and to the women attending. His Brea Soroptomist event was disgusting. As we sat listening to his bizarre tips on how to protect ourselves while using the word Bitch over and over. I can say it is my strong opinion he should stay away from public speaking.
McKinley should not be allowed to give his SheBear BS ramble to women that have been subjected to abuse. This will be another slap in our faces and to
the women attending. His Brea Soroptomist event was disgusting. We sat listening to his bizarre tips on
how to protect ourselves while using
the word Bitch over and over. It was very strange and we haven’t mentioned the poem he recited or many other creepy things.
I can say it is my strong opinion he stay away from public speaking. Especially on the subject of abuse against women.
Sounds like a wonderful program, do they know that King Enabler is doing the teaching?
That video from the last Shebear seminar should be another part of the WTLC curriculum
I wonder what DTF will look like New Years Eve? God save the Queen!!
I was wondering who decided it would be a good idea to have him at the WTLC.
I was not aware of the sock it to them theme..very bad choice of words indeed.
First blouses and now socks ,whats next; panties ?
Maybe he will leave that part for his chosen and trained student, Rincon.
To give credit where credit is do yesterday the Fpd arrested some scumbag who broke into a home where a young boy was home alone. La times carried the article. Thank God no one was injured.
The boy is the hero of the story for remaining calm and on the line till the police showed up.
The FPD has always done heroic deeds and made the citizens of Fullerton their top priority and even when Ron and Kathy Thomas let their mentally ill son loose on the citizens of Fullerton they gave them chance after chance to help him but they would have no part of it.
Kelly’s death as unfortunate as all deaths are but it was the fault of Kelly, his dad and other family members who turned their back on him not the two officers who are now being used as scape goats by political opportunists like Chris Thompson and Tony Bushala and everyone with an axe to grind against police officers.
The DA knows he has a weak case but he caved in to the pressure by a very loud and passionate minority that was comprised mostly of out of towner activist types.
It is a shame that Officers Ramos and Cicinelli are being paraded around like criminals after serving their community with honor and valor as do all officers of Fullerton PD and in Cicinelli’s case he served his country as a marine.
We can only hope that fellow clear headed citizens of fullerton will see these officers for the true heroes that they are and find them not guilty so they can return to the jobs that they love.
The Fullerton Police Department has and always will be heroes so the recent positive news does not shock or surprise me.
How many other works of fiction are you the author of?
I value you opinion. Until the “video” is released and your opinion is validated, others will likely to hold onto their own opinion.
Maybe you can explain how and why Kelly Thomas got his head bashed in by one-eyed Cicinelli. And how and why the boated Ramos an Wolfe instigated and escalated the incident.
Those fucking monsters aren’t coming back. Ever. And only political opportunists would describe these dangerous psychopaths as heroes.
Marines are trained to not kill unarmed, civilian non-combatants….. I think that bullet that should have stopped his career knocked the Marine right out of him. He was on Kill Mode and Kelly was his target.
contrary to popular belief on this blog site, most bloggers don’t hate the FPD at the street level. My contempt is for the FPD’s leadership that promoted a corrupt culture within the FPD and failed to take action when it was spiraling out of control.
Defenders of the FPD cite Pat McKinley, Police Chief Sellers, Goodrich extensive police experience and education. These facts alone raise the bar of professionalism twice as high as the bar for the fullerton police officer on the street.
McKinley, Sellers, Goodrich, fullerton civic leaders, Jones M.D., Bankhead M.S., all of these men sat on their hands while a pattern of police brutality, perjury, molestation and eventually murder was being committed by fullerton police officers.
Is the FPD a rogue police force? Yes, if rogue is defined as a force without guidance or purpose
defined by its leaders
There was no pattern, no case and no valid evidence of what you people claim. The truth is people make false claims against police officers all day long. Typically they’re upset because they or a family member got arrested for DV, possession, DUI or for outstanding warrants.
In the case of the sex assault claim, the DA declined to file charges against the officer you’re referring to because of lack of evidence and collusion between the so-called victims.
Veth Mam was asked by officers to leave and when he didnt he was arrested. This isnt abuse its called 148. (a) (1).
NOT ONE officer has been convicted of anything you claim. Most of it is baseless allegations and rumors pushed by Ron Thomas who wants to make millions, Chris Thompson who is in deep financial trouble was only in it to raid the general funds and make $10,000 for being a consultant and Tony Bushala only wants to make millions in redevelopment but he can’t do that if the city council isnt in his pocket.
As for the recall, Chris Thompson knew back in September that it wasn’t going anywhere since most of the signatures are phony and signed by out of towner activists but since he’s already made his money he doesn’t care.
I see. It’s all a big conspiracy against the FPD and it’s fine officers Rincon, Cicinelli, Ramos, etc., etc.
Do they hand out tin foil hats down there at the station?
Ho, ho, ho.
Let’s see: Rincon turns of his DAR before each encounter with ”so-called” victims. Bogus charges against women mysteriously dropped. DA fails to prosecute because DA is big pussy. BTW, Rincon was fired recently, no? What for?
Video shows Veth Mam lawfully occupying public sidewalk. Video shows Hampton knocking phone out of his hands, flinging him to ground climbing on his back. The charge? Assault on a cop. It’s called false arrest an prosecution. Jury exonerates Mam.
How about the false arrest and imprisonment of that supposed gang member?
what about that so-called suicide in the jail last spring, and, say whatever happened to Mater?
Hey, what about Major, the pill-popping con man? Convicted.
Kelly Mejia? Caught on TSA surveillance camera stealing ipad.
Say, whatever happened to Nowling and Cross?
Then why did the city of Fullerton fiinancially settle with those accusing FPD of violating their civil rights?
Many civil cases never make it to trial because it is cheaper just to settle over fighting it.
Had the city fought the accusations they may have ended up spending millions in legal expenses. Most people who file frivolous suits against large corporations and government entities literally bank on this.
Officer DiCaprio, officer to the homeless in fullerton was on hand tonight with two other officers to help a women who got off the train from New York with an apparent missed connection and a luggage mix up. She was acting very distressed and upset most the day around the station.A “plummer” in a white van showed up with a clipboard and was overheard on the phone saying,” I got another one for you.” A while later an ambulance showed up with a stretcher and amidst her unwillingness to be a participant was taken away.The police remained calm throughout the ordeal. Sad it had to end up that way for her.
Black and white thinking is a symptom of some mental issues, the world has many shades of grey, and is very complex at times.
Let’s see…….Are you going to hit me 8 times in the face with the butt end of a tazor, , until I remember that and get it right?
Why didn’t you do something to help calm her down and get her away from those officers if you knew that they were going to take her away and lock her up? Why did you just stand there and take pictures?
There was nothing contrived against Carolyn Phillips, , her OWN words were posted again for her to view. If she had problems facing what she has said, then maybe she needs to take more care in chosing her words. The only mob mentally I see here is your own…….Her posts were abusive to many posters, not vice versa…
Can we drop the terms abusive, hate-speach, cop-haters and the like? People are expressing what they think and how they feel. What ever happened to the good old days when every first-grader could recite, “Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never harm me!”
You evidently didn’t read her posts, , she was never abusive to me, , she was just fine. But, there are others that would have cause for concern. You are entitled to your opinion, just like everyone else is entitled to theirs…..
If you were there you would see that I did, confront both ambulance drivers, the mental health worker, and one of the officers. I also tried to get a taxi driver and homeless man to help me to no avail. I was using camera as last resort at the point I was confronting to let them know they were being documented. The mental health worker said” we”re not negotiating”.Also I wasn’t there during the day so didn’t know the total circumstances involved.Thank you concerned for being so.
I am glad that there are still people who care and who would at least try to help someone in such a frightening situation.
Tuco thinks in black and white and poster FPD #1 fan sounds like the Sgt. Goodlie party line. If FPD #1 fan repeats that party line enough times he will be made chief disinformation officer by Chancellor Hitler, oops I mean, Councilman McKinley.
After all, most of this lying drivel protects McKinley from being seen as a poor manager of FPD with dubious administrative skills and a definite anti women bias.
See, it takes one black and white thinker to see another for their lack of shades of gray and gray matter.
This is like the calm slow part near the end of a horror film.
Fullerton should have a radio station, that will play different music when there are more travel advisories against Fullerton, or when Arabs are interviewed and say “Sadahm’s Army survives in Fullerton”
It is times like these that heros rise up to the needs and wants of the people, (often legally, and with the full support of international governments). -Screenwriter
Dont forget Sadahm is credited with killing over 2 million people.
has Rincon been to Egypt?
Maybe Rincon is in Egypt, he received his virginity inspectors’ training while a member of the FPD.
Bingo! Basic training at the McPension Po-Po Academy.
“You cannot do terrorism on other people and expect it never to come back on you.” -Reverend Dr. Jeremiah Wright
Van, in the early 1970’s a high school friend told me “There’s a kind of girl you want to date and a kind of girl you want to marry”. If you think about it, boys go in a very short time from thinking of women primarily as mothers and the girls as future mothers to seeing girls as potentual sexual partners. Then as men they have to go back to seeing their chosen sexual partner as mothers for their children. Instead of integrating the various roles into one woman, many men form a duality in which there are two kinds of women.
When I heard McKinley tell the Brea women, “these women are not like you”, I was not surprized that he thought like that, only that a person of his experience and position would fail to edit his true thoughts.
Some cultures and sub-cultures magnify this duality. Police have a need to make quick judgements about people for survival. They have to avoid shooting someone reaching for a car registration yet be quick to the draw against someone reaching for a gun. They also have to determine quickly who is a citizen who should be left to go on his way and who is likely to be a person of criminal conduct. Police work by nature encourages the thought that there are “two kinds of women”.
Of course, as my mother used to say, “it takes two to tango”.
and what type of girl was Margo, the fifteen year old foster child of Ralph and Natalie Kennedy, at 1031 N. Richman Avenue, Fullerton, from 1972 to 1975. And did this attitude live at 1031 N.Richman Avenue?
The attitude certainly existed in society. Although I was familiar and friendly with her in 1972, our discussions a few months ago revelaed that for most of this time you spent more time around my cousins’ home than I did; partucularly at the end when I was at UC Davis.
So you tell me.
you already know
steve, why don’t you directly ask margo(marguerite hill) she may be found on facebook using the name anulese kennedy
I was watching last week’s City Council meeting, and I noticed that Pat McKinley always salutes the flag when everyone is reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.
I always thought that the only people that were allowed to salute the flag during the Pledge of Allegiance were ex-military?
I don’t recall ever seeing that Pat McKinley has ever served his country in the past, only that he was on the LAPD and FPD, so I’m wondering if he’s correctly observing the protocol of the U.S. Flag Code during the City Council’s reciting of the Pledge of Allegiance?
He was probably some lowly non-com.
Saluting the flag while in civilian garb? Put some mustard on that hot dog.
Yeah..get it right. The three guys that you haters want out, are all ex military. Hope that makes you feel like an ass!!
Whether they are ex-military or ex-cross dressers I want them out.
Being in military service conveys no special wisdom, courage, or ethics. In many cases it’s just a lack of alternatives Judging by the Three Blunt Tools I would say that would most likely be the case.
Which service and what years were Pat McKinley in?
…no mention of military service on Pat McKinley’s record?
Yeah..get it right. The three guys that you haters want out, are all ex military. Hope that makes you feel like an ass!!
Yeah…get it right. The three Dino’s that will be ousted are all ex military, and so?
That military service automatically gives a person a free pass to do whatever they want in a public office? They are an embarrassment to all soldiers