More Thayer Thuggery
We received some interesting correspondence after our last report on Officer Perry Thayer. Others wanted to share their experiences with one of the FPD’s “enforcers.” This particular reader wished to stay anonymous.
The story begins when Fullerton Police were dispatched to his mother’s home after she had threatened to commit suicide. Uh-oh. Our reader tells his story:
I arrived at the house I spent my life growing up in, with 5 or 6 officers at the scene peering in through the windows and garage. I quickly exited my car, and identified myself as her son, with a key to open the house.
They ask me if there are any firearms or weapons inside the house, to which I replied no. I also advised the group of officers to stay outside because they are the last thing she wants to see. Keep in mind this whole conversation took place as I was walking up the driveway to the front door with keys in hand.
I asked them to stay outside one more time as I was entering the house. I closed the door behind me, keeping my focus inside the house. Before the door closed all the way behind me, I felt it hit me in the back and arm with an officer charging through it. He immediately put me in a choke hold, which completely shut off my supply of oxygen, while rapidly repeating “PUT YOUR HANDS BEHIND YOUR BACK” 4 to 5 times in succession. I complied and put my hands behind my back, as my contact popped out of my eye as he tightened his hold.
I was put in handcuffs and taken outside of the house as the officers rushed in. I could hear my Mom’s confusion as to why they were there, and how they were making it worse. She had no idea I was there or that I opened the door.
I asked Officer Thayer why he attacked me. He then pointed to his finger stating I had “slammed the door on me and the other officers”. He told me to look at his finger, where I didn’t see any injuries. Obviously his DAR was on, making him look pathetic as he was trying to gain some kind of evidence from his recorder. I really couldn’t believe a person like this existed, especially in a police uniform.
He then took me to the police station where another officer asked Thayer if I was “another raver kid.” I didn’t know being Korean made me a “raver” kid. Hell, I’ve never in my 23 years of life been to one. I was booked and forced to wait in a room as Thayer was bragging about putting me in a chokehold, and making this whiny, high-pitched voice to imitate my mom. Officer Thayer then opened the door to ask, “did you pass out?” then closed the door. I asked the booking officer what I was being charged for as he was taking me to my cell. 2 counts of assault on a peace officer and resisting arrest. Luckily I made $2500 bail an hour after, but that was more of a miracle in itself to obtain.
I had trouble breathing for a month, as my neck was sore, and I also had a bruised eye. I had lost complete faith in a lot of aspects of life, and was always angry to the point where it affected my social life.
Unnecessarily brutal treatment of in this case, not even a suspect, but merely a potentially suicidal woman’s son, compounded of course by false arrest. Protecting and serving us again Officer Thayer?
Our reader continues:
After a slew of court dates, personal character reports from employees and church members, I plead guilty to disturbing the peace. To be honest, the reason why I didn’t want to fight it in court was due to my unfamiliarity with the court system and the fear of more court dates in which I could lose and have that on my record.
I didn’t file a civilian complaint. I don’t know the reason that compelled me not to. Figured I never wanted to step inside that building again.
(On Thayer): Honestly, what kind of a person reacts this way to a potential suicidal situation, in where they could do the most harm, and where I could have resolved the whole situation peacefully? I can’t explain how bound and powerless I felt as a human being in society, or more importantly as a son. Though my charges were knocked down to disturbing the peace, my biggest regret now was not exposing it at the time.

It seems understandable that after being abused and charged with imaginary crimes for merely trying to prevent a distraught elder parent from killing themselves, one would be reluctant to deal with that police force again. But check out this bit of information:
I’d like to add that during my time in the room while I was waiting to be booked, after Thayer’s conversation with the booking officer, a female officer of upper ranking (apparently a Sergeant who was at the scene) replied to him, “that’s what you’re here for” as it sounded like she pats him on the back to congratulate him.
“That’s what you’re here for.” To randomly beat, choke, batter, and falsely arrest our citizens? With supervisors like this, who can be surprised by the ever-increasing reports of the FPD’s off-the-chart thuggishness and violence?
With each new incident, the view that the Fullerton Police Department has gone out of its way to encourage its officers to commit wanton acts of brutality against the public is becoming less of a conspiracy theory and more of an evidentiary certainty.
So, when do we summon the FBI, en masse?? Screaming at an unresponsive city council will not work, as they believe everything in Fullerton is just fine. Does anyone believe that the police department will clean itself up? HA… yeah right!
A conspiracy theory is simply another word for an unspeakable truth. Wake up people. We are not in Kansas anymore.
The feds are on their way, but for the wrong reasons. I read an article about the so-called pot dispensaries being given 45 days notice to shut down. I’m thinking that this is happening mostly in Northern Calif.
I grew up in Tustin, lived near Fullerton a long time ago (mid Sixties). I probably wouldn’t recognize Fullerton or anyplace in Orange County. And I sure as hell would not go to Fullerton now after reading all these articles and posts on FFFF. I remember alot of people leaving Calif. for various reasons in the 1970s; some of us left the country. I went to Canada in 1977 and met alot of people who either had visas or dual citizenship. I now live in the Midwest and wouldn’t go to Fullerton for any reason. Do whatever it takes to get rid of the FPD; they are no better than the Nazi/SS thugs who infested Germany in the 1930s. If you citizens can’t get rid of these FPD sh#tbags, get out while you can. I’ve been following the OWS protests; but this stuff that’s been going in Fullerton is pretty scary.
WTF? Helllllo, there is something seriously wrong with FPD cops and the psychos that continue to this day to cover for them-Im not surprised at this gaggle of misfits after the many many stories of horror I’ve heard that actually happened between fullerton citizens and the scumbag nazi gestapo- the lies and coverup of the FPD, the refusal to send help at a call for FPD help while a crime was in the process of being committed, the refusal and the nasty response by FPD officials when someone requests to write up a report-which is why they show a false stat that crime rate is low, the disrepectful, strongarm tactics of these knuckledragging boneheaded shits- and why the hellllllll is this not being investigated??? Fullerton Mafiosa
Do you just sit at the keyboard, reloading and jonesing for a new blog entry? Comedy career not treating you well, Ms A? LOL
It starts at the top of every department. No education, just jaded years of police work, passed down to the next generation. Every department hire the same personality as the one’s at the top…it’s a vicious cycle. Asshole cops hire asshole cops. Is it ironic that less than 5% of all police departments in the country require a Bachelor’s degree? It’s also sickening how protected this departments are. However, situations like this happens everywhere, Fullerton is just getting the brunt of everything. Keep videotaping people, apparently it’s the only way for the people to get justice against the police departments.
remember people do not surrender your video recordings to police.they are not allowed to ask you for any recordings that you make that is the law just passed this augest-2011
ahhh, thanx Fullerton Citizen and while you mention that piece of info-please, people, get yourself a camera and carry it wherever you go-be safe out there Video cams are inexpensive these days- pick one up from ebay
another piece of citizen protection
the mayor sez the Mafia run his hometown good, why would he not stick to what he knows?
Many people are unaware that the California Constitution has equal protection provisions that go far, far beyond the similar ones of the United States Constitution. Specifically, there is a provision that prohibits “special legislation” that benefits one category of citizens over another. And there is a very interesting body of jurisprudence about what kinds of exceptions are available, as being justified by various kinds of public necessity.
The crime of resisting arrest was enacted in 1957, as section 834a of the California Penal Code: “If a person has knowledge, or by the exercise of reasonable care, should have knowledge, that he is being arrested by a peace officer, it is the duty of such person to refrain from using force or any weapon to resist such arrest.”
Can anyone with access to the “code annotators” out there tell me whether or not this particular Penal Code section has ever been tested for its California-Constitutionality under the “prohibition of special legislation” clause?
The question ought to be asked: why should it make a difference, whether or not a peace officer effectuates an arrest, if it is a lawful (warrantless) arrest? Stating it differently, a private citizen already has the right to effectuate an arrest [see Penal Code section 834 and especially section 837]; why should a criminal suspect have a greater right to resist, just because no peach officer is involved in the arrest?
Again, I would like to know if this has “equal protection” argument has already been disposed of in a published decision. If not, it is high time for someone to push it all the way. And if the statute is held to be constitutional, at that point it would be ripe for the citizens to use the Petition Initiative to change the law — either repeal it altogether, or make it a crime to resist any lawful arrest.
The law against resisting arrest is a comparatively modern law in California, as it is in most states. (I have been told that some provinces in Canada still do not have such a law.) The reason it was not historically necessary, is because if there is enough evidence to make a warrantless arrest possible, then there will be enough to obtain issuance of an arrest warrant. And every schoolchild used to be taught that resisting an arrest pursuant to warrant could get you killed. See Penal Code section 843.
The age of automobiles and planes has made it possible for suspects to make “a quick getaway”. By the time an arrest warrant has issued from a court, the suspect has fled to another state or another country that will not extradite. And if that is the “legislative necessity” for this modern innovation of criminalizing resistance to an unlawful arrest by a peace officer, it is just as much of a justification for criminalizing resistance to a lawful arrest by a private person.
In summary: if this issue of “special legislation” has not been tested and disposed of in the courts, it is high time. WSH
Thayer needs is ass kicked! The only way the bullies at the FPD are going to stop abusing the citizens is give them a little justice!!
The Stanford Prison Experiment perfectly explains how FPD and other LE jurisdictions across the country have devolved into gangs of brutal thugs. The Bush/Cheney model for mocking the rule of law and the constitution has given law enforcement a license to brutalize and terrorize the citizenry. We’re seeing the abuses of the Nazi regime played out again, with the same consequences.
I have often thought the same thing about the Stanford Prison Experiment. For the students in that experiment, they got out of hand in just about a week (“working” only 8 hours a day). Can you imagine how demented some of these people must be after being around this mentality for 12-hour shifts several times a week for years?
It’s amazing to me that police aren’t required to take a psychological exam at least once per year, considering how much trust is put in their testimony that can (and does) send innocent people to prison.
This is beyond sickening!!!
Is Thayer still on the beat? Gotta photo of him?
How long ago did this episode take place?
What’s the penalty for shooting a cop?
Damn these pricks!!!
Wrong Guy, is that a threat?
Never mind. I saw his picture above.
Figured he was an ape.
I think the problem here may be having to grow up with the name “Perry.”
He must have taken a lot of grief. And now it’s pay back time.
Don’t call FPD 911, 1hr response time. They said they were busy. Luck was on our side, the problem walked away. This was on a Friday afternoon, 1:00pm or so. I far as I am concerned we are on our own now. We must live in Fullerton as if there is no police force…..
I do know officer Thayer received a metal for preventing this young man from being taken hostage from this suicidal woman who was hell bent on taking her own life and taking someone with her. Check your facts.
Since this young man is telling a different story, I suspect that the officers may have made up their own version of what happened. It has been well documented that FPD officers do, in fact, make up stories of events that resulted in a citizen being harmed and they always go with “resisting arrest.”
you check YOUR facts-coplicker-so he got a damn metal-the FPD are a bunch of lying sacks who cover for each other-Im surprised he wasnt given a septor and a crown too-the only thing he prevented was him going to jail where he belongs
Then why was he arrested? Is that how the FPD saves people? He was trying to help his Mother.
If they truly were trying to save him, surely with that many officers present they could have talked to him about their concern before he tried to enter the house rather than the choke hold and arrest. If that version of the story is true, it still demonstrates the incompetence of FPD and that they resort to violence in practically every situation. Why they are getting medals for that is beyond me.
FPD gave Thayer a medal to whitewash the fact the whole incident was a despicable travesty. The entire department should be abolished ASAP before more citizens are murdered by psychopaths wearing badges.
Officer Thayer is free to come on here and explain to the public why he is not a thug, but a hero. I would ask him why a mother wanted to take her son hostage? And if that was true, why arrest the son? And when he responds I’d like to hear about why Chris Spicer Janku was such a threat to society that he needed to have his head stepped on in a gutter. Etc.
If there was danger, why wait until he was inside, go inside, put the guy in a choke hold and then handcuff him?
did he get a metal for that too? for preventing the that “young man” from going on a future rampage and taking a few felines with him?
He got a metal medal?
Yeah, a family member who is a former law enforcement officer made it very clear that actions even close to that are completely unacceptable and go against all training. You put the handcuffs on a person, put them in the car, and drive them to the station. End of story. Any added force is criminal.
Then why wouldn’t Thayer have told the kid that he attacked him to save his life? Instead, he told him he attacked him because he supposedly shut the door on his finger.
I guess thuggery is not only condoned, it is rewarded with a “metal.”
A metal? Hopefully it was a metal plate in his head after the lobotomy. I know Thayer. Nuff said.
In the Know, you are saying Officer Thayer received a medal for preventing one person from being taken hostage by a desperate little old lady who was holed up in her house? I suppose the would-be hostage ran like Wolverine from the X-men through those four or five ordinary mortal cops, knocking them out of the way easily in his amped-up determination to make himself a hostage, until the heroic Thayer managed to stop him? Either that, or a thug with a badge thought it best to assault someone and criminally lie about it rather than, say, ask politely for the house key?
It wouldn’t surprise me that an imbecilic police department like FPD would cover this up by giving Thayer a metal, stating it was for protecting this man from “an extremely dangerous and violent old lady”. That sounds like something Sgt. Goodrich would say.
I’m sure Thayer was a pussy that got bullied in junior and high school and is therefore one of those many LEOs that wanted that badge for the wrong reasons; revenge being one of them.
This is from the FBI website. I really think that anyone in Fullerton who has had an incident like this should contact them. You can report incidents through the FBI website link below. I think it is in your best interest if you contact them rather than waiting to see what the FBI comes up with in their investigation of FPD.
Good for you blessusall.
Make sure you step up victims!
FFFF’s got your back.
This would be good information to pass on to Fullerton residents. I suspect there are many who are afraid to come forward. Perhaps they would be willing to make a direct report to FBI? It’s worth a try.
I question the accuracy of the artist rendering of perry, I saw a photo of him with his powderpuff team and this snot nose, scrawney guy is not intimidating anyone with his prescence. Perhaps a turd throwing chimp, or a little gibbon would have been more accurate.
Sounds about right for the F-Troop pd, attack an innocent person, incarcerate them, falsely charge them, and give the perp. a medal. What a joke, or at least it would be if it wasn’t so pathetic.
Ya know, it seems to me that all of these police brutality stories coming to light after the KT murder is kinda like “piling on”. I am by no means condoning any of it, but otoh I have dealt many times with officers of FPD and personally believe the department as a whole is a good one.
I think that documenting false charges and use of force issues is good, and that the individual officers involved in every single one should be evaluated externally and dealt with case by case…weather that be by firing them, charging them or some other sort of intervention.
The mere fact that I have interacted with these guys in the past and NOT had a problem with them is perhaps what sickens me the most about these stories. 🙁
P.S. Before you guys execute me on the internet let me say a couple things: I STRONGLY believe that Sellers needs to go, and I wish there was a way to strip his pension. Ditto McKinley. I also believe that if not for the KT incident none of this would have drawn any attention, which disturbs me deeply…any one of us could have been him that night and there needs to be some far reaching changes to FPD staff.
I strongly suspect that not every citizen is treated the same by FPD and some seem to be at greater risk for these bad experiences than others. You may not fall into the high risk category and therefore your experiences are positive.
Exactly. Kind of like how Thayer is nice to his friends, but then these stories come out.
Actually, what is happening is that people who were afraid to speak out before realize that this community supports them, and not the police. So though they are likely still afraid, at least they know they will be taken seriously. There are still other similar stories (and worse) which have yet to published.
Please encourage them to report to FBI, for their own safety if nothing else.
Exactly. Same with cases like Albert Rincon’s. Women feel more comfortable reporting rape when there is strength in numbers. Can you imagine how frightening it is to file reports against police? And how helpless one must feel? Now they’re finally being taken seriously because everyone is seeing the department’s “rogue” officers for what they really are.
vw, you are entitled to your beliefs- with that said, so am I, I have heard too many actual real life stories -yes, I believe them, that this “good” police force ignored citizens when they called them for help-and for serious matters, discouraged the writing up of reports from a citizen who walked in to do just that, laughed, yes actually laughed, in peoples faces when inquiring about crimes that were committed on them. cover up for each other, other cops make statements that they care so much about each other that they are willing to cover, I myself have overheard this copper by the name of Officer Sicko (yes thats his real name) who is constantly watching and texting and talking on his cell phone on saturdays while we are trying to protest- with his onery stoic, unfriendly face go into ma’am/intimidation mode – like hes ready for trouble and will gladly call for backup to ticket or jail someone if given reason
I dont believe there are any good ones in there or someone would have said something, even anonymously, about the constant coverups
I’ll bet the good ones all leave, which is why they seem to be left with a large number of “bad eggs.”
Law enforcement knows who they can and can’t push around. The ones without a voice: the vulnerable who are sick, poor and weak in any way.
I have no idea what you are talking about.
FFFF ran the story of the “Victim” who was beat up by FPD and prosecuted, in June, weeks before the Kelly Thomas murder. Ditto the story on Todd Major the pill-popping con man.
I believe we also ran the Kelly Mejia iPad theft story in June, too.
We ran the first Veth Mam story on July 12th, only two days after Kelly was taken off life support.
So who are the “good” cops? The ones who don’t beat you up and steal your wallet because a) they don’t want to expend the energy; b) they’re not sure they can get away with it; c) they aren’t thieves and goons, but would never turn in their pals who are.
Do the math. At least two dozen FPD cops are named in complaints, are caught on video committing crimes, are now in the justice system, or were complicit in illegal or outside of policy activities. That’s just the stuff we know about.
And given the small size of the department it’s a sure bet that the entire force has known all about what’s been going on. That’s why a 26 year old cop figured she could steal a computer with impunity.
Piling on? I haven’t even started yet.
Somehow I have no sympathy for the person this happened to. We have a dead Kelly due to the atmosphere at Fullerton PD because in lesser incidents like this, the victims do not seek legal help. FFFF would do a great service if they could find attorneys who are willing to handle these cases. When the courts get clogged with FPD settlements, the people will finally react in Fullerton.
Tell the little old ladies who vote for the 3 OLD BLIND MICE that this could have been them.
Attorneys usually won’t work on a contingency basis for a police brutality case unless the evidence is overwhelming.
Again, if you look like you can afford a good attorney, you’re probably not going to get beat down. Most of these people can not and find an attorney to pursue their case.
Its obvious that Fullerton P.D. is full of a bunch of guys who are suffering from little man’s syndrome. When they beat up innocent people with their batons, flashlites & tasers it makes them feel real big!
You may be right as I am generally a law abiding citizen and have no problem in areas of communication and paperwork, BUT I also was furniture at 369 and before I had kids I did a ton of club promotion there, and at the Shack and the Boogie. So from that perspective the whole KT thing scares the crap out of me…anyone that comes out of a club drunk is likely to have some interaction with the police and what they did to KT was absolutely horrifying.
“furniture at 369 ” What does this mean?
I am a middle aged “right brainer” I asked my “left brain” but he doesn’t know.
If you come out somewhat inebriated from certain bars in Fullerton it will not be a problem. They regularly provide free drinks and food to the police, both of which are illegal, by the way, THose bars or restaurants are not harassed ever! So you really had nothing to worry about vw as long as your bars are on the correct listing!
Yes, I agree that someone drunk is at risk–that would be another group that I could see FPD taking out their aggression on because they will be less credible later if they make a complaint. Perpetrators carefully select their victims.
Like I said I think that is a good thing, but it still has a whiff of “piling on”. I wish that was not the case and I feel for those that have been abused by those that we fund to protect the community, but deep down I believe that the defense mechanisms will brush it off as such.
The idea proposed earlier of FFFF having some legal council available through this blog is fantastic though…my even being at the Saturday protests causes some worry from my family and truth be told myself as well. Fortunately, the officers that I do know at FPD are good ones, so that helps me sleep at night(although I am dumbfounded that they do not speak out publicly against the others at this point).
Have you asked them?
The PD handles 3500-4000 calls for service per month. 38,000 calls per year.
That’s a lot of Fullerton residents who do not share their stories of terror with FFFF. Cowards all of them!
and doesnt answer 3450-3850 of those calls-the cowards “all of them” are FPD not citizens who pay their salaries with their taxes-have some respect
“TO SERVE AND PROTECT” if they don’t like their jobs, find a new one.
I agree with In the know. Given the amount of calls they handle a month I also agree that they should be allowed to beat, molest, falsely arrest and execute citizens at random everyone once in awhile.
They put their lives on the line everyday fer cryin out loud! Give ’em a little slack.
“V dub 53” not everyone has the money or the wherewithall to hire a defense attorney (to defend against false allegations by pd) and then to persue a cival suit (if successful in criminal case) it is very time consuming and stressful. I know of what I speak, I did and won, and I have the scars to prove it. I agree with you “dub” it is frieghtening what happened to Kelly, it frieghtens me too, and I have a unique perspective on it.
We should all be frightened by this.
frightened of what blessusall?
Police brutality and corruption frightens me.
Do you think “53 dub” Mr. Madrossian(sp?) would be the appropriate legal counsel to contact, for anyone wanting to step forward with valid “excessive use of force, missconduct, ect..complaints against fpd?
It is very difficult to find an attorney who is even willing to take a case against the police.
Like Mardirosian said, “Veth Mam told me his case was different; he had it captured on video camera.”. Mardirossian wouldn’t have taken his case otherwise.
Video evidence is an absolute to get any credible attorney to help bring an officer to justice.
Being intoxicated and having life taken from you maybe? Just a guess. 😉
@nomad: Care to elaborate at all on your story? When I cited FFFF having access to legal council I meant something on a contingency basis; I know full well that not all can afford it…that is a whole ‘nuther problem with government that need not be delved into here lol.
Nah, I don’t have to worry about the being intoxicated part. It’s the police brutality and corruption that frightens me. It does not have to happen to me personally to affect me, and all of us, greatly. I believe we deserve and can do so much better than this.
Usually law suits against a public entity are contingency fee based, meaning the lawyer doesn’t get paid until the case settles. No win, no pay and no upfront costs.
In fact Nomad made a good point above, in that you would have to get a defense attorney to help prove your innocence in a ‘false allegation’ claim by police. Then you will need to hire another attorney for a civil suit, if you were successful in your defense.
Who’s got that kind of money these days?
Actually the two suits, criminal and civil are separate entities. Even if you lose the criminal case which is brought by the DA, not you, you can still sue in civil court. Verdict is not unanimous as in a criminal case, thus it is far easier to win. Criminal cases would not normally be brought on a contingency basis.
Retaining a public defender is a real crapshoot, when risking a criminal record or loss of freedom unjustly…
Public defenders are the rubbish, the low scoring students from subpar law schools.
Not all. I know a couple – smart as they get and a lot more moral than your average careerist prosecutor.
Reasonable Suspecion and Probable Cause and what it means to me, look at the video, read this carefully-know your rights-best defense -
While I am happy to hear your contacts with FPD were positive, many cannot say the same. Many police departments have the same problems that FPD have. They have their “heavies”, who beat, falsely arrest, and abuse people; all with the full knowledge and blessings of the upper management.
Until the “brass” get the message that WE THE PEOPLE are not going to accept this kind of behavior, these negative contacts will continue.
“53 v dub” not looking for no cost therapy and we’re all here for Kelly. Not sarcastic, thanks for asking, I’ll make it quick, Falsely charged with assualting 5 sheriff deputies with a deadly weapon. I was beaten while handcuffed, injuries included broken nose, broken jaw in 2 places, shattered orbitol socket, several broken teeth, driven around in back of cruiser finally parked at gas station while 2 of perps involved wrote thier reports, eventually transported to local hospital, x-fered to county USC, from here kinda hazy, taken into emergency surgery shackled by ankle and wrist to gourney, hemmoraged during surgery, very much head trauma and my heart stopped twice on the table and had to be recessitated(?) with paddles, came to, about a week and a half later shackled to bed at county USC facing charges that I was informed carried 5-10 yr sentence. Police report was utter B.S., Deputy D.A. dropped charges offered my attorney settlement to drop any potential cival claim aginst sheriff dept, city of L.A., State of Ca. you see 53, I do have kinda unique perspective.
Police assault civilians; civilians are killed, injured or traumatized; civlians
if lucky find a lawyer willing to sue pro bono; City or county settles or loses; citizens (taxpayers) foot the bill. Over and over and over again.
Tell everyone you know in Fullerton what is going on. The police are
criminals; aided, abetted, and protected by the ex-cops
on the city council and their lackeys (Jones, Felz, the other Jones). Recall.
I am so, so sorry to hear about that, and it’s just adding more fuel to my fire. I assuming it was LASD, but it’s not my business. You do have a unique perspective, and quite frankly I’m amazed at your attitude given what you’ve been through. I hate all these stories, and now to see just how many people are affected. Even I have a couple of stories, which are not nearly as serious as what I am now reading these days. It’s all horrific. I am wide awake now.
How are you doing in general?
Oh, Nomad, Im so sorry that happened -what city? thats awful, those lying sacks. The citizens are tired of this shit-revolt. You think you could tell this story to John/Ken? media should know-let the wrath of the people come out
Is that do nothing City manager still asking for a raise? That kid is over his head. He should tuck tail and get out!
So sorry to hear about that Nomad and I could guess it was L.A. County Sheriff jurisdiction.
Was it NOrwalk?
That is overkill!!!! How did you get over it?
I remember it disturbed me very much to see the photo of the pool of Kelly’s blood on the pavement, from another thread. It was sureal to me to see the widening pool of blood under my head as I kept trying to raise it up as I couldn’t get a breath with the blood in my nostrils, face down on the street, hands cuffed behind my back, and being beat with flashlights, batons (SAP sticks on report) and shod feet….cheers!
Nomad, I am sorry that happened to you. It is so wrong.
“It was inappropriate touching, not a good thing, but not a dangerous thing.” – Pat McKinley 2011
Correction: “It AIN’T a dangerous thing.”
again, im so sorry and glad you are here to talk about it- theres a nice warm place waiting for those basards
DING DING DING “Wrong guy” spot on! Thanks for the sentiment. Used the monet to get the Medical treatment my daughter needed. Dont want to make a saint out of a sinner though, in my head, I bought a new Harley(not the old beater I’m perpetually working on, a boat, and never had to work again! but it was worth more to hear my Dad say he was proud of me. My daughter continues to do well…..Cheers to that.
You made me laugh out loud “Fullerton citizen”
Me, too. It’s called “humor of the absurd.” McKinley is absurd and cronies are absurd.
Congratulations Nomad. You deserved it after all that helion.
When you say Spot On, do you mean it was Norwalk Sheriff?
Thank you for your sentiment “merijoe”
I used to work next door to the Norwalk Station and didn’t meet one nice deputy in two years. And, I had to call them regularly. They all looked so bored.
@nomad: Wow…that is not cool, I’m sorry you have to live with that. You know first-hand why the whole situation here makes my stomach turn.
You are one of the reasons that I stand outside of FPD every Saturday and also why people come from other communities as well.
I am curious as to what 9c1 will have to say here as I believe he is from Downey where there is more injustice as of last night.
We need big changes in policy and training across the board, and I am appalled that it has to start here, but I’m not afraid to be one of the ones that make it happen.
big hug to you Nomad, Im glad you were compensated but I know even that money didnt buy you piece of mind, please know that there are people right here right now that are with you in spirit and absolutely believe you 100%-thank’s for sharing that difficult part of your life.
I have experienced Norwalk Sheriff’s dastardly ways myself, but not worth mentioning after your ordeal Nomad.
So glad to hear the DA was actually sensible and reasonable to where you actually got a settlement. Otherwise you would have been faced with what I posted earlier about having to retain a defense attorney, then another ten grand or so for a civil attorney.
Isnt Fedup from Norwalk? be interested to here her comment on this
Yes she is and very familiar with the Punkthug Norwalk SD.
Me too!
I admire all of you who keep showing up at the City Council meetings and the Saturday protests. It takes integrity and honor to not only believe in a cause but to stand up and speak out. It’s what my mother used call having the courage of your convictions.
Please understand, Im not doing any of this for admiration-my heart is really with this issue for Kelly Thomas, his family and all the others who were physically and mentally hurt and backstabbed by people they thought they could trust and be safe with, people that they pay for out of their salaries to protect them not hurt the and knowing this could easily be me or anyone I care about- just knowing that there are others who also stand up with their signs or post blog articles or talk on the radio or write stories in newspapers or film or tell their painful real life stories, gives me strength to keep going strong to bring these thugs to their knees and never let this happen again. pisses me off cause badges dont grant extra rights like they think
I’m aslo sure there was some kind of gag order as part of that settlement, which is to why you can’t elaborate too much.
I’m dying to know who were the culprits, by name.
Could I guess? How about ‘Haak’, ‘Anna’, ‘Tibets’ (who I call Tubits cause he’s a big fat piece of *&#$), ‘Libertone’ (who I refer to as Liartone cause he’s such a liar), ‘Hernandez’, ‘Maldonado’?
Did I mention much HEAD truama? “Wrong guy”
don’t recall gag order?! eh. Hellmen, statts, payne, and lopez were 4 of the 5 there was also a sgt. on the scene he was sent to prison, along with his wife, later on for tax evasion, and I seem to recall he was also charged with stealing from the evidence room? from STARS academy. There was a write up about it in the L.A. Times some years ago. Duran I think his name is, was.
Nomad, is there a prior newspaper article of this? I want to send it to john/ken if so
Search the LA Times for Macario M Duran.
Nothing surprises me anymore! This is why everyone needs to show up at the protests.The next person could be you or me. These guys are out of control. I don’t care what John Barnett has up his sleeve. I was in the academy with one of them and they came to class drunk! One time of one time only had one sneeker on and we all had to change because they didn’t come prepared.
I don’t know “merijoe” I read the article, recognized the name, smiled to myself, and drank my coffee…
what year?
Some people have suggested replacing fpd with ocsd I have stayed silent because I do not reside in Fullerton, but my unsolicited advice is to be careful what you wish for.
Why would you name your kid Perry.
Which brings us back full circle to what I said earlier…FPD needs changes yes, but we need a good police department. All I want IS that good department. For all.
ACLU Video on LA Co Jail abuse
That killing was just 2 miles from me in Downey.
No, “merijoe” this is about Fullerton, and getting justice for Kelly. I’m at peace with what happened, my daughter is well, and “Girls dig scars” Thanx for your well wishes though, hope to meet you all some sat.
That is what I thought. I was sorry to hear about that shooting last night and wondered if maybe it is not just Fullerton that needs an uprising.
Do you know anything that we haven’t heard on the “news”?
Nothing more than you know. Things are hush hush here.
Check this site out. These were the FF6 training instructors
3 of the 6 graduated from Fullerton College Police academy!!!!
We sure need “The Three Amigos” in Fullerton. Does anybody really live in Fullerton outside of the 3 square block area of DTF. Most of the merchants are rip-offs, the restaurants stink/smell like a urinal, and the food is marginally palatable for a dog. If it wasn’t for the college students, the downtown area would cease to exist.
The next money spent by CSUF should be to build a very large and elaborate beer garden on campus.
Yep…W. Fullerton and I totally agree with you. It appears that the FFFF needs more F support. How that is going to happen? I don’t know. DTF is nothing but a trouble magnet.
But Jones, Bankhead and Mckinley need to go now. They have destroyed the City….They created DTF…….
Bushala= Joe Sipowicz you are a fucking asshole. still hiding behind all your fake names on this site..what a cunt…
#43 by Joe Sipowicz on October 23, 2011
I have no idea what you are talking about.
FFFF ran the story of the “Victim” who was beat up by FPD and prosecuted, in June, weeks before the Kelly Thomas murder. Ditto the story on Todd Major the pill-popping con man.
I believe we also ran the Kelly Mejia iPad theft story in June, too.
We ran the first Veth Mam story on July 12th, only two days after Kelly was taken off life support.
So who are the “good” cops? The ones who don’t beat you up and steal your wallet because a) they don’t want to expend the energy; b) they’re not sure they can get away with it; c) they aren’t thieves and goons, but would never turn in their pals who are.
Do the math. At least two dozen FPD cops are named in complaints, are caught on video committing crimes, are now in the justice system, or were complicit in illegal or outside of policy activities. That’s just the stuff we know about.
And given the small size of the department it’s a sure bet that the entire force has known all about what’s been going on. That’s why a 26 year old cop figured she could steal a computer with impunity.
Piling on? I haven’t even started yet.
Another cop hiding behind a sexually suggestive screen name. Cops always use sex and violence in their taunts because that’s where their minds are.
You’re getting to someone Joe! Great post.
well said Joe
so whats your point , Blow me?
Yeah Blow Me..
I mean, what’s your point, Blow Me?
I bet the officer also suffered broken bones while the suspect “resisted arrest.”
What a bunch of BS. This officer is a P*ssy!!
Several years ago i too was badly beaten and falsely arrest but this was in an OC city. I was mistaken for someone else they said I “matched” the description of a person who just “possibly” robbed someone. I am 5’10 150 pounds and “match” a majority of the population of the city I was in. They grabbed me, threw me on the ground and broke my nose and my arm. They kept yelling stop resisting but I wasn’t. They had someone look at me and they realized I was not their guy! Well since they beat me up they arrested me for resisting or delaying them what else were they going to do? They charges were later dropped but I still hesitate when I see the police and fear it could happen again! Nomad I feel your pain. God bless.
The Thayer thing is all one-sided. If you have any smarts at all you will investigate for yourselves and not be suckered in to a one-sided story. You know one-sided incidents are only half of the story.
The cop was given a medal. That says all that needs to be said from the LE side of the story – it’s obviously a whitewash. In the past, when it was a citizen’s word against a cop’s word, the word of the officer was naively taken as truth every time. No more.
whats the other half of the story numbnuts????????????
you got nuttin honey
Honestly, the first story about Thayer is enough. Whether this one is 100% accurate or not doesn’t seem to even matter much at this point.
I mean, it does. But not in the way he is viewed in general. When you start having more and more complaints come out about you, it’s always one of two things at play:
1) Other people are simply jumping on the bandwagon even if their stories are not legitimate,
2) Other people are finally feeling inspired and courageous enough to also share their stories.
So far, whether it is always the second option or not, FPD has had too many instances where that has been the case. Unfortunately for honorable officers who may have not done anything wrong, it will seem like a case of the boy who cried wolf if they get accused of anything and claim innocence.
Granted, I’d be willing to change my viewpoint if he were to share his side of the story, maybe even with some evidence to back it up. At this point though, we only have the one side to form our opinions.
You’re presuming he’s actually literate enough to find this site, read the posts about him, and respond with a reasonably sound argument written in reasonably good English.
Those assumptions may be unfounded.
How the hell can the citizens “investigate for themselves” when every aspect of every cop’s conduct – their personnel files, complaints filed about them – are all totally unavailable for public access?
What a bunch of BS. You don’t want citizens to investigate for themselves, because that’s exactly what this blog does. That is exactly the thing that is striking fear into the hearts of our police department. That’s the last thing any of you want.
Prove me wrong. Share “the other side” of either of the Thayer cases with us.
A telling quote from our very own activist, Merijoe
“I often wonder why my brother and I are so fucked up and goofy – I think I found a piece of the puzzle. When we were young, my parents would wait til we were asleep, put my brother in my bed and me in his bed.”
So what explains why the cops in OC are so fucked up? Maybe they were raised on a farm and slept in a pig sty.
Despite knowing what I know about FPD, I have some reservations about the story re: Thayer. I feel some facts are being omitted.
Have you ever met him?
I’m just curious if you might know him and/or his side of the story. I’d be interested to hear if there are any holes in either story.
I do know that no police officer will take well being told repeatedly to “stay outside” by someone while he brazenly and cavalierly walks past them during the course of their investigation.
I think it’s quite possible they directed him to remain outside (at least until they could ID him and confirm that he was the woman’s son) and he ignored their directives.
If they did in fact mistreat him they deserve to be condemned.
I disagree. If he was such an interference to their investigation than why did they not detain him and ID him on the spot? He drove there in his registered car and had a key to the house. Seems to me they allowed him to key into the house. I fail to see why they entered the house behind him, and I fail to see why they needed to choke/arrest him. Did they charge in the house to safe the son, obviously not.
And where are you getting your information from that he ignored their directives? From what I read, the officers ignored HIS directives to remain outside.
At best it suggests that FPD is incompetent. In addition to incompetence, they also resort to excessive force and brutality.
Exactly. Best case scenario is excessive force.
There is no reason to put a young kid trying to talk to his suicidal mom in a chokehold. Unless of course that is what you always do cause your superiors like it.
I can see your point, but Thayer would have given that reasoning for his tackling the son. Instead, he said it was because the door slammed his finger.
Username: Well said!
This is just beyond comphrension, out of Control. Those supervisors are just as guilty. The whole city needs to be evaluated and people need to be fired, demoted, prosecuted. The residents need to rein in control.
And nomad sorry for the torture you endured; it’s beyond sickening.
very sad to read about Nomad.
There is no “information”. I said “it’s quite possible”.
I’m saying this kid’s version of events is being accepted as Gospel when there is a good POSSIBILITY that all of the facts are not known-or being omitted.
agreed, certainly some facts are most likely omitted. Perhaps some of the other officers agreed with the boy to see if he could resolve the situation.
I just don’t see how “it’s quite possible” he disobeyed their orders. If he did disobey, he would have been beaten down on the front porch or front yard, not inside the house. He didnt jump thru the glass window, he keyed into his house.
Come on. If its a he said/he said case, given the verifiable record of Fullerton cops in writing up false reports to justify false arrests (see Eddie Quinonez case) and even perjuring themselves about these false arrests (see Veth Mam case) why would you actually trust the word of the cops?
If the cops didn’t want the kid to go inside the house – wouldn’t the 5, yes, that’s 5, cops stop him before he opened the door with his key?
If they didn’t mind him opening the door (they obviously didn’t) but they just wanted to gain entry then one could understand them rushing into the house behind the kid, especially if they were concerned for his safety. But what on earth would justify them rushing in, putting the kid in a choke hold and then arresting him on the stop?
Stupid thugishness would explain it. Just like it explains most of the rest of the stuff coming out about the FPD.
At this point, after an incredible record of lying to the public about virtually everything, in a he said/she said we should be trusting the victims, not the cops. The cops have a clear record of lying, their victims do not.
Sorry I haven’t been paying attention to these boards for a bit….
But someone said he received a medal for that night?? Really? It couldn’t have been the night when he attacked me…. there was no threat,or weapons (as stated to the officers beforehand). Thayer couldn’t properly access the situation.
I also felt that a big part of the story was missing (no offense to Fullertonista).
My father has been suffering from Dementia and Alzheimer’s for the last 2-3 years. He is at the point where he can still very much function , but gets confused, lost, and loses his temper easily.
My parents own a restaurant together, and got into a argument. My father called the local police and told them that my mother hit him in the head. They responded to the restaurant, where they asked her questions about domestic violence and took pictures of her in their place of business. She was extremely embarrassed and stressed about the whole ordeal.
This is where she called my sister, complaining about the local police department, saying how she “wanted to take her life in front of the police department”. My sister then called me to go check on the welfare of my mother. As I was in LA at the time, she let me know that she called the FPD to go check on the house. My sister just had a newborn baby, and wasn’t able to leave.
This is where my story comes in. This is WHY I asked them to stay outside. For all I know, they could have entered the house themselves, only for her to kill herself in front of them. Instead, it turned out to be a bunch of confused,moronic, and beef-headed cops, making the entire situation worse.
Now don’t get me wrong. I have nothing against cops, LEO’s, Border Patrol, you name it…. There is a purpose for all of them. I pay my taxes, and expect them to do their job as much as I have my own.I just have no tolerance for people who hide behind their badge and expect it to make them a hero.
So what is it about this case you guys are confused about? And how could you blame my case for the death of Kelly’s?
Sure. I should have filled out a complaint about Thayer. But the way I was treated that night made me lose ALL hope in any system. Plus, I don’t think anyone realizes what kind of case I was up against. 2 Counts of Assault on a Peace Officer would look great on my record every time I get pulled over. Do you know what its like even trying to form a case against the PD with no HARD evidence except the words falsely written by the people you are suppose to trust. The Risk vs. Reward scale tipped in favor of playing it safe. Im sure as hell more than half of you voted for Bankhead, McKinley, and HeeHaw himself. That means I can back it up a bit, and blame the voters for putting them in office instead. Either way, I’m not looking for an argument.
BOTTOM LINE: Fullerton PD is in dire need of evaluation. You don’t need the DA, the FBI, or Bushala to tell you that. They are meant to PROTECT and SERVE, not STEAL, LIE, BULLY, BEAT, RAPE, EXTORT, or MURDER.
And I hope wherever it is you are Thayer, you can try to realize your faults within yourself and the department. At the end of the day, you work for the people, whether or not you guys like to admit it.
Perry Thayer, if he hasn’t already, needs to:
1. Get into treatment with a psychiatrist and a psychologist
2. Find another line of work
And Victim —
If you haven’t already and if the statute of limitations hasn’t run out, you need to formally file a complaint AND hire an attorney. Only until people go through the process and attach a dollar tag to the egregious use of force, will be be able to rid the department of bad cops.