Naughty Teddy Steps Up

If you haven’t driven past it, or gone in, you may remember The Naughty Teddy due to the legal action the prudes in City Hall took against it.

According to the OC Register local coverage, the downtown Fullerton business establishment is holding a fundraising screening of the Rocky Picture Horror Show, 11:30 pm on Friday, with proceeds going in Kelly Thomas’ name to Mary’s Kitchen, a non-profit in Orange that serves food to homeless folks.

Well, good for Dawn Aquino, the owner.


32 Replies to “Naughty Teddy Steps Up”

  1. I would love to know if the Slime Bar is doing anything to donate or help any cause in Kelly’s name?

    1. That’s funny. Everyone wanted to protest and boycott the slide bar and now you want them to donate to this cause? Come on. Be realistic. 🙂

  2. You mean steps down… Does Mary’s kitchen know that proceeds from an adult establishment is raising money on thier name… no they don’t.

    1. streets of f-town, I don’t think it should matter where the money comes from to feed people. the government should stay the f out of our back yards & bedrooms. As far as I’m concerned the N.Teddy is just as legit as any church in town.

        1. Women should cover their cleavage and legs. THINK OF THE CHILDREN.

          Would you want your child staring at some lady with her cleavage hanging out? Imagine want could be going through their young minds when they see that.

    1. OH NO!

      They sell dildos and lube…. THE HORROR! WONT SOMEONE THINK OF THE CHILDREN?

      While we’re at it we need to ban free wifi because children can use it to access all sorts of debauchery and other ungodly content!

      1. I guess you made your point clear enouph where you stand on the issue. Do you have children that you raise in this city? Do you care what they are exposed to? Do you think this is progress what is happing in the downtown with tat parlors and other many non-family friendly establishments popping up all around. This city reminds me of a very familiar movie that is frequetly watched at Christmas- I’ts a Wonderful Life. It shows what happens to a city when people stop standing up decency and for what is right.
        The police where counting on good citizens looking the other way on the night of “Kelly Thomas.”and most of the citizens at hand did. More people at the scene where complimenting the police behavior as doing thier job, than those that where disgusted at the behavior of what they where witnessing.I wish to not look the other way at the calous attitudes that are changing this city.

        1. “It shows what happens to a city when people stop standing up decency and for what is right” you must refer to Fullerton city council members Jones, Bankhead and McKinley and the Fullerton police dept.
          Bizzarely, you link ladies underwear with the fullerton police beating to death a homeless man in downtown fullerton. Kelly thomas could have been beaten to death in other parts of fullerton that are far from the naught teddy

        2. To fullerton streets:

          I have kids I raise in this city and the NT is the very LEAST of my worries. I couldn’t care less if there is an establishment that sells sexual aides in Fullerton. A healthy sex life is a bad thing? Says who? I have taught my adult children it is a wonderful thing. (Ever used the Rabbit”???…apparently you haven’t or you wouldn’t be complaining either)….I digress…….

          I would rather explain the concept of a legal business to my kids, than explain the “internet store” (aka LAN/drug dealing business) at Raymond and Commonwealth or explain the heroin dealer on commonwealth that has been there for ages (right across the street from LV Jr HIgh). How do you explain why the cops have not shut them down to YOUR kids? And yet the city wants to spend the time and resouces presuring Dawn Aquino out? Good god, this city is so screwed up.

          Mary Kitchen will gladly take the donation.

          Thanks Dawn for stepping up.

    2. @Streets of Fullerton,
      When they said they were not an “adult business” they were referring to the municipal code’s definition, not common sense.

      Besides, there are a lot more kids under 18 doing what the rest of us wish we could.

      Didn’t the Naughty Teddy cum up again at the last council meeting?

  3. Thanks to the naughty teddy, some of our most vulnerable residents will not go hungry for awhile.
    Now, contrast the voluntary altruism of Naughty Teddy owner, Dawn Aquino, with the spin-off of Rusty Kennedy who is executive director of the Orange County Human Relations Commission. Rusty Kennedy was and still is a strong supporter of the tax dollar subsidized Pam Keller collaborative. After the beating death of street person Kelly Thomas, Pam Keller’s collaborative was quick to announce to the public that this tax dollar subsidized organization has a long history of helping the homeless in fullerton. This struck us residents of fullerton as strange because there is no evidence that the Keller collaborative has ever made a genuine effort to help Fullerton’s homeless.
    What is striking about the keller Collaborative is Pam Keller is an ex-city of Fullerton council person and Fullerton school teacher who still pulls down her teacher’s salary from the fullerton school district while never stepping inside of a classroom. Keller and her collaborative was and is strongly supported by Rusty Kennedy who in turn is a colleague of fullerton council member and ex police chief of fullerton, Pat McKinley.
    With the combined efforts of the keller collaborative and Rusty Kennedy’s Fullerton homeless task force coupled with fullerton council member pat mckinley’s blessing, I’m sure more people like Dawn Aquino, the real grassroots heroes, will be needed to help our homeless fullerton residents

    1. What a twisted web these people weave.
      I think NT is showing true class by doing the fundraiser. There are so many different types of business in Fullerton and the NT is the only place I have heard that is doing this type of thing for Kelly. Good for them
      Thank you Naughty Teddy….

  4. fullerton streets :
    I guess you made your point clear enouph where you stand on the issue. Do you have children that you raise in this city? Do you care what they are exposed to? Do you think this is progress what is happing in the downtown with tat parlors and other many non-family friendly establishments popping up all around. This city reminds me of a very familiar movie that is frequetly watched at Christmas- I’ts a Wonderful Life. It shows what happens to a city when people stop standing up decency and for what is right.
    The police where counting on good citizens looking the other way on the night of “Kelly Thomas.”and most of the citizens at hand did. More people at the scene where complimenting the police behavior as doing thier job, than those that where disgusted at the behavior of what they where witnessing.I wish to not look the other way at the calous attitudes that are changing this city.

    You’ve gotta be from that psycho site big city cops. Lay off the crack pipe would ya?

    1. Or as most Fullerton residents would say:

      “you’ve gotta be from that psycho site FFFF? Lay off the weed pipe would ya?”


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