Pat McPension Speaks! Um, Well, Spoke…

Whatchoo gonna do when they come for you?

Fullerton City Councilman and former Police Chief, Pat McPension ain’t sayin’ much these days, at least nothing that isn’t getting him in even deeper in the City’s cover-up of the Kelly Thomas homicide at the hands for six Fullerton cops on the sultry night of July 5th.

But take a quick trip to Fullerton Stories and listen to then candidate Pat McPension in the fall of 2010.

Enjoy Pat’s list of repuglican endorsements, including DA Tony Rakauckas (!) and also the rear guard of decrepit liberalism in Fullerton, Molly McClanahan and Jan Flory.

Also enjoy Pat’s observation that it’s a good thing when nobody shows up to public meetings! Check. It’s a lot easier to cover-up what you’re doing when nobody is around (except “journalists” who regurgitate City Hall press releases and toss up softball questions). And of course nobody will be there to call you out on the serial misdeeds of your police department. The one you were in charge of for 17 long years. Remember, Pat? Yes, when you hired thieves, thugs, pill-poppers, sexual predators, kidnappers, perjurers, one-eyed LAPD rejects, killers of unarmed homeless people (and who knows who else) to patrol the mean streets of Fullerton.

Suffer through McPension’s bogus concern about out-of-control public employee pensions, and reflect upon the sad fact that in eight months on the City Council he hasn’t uttered so much as a tiny squeak on the subject.

In 2010 Pat promised to “hit the ground running.” Boy, that sure turned out to be a big elephant splat on the pavement in 2011.

70 Replies to “Pat McPension Speaks! Um, Well, Spoke…”

  1. Can anybody identify the two apes on the left and right? It’s time to start naming names. Nobody is innocent.

  2. He’s barely uttered a squeak about any subject in the past eight months. Makes you wonder why he ran for office in the first place.

  3. He’d tell you that the whole KT murder has been blown out of proportion. He’d tell you KT was hopped up on meth but because he was kept on life support, the dope had time to get out of his system. Pat would tell you he would have handled it differently.

    Pat’s biggest problem is Pat! And having to wear a stupid smile everytime I see him just because we’re neighbors is getting old! I really wish Pat would resign. But if Pat were here, he’d tell you he isn’t going down without a fight.

    1. And from that scowl he’s sporting in the pic above, it’d be a hell of a fight…all 6 seconds of it.

      In all seriousness Pat, please do not do pics like this anymore. You’re as scary as the Care Bears.

  4. McPension hasn’t done jack since he got his sorry ass elected to the council.

    I’m a Repug and I would have rather had Chafed or whatever his name was.

    1. I humbly submit that you are not a “Repug.”

      Repuglicans are all about electing repuglicans – and then keeping them in office – uber alles.

  5. To all you lazy people of Fullerton that sit at home on Saturday — GET OFF YOUR BUTT’S, TURN OFF YOUR DAMN TV, PUT AWAY YOUR TEXTING TOYS AND GET THE HELL DOWN TO THE PROTEST AT THE POLICE STATION!!!! Or do you really like all the corruption that is going on in your city??? If so, then you all deserve what ever happens in your city!!

    1. I thought I’d post this video, set to “The Ballad of Kelly Thomas”, to give those of you who have never been to our protest, a first hand look at the kinds of people that show up at these protests in front of the Fullertonpolice department each Saturday…my kind of people : )

  6. Hey good squad if no one is innocent what does that make you??? Guilty??? How many homeless people hAve you taken into your home and fed and clothed??? Does that make you guilty for not helping Kelly???

  7. Can you quit with the “repuglican” nonsense already? Sheesh, this beating death is not a liberal vs. conservative issue. Grow up.

    1. Steve, I absolutely agree! The beating death of Kelly Thomas effects EVERY American of all political persuasion.

      This is NOT about politics.

    2. Agreed! I get it that the word is actually a variation of “Republican”, and denotes someone within that party who is morally repugnant to another, however I think that everybody can agree that what happened to Kelly Thomas was morally repugnant to us all as decent human beings.

  8. Steve Schell :
    Can you quit with the “repuglican” nonsense already? Sheesh, this beating death is not a liberal vs. conservative issue. Grow up.

    Only offering my years of opinion.. but there is a STRONG consensus that Republicans are Drones for Corporations and care next to nothing about common people/workers/mentally ill/seniors etc… they only care about the THE largest corporations in the world and how to gain their votes

    1. Anonymous,

      How does this help bring justice for Kelly?

      Perhaps we can all have this conversation AFTER the FPD 6 are incarcerated, tried and sentenced to prison? What’a you say? Justice first, then politics?

  9. I agree with Steve. I’m a conservative, and believe it or not, I am one the common people, a worker, & almost a senior, as far as mentally ill goes, that’s debatable. I’m here because I care about what happened to Kelly.

  10. “I can’t agree with the above statement …..”there is a STRONG consensus that Republicans are Drones for Corporations and care next to nothing about common people.” I don’t believe that this idea has a majority consensus or that this statement is a valid one. What drives the republican party is common sense. The ideaoligy that large corparations are the overlywealthy and should trickle down their wealth to the common man is a faulty one , and leaves no room for self responceability. Why should large corporations be taxed to death and have to pay for their workers salaries, workers compensation, benifits, pension, health care. This is why are economy is failing and unemployment is so high. Whats so repugnunt about asking people to save for their own welfare instead of depending on others for their welfare?

  11. with this blog seemingly making reference along party lines ..with words like….. “decrepit liberalism and repuglicans”…… I’m wondering what party is behind the politics… libertarian?.. …. I think that would be a good topic for discusion on this blog.

    So What is a libertarian?

    1. The simple definition. A libertarian is someone who, suports individual liberty in all matters, whether economic, personal, or social.

    this is where repuglicans and libertarians differ…

    A list of policies that most libertarians support would include: legalization of drugs, legalization of all consensual sexual acts between consenting adults (including sodomy and prostitution), abolition of government censorship in all its forms (including restrictions on pornography),
    these social exceptions are really promotions in my opinion. To legislate in protection of it is to actually promote it in my opinion becaus I believe these social exceptions eventually affect everybody not just those who excersize these types of social freedoms.

    1. fullertonion, I am an Independent voter, not here for politics, here for Justice for Kelly, and common sense policing.

      Why are you here?

  12. so , lets say, as you do , that if i do drugs , or have bizarre sexual experiences , thEn they should be legislated because eventually it will affect everybody. right , ?

    well your fathers factory should be illegal because it makes fumes , or buzzing electricity noises , and scares all the bees away, and they don’t pollinate my fruit trees, therefor your plastic factory should be legislated against. right ? because it affects me not seeing any bees, or having fruit,

    its all shit ,

    because , you have legislators that are undeveloped as people , if not down right , evil .

    so then , they say its ok to have a toxic plastic factor,
    $$$$ because it will make my selfish white life more money and i can now have 2 mansions and a pension instead of there being room in “society” for others.

    well the question is about, to who or what do you belong.

    are you still caught in some ridiculous game of democrat and republican?

    are you all for democracy and the capitalism model?

    or some constitution that has been shit on for decades?

    or can you see deeper , are you a sovereign human being, are you indigenous , who are you ancestors? do you have the right to live?

    can you not see that this whole societal scam will kill us?

    it has polluted the air, the water, the land and most of all your MINDS , and now you have a population that doesn’t know nature, doesn’t remember their human nature, and that is due to many factors, but a big one is , living SO out of balance with NATURE, that we don’t even see nature any longer. ITS GONE.

    are you a sovereign human ?

    are you so scared that you feel that you cant take care of yourself, or make right choices for you life, therefore needing the FDA to tell you what to put in your body?
    or some asshole in washington deciding some other part of your personal life? OH its to keep you safe !

    ya right ,

    lets not even get into all of wars and broken treaties , and world wide manipulation the USA has been involved in ,

    UM , since the beginning of it.

    SLAUGHTER OF THE INDIANS, massacre of AFRICANS , then enslavement of ANOTHER RACE.

    all men are created equal , HA ,

    ya right ,

    and how about starting a war, over bullshit , lies and , weak failings at an attempt to dominate the planet, in response which seems to me to be a huge LIE and conspiracy, on many levels

    The politics of the shit that comes upon your CNN screen is bullshit, it will get us Killed, The united states will be hit , and I see no reason why we don’t deserve it. WAR is serious,

    and now on a side note we are all gunna get the lie of 9 11 showed to us a million times this week ,, reprogram the american sheople,

    well you know what ,

    i don’t believe the lie

    i don’t believe in things that don’t believe in me . and i really don’t believe in systems that are out to destroy and dominate and eventually be the end of the possibility of peace.

    so for all of you dems and repubs and whoever else, you are trapped in bullshit , and you do not see bigger than your dwindling 401k. and that is sad , and dangerous.

    there are and have been atrocities committed with your slave tax dollars, in your name , for the agenda of something that seems to be bent on doing really fucked up shit.

    so , for me , i am not affiliated with this blog or that organization or some jack holed federation or a faggy political party .

    cant we see the issues at hand and work on them rather than running down the rotten hallway of our ridiculous political system or the ugly and destructive ways of the market place.

    oh , but if not those aspirations then what?

    does none of you , have vision of a future. of a way of life that can have some harmony in it. something other than a toxic nuclear fireball.


    i feel if we don’t change we are sealing our fate.

    good luck



    and for you who want to write what the hell does that mean.

    it means please try and WAKE UP !!!!

  13. for too long, our city not Jones, McKinley, Bankhead’s city, has inexplicably tolerated the rants of jones, the corruption and cronyism McKinley brings to our city’s government and Bankhead’s explicit and tacit approval of the status quo that results in misappropriation of city redevelopment funds and protection of a police force that violates fullerton residents’ civil rights. Now, these three, Jones, McKinley, Bankhead, collude to hide the murder of a disabled man by Fullerton police officers. When these events transpire, more ugly, corruption reveals itself in the form of Orange County’s district attorney Rakauckas . This district attorney refuses to protect the people he has promised to serve with his habit of refusing to prosecute law enforcement for violating human rights. We the people must restore our representative government by removing these four people from their public office. Thanks to the efforts of FFFF and the bravery of Tony Bushala, ground zero for cleaning up city and county government begins in fullerton .

  14. Article on why we need to police the police…
    Locked HD cameras on police helmets and police cars would allow a citizen/poilce coalition to actually see what the officers sees and hears when an encounter or arrest take place. These tools would ultimately allow for us to discern wrongdoing on either parties part a heck of alot quicker and a more fairly when someone’s personal reputation or freedom are at stake.

  15. The lawyahs told us not ta say anything, so we cain’t say nothin’ at all? Doncha y’all get it? ‘Ceptin’ when we do say somethin’ on international television, like Pat, uh, or when Ah talk to the ‘papers, or when Don clams up like a scared jackalope…

  16. Thanks for providing “comic relief.” You start your post… “here’s a NEW concept for you” despite the fact that it’s the same exact post you have copied and pasted to several other entries.

    That alone proves that you are not a thinker and not truly concerned with any intelligent discourse — you simply want to subject everyone to YOUR views alone and post them everywhere, no matter how relevant or irrelevant they may be.

    By the way, sticking to an opinion “from day one” is not the sign of intelligence or moral fiber (what happens when new facts emerge on day 8 or day 23???). It’s the sign of a weak, inflexible person who lacks the ability to think critically and analyze various evidence and differing viewpoints.

  17. This must be Travis or Tony or one of your “close” buddies monitoring the blog. I thought you were ignoring me because you labeled me a “troll”. Since you are responding, I guess you view me as a threat to your way of thinking.

    My opinion from day one has been wait for ALL of the FACTS to come out, the TRUTH. I do not jump on a bandwagon, like many of you. I make my own decisions.

    I will wait for the autopsy, the complete independent autopsy. I will also wait for the toxicology report, as well. Obviously, if the doctors and scientists cannot state that no matter what, Kelly died from injuries sustained, then we know the officers were not the reason he died. There are too many assumptions and accusations here.

    Also, I heard there will be no decision until November. So if that is the case, good luck on keeping the hype going…Tony you only have so much money to spend, will it last for 2 or more months? Don’t you have a family to take care of and a business to run, by the train station on E. Walnut?

    1. HBN
      ” Obviously, if the doctors and scientists cannot state that no matter what, Kelly died from injuries sustained, then we know the officers were not the reason he died. There are too many assumptions and accusations here”

      …I’ll assume then for argument’s sake that every one of the eyewitnesses on the bus were all liars and that Kelly smashed his own head repeatedly against the curb and tasered himself just to make the police look bad.
      Do you ever think about what your saying before you write or have you completely lost all sense of reason when you lost your sense of human decency?

    2. This must be Travis or Tony or one of your “close” buddies monitoring the blog. I thought you were ignoring me because you labeled me a “troll”. Since you are responding, I guess you view me as a threat to your way of thinking.

      My opinion from day one has been wait for ALL of the FACTS to come out, the TRUTH. I do not jump on a bandwagon, like many of you. I make my own decisions.

      I will wait for the autopsy, the complete independent autopsy. I will also wait for the toxicology report, as well. Obviously, if the doctors and scientists cannot state that no matter what, Kelly died from injuries sustained, then we know the officers were not the reason he died. There are too many assumptions and accusations here.

      Also, I heard there will be no decision until November. So if that is the case, good luck on keeping the hype going…Tony you only have so much money to spend, will it last for 2 or more months? Don’t you have a family to take care of and a business to run, by the train station on E. Walnut?

    3. “Tony you only have so much money to spend, will it last for 2 or more months? Don’t you have a family to take care of and a business to run, by the train station on E. Walnut?”

      What’s that a veiled threat?

  18. Nice try, but a complete and utter fail.

    You are a grade-A HYPOCRITE. You launch into personal attacks against everyone who thinks differently from you (which is 90% at least of those on this blog) despite knowing absolutely NOTHING about us (isn’t that what you are criticizing people here for — speaking without proper evidence?? ).

    For the record, I don’t know this Travis or Tony you are referring to or have ever met either of them.

    Also, the fact that you assume everyone who is outraged by Kelly’s death must have some other agenda or worse, is being paid to protest, would be incredibly offensive if it weren’t so utterly stupid and without merit.

    To recap, then, you are dim-witted, hypocritical, and lacking of any moral compassion or empathy. I don’t think we need the “toxicology reports” or “autopsy” to figure out that Kelly was savagely beaten to death. The enormous pool of blood was not a result of a “natural causes” death, and by all witness accounts, he was perfectly fine minutes before the murder, sitting on a park bench minding his own business.

  19. One question. Did Rodney King die after he was hit over 80 times? No he was still alive and has been arrested several times after that.

    Not everyone dies from confrontations with police. There are always different factors.

    1. Now you know why I “hijacked” your blog name.

      Stupid posts like the one above. Only they were rife with all sorts of misspellings, grammatical errors, and failures of logic. It is refreshing that you can see your own stupidity when it originates from elsewhere. At least you’ve started fixing the spelling, and I thank you for that.

      Why don’t you try your hand at reading the U.S. Constitution? Sure there are no pictures, but it may give you an idea of why beating someone to death is against the law.

      1. Thanks for admitting what I already know, that there are only about five individuals on this blog with multiple personalities and blog names.

        Sorry I didn’t realize I had so many grammatical and spelling errors but then again, how do you know that was me. Honestly, I haven’t been on here for about a week. Life goes on…school started…busy week for me. I do have other things I have to do than just blogging on here.

        Failures of logic is your opinion. Don’t get me started about logic, that would dismiss about 85% of all posts on this blog.

        Yea about “beating someone to death” as you mentioned above, that has not been proven. I wasn’t there and I’m sure you weren’t there either, based on your posts, so what do we really know?

        Also, I remember the DA said in an official statement that he didn’t see any malice in the officer’s actions which would rule out murder in a court of law. There was no motive, idiot.

        1. Wrong, again. You are so pathetic from an intellectual standpoint.

          What the DA said is that he didn’t think they (the cops who killed Kelly) “intended” to kill him. That doesn’t absolve them from the responsibility. For that matter, it doesn’t even rule out felony homicide since intent to kill is only one of several categories for malice aforethought. If they continued beating him after he was unconscious, as has been reported, that would clearly be a homicide whether they meant to kill him or not.

          Since he was clearly beaten AND he died, I don’t think it’s a big stretch to say Kelly was “beaten to death.”

          Before you criticize others on this blog, please try to stop lying first and post facts or opinions (not a false statement that the DA never gave).

          “School started…” — I can only assume that is clown school, right?? (you certainly don’t seem bright enough for higher education.)

          1. I’m sorry, have you seen the video? where did you hear that they beat him after he was unconscious? I think a blogger on here said that. Yea, anyone can say what they want on here…that doesn’t make it a fact.

            I could say I have a million dollars too, that doesn’t make it true.

          2. I’m sorry, have you seen the video? where did you hear that they beat him after he was unconscious? I think a blogger on here said that. Yea, anyone can say what they want on here…that doesn’t make it a fact.

            I could say I have a million dollars too, that doesn’t make it true.

  20. Okay, let me make sure I understand this brilliant point:

    Since not EVERYONE dies as a result of excessive police brutality, than NOBODY who has been beaten into a coma and death by 6 police officers can definitively say it was the cops’ fault. The person could have just all of a sudden had a (completely unrelated) heart attack or something at the exact same time as the tasings, beating, stomping, kicking, and bludgeoning were taking place.

    Yeah, that makes perfect sense (you are clearly quite intelligent) …

  21. are you free ?

    are you a sovereign human being ?

    are you a slave ? do you at least feel like a slave?

    are you owned by a system ?

    can you think bigger than your life?

    these seem to me to be legitimate thoughts and questions.

    and if you are part of that system. Is it an honorable system , is it legitimate, does it do more good than harm, and who does it harm , and who does it do supposed good for?

    yes these thoughts might need medicine for you to comprehend.

    ohh so cryptic



  22. …personally CHIKEN, I think your points are spot on, however asking valid rhetorical questions to an individual sans conscience is like pissing in the wind.

  23. It all goes back to the same point from day 1. Don’t talk shit to the police, don’t let alcohol take over when you talk shit to the police, don’t fight with the police, don’t run from the police. If you do, you might get your ass kicked. Simple. Deal with it. It will always be that way. Always has, always will, no matter how much you protest and yell and cry and demand.

    1. Yes – when the cops are nothing more than a band of thugs shaking down the taxpayers. Those days are over in Fullerton.

  24. Actually, it is NOT supposed to be that way. The police have very specific training and are supposed to follow the law (duhhh).

    When they exceed their authority and brutalize citizens, the proper response is not to act like castrated sheep and say “oh well, I guess there is nothing we can do about it — better just get used to it.” The answer is to fight back and demand justice.

    The majority on this board see police corruption and abuse of power and are mad as hell and want to see change. You make excuses for the killers and throw up your hands. Now go crawl into bed and get into the fetal position since you are such an impotent, weak-thinking individual.

    1. True. The problem on this blog is they think every type of police activity is police brutality. Police have a job to do. It involves force and unpleasant contacts. It will be that way no matter what you do. Keep thinking that every stop and every contact is corruption and police abuse. You will go to your grave with that fight. Guaranteed.

      1. Only problem on this blog is the comments by sadistic, bullying,arrogant thug cops and their sycophantic bootlicking relatives.

      2. If you’re wrong in every aspect, I guess the smartest thing to do is just LIE. Where in my posts (or anyone’s post) do you see “every type of police activity is police brutality.” Nowhere? Yeah, that’s right.

        Police make thousands of stops, issue thousand of citations, etc., every day in every city. This blog is focused on an “unpleasant contact” (oh, what beautifully sanitized way of saying murder) that involved the bludgeoning of an unarmed “suspect.”

        By the way, I actually WON’T go to the grave with that fight (the false one you’re lying about), because I am not an anarchist and don’t believe in NO laws or NO police. I will fight for police doing their jobs correctly without abuse and brutality.

      3. This is the single stupidest thing I’ve seen posted on this blog. Don’t you think we can tell the difference? I’ve been pulled over for moving violations where there is no question, I was in the wrong. Cop was polite, wrote me my ticket, no problem. No excessive force, no corruption, no police brutality.

        We know good policing because SOMEWHERE, SOMETIME, most of us have seen it.

        And because we know good policing, we know bad policing too.

        And we’re going to put an end to it in Fullerton.

        1. Do I think most people on here can tell the difference? No. People on here can find wrong in everything a cop does on here. That’s fine, but due to that be ready to get the answer that the cop did nothing wrong when they complain. Bad policing is violation of policy or law. When you tell the cop to fuck off and yell at him, he does’t have to sit back and take it. He’s allowed to raise his demeanor level to verbal commands as well. Cops are paid to be disrespected, so be ready to be treated the same way. Record it too, because they are recording your first outburst.

          1. “Cops are paid to be disrespected, so be ready to be treated the same way. Record it too, because they are recording your first outburst.”

            What a beautiful encapsulation of the self-entitled, narcissistic, paranoid, passive aggressive personality. Thank you for the excellent summation!

          2. Nonsense. If I have not broken the law, I can flip of an office or yell at him as much as I like and there is not a goddamn thing he can do about it. First Ammendment. Check it out. There are people who have made a career out of flipping off police officers, being arrested, and then suing the cops. They win.

      4. Does it always force and unpleasant contacts? Why? Fullerton is a self described sleepy little college town, not LA, or Chicago, or NY it’s not a bastion of criminality. Mostly they give out traffic tickets, look into some burgleries, move a homeless person along. A sleepy little college town.
        Maybe they get so bored doing the real police work that they committ abuse when they think they can get away with it to break the monotony, or perhaps some are what? Psychotic? A sleepy little college town, not a criminal hotbed, except in the minds of the PD who apparently are the main criminals.

      5. Too funny. If it’s not too much trouble, kind sir, please cease and desist beating the populace to death in these “unpleasant contacts.”


  25. Nope. We will shut FPD down permanently if there is no other way. Dont worry – rentacop isnt that bad of a careeer considering the GED.

  26. Fullerton City Councilman and former Police Chief, Pat McPension and his gangs are Untouchable, Invincible, and Going Immortal. Fullerton officials and politicans, Orange County District Attorney and cop unions are their Protectors.
    It is extremely difficult to have a fair trials unless the people spoken and Fed got involve. United We Stand.

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