Protect Fullerton From Me? How About Protecting Fullerton From Its Own Police Department!

Hoo Boy! This attempt to smear ‘lil ol’ me is so stupid I just have to share it with the Friends. I have no idea why this nincompoop James Alexander thinks dodging the real issues of the recall will be an effective strategy, but I am happy to share this. Just one more example of Bankhead, Jones, and McKinley dodging personal accountability for their own public records. Well, they can dodge, but they can’t hide.

288 Replies to “Protect Fullerton From Me? How About Protecting Fullerton From Its Own Police Department!”

  1. Oh Lord! That’s pretty desperate.

    BTW, Alexander is not a “businessman.” He is a little 3rd rate sleazoid influence peddler and bag man in Fullerton City Hall. Shall we review his list of “clients?”


    1. There are 2 sides to every coin. Our side is dedicated to removing from public office, individuals, who have violated the public trust by being complicit in the cover-up of a brutal murder by municipal employees during the course of their employment as public servants.

    2. How about PROTECTING FULLERTON FROM ITS OWN CITY COUNCIL. So far all they have done is lied and covered up the truth.

    3. What’s goin on been following from Ky a little. The voice of the people are on the blogs but not in the streets. What’s up anybody

  2. When the establishment turns to Dracula Alexander for leadership and cover, they are in trouble. City Hall vampires are running out of blood to suck!

  3. Better to be Count Chocula than Dracula. The Count got to eat chocolate flavored marshmallow treats with Frankenberry and Boo Berry. Dracula gets City Hall blood with the hero City Hall types and, well, the Big Three!

  4. Wonder what the legality would be of setting up a signature table outside Bankehead’s house?

    When he comes out a-cussin’ and a-threatenin’ at yall makes sure you call him “Honorable Don.”

    Bankhead, Don
    1231 W. Valencia Mesa Drive
    Fullerton CA 92835
    Honorable Don Bankhead
    Other Contacts: Mrs. Carol Bankhead

      1. James H Alexander Business Information
        Location Type Single Location
        Annual Sales (Estimated) $110,000
        Employees (Estimated) 1
        SIC Code 8748, Business Consulting Services, NEC
        NAICS Code 541618, Other Management Consulting Services
        Products, Services and Brands Information not found
        State of Incorporation Information not found
        Years in Business 9

  5. Funny that Alexander calls Tony “sleazy” and then resorts to attacking his family.

    These ass-clowncil-members are desperate!

    1. I notice the do not accept comments, nor supply a phone number. They do accept donations however. Non tax-deductible, donations.

      There is a mailing address. I’d recommend boxes of dog poop be sent. It’s not illegal to send poop, and it will help them spread more shit.

    1235 N HARBOR BLVD
    SUITE 200
    rUlLERTON CA 92832 1349
    June 19 2010
    Mayor Pro tem Pam Keller
    Fullerton City Council
    303 West Commonwealth Avenue
    Fullerton CA 92832
    Re West Coyote Hills
    Dear Mr Savage
    Fullerton Positive wishes to express its support for the West
    Coyote Hills Development proposed by Chevron and Pacific Coast
    Homes We believe that this project will be of significant benefit to all
    residents of Fullerton as well as a benefit to the surrounding
    communities The project will
    Preserve more than half of the property as natural open space
    for public enjoyment including creating a nature preserve
    complete with trails and parks
    Finance an endowment for opening and maintaining the 72
    acre Robert D Ward nature preserve which has been closed
    for more than 30 years finance and maintain 10 miles of trails
    in the nature preserve and the developed property and finance
    and maintain the nature center
    Improve Fullerton Schools by committing fees for the Fullerton
    Elementary Jr High and High Schools well in excess of the
    state mandated minimums and
    Create a wonderful community of high quality homes
    The West Coyote Hills development will be beneficial for
    Fullerton residents and business owners as the new residents would
    generate income for local businesses increase sales property tax
    revenues to the City and stimulate the resale home market
    q SU TE 200
    FULLERTON CA 92832 13 9
    Moreover the City of Fullerton does not have the resources to
    purchase or maintain this space nor is there any prospect that there are
    either public or private resources available to acquire this property This
    property is worth conservatively two to three hundred million dollars and
    would require significant resources to insure maintain and manage
    The Fullerton Planning Commission overwhelming approved the
    West Coyote Hills Project and now the City Council has the opportunity to
    finalize a process that was begun almost 40 years ago by approving the
    plan before you The City will gain a large nature preserve open to the
    public which is privately funded and it will be a natural area that will be
    enjoyed by Fullertonians for generations
    James H Alexander ChaIrman

  7. He wants the Q-Tips *seniors to go “oh mah gawd… He didn’t share money with his wife.. WHY that is worse than

    beating homeless people to death
    illegally kidnapping and detaining Emmanuel
    violently accosting and body slamming and more Veth Mam
    Sexually assaulting female citizens and covering it up
    shutting down all the homeless shelters and reducing community services so these disgusting politicians.. NOT HUMANS… can steal more money from taxpayers
    ILLEGALLY TELLING RALPHS AND ALBERTSONS And others to remove the citizens who support the recall

    They don’t deserve to live in USA… EVER.. You don’t kill and kidnap and intimidate CITIZENS and get away with it

    FWIW.. the whole flyer looks like something I wouldn’t even wipe my ass with it is so cheesy and over the top..

    YES.. ALL ONE MAN is trying to get rid of those pieces of shit that barely deserve to live in California.. ONE MAN..

    Why are they fucking stupid and irritating and smug.. They need KELLY THOMASED…

    They need

    TASERED 6 times

    and if they live.. we will lock them up for 5 months and then go “OOOOOOps – mistakes happen”

    1. ILLEGALLY TELLING RALPHS AND ALBERTSONS And others to remove the citizens who support the recall

      And you just know that he pulled the “Do you know who I am?” card on them too.

      What a douche!

  8. Jt :
    Wonder what the legality would be of setting up a signature table outside Bankehead’s house?
    When he comes out a-cussin’ and a-threatenin’ at yall makes sure you call him “Honorable Don.”
    Bankhead, Don
    1231 W. Valencia Mesa Drive
    Fullerton CA 92835
    Honorable Don Bankhead
    Other Contacts: Mrs. Carol Bankhead

    Google Street View

    Guaranteed that is one of many homes he owns….

    1. Wow, not surprising at all. That is a “Mullet House”. All business in the front, party in the back.

      Do something with that backyard Don!

  9. O SO NOW, the trueth,shine,s on the CRIMINAL=CROCODILE,S and thay don,t like it.Take back Fullerton from thes murdering lieing no good ass,s.CHRIST JUSUS may thay fall in the pit thay dig,for the good people of fullerton AMEN and AMEN.

      1. “Bankhead said he was being punished this time around for heeding the city attorney’s advice to keep quiet about the Thomas case. But he also said the case may be an excuse for political enemies like Bushala.”

        This is the first I’m hearing that he was told to keep quiet. I’m sure we speculated it, but to see it in black and white is different. What thoughts he’s given on the case, though, hasn’t helped him. So it’s probably for his benefit.

      2. Lol.

        Look at the pic at the header of the website, “Welcome to Downtown Fullerto”

        No really, it says “Fullerto”.

        As with everything, these guys cannot even manage to muster one competent web developer. And they’re in charge of running a city?


    Owns JHA Management Consulting -> links above show he donates using monies from JHA Management Consulting to Ed Royce, RNC, etc

    Also runs E & A Properties in Fullerton (still digging which properties this owns, and if he benefits if these 3 stay in office)

    2003 shows E & A petitioned to increase the amount of space for their property

  11. Hey Tony, can I borrow $ 3.5 million dollars to build the workd’s biggest crock for their excuses? Is that really all they have to say?

  12. THAY THINK because kelly was the least of us that it,s OK.To murder him it,s as i said in the frist place,thay murdered the wrong one when thay murdered kelly i heard kelly cry out to GOD for help.And you best belive GOD heard him also,Now thay reip what thay soew.May God Bless the good people of fullerton,AMEN and AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. fullerton lover :
    Is this the new location the new daily honk for justice campaign : )

    If we get the cops to illegally kidnap and incarcerate Bankhead we can use his home as a homeless shelter for the next 5 months

    1. awwww… c’mon, don’t confuse them with people who are truly mentally or developmentally disabled! That’s an insult to the latter…

  14. TheFullertonWatcher :
    I think it’s even better that the anti-recall campaign is being run from santa Ana! It’s truly a move of the people.

    Yup, I just went to the website and I noticed that too. And it’s funny that they say “We are not a community where outsiders run city hall. and yet their “campaign” is based in another city, Santa Ana.

    What’s also funny is that I don’t see any link anywhere on the website to contact them. Unless I’m mistaken and missed it, I looked everywhere and didn’t see an email link. I don’t think I have ever been on a website that didn’t have a “Contact Us” link with an email address. It looks like they don’t want to be contacted. Gee, I wonder why? They sure look like cowards to me.

    The website itself is pretty crappy, like something they just slapped together overnight, probably by one of the city council member’s friends.

    Since they don’t have an email link, I just might have to take a drive down to their office and tell them in person what I think.

  15. Well, everyone saw this coming. Free speech swings both ways.

    I like the way FFFF got in front this by posting the anti-recall press release as a joke. Mockery is often the best strategy, in certain situations.

    BTW, that is one crappy looking website they’ve got there.

    Justice for Kelly.

  16. HHMMM 603 Alton Santa Ana.

    A couple of tyhings come to mind:

    1) Malones, around the corner is a great place to have a beer.

    2) Lysa Raye – The self described “honorable” campaign treasuer for all of the RUPUGLICANS around.

    You may remember reader her calvalcade of comments this week after the Durkee scandal. She defended her occupation and went on too say that CPA’s have no business in campaigns.

    She is sleazy and it all comes together now. So her Dick(head) Akerman connection landed her this account. I hope she doesn’t eat the money.

    1. Keep on digging. Lysa Ray is a tool by other GOP Republicans…disgusting!

      Reserach FPPC records if she had any fines or complaints filed against her.


  17. LOL…if you click on the “Join Your Neighbors” tab, it says at the very bottom “supporters will be listed soon.”

    That’s because, as you would expect, they have no supporters…well, except of course I’m sure the Fullerton Police Department and the council members themselves.

    Join your neighbors!….crickets chirping.

    And that website is horrible. It looks like something from circa 1995, when the internet was still new. I feel like I’m back in high school and going online with AOL.

  18. How many chairmen can one BS organization have? Rick Price is just another empty suit gadfly rotary club chamber of commerce shill. Fullerton Positive my ass, by business interests for the benefit of.. those same business interests.

  19. Using this issue for political purposes? I think NOT!! All these city hacks need to be swept out of office, and soon.

    1. No kidding. And the sooner the better. I’m planning on retiring there.

      I was standing outside chatting with my neighbor outside our apartment building this afternoon when a SDPD prowl car rolled by. He continued, turned, came back on our side of the street, slowed, and gave us a serious stink-eye. We were just standing there chatting. My neighbor was holding a coffee cup.

      Until Kelly, I probably wouldn’t have even noticed, or not cared. But I did this time. Some of these guys are dangerous, and evidently this is the way they like it. This dude was a little creepy.

      Most guys my age don’t look like me, and because of this I get “profiled” all the time.

      I’m an ugly old guy who looks like a cross between Judas and Edgar Winter.

      I was walking home from the corner mini-mart one evening and stopped to chat with a couple of our neighborhood homeless guys when a police cruiser pulled up and stopped. The officer assumed I was a homeless guy too, and that’s ok. I don’t blame him. After all, I was there, right?

      To his credit, the officer was very cool. Very cool. Evidently he knew these guys, and it was as if he was checking up on them rather than harassing them.

      “Are you guys drinking?”


      “Are you sure? Tell me the truth…”


      “Ok. Be safe (or something like that)”

      That was it, and he drove off into the night.

      This is what we expect from our peace officers. This is what we’ve always assumed our peace officers were providing the community.

      And they do, but quoting Cornpone Jones, “the baby has been thrown out with the bathwater,” or whatever the fuck he said.

      The law-abiding majority is suffering because of the law-breaking minority. We all know this.

      The police know this. They always have.

      The bad guys have become so bad, that the once-good guys have become badder, and now they’re a second set of bad guys.

      Where does this leave us?

      Screwed, and in danger from both sides. That’s where.

      This is where we are now, as a society and a culture.

      Kelly Thomas is a secular saint, if you get my drift. He’s shining his light on a human outrage that has never been been solved, ever. It’s called Evil, and it’s always been with us.

      Here’s our chance to try. Justice for Kelly.

      1. SDlocal: “No kidding. And the sooner the better. I’m planning on retiring there.

        You are roing to retire to Fullerton? Really?

        “Kelly Thomas is a secular saint…”

        I want to see the cops who murdered the poor dude pay big time for their crime, and I would like to see police reform in Fullerton, all of OC and beyond, but come on, a SAINT?

        And Emmanuel Martinez was a Morman missionary out looking for converts.



  20. I wonder what it is they hope to accomplish with that site? I followed a few of the links and they all were to articles that don’t deliver what the headlines promise. Like this one:


    And then the article just turns out to be a cut and paste of the “Joe Spicowicz” FFF blog entry critical of that horrible bit of apologia penned in the OCR by David Whiting. I was really disappointed: I was hoping for some real dirt (Unstable! Unhinged!) on Bushala I could bring back here. 🙂

        1. Me too. Never saw it either. Just a bunch of dodging of couple of simple questions asking him to back up his claim to be a cop. Maybe if you ask again, real nice again, he’ll answer?

  21. Hopefully the Protect Fullerton website will use the same tactics that this website uses. I’m sure you all won’t mind when your home address is posted.

    1. What would be the point of posting our addresses. None of us murdered anyone and subsequently tried to cover it up…. while on paid vacation hiding like cowards from the inevitable sting of justice. All on the time & dime of the taxpayers $$.

      1. What’s the point of posting Bankhead’s address or any of the addresses that have been posted. NOONE has been convicted of anything. Even convicted criminals don’t have their addresses made public.

        The only reason addresses are posted is because some jackass, who doesnt have a pair of their own, is hoping another idiot will show up and do something stupid.

        1. By “doesn’t have a pair of their own” and “do something stupid,” are you referring to the 6 cowards who bludgeoned Kelly Thomas to death, the juiced goon who knocked the cell phone out of the small man’s hand, or the “Cassanova” who turned off his DAR and violated all of the female “suspects” who had already been handcuffed? Just curious…

        2. Bankhead is Hero and deserves.

          After this I feel a lot less guilty about the post I am writing about the imbecile. Even Ackerman called him “Blankhead.”

        3. Hey Cakes,
          I posted Bankhead’s address. I posted it because when I searched for “James Alexander” in Fullerton the first hit I got was the Chamber of Commerce website, linked above. One click onto that page and there was a list of members, with addresses. So its not exactly like I dug around for months, came up with his address, and then sneakily and viciously recommended that Joe Public drive by and tp his house, now is it.

          If Blankhead didn’t want his address to be easily accessible to the public he could ask the Chamber to remove his address from their website.

          And the reason I posted his address was because since he apparently has decided to attempt to circumvent democracy by asking Ralphs to not allow legally-sanctioned signature gathering for a recall of him and his cronies on their property, I sarcastically suggested that the signature table be moved to the sidewalk in front of his $899,999 house on Valencia Mesa.

          So, if you want to think this is some sort of incitement, go ahead and think so. I would call you some names back for “jackass” but I think I’ve done that enough in prior threads.

          Anyway, isn’t today a pool day? See ya at Slidebar.

        4. Yeah, NO ONE has been convicted because they are hiding behind a corrupt PD and DA and Council.

          And the longer they stall and treat the public they serve like a mere annoyance in their otherwise sheltered lives, the worse they are making it for themselves. Pretty simple.

        5. “What’s the point of posting Bankhead’s address or any of the addresses that have been posted. ”

          Those are public people whose addresses and phone numbers are ALREADY public information. Did u miss that? Sometimes I think you are intentionally dense.

        6. “What’s the point of posting Bankhead’s address or any of the addresses that have been posted. NOONE has been convicted of anything. Even convicted criminals don’t have their addresses made public.”

          Have you filed your complaints against the chamber of commerce and other public sites that list these addresses yet? Lemme know how that goes.

        7. ….and if something stupid is done, then you can be sure the j*ck*ss will be backtracked, arrested and charged for his part of posting the information.

          Too little, too late.

          1. “….and if something stupid is done, then you can be sure the j*ck*ss will be backtracked, arrested and charged for his part of posting the information.”

            Are you talking about the chamber of commerce? They will be backtracked and arrested for posting this information on their public site?

      2. Doesn’t a paid vacation sound like the best thing ever!! I could not imagine having full PAID leave for doing something illegal and wrong.
        So far those guys hit the lottery.

    2. Bushala as the recall proponent, and all recall proponents, listed their address on the posted Notice of Intention. Fail again.

    3. I believe FPD trolls have already posted Travis and Tony’s home addresses. Of course when that happened Fullerton’s real heroes didn’t squeal like stuck little piglets and run off to cry on Lou Fonsi’s shoulder.

  22. I looked at the anti-recall site and it’s so sad it’s funny. Each of the guys being recalled get a place to make their argument, and they don’t make any. It’s like they had 30seconds to answer why they shouldn’t be recalled. It just keeps saying “overturning novembers vote” blah blah blah.
    When paired with goodrich’s how to win elections manifesto, about only targeting “high potential voters” etc, it goes to show that this recall will WORK!

    When were done here, let’s use OUR political strength to recall the DA!

    Power has returned to the people!

    Btw, I’m not calling cops “pigs” anymore because it gives bacon a bad name. Now using “keystoners” as in foggy headed keystone kops.

    1. Actually they each copied-and-pasted the exact same bullet points for each of their supposedly “personal statements,” even a casual reader can see how lame it is.

      “Recall proponents are using the tragic death of a homeless man to advance their agenda of fear and intimidation in our peaceful town.

      This proposed recall is led by Tony Bushala – a millionaire developer who has profited handsomely from projects in Fullerton’s redevelopment area.

      Bushala needs a majority on the city council for future redevelopment projects to line his pocket. He has spent tens of thousands of dollars trying to buy elections and bullying our family-friendly community.”

    2. Infamouse

      I agree with recalling the DA. I wonder if we can start the recall now. Why wait. If someone starts it, i would love to be the first one to sign the recall petition.

      Let’s start this NOW.
      Justice for Kelly.

  23. Baaarrrr in ggg it-
    They are nothing but fat, out of shape geezers who having been stealing, taking bribes (ie free food) and covering for each other for years and have many “pals” to support them who just ran up against the fury of the righteous-they and their circle are used to just getting what they want by intimidation-Power and money is what they want to keep-why else would they want to stay so bad-it sure aint to help anyone, Reminds me of the Bell scandal-what a great gig for them.

  24. Look grandma!!! I made a website. My famous saying….” You’re so fucking stupid you don’t even know how stupid you are!” This website is hilarious. I give it one “A”(yes there’s one “A” in dumbass) Wow those “articles” are so well-written and informative they all have bylines. OMG musta missed’em. LOSER!!! At the risk of sounding corny, I ‘m so proud of all of you for keeping the pressure on. I’m in Ohio and sooo vicariously living through you “locals”. I thought the problem was bad enough when I heard about Kelly. I was in a total state of shock. But you all have done such a good job PROVING to all there is ALSO a much bigger problem. The PREVIOUS atmosphere of tolerance is clearly a thing of the past and it’s time to clean house! Keep up the good work!! Justice for Kelly!

    1. Nice move chiming in from Ohio. I’m sure you got both sides of the story before coming to your conclusion. The people here don’t have both sides yet. They don’t want both sides. They just want a reason get together on Saturdays because they don’t have any friends.

      1. Chiming in from Ohio again. If I wanted your input, I would have asked for it. I have done my research. I give YOU one “A”( yep, you guessed it. there’s one”A” in dumbass)for yours. Clearly, unlike you, I make certain I know what I’m talking about before I open my mouth. Certain things are so fucking obvious, most morons can figure them out. Wow, I think I just said you were dumber than a moron:) Kelly was NOT breaking in to cars.Absolutely no proof he was. Not even on the log that nite. If a call was made you better believe it would be on that log to help the cops. But it wasn’t because it never happened.So they approached Kelly and started searching his backpack and started talking to him. What gave them the right??? Yeah I would’ve run too. Anyway, it’s 6 to 1. They have HUNDREDS OF POUNDS ON HIM. They have weapons. He does not. Tased 6 times. Know anythng about tasers? Know anything about taser deaths? Know anything about cardiac arrythmias?? Anoxic brain injury??? How many more questions do you want me to ask that you don’t know the answers to??? I have enough correct info to draw my conclusion. Not my fault you’re not intelligent enough to do the same. As far as the larger problem, yes I’ve informed myself as well. Saw the video of the giant cop who picked up the guy recording an incident and threw him to the ground like a rag doll when he was doing NOTHING but recording them. “Go home or get arrested” Really? Cops threaten law abiding people so they don’t document all ther wrongdoings?? I have watched city council meetings on web cast. I have gathered info from multiple reputable newspapers and sites. Doesn’t take a rocket scientist. Like I said before…some people are so fucking stupid, they don’t even know how stupid they are. Soooooo next time you want to make a stupid comment about my post make sure you know yo shit. Btw just forced myself to finish your stupid post. I’m equally confident about my next conclusion. You have no friends. I know I’m right about that, too.

        1. you go girl, “spank” these pink baboon assed, ignorant, cop licking trolls – we arent going away. too bad we can’t stand next to each other on saturday.

          1. Thanks guys. At the risk of sounding corny again, I can still see the image of Kelly’s face the first time I saw it on CNN. It made me cry. I was working and I looked up at the TV and did not even realize what I was looking at was a human face! Then I saw Kelly’s Dad interviewed and it peaked my interest. Since then I’ve been following the story and the “movement”. It is crystal clear what needs to be done. I single-handedly fought for the doctor who killed my brother for his license to be PERMANENTLY revoked FOREVER! I know how hard it is to fight the fight. Someone has to do it. I’m sure my brother wasn’t the first casualty of this doctor. I’m also sure he was the LAST. See where I’m going with this. If someone had done something before maybe my brother wouldn’t have died. If someone had done something before with the FPD maybe Kelly wouldn’t have died. Somebody has to do something. How would all of you conscientious people have felt if it happened again because nobody did anything? I’m just happy you are all working together and believe me I DO wish I could be there with you all. It is a worthy cause. I’ll be there in spirit:) Fight the good fight!

  25. They admittedly turned DTF into a giant out of control frat party. Then they send in the goons who are getting free drinks and food to beat to death an innocent guy sitting on a bench. They cover up for rapist cops, stealing cops, cops who perjure themselves and try to hang felonies on innocent people…… and Tony is the bad guy? Wow.

  26. RealityStill :
    What’s the point of posting Bankhead’s address or any of the addresses that have been posted. NOONE has been convicted of anything. Even convicted criminals don’t have their addresses made public.
    The only reason addresses are posted is because some jackass, who doesnt have a pair of their own, is hoping another idiot will show up and do something stupid.


    This recall will probably be picked up by the Supreme Court of CA after all of the archeological digs people are doing into their backgrounds

  27. RealityStill :
    Nice move chiming in from Ohio. I’m sure you got both sides of the story before coming to your conclusion. The people here don’t have both sides yet. They don’t want both sides. They just want a reason get together on Saturdays because they don’t have any friends.

    Both sides?

    Like beating a homeless man who is lying face down in a pool of his own blood not resisting .. and then turning him over and getting in some good blows with your tasers and breaking his skull and nasal cavity and tasering his heart.. .

    those sides

    I do expect you to come back and apologize after the video is shown.. if it wasn’t so horrific

    DAD DAD DAD DAD… then it would have already been shared with the PEOPLE WHO OWN IT and paid for it..

    You would have made a really good SS and I am sure that comment makes you and your family proud.. there is nothing you wont try to obfuscate concerning the FPD or the council members..

    1. I’m sorry MeYou, I forgot you were there.

      Who is calling who a Nazi? From what I’ve heard hear there are a few among your ranks.

      1. Yea RS, she slapped you so hard you still have not been able to compose one of your fucktard responses. That MUST have hurt!!!

    2. Thanks for having my back:) But if you check out my response to his comment you will surely see that I got this:) But it certainly was kind of you. I don’t want to have to say this again but….some people are so fucking stupid…ahhh you know the rest:) Btw if it matters to anyone, I don’t routinely use bad language but sometimes it provides GREAT emphasis:)

  28. I notice mr. alexander omits how the homeless, schizophrenic, Kelly thomas, met his death. Alexander looses his credibility to judge others when he lies through his ommission of the fact that Kelly thomas was beaten to death by fullerton police officers. And Alexander dare not mention the reason for the recall; the obfuscation by Bankhead, McKinley and Jones of the video and witness testimony that clearly shows Kelly thomas was stomped and tasered by our police officers until he choked to death on his own blood.

  29. Just some speculation as to who might be on the ballot as Council replacements:
    Jesse LaTour James Alexander
    Greg Seaborne Linda Ackerman
    Chris Thompson Vince Buck
    Pam Keller Denny Bean
    Barry Levison Dexter Savage
    Doug Chaffee Travis Kiger
    Vicki Calhoun ?????????????

    Add to the list…….

  30. Whoever runs for replacement city council seats, put them on the grill. Make them tell the Fullerton citizens why they should be voted in. Ask them what problems they have noticed over the years, and what solutions they propose. Also, what should be done to rid the city of this “Police Thug” image. If they cannot answer these and other questions, then they should be cast aside for better candidates.

  31. I’m starting to think the “Fullerton-No” site is a parody site. It is just WAY too stupid. The arguments are so stupid they can only be sarcasm. Plus some of the blog titles can’t possibly be information inferred in any way from the articles attached to them. Someone doesn’t really exist out there dumb enough to write this crap right?

      1. I dub thee, honary sign carrying protester and i’ll toot the horn for you on saturday for Kelly. Hows the story out there? any legs there?

        1. I’m in a position that I have alot of contact with alot of people everyday. I have shared the story with many. Usually I start out by showing them the picture. “A picture is worth a thousand words”. Not one person didn’t IMMEDIATELY “get it”. They were all outraged. You guys are doing the right thing. It should NEVER happen again and in order for that to happen you have to get the bad guys out. Period.

        2. Also I have 4 children -1 Cincy, Ohio; 1 Knoxville, TN:1 Nashville, TN; and 1 Austin TX. I showed them the story and they were similarly outraged! You guys are on the right track. Decent, honest people know right from wrong. They know how wrong this was. End of story.

    1. This is the intellectual level you are dealing with here.

      Illiterate, humorless, dingbat, all. Well what did you expect from bumpkins that think D. HeeHaw and Don Blankhead and McPension are men of ability.

      Just goes to show any idiot can get ahead in the police.

      1. Just goes to show any idiot can get ahead in the police.

        Well put. Any idiot can (and often do) get ahead in law enforcement…and all without being in some kind of decent physical and mental shape.

        Unlike law enforcement, the more elite units of the military have figured out (long ago) that both physical and mental fitness combine to make a quality soldier, thus taking a quality over quantity approach.

        Quite the opposite in law enforcement.

  32. RealityStill :
    I’m sorry MeYou, I forgot you were there.
    Who is calling who a Nazi? From what I’ve heard hear there are a few among your ranks.

    And your ranks are FPD6 and The Cronies in City Hall.. surely there are no extremist murderers or brutalizers or serial liars or people who kidnap citizens and throw them in jail for FIVE MONTHS and don’t even apologize.. just say “mistakes happen”

    I would sincerely love to hear how you would react if you were locked up for 5 months illegally…. and were SKINNY 18year old.. And since you are probably white you wouldn’t really have gang ties to keep you safe so your booty would get traded off between goodrich and other inmates

    How would you react if the cops murdered your son.. leave mr thomas out of this unless you are really that dumb.. 18yrs is adult.. He was THIRTY SEVEN??? Is that 19yrs past adult.. anyhow

    let us know how you would feel if

    The Fullerton Police Department murdered your Son or Daughter

    let us know how you would feel if

    The Fullerton Police Department kidnapped you and falsely arrested you and locked you in jail for 5 months at the age of 18

    let us know how you would feel if

    The First Amendment doesn’t mean shit to UNION POLICE PRESIDENTS AND TOP CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS

    ^ when you can answer those.. you might be considered human.. until then

    go back under your bridge

      1. Outraged. Upset. Sad that too many dumb people can’t see obvious.

        There, gave you my reaction.

        Waiting on your answers to the above questions. I’m curious if you are human or not.

    1. @MeYou

      Prison bitches are traded like baseball cards. Cigarettes, cup-o-noodles,candy and other things like that is what they are traded for. Oh yea, they also walk around holding their daddy’s belt loops like a good little wife, i mean bitch.

      Keep up the great posts.

  33. Stud Lee :
    I’m starting to think the “Fullerton-No” site is a parody site. It is just WAY too stupid. The arguments are so stupid they can only be sarcasm. Plus some of the blog titles can’t possibly be information inferred in any way from the articles attached to them. Someone doesn’t really exist out there dumb enough to write this crap right?

    Sadly, yes they do… Just 9 months ago they voted in human excrement to steal their money and murder their children

  34. 9c1copcar :
    Couldn’t have said it better myself.

    TY.. /ROAR!

    Those council members and FPD who covered for each other.. Aren’t even Americans…

    they treat the citizens of Fullerton like third world inhabitants whom they can steal from and lie to and deny Constitutional Rights AT WILL

    The most backwater asshole filled police farce and council the modern world have ever seen..

    “The mafia ran it well” FUCKFACE .. sry.. I really hate that guy.. fat MD.. “facial injuries don’t cause death.. or w/e that fat fuck said..

    Can you believe the MAYOR said the MAFIA RAN HIS HOMETOWN WELL.. hello? MAFIA.. just like the council members in fullerton and the slidebar and the fpd??

    I wonder when the FBI will make any statement

    OBVIOUSLY they MUST charge someone over the illegal detainment of Emmanuel Martinez.. “OOPS” isn’t

    Procedures and Policies is it? 🙂

    They may find some way to get out of the murder charges.. they really might…


    If you get too emotional over this and know you might say something you would never do.. don’t put it in print. There are bad elements out there who may want revenge on cops who murder citizens and council members who cover for murderers etc.. SO

    what I am saying is.. don’t type it.. why? because there are those out there who might do the bad things to these criminals with badges and high falutin name tags on their desks in their taxpayer funded resorts.. etc.. and if you typed something similar to what the bads do/did.. you will be investigated

    the posts on this blog are read by cops and those who are afraid of justice (BTW.. cops are afraid of justice too)

    they know we are digging deeper and deeper and will find the nuggets that make them consider seppuku before they are locked away in a federal penitentiary

    1. Yea. That comment “facial injuries don’t cause death”. That was STELLAR. You are gonna make me say it again aren’t you? Some poeple are so fucking stupid….awww you finish it:)



        1. Respectfully, I think you misunderstood the point. The facial lacerations had nothing to do with the cause of death. But the guy who said it was simply overlooking the other substantial injuries. The multiple taser wounds for one. Tasers are known to cause cardiac arrythmias that can cause death. When a cardiac arrythmia occurs the heart has very little pumping action and therefore very little oxygen perfusion leading to anoxia.( which can cause brain death due to lack of oxygen) Also external pressure on the neck from a choke hold or knee drop or even pressure on the back that inhibits chest movement and the ability to breath like being hog tied. The facial injuries were horrible but didn’t have anything to do with cause of death just an indication of the severity of the beating. The statement was just really stupid by simply overlooking all the other injuries.

  35. Rumor has it the the no-recall groups fund raising goal is $250K.

    This should be an interesting fall/spring.

    Will Leland Wilson toss his hat in, how about Aruni Thakur, Judy Kalusni, David Jerome, Ryan Dudley, Peter Godfrey, Janney Mayers…..

    1. My cat has the same fundraising goal. What difference does that make?

      It’s going to be hard to find enough suckers to throw money at the three geriatric boneheads who can’t seem to do anything right.

    2. …what wil be REALLY interesting is to see the public disclosure forms that are required by law that will list each donor and how much they’ve contributed to this No Recall fund.

      1. Yes, that’s true. It will be fun to watch the Old Guard scrape together its nickels and dimes to save the Three Blind Dinosaurs, who are actually quite rich themselves.

  36. MEYOU,

    These clowns have never had to answer to the people before. They go about their corruption, always knowing that MOST people are too ingrossed with their own lives to care about anything else.
    Well, they really stepped in it this time. Like an airplane that has problems that is ignored until a catastrophic event brings it down, the FPD/City Council is like that plane; full of problems, ignoring it and sweeping it under the carpet, until lo and behold, a major incident happens.
    115 sworn officers is not that big of a dept. It should be quite easy to manage, and definitely be able to weed out the “heavies”, (not weight-wise), in the dept. These thugs carry with them a paper trail of excessive force complaints/law suits, a mightier-than-thou attitude regarding their peers and the public. I know these kinds of officers well, as I have worked with their kind. They usually are very insecure with their manhood, have to brag, swagger, and intimidate others, just to make themselves feel good. Some of them are involved in spousal abuse, alcohol abuse, and the such.
    Until a whole new set of “Brass” are put in place in the FPD, and real doers and shakers replace the lard in the city council, Fullerton will not change.
    I believe the efforts by all will hopefully accomplish some of the changes sorely needed.

    1. 91c,

      You are quite hostile for a medically retired cop. Why do you chime in about FPD when you know nothing about the PD unless you worked there. Did you? I didn’t think so. What Department did you wrong? Why did they get rid of you?

      1. RS, you are quite hostile for a supposed human being. Why do you chime in about things that humans do when you know nothing about being human unless you’ve been one? Are you? I don’t think so. What human moral and/or compassion did you wrong? Why have humanity, logic, honor, reason, and compassion gotten rid of you?

  37. “Our interest is in the city and keeping it above water by not spending $200,000 on a special election,” Bankhead said. “We can’t afford that.” He added that recall signature gatherers “told us the reasons for the recall were poor management, poor infrastructure. They said nothing about the Kelly Thomas case.”

    When asked to specifically address claims on the anti-recall press release about Bushala’s “sleazy tactics in Fullerton city council campaigns,” Bankhead said, “We will be putting out a fact sheet soon.”

    “[Bushala] actively campaigned against me when I was running [for city council],” McKinley said. “He bolstered that he was going to spend up to $30,000 or $40,000 to try to keep me from being elected, but he failed. He said at a recent council meeting that he would spend $140,000 on this recall.”

  38. Cindy Mc :
    Yea. That comment “facial injuries don’t cause death”. That was STELLAR. You are gonna make me say it again aren’t you? Some poeple are so fucking stupid….awww you finish it:)

    “, they don’t even know how stupid they are. “

  39. We should be sure the citizens collecting signatures are prepared with information. They should have a binder or two with the reports you’ve posted while investigating as well as any other factual information for people to see. It would be helpful since not everyone knows what’s happening. They need to realize this isn’t just about Kelly. They need to see the corruption in this city that dates back further. It doesn’t matter whos behind the recall. What matters is that it gets done.

    1. Not true. There is more to your story. For sure. Fired as a cop, failed out of the academy, or at best a jailer that couldnt ever hang in patrol. Security guard that could never get hired?

    2. So hostile your not interested in hearing the results of the investigation. As a former cop and Marine did it not bother you when people questioned your actions without knowing all the facts?
      Are you one of those assholes that protests at funerals for those servicemen who have made the ultimate sacrifice?

      1. “Are you one of those assholes that protests at funerals for those servicemen who have made the ultimate sacrifice?”

        How interesting that you would ask this, given that your posts have suggested that you might be one of those assholes that would protest at Kelly Thomas’ funeral.

      1. @Reality Is,
        Yes, I know, it’s just ENTIRELY inconceivable to you that anyone who actually possesses integrity, such as 9c1copcar does, could ever have been an officer!! I understand your confusion, since the days of integrity in law enforcement are LONG, LONG GONE.

    1. 9c1copcar

      If i knew who you were, i would proudly stand beside you at the protest. In life, there is only right or wrong under Gods eyes. We are on the right side of this issue and the good Lord will be with us every step of the way. Nothing any of these trolls say can change that.

    1. That’s the smartest thing i have ever heard on this site, David. If that is true all the shit that is posted here means nothing.

  40. RealityStill :
    What’s the point of posting Bankhead’s address or any of the addresses that have been posted. NOONE has been convicted of anything. Even convicted criminals don’t have their addresses made public.
    The only reason addresses are posted is because some jackass, who doesnt have a pair of their own, is hoping another idiot will show up and do something stupid.

    How many of the L.E.O. posters in here are in the “4850” club? You know exactly what that is.
    And begin…

      1. Tell that to St. Peter when he turns you away for following orders. Like our parents used to say when we were little, “if Johnny decides to jump off the bridge does that mean you have to do it too?

  41. I’ve asked before but I don’t recall getting an honest answer.

    I’ve said from the start I felt this blog was an attempt for Tony and his crew to jump on the Kelly wagon and ride it politically in hopes of ousting his political enemies and getting his people into office. That much is clear.

    But is the only reason the group is trying to oust only 3 of the 5 is because they are Tonys enemies?

    Is there a track record of different voting between the 5? Can someone show that record? The other two voted for things that Tony likes and the 3 didn’t?

    I know in the Kelly incident, a council could make general statements but most councils would listen and wait as well. That’s about all they can do.

    I just want to know why all 5 aren’t being recalled. In my neighborhood, that’s the main negative to all this is that it has the appearance to be all politically motivated by a personal agenda due to only 3 of 5. The people just voted 9 months ago and made their voice clear. Get em all out for running the city wrong?

    1. Yeah, how about the two left. How much did Bushala pay them to open their mouth and get the recall started. And asking the chief to resign. He said he had $150,000 set aside to oust the three.To make it fair recall all 5 not just the three. Its making sense now..Very Clear!!

      1. That side of this whole thing has always been very clear. The politics side has nothing to do with Kelly. The politics side has jumped on the Kelly wagon for a free ride. I just never knew why the Tony team wants the other two to remain. The votes I have seen in the last year have been mostly the same. So is that part clear too? Personal agenda against the three only?

    2. This is going to be hard for you to comprehend, because your cycnicism blinds you to the reality.

      The reality is that this is not one person’s vendetta. This is a group of extremely concerned citizens who feel that our political leadership and police force have failed us to an extent it is hard to even express.

      We want them out, not out of self-interest, but out of genuine concern for the public interest.

      We judge the three council members being recalled as being the insiders. They have created this situation by how they have handled policing in Fullerton, and by their general mismanagement of the city, and by their corruption.

      The other two council members are not part of this same insider group. They did not create this problem. That is why we support recalling 3, not 5.

      Its actually a lot simpler than you want to make it.

      1. But they vote the same as the other 3? And haven’t made any motions or agenda items to change things you talk about but were voted down by the 3? Hmmmmm. Agenda?

          1. That’s what I asked to see. I was looking for some fact to show this recall was based on some type of factual data, and not just the personal agenda. Please provide.

    1. Because you don’t want to see what Bushala’s agenda is. He doesn’t give a rats ass about Kelly. And that goes for Chris also. Read the last over and over until you get it..It will come to you.

          1. What is? Your propaganda spin? It went from “attack Ron Thomas” to “attack Tony Bushala” awful quick. I see that clear as day. I’m knowledgable enough to to also know that there’s no substance to these attacks. They’re just empty political attacks, because that’s all McKinley, Bankhead and Jones have to run on.

  42. We need to really publicize that the keystoner that was ticketing protesters was the president of the police officers association or whatever. What are the odds that there were 3 tickets given and he was just doing his job that day.

  43. Hey RS, it’s just the 3 that are under the corrupt police union control. The 3 that don’t want the tape released. How’s that for reality?

    1. Under union control or this group feels they are under union control?

      They said they don’t want the tape released? All three? Can you link me to that please?

      Not that it matters because even if all five wanted it released it wouldn’t be released. But I want to see where the two said they want it released and the three said they didn’t.

      1. It doesn’t have to be union control.

        It could just be a sort of innocous seeming friendly backscratching relationship between politicians, local business leaders, police administrators, police union bosses and their attorneys, etc.

        Whatever the cause, if it has led to corruption, mismanagement, and an out-of-control police force who commit a seemingly shockingly disproportionate number of felonies, that ain’t good.

        1. I agree.

          That same appearance is there for all politicians, top to bottom. Not just police, but fire, business, and everything else.

          1. Look, there are better and worse in anything. Cops, firefighters, politicians. We’re saying these 3 are worse than the other 2, that’s all.

            One main difference between the 2 that are not being recalled is that they quickly both called for Seller’s resignation. Sellers may have been the fall guy, as you say, but in tough times the leader’s got to fall on their sword. The fact that these 2 council members were concerned enough to make public statements about the case and call for Seller’s resignation indicates more accountability than the silence of the 3.

      2. The Three Bind Mice all supported the ruinous retroactive 3@50 deal with the cops and have never apologized for the massive unfunded liability it created.

    2. How do you know they are under the corrupt police union control? Where did you hear this? Can you prove it? Where can I read about it? or are you just jumping on the haters bandwagon? Huh? I didnt think so.

      1. The 3 Bind Mice all supported the ruinous retroactive 3@50 deal with the cops and have never apologized for the massive unfunded liability it created.

  44. Rs, jd, Since you most likely cops without a degree in anything, I’ll explain it to you. You have two independent citycouncil people who want to do thir best for the city, and then you have one keystoner, the former keystoner chief, and a third guy who most likely shits himself during every city council meeting who just wants things returned to the good old days, who is a puppet of the two because they represent what he remembers as the good guys who walked the beat, not beat the citizens.
    What this site has done is expose factual events. Before, and yes, after kellys death.
    If you don’t like the truth being exposed, then you are corrupt yourself.

      1. Puppets of who?

        The sad thing is that the worldview you express doesn’t even allow for the existence of moral, principled individuals.

        The fact that the 3 aren’t, doesn’t necessarily indicate anything about the other 2.

      2. No fuckin way!!!! From a highly reputable, highly prestigious on-line school that never got accredited. You are way too stupid. Keep posting ypor bullshit. I noticed you didn’t respond. Nothing to say!! Just keep “chiming” in on people who won’t put you in your place? Awesome!

        1. Reality, and from where?, one of those places that gives out degrees if you pay them?

          BTW, a “masters” degree, you bragging fool, doesnt mean a person intelligent, as you constantly prove here.

  45. I’m planning to go to Fullerton tomorrow, to do some investigating of my own. I have some theories, and a look on Google Earth and Google Maps – Street View is making me even more suspicious. Especially the layout of the downtown area and where the Slidebar is in proximity to the Transportation Center.

    If I do go down there tomorrow, I’ll elaborate on that. There are a few things I want to see in person, and a few things I want to check out, based on some comments I read here earlier. I’ll report back to you guys.

    I need to see the site in person, but based on what I’m seeing in Street Views, this is looking even more fishy. Although it’s not like 6 corrupt cops beating a man to death isn’t fishy enough. But I mean the whole premise of Kelly being targeted by the Slidebar only because he was “annoying” customers might be just the tip of the iceberg. I think there’s a lot more to this. The idea that nomad had suggester earlier, that Kelly might have seen something he wasn’t supposed to…well, that might not be so crazy after all.

    It could still be a simple as someone from the Slidebar (on Jeremy Popoff’s orders) calling in a fake report to the police about someone “breaking into cars,” so the cops would have a reason to go there to remove him. But it’s also possible there might be more to it.

    I don’t think this is the first time at least two of the 6 cops have done something outrageous. This just might be the first time they were caught. Well, at least the first time Jay Cicinelli was caught.

  46. huh? What do you mean, another anon person? I just posted that last comment, about going to Fullerton tomorrow.

    I’m not Chris Thompson – just to avoid confusion. My first name really is Chris, though. I’ve been posting comments in the blogs for a while though.

  47. The site made a futile attempt to hide ownership, but they obviously are not very versed in digital. A few touches on the good ol’ iPad shows the company that hosts (and most likely built the site) is

    Interesting that they were behind Van Trans campaign and one their staff is currently employed in the office of State Senator Tom Harman. Why does South County always seem to but into our business!

    1. Btw: Senator Harmon sits on both the Judiciary (Vice Chair) and Public Safety Committees in Sacramento. Maybe he sent his henchmen to help out fellow RINOs.

  48. No, I don’t think that was me. But a few people have speculated (including the user named “nomad”) that Kelly might have seen something earlier that he wasn’t supposed to see. And maybe that was why he was targeted.

    That might sound pretty far fetched…but like I said, after looking at maps of the downtown area and where the Slidebar is in proximity to the Transportation Center, it makes me think that there could be a lot more going on. The layout of downtown Fullerton and the area around the Transportation Center is completely different than what I thought it was, and it’s raising a lot of questions for me.

    Yeah, I know I’m being vague…but I’m deliberately doing that. I don’t want to “tip my hand” just yet, until I’ve had a chance to go to Fullerton and do some snooping. One good thing is that I don’t seem to attract attention. I’ve seen and heard some pretty crazy things in my life before, because no one knew I was listening, or they just didn’t pay any attention to me.

  49. ok, well, i thought it was you.. be safe.. and you are right, if i recall the bars backside is facing the trans property

    but i was getting at also that kelly may have witnessed something the night of the mam arrest also, to make him fearful of the pd

  50. …by the way, I think that if Kelly had witnessed something nefarious, it would have to have been much worse than the Mam case. True, that was pretty bad. But I think it would have to be something much worse than that.

    Also, the cop in that case was Kenton Hampton. I’m thinking that Kelly might have seen something that Jay Cicinelli or Manny Ramos was involved in (or maybe both). And it was something much worse than a cop knocking a cell phone out of someone’s hand because he didn’t want to be recorded.

    Didn’t someone post earlier about a homeless teenager who had “disappeared”?

    Yeah, you see where I’m going with this.

    I don’t think the cops intended to go out there to kill Kelly, in a premeditated way. But I do think it’s possible they targeted him because he saw something earlier which he wasn’t supposed to see. So they wanted to beat him up severely, to scare him so he wouldn’t come back. And Jay Cicinelli, being a psychopath, got out of control and ended up beating Kelly to death.

    I might find out more tomorrow.

  51. The Unanimous Declaration of the Thirteen United States of America

    “When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
    when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security.”


    1. LMAO. You do realize that is our common plot in life…to continue to TRY to educate the undereducated:) (That was my polite way of saying dumbasses:) Yes, I have always felt you can tell alot about a person by the way they write.

  53. From the anti-recall site:

    “Fullerton blogger Tony Bushala, who publishes the Friends for Fullerton’s Future blog, has done an admirable job of holding the city’s feet to fire. ”

    Now you know how stupid and incompetent these people really are.

  54. And those up for recall have done an admirable job of holding the city hostage for years. old out of shape godfather wannabes.

  55. RS- by definition, there’s no way you have a masters degree. In what, may I ask? From where?

    Master’s degree programs entail classes, similar to your undergraduate classes. However the classes are usually conducted as seminars, with a great deal of discussion. The professors tend to expect a higher level of analysis in master’s classes than undergraduate classes.

    Most master’s degree programs require students to complete a master’s thesis, or an extended research paper. Depending on the field, your master’s thesis may entail conducting a thorough analysis of the literature or a scientific experiment. Some master’s programs offer alternatives to the master’s thesis, such as written comprehensive exams or other written projects that are less rigorous than theses. In service-oriented fields like clinical and counseling psychology, and social work, master’s degrees usually include a practicum or internship in which you learn applied skills like how to perform.

    Thick skulls like yourself don’t get bachelors degrees, and definitely don’t study for two more years to get a masters. And let’s just say you DO have a masters, why would you become a cop when there are so many higher paying positions and employers who would LOVE an independent thinker like yourself. Unless of course those jobs don’t let you legally bash someone’s skull in, then laugh about it, while your feet are still standing in a puddle of blood.

    1. I don’t know who he thought he was trying to fool. It is sooooo apparent that there is no way he has achieved that level of education!

    2. Cal State Long Beach. BS in Business Administration Accounting. Masters in Public Administration.

      You know most Chiefs have degrees? Captains too?

      Now you know. 🙂

      1. I’ve never said one word about the education of policemen. You know why? Because I don’t know the requirements for ANY rank of ANY officer. So you know why that makes me so special?? I don’t talk shit about shit I don’t know about. Get it? You must have missed my previous post whin I covered this topic. I was brought up to respect police officers. That doesn’t mean I am stupid enough to continue to do that with specific officers who MURDER harmless, defenseless, homeless, mentally ill people. Got that?

        1. Copy. Basing beliefs on facts? That’s not allowed here.

          I don’t back anyone. What u talkin about Willis? I said if someone did wrong then punish em.


  56. RealityStill :
    Can’t wait to see how you react when no charges are filed.

    You will support the Blue Line even in murder huh?

    Just like all those ON DUTY that night supported the Blue Line murder..

    Is there anything the Blue Line could do to upset you?


    I would also be proud to stand next to you in support of Kelly AND decency. There are some here that think this issue is a great way to Piggy-back their agendas on, when in reality, it is a way to change the cold, inefficient boobs that occupy higher office.

    1. I think you might be on to something. But don’t be mean out of the gate. I heard he is the head of “Literary Night” at the Slide because of all the intellectuals that frequent there.

    2. ‘Cause you know, anybody that doesn’t agree with every single thing posted by the FFF bloggers, or the most hardcore haters of all things official Fullerton, has to be either one of the FPD 6, a wife or other family member of the FPD 6, Jeremey Popoff or an employee of Jeremy’s, or a full blown aplogist for police brutality and murder. So how about Reality Is, will you be mixing me a nice strong margi next time I stop by for some fried mac and cheese and a little punk rock? LOL

  58. I see now in the OCR that psychopath cop,s have to take a class ,on how to deal with the people thay handcuff.then rape and beat to death!! SO I THANK ALL IS SAFE IN FULLERTON NOW ?

  59. No. I didn’t bring Tony and his klan into this. He did. I see Fullerton as 3 separate issue. Kelly Thomas death. Ron Thomas wanting millions. Tony Bushala and his anti Fullerton government riding the first two in attempt to accomplish what he hasn’t been able to do for years.

    Jt :
    What is? Your propaganda spin? It went from “attack Ron Thomas” to “attack Tony Bushala” awful quick. I see that clear as day. I’m knowledgable enough to to also know that there’s no substance to these attacks. They’re just empty political attacks, because that’s all McKinley, Bankhead and Jones have to run on.

    1. Reality Is wrote: “Ron Thomas wanting millions.”

      This would be where we disagree.

      Many, if not most parents with a troublesome and violently disruptive-to-the-family son or daughter that is mentally ill, refusing treatment and living on the street, would likely consider Kelly’s sad demise inevitable, and the million dollar settlement offer, maybe not a full-on win/win, but for sure they’d take the money and quitetly be gone.

      It’s clear to me Ron Thomas still loved his son very much, and I’m sure he’s been advised that unless he gets punitive damages (unlikely), he’s probably not going to get more than $2 million tops, the standard payout for damages (loss of earning potential) for a death of a young person, and probably considerably less.

      Ron Thomas strikes me as a man out for justice, otherwise he would have taken the $900,000 offered or come back with a counter of say $1 million… more than enough for him to be able to financially help the rest of his family members and still set himself up nicely for retirement. He did not choose to do that.

      As for Tony’s motivation, I’m still trying to figure that one out… I support a lot of what he says are his goals, but find some of the tactics of the bloggers here on FFF to be little more than the same kind of stuff they rail against. The recent Emmanuel Martinez opinion-as-fact blog entry being a prime example.

      1. Oh, and you know what, that man deserves whatever he gets. Through no apparent fault of his own, he’s been through absolute hell, starting from the time his son first began to show signs of being a schizophrenic, through today, what? Nearly 20 years?

        1. An oddly irrational comment. What he deserves is what damages he has suffered at the hands of the agents of the City of Fullerton.

          Everything else is between him and God.

      2. “and I’m sure he’s been advised that unless he gets punitive damages (unlikely), he’s probably not going to get more than $2 million tops,”

        Why unlikely? A jury awarded punitive damages against the idiot deputies in the Toy White case.

      3. I know, I think, a little of Mr. Thomas’s motivation.

        I believe he feels he failed his son, as would any parent who loses a child to violence

        Parents want to do the best they can for their children. Unfortunately it is not a perfect world and people sometimes fail no matter how hard they try.

        Justice is the last thing he can get for his son.

        There is nothing else left for him to do for him.

        Either leave the man alone or help him. He’s going to carry this pain with him for the rest of his life.

    2. Simple dots to conntect. Kelly Thomas murdered. Ron Thomas pissed and wants justice. Tony and friends pissed and want justice. And don’t forget the most important part: Fullerton is pissed and wants justice. And if that means firing a bunch of good cops along with the bad so be it.

      1. Hey, we were in the same class. I remember you, dude. You ordered the pizza and Mr. Hand took it from you and passed it out.

  60. RI- what’s your rank in fpd? You hate this blog so much but you have no defense for all of the other police abuse of power issues.
    Mr Hampton for instance, no word on his perjury regarding the mam case, brutal force being applied to an innocent bystander filming the police brutality, and basically the kidnapping of him, forcing an innocent man to stand trial for crimes that were dreamed up, even when there was proof of his innocence.

    Or your other co-worker who stalked, and sexually victimized innocent women in the back of his patrol car, while “detained”. Id like to hear your masters degree thoughts on those events.
    I don’t hate cops, I hate abuse of power by cops.
    The good cops speak out, the bad ones do not.

    If you’re a good guy, explain how all this happened and more. We Really expect as much action from the da on the Kelly Thomas case, as any of these others.

    It’s all fun and games until someone loses a life, and all you can do is bash US.

    Please direct your ramblings to me specifically so I can weed it out from all the other bs you post.

    Fullerton cops are good? The system works? The code of silence doesn’t exsist?

    I bet you’re one of the six, thus all the paid vacation time to respond to this blog.

  61. KFI is putting out more BS. Now Mr.Thomas is blaming a different officer for KT’s death. Dad Thomas said ” I hold Officer ______ _______ personally responsible for Kelly’s death!”

    Keep going, all of you, you all know nothing, absolutely nothing about what really happened on July 5th. I am totally disgusted by all of this mess with the blame going from Officer to Officer to Officer. Just Blame somebody, everybody, just don’t blame the father who is really responsible.

  62. Admin: Mr. Thomas was just on KFI saying he personally blamed ______ for the death of Kelly. “If _______ had been taken off duty a year ago for other conduct this would not have happened.” And it was not Officer C.

    Mr. Thomas needs to shut up or know what he is talking about.

  63. I happened to see a Fullerton Cop at a stop light. I was just driving home from another city and saw him at the stop light oppiside me. All i could think of was who is his next victim. Who will be intimidated, harrassed, assulted, or maybe murdered? Every one of these animals is waiting for their next prey. Some police agencies have the words “to serve and to protect” on their assult cars. Thank God Fullerton does not since that would be an added travesty since they do neither.

  64. Stud Lee :
    “Is there anything the Blue Line could do to upset you?”
    Answer please.

    Looks like Mastetrs Degrees do not require any integrity! Too cowardly to answer he is.

  65. Hmmm…I thought I saw that picture of admin on the OC Weekly website. Guess the anti-recall people thought that Ed Carrasco’s photo is rightfully theirs.

  66. Yeah, why?

    Although, if he was secretly a neighbor of mine I would want to know. I couldn’t fathom the damage to my IQ if I was breathing the same air as him.

    RealityStill :
    I’m sorry MeYou, I forgot you were there.
    Who is calling who a Nazi? From what I’ve heard hear there are a few among your ranks.

    He can “heard hear”. I bet he can “seen see” as well.

    Keen senses like a doggy my man!

    Or maybe it’s in the water?

  67. Is Tony Bushala the only person who has ever gotten separated or divorced? He sure gets criticized a lot for this. The breakup of marriages usually is from irreconcilable differences, meaning that both parties changed in their wants or needs, there were communication issues, or just dissenchanted with their partners. The divorce rate is still over 50%, and higher for second marriages. I’m sure his family is provided for very well. Usually after whatever divorce agreement is made a person can and often does keep their future earnings. The same would be acceptable for his wife if she earned or inherited money after the divorce. I’d love to look into the past of some of these people pointing the finger.

  68. Stud Lee :“….and if something stupid is done, then you can be sure the j*ck*ss will be backtracked, arrested and charged for his part of posting the information.”
    Are you talking about the chamber of commerce? They will be backtracked and arrested for posting this information on their public site?

    You know, that’s not a bad idea.

    1. In this situation the operational legal condition is “intent”.

      If it is determined that the posting of the addresses in a certain place is done with the malicious ‘intent’ of instigating, fomenting or causing illegal activities to come to pass, then ‘intent’ follows the bullet.’ as it were. Your comment if an honest question, is answered. If your comment was scarcastic, then I’m afraid I can’t help you.

      It is not a question of just posting information. It is a question of why the information was posted and for what result.

      The question of what kind of city Fullerton will be after all is said and done will be answered by how the citizens of Fullerton conduct themselves through the legal process, and if they stand by our civil rights or throw them out with the bath water.

      I have to believe that we citizens of this country can put aside our emotions and use the processes that we have built for our lives, safety and benefit over the last 200+ years. We all need to stand EQUAL before the law.

      In the end, we are the final arbiters of the world we make for ourselves.

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