Slidebar Has A Blackball List

Guess so, but it seems to be oddly short, and it doesn’t appear to be for loud, sloppy drunks.

Yesterday, Brandon Ferguson of The OC Weekly posted a story about how he has been banned from the Slidebar bar, presumably for sharing the allegation that it was a Slidebar employee who made that fateful call that somebody appeared to be breaking into cars in the parking lot. That call, whoever made it, led to the cop torture and beating death of Kelly Thomas, a homeless man, last July 5th .
Of course no evidence has ever been presented that anybody was breaking into cars, and no evidence linking Thomas to any illegal act.
Incidentally, the other day Brandon Ferguson noted that The Weekly was getting the cold shoulder from FPD spokesphincter Andrew Goodrich, apparently because of Marisa Gerber’s Fringie® winning expose on the rampant Culture of Corruption in Goodrich’s department: you know, all that garbage he neglects to inform his employers (us) about. That got Marisa hollered at by the arrogant swine.
I’m really starting to like this Ferguson guy.
I’ll bet you’ll be on the list by the end of the day, too.
Isn’t the slidebar the Place that kept serving alcohol to that guy, who killed Nick Adenhart, even though he was clearly past his limit.
That’s because they WERE the ones that made the call. They need to get over themselves.
Spokesphincter Andrew Goodrich! Best nickname for him thus far, since he’s such a taint. Nice one Tony.,
I don’t understand why they would ban Brandon, as the girl that made the call under orders from the Slidebar manager to the special number they were given by the FPD for immediate response posted on the OCR blog that she was told what to say (it wasn’t the truth, it was to get someone out there right away) and how badly she felt because of what happened to Kelly. I wondered if they fired her? Her friend joined her in the conversation and they both discussed it with other posters.
Brandon shouldn’t be banded for something that never was a secret….many people are aware of what happened that night……..
Why would you want to go there in the first place? Certianly not the lousy food, or the lame people who work there.
Being a handicapped person I had parked in the handicap space by the Slide bar to pay my respects at the Kelly Thomas memorial, when I came back to my car there was a mercedes parked behind it and a Hummer behind that and another car waiting to get a valet to park another one in front of the establishment, I went to the valet and asked him to move the cars so I could be on my way and he seemed a little less than happy to do it.
Management at Slidebar has definitely ordered it’s employees to stay quiet completely about the Kelly Thomas murder by cops! I went there back in October for the first time to build a rapport with a friendly and hopefully talkative bar tendress. She was friendly and talkative until I asked her if this was where the homeless man was murdered by police, at which point her mouth shut, her eyes got big and shook her head yes. Then I asked her if she knew who the Slidebar employee that called the police out in the first place, she shook her head no. Not a word would come from her mouth after that.
I hope Ron Thomas has, or is, pursuing a way to sue the Slimebar for damages!
On what grounds?
Good question. Gonzo?
I don’t know, I’m not an attorney. But I would certainly pursue it!
If it’s found to be true that Slidebar Management directed employees to call and tell the police dispatcher that Kelly was breaking and entering into cars parked within the Slidebar’s valet parking zone, I would probably think that the family could/should file a civil suit directed at the Slidebar for filing a false police report.
How about being arrested for filing a false police report. The girl said she stated ‘He was looking into the cars’………….
That’s exactly right. Until we hear the phone calls, read the M D T printouts, there is no proof a call was made about Kelly. No call equals no probable cause to stop Kelly. No p.c. equals illegal stop and detention. We must wait with baited breath.
I’m all over this, but I can’t talk about it now. I’m not done with the Slide-Bar, the FPD, or the City Council by a long shot.
Can someone explain how and why this valet service near the transportation center is able to commandeer public parking spaces?
I’ll tell you why. It’s because a Slimebar owner “convinced” the former FPD union boss, John Cross and former Planning Director F Paul Dudley into looking the other way and backing up his closing off of the public parking lot and using it for his own private gain. Gee, I wonder how he “convinced” them to go along with something so blatently illegal.
One has to really wonder!
The Servive sucks anyway!!!
I’ve always wondered why no one from Kelly’s Army ever protested outside of the Slidebar Cafe on the weekends?
I would have been there in a heartbeat!!
Kelly’s Army for whatever reason thought their efforts were better suited going after the FPD and even though they may have made the call, it was no excuse for the FPD to do what they did.
I think that Jeremy Popoff used his puny one hit wonder celebrity status to “encourage” FPD to give Kelly the “v.i.p treatment”.
I’d like to know if the SlimeBar is a popular hangout for off duty coppers and if there was any discussion between Popoff and officers on how to deal with Kelly.
“if there was any discussion between Popoff and officers on how to deal with Kelly.”
No brainer. I would be surprised if there weren’t.
The Slide Bar? Why, with such an upstanding clientele and family atmosphere, it is such a positive influence upon the younger citizens of this fine city!
I remember when the back stage of the slidebar used to be the “Reagan years arcade.” Was sad to see it change ownership.
I have been there and watched a homeless man dine and dash. It was apparent he was homeless from his clothing. He ate his entire plate of food, while the staff checked on him to see if he needed anything. He left and their response was, “it happens.” Then they had a month long food drive for the Fullerton Food Bank. Wonder why things like this aren’t mentioned.
Yeah, when was that, after they made the phone call that was ultimately responsible for the killing of Kelly Thomas?
It’s obvious they’re trying to make up for what happened to Kelly……….that’s nice, , they wanted Kelly removed from the front because it was bad for business, , conscious bothering them much?
The girl that made the call posted what happened and I’m glad they change how they treat the homeless…….a little too late for Kelly…
Posted where? I have not read the story, but would like to.
The slidebar makes it’s money off of alcohol sales not crappy bar food so it was no loss to them.
I’ve. Known them for year’s. Long. Before slidebar! I know they have made some bad choices but I will say they have not turned there back on the homeless. Last week they made a large donation! But if you are. Not one of them good luck getting service!
“Do the police and Slidebar, as some commenters have suggested, enjoy a cozy relationship?”
Go get ’em Brandon!
Look at picture #25. None other than the infamous FPD.
Pointless apologies of 2011
The excuses, confessions and non-apologies of the year.,0,4642116.photogallery
Tell me if I am missing something here but… how is it that EVERYTHING that “spokesphincter” Goodrich says is complete bullshit and lies, EXCEPT the “breaking into cars” part. That part is true? Is it because that actually fits nicely into some crazy conspiracy theory? That’s convenient.
In order for all of this Slidebar theory to work, we are supposed to believe NOTHING Goodrich says except for the part that works for our sexy CSI Fullerton plot.
Has anyone actually read this guys (Fergie) so called reporting? Pretty amateur and irresponsible to me. He clearly has something personal against The Slidebar or its owner. If I were Popoff, I wouldn’t want him in my place either.
It’s sad the way some people will throw a local business under the bus before they really know the facts. The Slidebar may not be everyone’s cup of tea but come on guys…… neither is FFFF.
Really when did FFFF call on a homeless man, not breaking into cars? nice try.
Is that you reality is? Those posts sound like the garbage you write!
I wonder how we can convince the City Council to give us our parking back?
I cant’t understand how the nearby downtown businesses and Fullerton residents tolerate one bar hogging up all of the available nearby parking for their exclusive use to the detriment of everyone else?
I say we all go down and park in those precious spaces,starting at 4:30 til I dont no 1 am…and have I heart Kelly Stickers on each and everyone of the cars…let that bastid-with the GUYLINER on…who owns this city-it aint you jeremy..weasel.
Sorry but the ‘breaking into cars’ was bullshit as well! Nice try Jeremy.
Charlotte would be happy to!!!
I wonder if he provides the musical genre for the FPD’s “brake checks”?
Ahh yes, the break checks and screen tests, after the wrongful arrests…
Here’s Jeremy Popoff talking about himself on his Myspace page:
I don’t know how to put this……. but…….. I’m kind of a big deal. People know me. I’ve seen a million faces….. and I’ve rocked them all. HaHa! Ok…… I’m the guy with the goatee from Lit. I was born and raised in Orange County, CA. I survived on a diet of Heavy Metal and BMX. I wasn’t that rad at sports, so in order to get chicks I started plaiyin’ guitar. I joined a rock band when I was 15. I play guitar, write songs, produce, etc. I was on Cribs, and I was eaten by Pamela Anderson. What?
Kind of ‘full of himself’. Bet he sucks musically!
I can’t believe he impressed the FPD with that BS. I’m almost certain he got someone at the department to give Kelly the “vip treatment”.
Ofc. Potato Head doesnt seem like the slidebar type so I’m leaning towards Ofc. Wolfe.
Many people have wondered about cops getting free food an drink at the Slimebar.
Jeremy – douchebag shirts coming yer way!
You FFF douchebags….this blog is so effective that Andrew Goodrich is on the Lieutenant list and will be the next LT promoted now that Hamilton stepped down and Hughes is acting chief…
He did such a horrible job that he is being promoted and you FFF tools couldnt even prevent it.
Drop the donuts. Goodie.
Thanks, Porky, for your eloquently-worded example of FPD douchery.
Your above post is a shining example of the Real Problem in Fullerton. Amid all the systemic failings of the FPD (murder, theft, drugs, perjury, sexual assaults, etc…), you point the finger at the ones who’re actually upset about it.
The FPD has a piss-poor track record of promoting bad behavior among its ranks and failing to take out its own trash. If history is any indicator, I’d say Goodbar is in line to be the next chief. Turds really do rise to the top around here.
I hope this is true. If the liar fat fuck gets promoted instead of canned we will have yet another proof that the pigs are running the farm.
Sgt Goodbar is a regular at the Slidebar. He has a preferred parking spot. The rest of you are just jealous that you do not have one. What did you expect in Fullerton? Equal access to parking spots?
Sgt Goodbar passed the Sgt test. Thus he can also pass the Lt. test and the Cpt. test and even the chief test. What he cannot do is just plain tell the truth. He must have been hired by former chief and now city councilman Pat McPension!
Are they banning this guy as a favor to Goodblimp?
I’m curious if they were running the valet service from the Slidebar on the date that Kelly was murdered?
It’s hard to believe that the Slidebar could have valets running back and forth across the parking lot to fetch cars, and that someone would not have come forward to say that they eyewitnessed Kelly breaking and entering into cars with all of that foot traffic in the parking lot.
Darkness cant hide from the light so why even bother? Just go back into your cave.
With examples like the one you’ve given, I hope all Fullerton residents fully comprehend the urgency of the Fullerton Recall.
If Good”lie”rich is promoted, you can be certain it came from yours truly Pat McKinley. He is a sick MF and would request something like this to further put more thorns in the residents side…
The world is filled with irony sometimes. Kelly was persona non grata because of his lumberjack beard and castaway appearance. According to this bar owner’s explaination, Kelly’s looks scared some people. How ironic to hear such judgement coming from an aging rocker who looks as though a red ball nose, miniature car and bottle of seltzer water could complete his act.
If the toxicology report would have indicated even a trace of alcohol in Kelly’s blood, justice may have been far out of reach for him. How ironic that just yards away, bar patrons and law enforcement commonly get embalmed in this man’s establishment and amble out into the streets.
A homeless guy said Kelly was waiting to eat at the late depot dinner provided as a community service for the poor. How ironic. No community service is provided by folks who lure college kids into their whiskey dumps and promptly separate them from their money and senses.
When asked if Kelly could have been lifting car handles. That person, who didn’t know Kelly well, replied immediately and in so many words that Kelly’s type didn’t engage in petty burglaries much. Younger, materialistic individuals were more prone to do those things. That made sense. Let’s face it, if someone as conspicuous as Kelly was habitually seeking an opportunity for open theft, he wouldn’t have survived all those years on the streets as a free man.
We still don’t know officially who made that call and why. The district attorney and Gennaco know. The dispatch logs and audio have been seized as evidence. If it turns out the call was made because of fear that Kelly would turn away a little business, how ironic that some customers may now be staying away from that business because of the callousness involved.
That feeding down by the train depot is called The Tracks Homeless Ministry – Project Fullerton. They feed the homeless every Tuesday night starting at 7:30. Pasted below is the URL for a general information video about the project posted on youtube last winter in December. Coincidentally, there is a sharp, clean-shaven, red-haired fellow dipping sop at time 3:40 that could pass as Kelly’s twin if not Kelly himself.
Do we care who Slidebar blackballs since WE blackballed Sidebar mo the ago? While the fate of those who continue to patronize is of no interest to me, it is humorous to see them wince and flinch at those call a spade a spade or in this case, call Slidebar what it is: Slimebar.
*months ago (not mo the ago)
always thought that place sucked….saw Jermy pay his acoustic guitar- thnk god it wasnt loud- that guys sucked back in STAINed- the first band they were in – blew ass as well..he is a one hit wonder-douche bag!
I thought so. LOL. I think he’s better at busting up guitars.
You may not but I do. It shows a pattern of douche baggery on Jeremy’s part and it should concern you that this one hit wonder may have used what was left of his celebrity status to have officers target and beat kelly to “teach him a lesson”.
“target” is a possibilty. Wonder if there is way more too this thing. Kelly was murdered and maybe for a specific reason. Maybe it was a “hit”
douche bags have multi purpose- douche nozzle- not so much- douche nozzle.
It does concern me, Anonymous but who they blackball means nothing at this point. The damage is done, the wheels are in motion and anyone choosing to continue to patronize them are free to do so but I could care less. I used to suggest this slime pit to my younger relatives. Now they join me in the boycott which means their out of town friends don’t go, either. So no, I don’t give a R’A who wants to go there but can’t. And I said previously, I find it humorous to this sleazoid place wince and flinch now it people they didn’t fear before.
It should matter to Sildebar. The Weekly has a pretty big following among the demographic that might frequent that place.
And I agree with the comment above: that owner looks a lot scarier than Kelly.
That’s fine. We blackballed Slimebar on
July 5th 2011.
Thanks for finally setting the record straight about the promotion guidelines at FPD.
When you point your finger at one, there are 3 more pointing back at you.
All well said Gonzo, Esq.
Too bad the younger adults of north Orange County, most of them anyway, are clueless or without a conscience.
Putting the Slidebar out of business would be SO EASY if the younger crowd refused to go there. Much like a civil suit, boycotting the place would be just as effective in holding them responsible because either method costs lots of money.
I support the Slimeball boycott!
They do have that open door policy on douchebags though. Why the hell would anyone even want to go there?
…I don’t know bro. How about you stop being such a dweeb?
The slidebar is fcking siiick bro. You should try going there instead of being such a spaz bro.
Hey “Bro”… I would probably get REALLY “siiick” if I went to the Slimebar!
And here folks we have the perfect example of the DTF drinking demographic.:
“I don’t know bro. How about you stop being such a dweeb?
The slidebar is fcking siiick bro. You should try going there instead of being such a spaz bro.”
Doesn’t it make you all warm and fuzzy and proud of your city of Fullerton? Makes me want to run to DTF and spend tons of money. ~eyeroll~
he ought to simply go in disguise.
Jeremy Popoff is a toy… The slimebar is what it is, a menus to DTF as are all the other bars aka F. Dick Jone’s monsters.. Babies
having a grand mal seizure..
I can just imagine the offscourings of society who frequent the establishment. What a freakshow!!
You know, I replayed that video / blog during my breakfast yesterday. It still makes me laugh! I’m so embarrassed he talks about growing up in Galveston Texas.
You can spot FPD a mile away. They are the ones with the goofy short hair and big sideburns. They were as thick as (fill in Hee Haw BS Texas saying) at the council meetings.
Mckinley has nothing to do with promotions dumbass.
Actually It would be easier, he just makes a call, no paperwork. Its all about control. I think malignant is what they would call it.
I am sure I read the original comments on FFFF making the claims on the reporting from the slidebar. From then on I have read many refferences to it. This is a critical part of the story. It is the motive. The modus operandi.
There seem to be many people who know the source data but no one willing to put the story together. Some journalistic source, FFFF, the Observer, the OC Weekly, or the OC Register, needs to put the story together with names.
This will put pressue on Goodrich and company to explain what is known about the lead up and the handling. This will shead light on the action and on the DA’s handling of the aftermath.
The desire of the investigators for everyone to stay quiet and allow them to work alone has to be surmounted. The root witnesses need to be persuaded that the crucial imperative is that the truth of the matter needs to be brought to the public.
The Washington Post (Woodward and Bernstein) did not wait for some governmental panel to discover and investigate Watergate so that they could relay the official findings. Mark Felt (aka Deep Throat) did not trust Bob Woodward to pursue the story without his persistant viligence.
Go to it people, and may the real journalist win.
Unfortunately we do not have Robert Redford to play one of the parts and poor ol Linda Lovelace is no longer with us.
But we have a bunch of plumbers frequenting the Slidebar because they get free stuff all the time. .Yup they are the rank and file of FPD, the members of the Union. Officers will not go there, so if Andrew Goodrich is promoted and accepts the job he will no longer be getting free food – maybe free donuts, though. Paying $90,000 + benefits for a beat cop should put an end to the “widows and orphans fund” donations. Paying Sgt. Goodrich $125,000 for telling a few fibs here and there is money well spent. Someone has to defend the FPD in print and who is better than Goodrich?
Hey Anonymous Fuk wad! Joe Felz is the 3 Clowns tool.. Or have you been asleep all this time?
Hey Erin- I havent been asleep at all city councils…just after 7;30 Im a lill sleepy- so i close my eyes…Im listenenin…sheesh…lmao
Joe? clown? , just because he wears a bow tie?
Isnt Felz their lawyer, wouldnt that put him in charge of the clown car, and circus. Who else could get and dole out $900,000 as he pleases. Asking for a raise at this time is pretty ballsy.
No, Joe was with the parks and recreation dept of the City of Fullerton and got promoted to the job.
So , is anyone aware of the food drive competition betwix the bars down here- NOW they want to help…for a foto op? Nice job people maybe we should ask all the bar owners I dont know- feed those guys outside your door- WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS? for what reason- your not letting them eat the food until they can take a picture with their booty? Cmon bar owners- you have sunk to a new low- proud of yourselves are you?
Now lets analize how a food drive works; they ask YOU to bring in food or donations and THEY give it to the charity, in their name of course and THEY pat themselves on the back and smile and feel all warm and fuzzy about hoow much they gave and how chritable THEY are……
I have heard of it and I have a really good pic showing a mountain of food on their stage at slimebar. It was really cool of them to let all the hungry homeless people look at it.
It was nice they let the homeless look at it….sums it up doesnt it?
I wanted to share this story about the redevelopment agencies receiving the final nail in the coffin. These redevelopment agencies have routinely stolen desparately needed funds from our childrens schools in order for these old thieves to re-distribute the money to their small group of parasitic self-righteous friends.
The redevelopment agency in Fullerton was a prime example of taking money from 99% of the people of Fullerton, and giving the lion’s share back to a small circle of parasites, who comprise less than 1% of our population.
Good-Bye and Good Riddance to redevelopment agencies throughout the state of California!
Who is pictured in the above photo? It appears to have been taken on Halloween!
That’s one of the coveted business owners of DTF that said that Kelly’s appearance was scaring people away from his business.
Pot meet kettle.
“Pot meet kettle”
Man, you got that right!!
Yeah cause you are use to eating out of trashcans.
Comparatively speaking, In this case, a trash can would be gourmet!
Whatever the hell you make no sense. dumbass
Is that the best you can do? Criticize a man who’s son was murdered?
I had suggested at a couple of the Saturday protests that we take our picket lines to the slime bar . Early in the game we had sufficient people to be in two places at once.
Yes, I felt that we should have done that!
anonymous, you are indeed the spawn of Satan!
Why would you demonize a father seeking justice for his son who was brutally murdered by Fullerton “peace officers” trying to impress each other?
It’s the internet. People are going to say douchey and heartless things to get a reaction. Your tears are their joy.
Ron is fully aware of them. He gets it all the time on his blog and who knows what he gets in the mail and through email.
I guess my point is just ignore them.
Dr Ott says its because some of the commenters on FFFF, are sadistic, and people who are actually only a child in psychological terms. I personally have met many many, people that would fit that description, especially online.
Yeah its rons fault- Ramos- who’s neck is so fat when he turns his head the back of his neck looks literally like a pack of hot dogs….decided to beat the crap out of kelly because why now? Yeah its rons fault–jesus I wonder if its Rons fault my garbage disposal is on the fritz……I bet its rons fault….mmsch——the noise I heard when you were reaching……Jeremy and Andrew haning out last night??? Andy eating free food again?
Murdered?? yeah ok
Yes, you are correct, it was MURDER!!
Ron – I hope that you can pursue litigation against the Slimebar to the extent that the landlord will have to hang a for lease sign!
Location, Location, Location, nobody forced him to put his buisness there, it was already an established (HORROR SHOW), neighborhood/business district.
Hopefully, he will have to move to Slab City when all is said and done!!!
Heartless peoples voices never seem to resonate, so I guess we’re all doomed to their repetitiveness, until somehow they convince us that their words ring true.
The internet; allowing pussies state thier thoughts with out ever backing it up……funny but the people that talk shit never ever show up to city council……they whine from home.
But I ask you, is that which is spoken by these societal vermin any better than what can be found in the sewer?
“societal vermin”
Love it!
The best to you in 2012!
It’s my opinion, just like you have yours..MORAN!!
What’s a “moran?”
He is full of hot air..He is done. He can smile all the way to the bank at his son’s expense. And you all know it. Craziness runs in the family.
Anonymous, Why do you care? As I see it, the only reason, why you blog here is that you must be suckin on the City tit, or else you would not give a rats ass…..So Why? If you don’t live in Fullerton, just let it go and don’t blog here anymore. SIMPLE….
Ron and his family will justifiably get a large civil judgement, but this is not about money!
This is about several rogue individuals who committed murder while cowardly hiding behind the authority of a badge. It’s about six guys who illegally took it upon themselves to be judge, jury, and executioner, and then tried to cover it up. It’s about six guys who decided it was a good idea to brutally beat to death a innocent, defenseless, unarmed, mentally-ill drifter for 9 minutes and 48 seconds until he was left brain dead.
Well, Mr. Anonymous, that cold, reckless, immoral act certainly made people of this city, state, country, and even the world, very much aware of what kind of a department FPD REALLY is. Maybe you’re proud of it; maybe not. Unfortunately, the “bad apples” make the whole department look bad. But don’t sit there with your righteous indignation for Ron Thomas when you yourself would not act any differently if it were YOUR son who was the victim of a murder by members of the very department that is supposed to protect AGAINST, or DETER, such acts! Kelly Thomas was no less a human being than you or I, but you have the audacity to sit there and criticize his father who is doing nothing more, and nothing less, than you would do if you were faced with the same tragic and devastating situation.
Don’t know if you guys have caught this post yet, but the Slide Bar owner has (kind of) weighed in on the phone call, and apparently has lifted the blacklist from Brandon…