Speaking of Apologies…

Frequent commenter, blessusall stopped by yesterday to share a thought about the formal “apology” on today’s City Council Agenda. As you all know the apology was from the City to the Nordell family because last year a bunch of heavily armed FPD cops broke into their house by mistake in some sort of botched drug raid.
blessusall opined about the irony of this insincere apology (got only by dodged persistence by the Nordells) vis-a-vis all the other FPD misbehaving’ going on lately and suggested the City might:
Apologize for the lawless behavior of:
And who else?
Who else, indeed. These pages are strewn with the miscreance, mayhem, and murder perpetrated by Pat McKinley’s hirees and trainees. At this point even the most die-hard cop apologist must be wondering about the stuff that hasn’t even emerged yet, and how much all this crap is going to cost the taxpayers of Fullerton.
Apology? Hell, yes! And why not demand that apology tonight!
They’re sorry. Sorry it all got uncovered.
Close thread, all that needs to be said 🙂
Union goons Coffman and Kirk for trying to give tickets to First Amendment honkers.
Kirk for “go home or go to jail” and was present at that incident which later turned out to be a false arrest with false reports written.
Officer Benjamin Lira for soliciting funds to free his murdering coworker.
Lira for using FPD resources–Front Desk–for this purpose.
In addition to the officers listed, I think it would be a good idea to find out the names of ALL officers who were present during these incidents of excessive force and false arrest, if they have not already been identified. In videos I’ve seen, it looks like 5 or 6 officers usually arrive on the scene. Find out what they wrote in their reports, not just the arresting officer. They are implicated as well.
WE are SORRY goodrich LIED to yall about,ALL this.
Don’t forget that Officer Nguyen for falsly claiming “someone jumped on an officer’s back” in an attempt to justify Hampton for ‘rear-ending’ Veth Mam.
Also Captain Hamilton for being as spineless as Sellers, stating, “Some people have talked about a cover up. I’m here to tell you that’s not true.” He also admitted and defended FPD’s policy? on allowing officers to review video and audio. Sorry Hammy, that is just too corrupt.
How about eye blousing comments from the cowards in charge
Not a single officer in fpd is innocent… Or your city council
Mater for encouraging a suicide in the jail then smashing his DAR to try to hide the evidence.
Say, where is Mr. Mater these days?
Isnt he part of the gang that falsely arrested Emmanuel Martinez and had him put behind bars for 5 months?
Why is this incident not being brought up more? This is very fishy. Is this the same incident where the officer on duty smashed is DAR (Digital Audio Recorder) and tried to remove the tape from inside? The DAR was taken to an outside investigative source and it was found that the DAR was pried open by the officer. Sounds like he had something to hide and must I say…cover -up. It might be worth looking into FFFF.
When did this Mater deal happen?
It’s a little late for sorry. Now they MUST show REMORSE. No apology will mean anything without remorse.
And that also means doing the right thing starting yesterday. We, the people, want the truth, all of the truth!
…for a grand total of 22.
Details pending.
they cant show remorse
Let them hate so long as they fear.
they are the biggest cowards ever created
Now they MUST show REMORSE. No apology will mean anything without remorse.
Actually, that is my point: It’s too late now, since they have shown nothing but cowardice, all of them.
The Watch Commander on duty July 5th for selling the public surveillance cameras on the premise that they would stop crimes in real time, then watching a man beaten to death in real time without intervening or arresting the perpetrators.
I heard from a reliable source that the watch commander was Cicinelli. He was watching from the station before he arrived on scene.
I hope everyone who has chimed in on this topic, providing you live in the vicinity, comes to the council meeting tonight to vehemently express your concerns.
I’m there.
from the link /cry
2 Responses to Suicide at the Fullerton Police Dept. Jail
CJGDAW on April 15, 2011 at 10:46 pm
Dean was my ex-husband, we had a beautiful daughter together in her first year of college. We were friends and spoke as recently as last week about our daughter and how proud we were of her. He would NOT have hung himself, no matter how much he had been drinking. This makes no sense and is so very sad and alarming. We found out about his death early this morning, you can only imagine how upsetting it has been for us and his family. My daughter has had to grow up very fast today. She bravely visited the Coroner’s office to retrieve his belongings (but they never gave her his clothes). She visited the Fullerton Jail to request a police report (and noticed how small of a jailhouse it was); to her it was strange that no one noticed him plotting an “alleged” suicide. She has had to endure the reality that the love of her life, her daddy, is gone. No parent should have to listen to their child cry over the death of the unexpected loss of a parent. The coroner’s office told her they could not release the body until next Tuesday because they were currently embalming him looking for bruises. My daughter then was told by the attendant that this was an unusual procedure. My daughter thought it odd that the attendant did not seem at all surprised when my daughter mentioned this sounded like a cover up. The shirt they are showing he was wearing in these news articles is hardly the shirt that one could easily tear up in a matter of minutes, plot a plan of action and go unnoticed by jailhouse personnel. Something is very fishy here. If anyone was witness to the events of last night, was jailed in that facility at the same time or knows of anything, please come forward.
john stien on April 16, 2011 at 11:08 pm
A couple weeks ago I was retrieving some shoes from the dumpter at fclo across the street
and noticed some unusual activities in the drive in gated area at the jail entrance. Two different police officers would go just out of sight in the inner outside area at different times and hit sompthing that sounded like a punching bag with thier night sticks. I told a local homeless man who had “visited” there and he said they where probably trying to keep the “visitors” awake in the jails, because it seems to be a favorite passtime.
Why is this incident not being brought up more? This is very fishy. Is this the same incident where the officer on duty smashed is DAR (Digital Audio Recorder) and tried to remove the tape from inside? The DAR was taken to an outside investigative source and it was found that the DAR was pried open by the officer. Sounds like he had something to hide and must I say…cover -up. It might be worth looking into FFFF.
Thanks Anonymous for posting that article concerning Mater.
I’m really pissed now.
About 5 years ago, I was at my son’s pop warner football practice when a mother of one of his teammates proceeded to tell me about her husband (who was no angel apparently) died in La Habra jail, with LHPD claiming suicide. She insists it was ‘foul play’ on the officers part. NO JUSTICE for her either. Just a dead husband.
Don’t forget about that fat slob Corporal John Decaprio (Badge #911) who solicits sexual favors from homeless women in Fullerton.
I wonder what his good and very close “buddy” Sharon Quirk-SIlva thinks of him getting blowies from homeless women.
Maybe shes more concerned about getting them socks and toothpaste and getting around to investigating the sexual assaults involving Officer Rincon …oh wait, they’ve already investigated and offered a settlement to several of his victims but she conveniently forgot that when she was interviewed on KTLA.
why does irony, hypocrisy and human foibles make me laugh? thanks for making me laugh and quirk-silva needs to resign from our once decent town
That’s just wrong. DeCaprio does nothing of the sort.
I never got an apology
I took this out of the police log over at Fullerton stories.
I wonder how the “transient” was “counseled”
9/27 Transient Problem – A transient who appeared to be intoxicated was harassing people near the Bus Depot. The caller described him as black and wearing a brown sweatshirt, blue jeans, glasses and a black hat. The caller wanted him to leave. “Warren” was contacted and counseled.1:33 p.m.
9/28 Transient Problem – A group transients – two males and one female – were sleeping at 215 E. Commonwealth Ave. The caller said one of them defecated in front of the business, and that they get angry when the caller or other employees ask them to leave at the close of business. The subjects were contacted and counseled. 10:13 a.m.
The homeless need empathy and help, not reprimands, beatings or worse. I don’t have the answers either, except that I do my best at a personal level to always try to be aware of others plight, by putting myself in their shoes, as it were. When one is struggling with a mental illness he/she is usually suffering already. There is see no reason to make it worse by blaming and demanding that hey snap out of it, and if they don’t, well…you know the rest of the story.
It’s an illness just like any other.
Our society needs much more awareness of mental illness.
FULLERTON POLICE owes the public an apology for all of their obvious and documented corruption. This should be done via all the major media outlets.
Of course, Spokeswad Goodrich and Yellow-belly Hamilton are not capable of admitting wrong-doing or apologizing so who would be a believable spokes candidate for FPD.
I came up empty/
the best apology fullerton’s city council and fullerton PD may give to the people is seeing McKinley, Bankhead and Jones resign from fullerton’s city council, and then seeing disbanding of FPD. the damage to McKinley, Bankhead and Jones and FPD can not be repaired as this facts about Fullerton’s chronically corrupt municipal government and its police force has made gained international outrage
sorry for poorly written sentences, on my break
And who else?
Watch Commander (?)
So the homeless person that defecated in public in front of a business just needed a warm fuzzy, that’s all. Gotcha.
User- so if it it the bar patrons shit……you want that? Only the homeless shit offends you? cmon. Warm fuzzy why dont you show up sunday on my porch and pickup the filth left by the bar owners patrons…never ever have I found crap from a homeless person–I leave blankets out for the homeless- and I get it back every time….
I never said “warm fuzzy”, only empathy. A little of that goes a long way.
Fullerton police chief extends medical leave
FULLERTON, Calif. (KABC) — Fullerton’s police chief is extending his medical leave from the department.
Chief Michael Sellers initially went on medical leave in August.
The chief was criticized for his handling of the investigation into the death of Kelly Thomas, a mentally ill homeless man, following a confrontation with Fullerton police.
The city said Sellers’ doctor extended his medical leave for 60 days.
A doctor for the city is reviewing his records and will give a separate opinion to city leaders in two weeks.
I wonder if Seller’s doctor prescribes him oxy toxins and looks like boss hog…..hmmm
And what makes anyone think an apology from these people has any merit? Are you kidding me??
Get names of officers that are directly connected to incidents for which there is documentation of impropriety/unlawful behavior. Stay away from rumors. There is PLENTY of documentation of serious issues. If Coffman is for giving tickets for honking, I would not bother with that. Lira is included, not for bailing out his friend but for using FPD resources and giving the appearance that the FPD and City of Fullerton was bailing him out. Not just innuendo, that people think there may be something with this officer or that, but the ones where it is KNOWN that they were involved.
100% agree.
I think there won’t be time for public comments due to the packed agenda.
Not having them would cause problems because that segment is on the agenda; they may try an end run (e.g., leave, recess to continue with regular agenda and resume public comments later) but based on prior meetings I doubt that would succeed.
I’m there.
Officer Perry Thayer should be added to this list. This meat wallet was overheard complaining about the “niggers and beaners” in DTF. By the end of the night, I saw him cuff a couple of mexicans and put them in the back of his car
More details please!
The total for now is 24:
And who else?
Watch Commander (?)
Perry Thayer
Fullerton Polices and City officials are morally and financially bankrupted. Recall.
From a fiscal standpoint, it seems in the best interest of the City of Fullerton to fire all officers and completely disband the police department for the next 5 years furthermore they should not allow the sheriff’s department to incorporate former officers. In other words, start from scratch.
Currently the police department is a huge liability for both the City and Tax Payers. Right now there are at least 17 officers who are accused of crimes ranging from murder, attempted murder, sexual assault, fraud, theft, excessive use of force, lying under oath, planting evidence, using city resources for personal use and so forth.
At least 7 officers (that we know of) have been an paid leave for months pending investigations involving one or more of the crimes that I listed and Chief Sellers continues to extend his medical leave. This means tax payers are on the hook for about $50,000-$60,000 a month for officers and a chief who are never on duty.
On top of this, tax payers are going to be paying millions of dollars in settlements and law suits directly related to the conduct of these officers. I have a feeling that as time goes by there will be more people coming forward to report additional instances of misconduct and crimes involving Fullerton PD.
The roads are disrepair, the sidewalks are cracked and crumbling and the abandoned buildings are a blight but this is just the beginning of worse things to come. If FPD is allowed to continue to operate, other much needed programs will be discontinued and employees ranging from parks and recs & streets will be laid off.
Businesses will continue to leave along with citizens and people will not come into the city to buy products, attend venues or eat out of fear that they could be harassed by FPD. All of this means an even greater revenue loss for the city.
There is also the public safety issue. Citizens are afraid of their police department and likewise officers are afraid to normally perform their duties due to what has transpired.
When a Fullerton Cop pulls behind me I’m petrified and thinking off a safe place to pull over that’s in front of witnesses and pray that I’m not going to get assaulted or even killed but fortunately I haven’t been pulled over.
As a tax payer I shouldn’t feel like this and it angers me when I hear about the amount of money that’s being spent to keep this fledgling department in operation.
This isnt “an isolated incident” or “a few bad apples” its a systemic problem deep within the department. Many of the officers have been with the department for decades like acting Chief Hamilton.
No amount of “training” will fix this problem or make it go away, doing so will only mean even more tax payer money wasted.
We need a police department that works not one that needs to be constantly fixed. Disband the Fullerton Police Department.
I hope the family of the suicide victim is aware of this. Maybe they should call Mardirossian. Maybe the entire citizenry of Fullerton should get an attorney and file a class action suit against FPD and the City of Fullerton.
You are right on all points. $$$$$$ Forever City of FOOLERTON will pay for luxorious retirement of these maggots. Expect a spike in disability exits.
Add OFFICER JONATHAN MILLER, who was the officer in the Mam case who supposedly had someone jump on his back and choke him, which Mam was later accused of and then acquitted of doing. That never happened.
This heading straight into history,and forever be on the minds of us citizens when confronted by our depatment, BUT to dispand is a mistake I fear. I am remided of the rampart division of Hollywood PD. Are we seeing any simularities?
This could financially close Fullerton itself. LA was big enough to absorb the costs, but Fullerton may not be….thoughts?
So well said, pretty much sums up how I feel also.
Would you please submit this letter to The Observer?
The Nordell family should be receiving an award and not just an apology from the inept Fullerton PD. He is a christian minister and she teaches at a christian school. They were treated like crap. An article in yesterdays OCRegister pointed out her disdain for the full year it took to obtain the apology, and their insistance on the changes to procedures that were made. Guess what? They could have had both and a few hundred thousand dollars for their church by demanding with a timeline the changes and apology.
There is no procedure in place to GUARANTEE that the procedure will be followed. This can still happen again, the only change is that the miscreant police must notify their superior immediately instead of several days later. These nice people were snowballed! (a term from my days in Big Bear!)
On their behalf, they continued to press the police for an apology and I wonder who on city council made this apology happen. It certainly was not the police union or Sgt. Andrew Goodwrench, the annointed spokesperson!