122 Replies to “Sunday Fun”

    1. Kind of like the FPD, except, the FPD would have a local bar owner call in a fake report of a little girl (on someone the bar owner did not like) and then the FPD would have scared the driver into running and then the FPD would beat the driver to death for resisting arrest; or perhaps after Kelly Thomas, they will simply shot . . . no graphic evidence.

    2. Take a look at the front section of today’s La Times. Article about deputies working in jail because they got into trouble. Slide bar is mentioned in the article.

      1. It seems that they put the “bad apples” to work in the jails, where they can then more easily abuse prisoners who are in handcuffs and jail cells. They send the worst, and the most unethical and the least trained officers to “guard” the defenseless prison population. No wonder there is so much horrific abuse of prisoners in the prison system.

  1. Such depictions of our brave Heroes is not humorous. Day in and day out the thin blue line protects our freedoms from thieves, and gangs, murderers and thugs.

    We have the best trained and disciplined police force in the State!

    1. Cops are not protecting us from anything! They are not proactive in crimefighting, they are reactive! Snap out of your delusional thinking will ya?

    2. Who do you mean by “we”? That’s a vert broad claim, considering the number of police agencies in California. Unless you’re referring to some sort of “secret” state-wide police force?

      AND, this depiction was made by members of law enforcement, based on contemporaneous information from officials of the city involved… Hardly “disciplined”, eh?

  2. As I saw this on the late news this past Thursday evening, I thought the reporter mentioned that these were actually West Covina PD officers.
    Does anyone know if they will be reprimanded since this has been posted on Youtube worldwide?

        1. “Bachman said they are checking to see if the video was filmed in the city without a permit.

          Touhey asked if the actors could be prosecuted for impersonating police officers.

          “I’m just offended all the way around at the scumbugs who would do something like this,” Touhey said. “I don’t care whether it’s a worker or not, I’m going after everyone involved in this.”

          “going after”? This Touhey guy sounds like a real thug to me!

        2. Now that’s a REAL Mayor Pro Tem taking action.
          Mayor F. Dick Jones, Mayor Pro Tem F. Dick Bankhead and F. (dick) Pat McKinley need to take notes on this one!

          Mayor Pro Tem Touhey states: “I’m just offended all the way around at the scumbugs who would do something like this,” Touhey said. “I don’t care whether it’s a worker or not, I’m going after everyone involved in this.”

  3. Back the Badge :Such depictions of our brave Heroes is not humorous. Day in and day out the thin blue line protects our freedoms from thieves, and gangs, murderers and thugs.
    We have the best trained and disciplined police force in the State!

    Wellllll, then that’s not saying much, is it.
    Based on all of the corruption in the FPD alone, not to mention all of the other police abuse incidents happening around our state, we have a proliferation of undertrained, 2-digit IQ’d, GED, no-good idiots on many of our police forces.
    If we have the best trained police force in the state, it would seem we would be learning about police misconduct abroad. Most of it is coming from So. Cal. with all of the FPD incidents alone, as well as the deputy inmate abuses at Men’s Central, etc.
    A much more accurate statement would be “We have the most undertrained and underqualified police force in the State!”

  4. Day in and day out the thin blue line protects our freedoms from thieves, and gangs, murderers and thugs.

    What??? Theives, gangs, murderers and thugs perfectly describes the Fullerton Police Department.
    More like ‘Broken blue line’.

    1. You pegged the PS crooks to there real works Wrong Guy.

      We have let the PS RAGWUS run out of control. Our Military men and women have more decorum and self control than most of the fools in our PD’s.
      “We have the most undertrained and underqualified police force in the State!” That statement would be true all over the country. 🙂

  5. What were these knuckleheads trying to accomplish by making this video?
    It didn’t look cheap, that’s for sure.

    1. Wrong Guy, It looks to me like the cops have waaaay too much free time on their hands. When they get too bored they make videos such as this one, or they murder mentally ill, homeless people so they can practice using their toys and pretend they are big men.

      But, if a mentally ill person actually needs help to be transported to the hospital on a 5150 for a psych evaluation; they run the other way and refuse to help, because that would take too much time away from stuffing their fat stomachs at the donut shop.

      If the cops aren’t at “Starbucks” blogging, or at Winchell’s, or the Barfbar, they’re now making training videos about how to terrorize citizens. This video is just more evidence that they are overpaid, immature, sadistic, sociopathic idiots. They truly think it is hilarious, and perfectly fine, to terrorize and abuse the public that they are SWORN to serve and protect. Why not? They’ve gotten away with it for so long!

      I always respected law enforcement and I trusted them. No longer! The times have definitely changed! My eyes have been opened to the ugly and terrifying truth. Law enforcement are MORE dangerous than most of the “bad guys” out there.

      And, very rare are the times when law enforcement are punished for the crimes they commit. The cops stick together and cover for each other, and the courts believe whatever the lying cops say, unless we are lucky enough to have video proof, that has been UNaltered by the cops!

      1. Don’t forget “It’s A Grind” in La Habra, where there is an interagency love-fest almost every morning (LH PD, LASD)…

  6. Funniest thing about this is the misuse of department property and that they will be fired for that rather than the tyrannical attitude.

  7. Perfectly depicts the bullying behavior that the Fullerton Police Department employs towards suspects.
    I was told long ago in the military that you “create your own freight” with your demeanor/attitude, and it appears that the Fullerton PD has created a a whole freight train of problems by trying to intimidate people into cooperating with them.
    When are these knuckledraggers on the Fullerton police force going to take the lead of someone like Captain Dan Hughes, who I have always found to be bright and respectful of citizens…even when they weren’t always playing nice with him.
    This guy is not a “my way or the highway” type of individual, and I have noticed that he gets a lot of co-operation from people because of his ability to listen to others without having his mind already made up.
    This man patience every Saturday morning during this past summer here in Fullerton, was largely responsible for helping to keep a very large crowd of peaceful protesters peaceful by being respectful of our constitututional right to free speech and being respectful to us as protesters.
    Captain Dan Hughes was also especially respectful to Kelly’s dad, Ron Thomas, throughout these protests, which my fellow protesters and I thought showed a tremendous amount of character on Capt. Hughes part.
    When other protesters saw that this man was a good honest person that treated people right, he made himself someone that we could talk to when we had concerns about how the protest was being handled.
    Fullerton needs to get back to following Captain Dan Hughes lead, and do everything possible to gain the citizens respect and trust so that we can bring back community based policing where the residents aren’t afraid to call the police and instead work in partnership with the police force to keep our children and our communities safe.
    As it stands right now, I would rather have a homeless drunk standing on my doorstep if I have trouble rather than a Fullerton police officer…unless his name is Captain Dan Hughes, and then I’ll make an exception because this man has shown to himself to me to be trustworthy.

    1. Agreed. I’ve heard another FPD officer talking badly about the people who protest, and it just makes me so disappointed to have my assumptions confirmed. Hopefully for every one who is disappointing, there are several more like Captain Hughes.

      1. The protests were all about the bad apples in the department, not the ENTIRE department! In my humble opinion, Captain Hughes is a respectful individual.

    2. I’ll tell you which FPD officers I have respect for. The ones who stood up and blew the whistle on their corrupt department. The ones who expressed outrage that their department had been disgraced by a few bad officers. The ones who spoke out against their cowardly cheif.

      Other than those officers I only have respect for the ones who have left the department due to the corruption.

  8. Good words about Captain Hughes FL. I noticed the same thing by my second protest. I saw him talking quite a bit with Ron Thomas and others having a seemingly pleasant and friendly conversation.
    When I walked up to him he was in the middle fo a conversation with Chris Thompson talking about police attire, etc. He is very friendly, a sincere listener and a guy with a good sense of humor.
    The last thing I asked Captain Hughes was, “did they catch the ‘right guy’ in that Veth Mam case?” He simply snickered.
    Great man. I hope Captain Hamilton has the same outlook on citizens as Captain Hughes.
    I would hate being in Captain Hamilton’s position at the moment.

  9. O.K., do not totally get the joke… is it that the guy…started to cry and that is “the little girl” they were looking for?
    maybe I need more coffee……

    also there is a lot of background noise…something about bridges?
    anyone else hear it?

  10. i wouldnt trust ANY of those varmits in FPD-and that would include that thar Hughes person-like trusting a wolf to watch the hen house in my opinion

  11. So I assume when any of you ffffers are being raped, assaulted or victimized in anyway you will NOT call the police? Because you say the police are not protecting you! Without the police you idiots what do you think your life would be like???? Really??? You ffffers live in a dream world!!

    1. Actually what you do is show up after the crime has been committed.

      Last time I reported a crime the FPD actually tried to turn me into the perpetrator (it was easier than doing your job).

    2. Chances are it is a cop that is doing the rapping, assulting or victimizing CackleFOOL. The police all over this nation are commiting serious crimes all the time and walking away with little more than an internal investigation.

      The inbred LE culture has a lot of changing to do. A good start would to eliminate training, tactics and policies that are obtuse to the Bill of Rights! 🙂

    3. Fullerton has that reputation because they’ve earned it. You should be looking within the FPD to correct what is giving the people that impression, NOT bullying them to accept how you choose to protect them.

      First thing you need to remember is that you work for the people, , and they are telling you they don’t like the way you are doing your job.

    1. Anonymous :
      Were the guns loaded in the video?
      When they fired shots at the end were those real?

      I can’t even believe the guns were real. For the purposes of a gag video, someone would be in HUGE trouble for pointing real weapons with live ammo at someone and then indiscriminately firing off live rounds.

    2. Anonymous :
      Were the guns loaded in the video?
      When they fired shots at the end were those real?

      Not sure why they decided to do this kind of skit, but it definitely has a surprising ending.

      1. It looks real to me….but I’m a total novice when it comes to guns….
        how do you get fake guns to look like that when fired?

  12. Compared to the way things have been handled by Fullerton PD and other agencies, life would be MUCH BETTER without a law enforcement agencies like FPD, NOrwalk Sheriff, Anaheim PD, (insert your terrorist LEA here), etc., considering that they run the other way in the event of a true life or death emergencey situation for a normal citizen.
    Now go take another Xanax and chill CackleWAD!!!

    1. And, if you happen to be holding a garden hose nozzle, you are likely to be shot and killed on the spot, without the cops even announcing their presence, and without even so much as the giving you a warning to “drop your weapon.” (even if it is only a garden hose nozzle.) And, of course, the cops will be exonerated of any wrong doing. The only ones the coward cops protect are themselves. They’re afraid someone might get too close to their donuts.

  13. CackleFOOL :
    So I assume when any of you ffffers are being raped, assaulted or victimized in anyway you will NOT call the police? Because you say the police are not protecting you! Without the police you idiots what do you think your life would be like???? Really??? You ffffers live in a dream world!!

    I would agree, but let’s get rid of the bad element in the department!

  14. Hey wrong guy so who do you expect to protect your rights and the rights of others??? How about the hundreds of LEO killed in the line of duty running toward the bad guys not away like you say! You have no idea the freedom you have is because these men and woman work 24/7 365 day and night including holidays! While your home safe and sound they are protecting YOU and your family! Not to many people have to put on bullit proof vest and a gun everyday to go to work to protect ignorant people like you! So maybe you should think the next time you go out, park your car or tuck in your family at night that you have no worries because the POLICE are doing there job! If you don’t believe me why don’t you move to Tijuana? See how that works for you and your family!

    1. CackleFOOL, you are a true fool! It is the people that make the cities safe and happy places to live. Just because you put on an over-priced costume, strap on a gun, and wear some jewerly in the shape of a badge in no way signifies that you are protecting anyone or anything at anytime. The real truth is that the police are nothing but the plastic tape people, always showing up after a citizen has be injured or killed. More often than not it is the PD that is doing hte killing. 😉

    2. You mean running toward the donut store.

      Being a cop is now one of the safer jobs out there. As your pay and benefits escalated the job got safer and safer.

      Holidays??!! Triple Time!! Boo-yah!!!!!

    3. You are right in that we owe a lot to the good cops that put themselves on the line every day for us, and in sometimes very difficult circumstances.

      I think what everyone is saying is that it’s time for the good ones to help get rid of the bad ones, because not only do they undo the good things with their not taking action or covering up when they see others doing wrong, but they also make people believe they are just like the bad ones because they do nothing to stop or correct the wrong doers.

    4. And, who protected Kelly Thomas’ life?? Certainly not the FPD!! It is now at the point where CITIZENS need to be the ones wearing the bullet proof vests to protect themselves from the badge wearing criminals.

  15. Justice for ALL :
    Don’t worry CackleFool; Tijuana is moving here!! And, you guys won’t do a damn thing about that either!

    HA! Ever notice how every four years the presidential candidates PROMISE to do something about the porous southern border?? Ever notice how not much has happened after how many years of promises?? The police don’t have much to do with this issue.

  16. On that subject, I believe the police should be allowed to determine citizenship if they suspect someone of being in this country illegally!

    1. LE definitely influence the decision making process regarding immigration enforcement. Most of them didn’t seem to welcome the extra work (time away from the donut shops).


      Arizona police officials, particularly in smaller jurisdictions with tight budgets, are also complaining that SB 1070 will be burdensome, costly, and distort priorities. Sheriff Tony Estrada in Santa Cruz County says the requirement to enforce immigration law or risk being sued is an unwelcome imposition. “That will take away from the quality of life issues for residents—things that are important—whether it’s theft or vandalism, or burglary or fraud, stolen identification, graffiti, things that impact on the community,” he said. “I may have to be spending more time dealing with immigration issues that I have no desire to do.”

    2. Unfortunately, most easily “suspected” are those of hispanic/latino background and sometimes Asians… People don’t realize that there are illegal/undocumented people here from Canada, Ireland, various European countries, Africa, etc.

      1. And, plenty of infiltrators coming from the Middle Eastern countries. The adminstration doesn’t seem too worried about stopping it.

  17. Anonymous :
    It looks real to me….but I’m a total novice when it comes to guns….
    how do you get fake guns to look like that when fired?

    They are prop guns, just like the ones they use in Hollywood, I would assume. Or, maybe they are real guns and they used blanks for the shooting portion. Hard to say what they did.

  18. Justice for ALL :
    LE definitely influence the decision making process regarding immigration enforcement. Most of them didn’t seem to welcome the extra work (time away from the donut shops).
    Arizona police officials, particularly in smaller jurisdictions with tight budgets, are also complaining that SB 1070 will be burdensome, costly, and distort priorities. Sheriff Tony Estrada in Santa Cruz County says the requirement to enforce immigration law or risk being sued is an unwelcome imposition. “That will take away from the quality of life issues for residents—things that are important—whether it’s theft or vandalism, or burglary or fraud, stolen identification, graffiti, things that impact on the community,” he said. “I may have to be spending more time dealing with immigration issues that I have no desire to do.”

    Ultimately, this is an issue for the Federal Government, who is not doing its job. Care to speculate as to why?

    1. For one thing because they are too busy terrorizing medical marijuana dispensaries and patients, in addition to all the other trivial things they worry about. That anyway, is what they have been doing recently, even though they don’t have the resources for that. Our administration needs to get it’s priorities straight.

      1. Way Correct Jane H!
        Many of our police officers today would benefit from medical marijuana, making them less edgy, less trigger-happy and more people friendly.
        So leave the dispensaries alone and start effectively investigating some of our corrupt LE agencies.

    2. They’ve also been very busy lately spending millions of our tax dollars aiding and abetting the drug traffickers in their murders with Project Gunrunner. And, don’t forget, they’ve also been busy spending millions on insolvent green jobs companies such as Solyndra…oh yes, they’re always MUCH too busy to seal off any of our borders! Borders Shmorders.

  19. CackleFOOL :Hey wrong guy so who do you expect to protect your rights and the rights of others??? How about the hundreds of LEO killed in the line of duty running toward the bad guys not away like you say! You have no idea the freedom you have is because these men and woman work 24/7 365 day and night including holidays! While your home safe and sound they are protecting YOU and your family! Not to many people have to put on bullit proof vest and a gun everyday to go to work to protect ignorant people like you! So maybe you should think the next time you go out, park your car or tuck in your family at night that you have no worries because the POLICE are doing there job! If you don’t believe me why don’t you move to Tijuana? See how that works for you and your family!

    They have NOTHING to do with the freedom we have, you ignoramous!!! You must be GED numbskull like many of those corrupt LEOs. The freedom we have was given to us by our forefathers, our constitution and our fine men and women in the military. Most if not all law enforcement agencies of today, ONLY care about protecting themselves. For instance, as someone stated above, that Long BEach man that was shot to death for posession of garden hose nozzle, by some of these ‘so-called’ Heroes of the Long BEach police.
    Now, go back to your Vodka/Red Bull drink and comment with some reasonable intelligence WackleFool!!!
    MOst of us protect ourselves, without the help of law enforcemnent

  20. Peaches :Don’t forget “It’s A Grind” in La Habra, where there is an interagency love-fest almost every morning (LH PD, LASD)…

    That’s scary! Especially knowing the LASD folks are the agency for La Mirada, which the Norwalk/La Mirada division of LASD. The same agency that nearly beat one of our beloved commenters on this blog to death, among many many other wrong doings over the past 30 years at least.
    I’d bet their little breakfast club conversations consist of out-doing one another in ‘rear-ending’ innocent citizens, while they are fattening their already over-stuffed bellies and getting all jacked up on caffine.

  21. Back the Badge :
    Such depictions of our brave Heroes is not humorous. Day in and day out the thin blue line protects our freedoms from thieves, and gangs, murderers and thugs.
    We have the best trained and disciplined police force in the State!

    And where do you live to give such a jaded analogy?

    Your so sure of your commentary you use a screen name. If you own a firearm, I bet you would not know what to do with it when the poop hit the fan. PLEASE!!!!

  22. I can deal with cacklefool’s incessant trolling. I can take his blatant stupidity. I can even respect (but not agree with) his lopsided pro-LEO views.

    However – I absolutely cannot STAND how he uses “your” rather than “you’re”.

    It makes my FFFF experience miserable. 🙁

    1. I know exactly what you mean; his spelling and grammar is consistently that of a second grader. It certainly doesn’t speak well of LE.

    2. M.U.R., there are a lot of folks on the LE side that have no clue what you are reffering to, but they have no problem telling what the law is, how to live your life, and who needs a beat down and who doesn’t! It is not just writing where they are lacking, look at their math skills. They have no clue that their 3%@50 scam is going to bring down their entire pension scam because the costs are not sustainable. Logic and reasion has no place in their minds! 🙂

  23. This one’s for you CackleFOOL:

    Castle Rock v. Gonzales, 545 U.S. 748 (2005), was a case decided by the Supreme Court of the United States, in which the court ruled, 7-2, that a town and its police department could not be sued under 42 U.S.C. §1983 for failing to enforce a restraining order, which had led to the murder of a woman’s three children by her estranged husband.

    1 Background of the case
    1.1 Restraining order and police inaction
    1.2 Lower court proceedings
    2 The court’s decision
    2.1 Stevens’ dissent
    3 Inter-American Commission on Human Rights
    4 Response
    5 References
    6 See also
    7 External links

    [edit] Background of the case[edit] Restraining order and police inactionDuring divorce proceedings, Jessica Gonzales, a resident of Castle Rock, Colorado, obtained a restraining order against her husband on June 4, 1999, requiring him to remain at least 100 yards from her and their three daughters except during specified visitation time. On June 22, at approximately 5:15 pm, her husband took possession of the three children in violation of the order. Gonzales called the police at approximately 7:30 pm, 8:30 pm, 10:10 pm, and 12:15 am on June 23, and visited the police station in person at 12:40 am on June 23, 1999. However, the police took no action, despite the husband’s having called Gonzales prior to her second call to the police and informing her that he had the children with him at an amusement park in Denver, Colorado. At approximately 3:20 am on June 23, 1999, the husband appeared at the Castle Rock police station and instigated a fatal shoot-out with the police. A search of his vehicle revealed the corpses of the three daughters, whom the husband had killed prior to his arrival.

    Now, would you like to continue spewing some more of your ‘cops protect us and give us our freedom’ crap after reading this? We know they are supposed to.
    This case is a perfect example of what many of us have been talking about.
    Now I/we know it’s not all of law enforcement doing these type of things, but we know there are many.
    What good are court orders when the agency’s whose duty it is to enforce them, refuse to?
    3 kids were murdered by their father, who had a restraining order, indicating he cannot call, be within 100 yards from claimant, etc. In this and many cases, cops did not take seriously, assuming the woman is a ‘drama queen’.
    Yet, they are all more than exhilirated to go bust down some innocent person’s home while terrorizing their family, busting up their furniture (and possibly their heads), then saying, “Oopsy. WE got the wrong house.”
    THis is the INCOMPETENCE that exists within many of the LE agencies around here. Over-react when innappropriate or ‘do-nothing’ or even ‘go the other way’ when we actully NEED their help.
    Any thoughts Cacklefool?

    1. The truth is Wrong Guy the state law of California clearly states that the police have no obligation to protect any citizens at all. There main purpose is to keep order while implmenting the lousy laws written by their bought and paid for politicians. 😉

    1. But, they have the right, to beat the crap, out us? This makes me, uneasy. So I guess the gun purchase to protect myself is a good choice. This is why they let Gang problems go on. They don’t have to do anything. Serve and Protect is BS. Why are we paying them? We could pay a private securty company, and get better service.

    1. Garo Mardirossian is going to be a very wealthy man soon, although come to think of it, he probably already is.

      Not that I begrudge him that, especially since he is taking on most or all of these cases pro bono.

      If any police goon ever touches a hair on my head or that of my loved ones I know whom I’ll be calling.

  24. Justice for ALL :And, who protected Kelly Thomas’ life?? Certainly not the FPD!! It is now at the point where CITIZENS need to be the ones wearing the bullet proof vests to protect themselves from the badge wearing criminals.

    His father didnt protect him. Why give the job to the cops. No the cops didnt kill him, he did it to himself.

    1. Sure they did. Ramos instigated the fight, Wolfe started the attack, and Cicinelli smashed Kelley’s facial bones into his brain.

      It’s a murder. Even a GED swine like you can comprehend that.

    2. That kind of idiotic reply is to be expected of a cop. Once a citizen reaches legal age the parents are not legally responsible for their well being. Of course you didn’t know that, did you?

      You ridiculous people post on here how wonderful you are because you save and protect people, yet when it’s convenient (like in Kelly Thomas’ case) you claim you have no such responsibility.

      It’s more obvious every time you idiots post on here you’re no better than an intestinal parasite.

      1. I didn’t even see what you responded too but if you were to walk around town, the feeling would be that no, he didn’t need to pay attention to his son. He could and had every right to give up on him just like he did. He claims no choice, that’s fine. I think the problem is that now that he’s dead, he feels that he should get $20 million for his love, compassion, and future earnings of his son. That’s the part that normal people have an issue with. It is what it is though. He will get it and that’s part of this system we live in. Maybe he shouldn’t get it and it should go back in the economy to help homeless or schizo’s and he never sees a dollar? I think there wouldn’t be much resistance or talk with that concept. He had nothing to do with his son, and as you say his son was an adult, so maybe that’s the right way to do it.

        Yea, well cops do save and protect believe it or not. I know you refuse to accept that and maybe the cops accept responsibility in this case too. You just won’t know that until the attorneys give them reign to talk, or you hear them plead no contest. I’m sure they all regret that it ever happened.

        You think you are better than one? You might be the only one that thinks that highly of yourself CackleBuddy. 🙂

        1. Replies to the blog are still being posted out of sequence. I was responding to the typical drivel that CackleFOOL spews at least once daily.

          ” (N)o, he didn’t need to pay attention to his son. He could and had every right to give up on him just like he did. He claims no choice, that’s fine. I think the problem is that now that he’s dead, he feels that he should get $20 million for his love, compassion, and future earnings of his son.”

          That’s a trite and condescending argument, in my opinion. Just because a father cannot make his child submit to the lifestyle the father wishes him to live does not mean the father doesn’t care for the child.

          To use the argument I hear you use all the time in reference to pensions, that’s the way the law is written. Courts award damages to the estate of the deceased, and since Ron is his closest living relative he is by law entitled to the compensation.

          I haven’t heard Ron Thomas speak in detail about the murder of his son. But I can guarantee you the majority of parents in this country are behind his decision to make sure those cops get the maximum punishment allowed by law. And that includes suing them through every civil procedure known to man until they’re too poor to pay attention.

          When I hear someone complaining about Ron getting paid for the crimes of the cops I have to wonder if that isn’t jealousy.

  25. You ffffers are morons! So concerned over spelling and grammar! It just goes to show you how narrow minded you all are! As for you wrong guy, and all the other incompetent fffers you say cops are lazy do nothing and that you are better protected with security guards but yet you print a 1999 case an then say its the cops fault! Do you realize there are thousands of active restraining orders in Fullerton? But its the police responsibility to babysit every resident with a restraining order you are an idiot! And it is the police that enforce order not the citizens! Do you really think YOUR Pathetic lives would be safer without police? Really??? But of course no matter what anyone who had a different op

    1. Its “and”, not “an.”

      here are some examples;
      1. I am functionally illiterate AND I use too many exclamation marks.

      2. Nobody on ffff cares about my opinion since it has already been previously established that I am AN illiterate bootlicker.

      Ok, your turn.

    2. CackleFOOL asked: “Do you really think YOUR Pathetic lives would be safer without police? Really???”

      Hey, CackleFOOL, why don’t you try asking Kelly Thomas that question?? And, by the way, make sure you get to second grade on time tomorrow.

    3. CackleFool wrote: ” Do you really think YOUR Pathetic lives would be safer without police?”

      People would be much safer without cops like you CackleFool!

      The truth is the LE RAGWUS is filled with angry sociopaths that use inbred training and tactics derived from policies that are in violation of our Bill of Rights. There is no mention of LE or Police in our Constitution, but there is a Bill of Rights that protects the individual citizen from government hacks like you CackleFool! 🙂

  26. Anyone who has different than you idiots you get all worked up!!! You ffffers are very entertaining and you think you are all so smart and educated that is the funny part!!! Haha

  27. I saw this awhile back and people just laughed thinking it was some skit someone made. Then when West Covina was able to zoom and made aware their uniforms and cars were made, it blew up into something big.

    Turns out some mechanics and cadets used their department jackets with the patches half hidden and the cars without permission. The mayor’s pissed off comments were toward the production company. I wonder what their relationship has been in the past. Seems like some type of history due to his comments being so angry.

    Cap guns too. Pretty nutty commercial. I keep wondering where I first saw it and if it was actually on a cable channel.

    Some civilians are about to get spanked and fired quickly. Civilians don’t get many rights. Piss someone off and you are gone.

    Hope you all had a wonderful weekend. 🙂

    1. “The mayor’s pissed off comments were toward the production company. I wonder what their relationship has been in the past. Seems like some type of history due to his comments being so angry.”

      Hmm, I’d say ‘the history’ is the death of Kelly Thomas at the hands of city cops, and the reaction indicates the mayor is in no mood for imbeciles in uniforms bringing attention to his city, and to him.

        1. Common sense says anyone responsible for the actions of their police department will not be amused to see video like that, especially in light of the spate of scandals slithering out of Fullerton PD.

          You seem to have your apologista hat on again, Reality Is. Is this your official duty, or are you sincere?

          1. I have no problem with it assuming it was made as a commercial with movie people. I’ve seen funnier and worse things. Comical if you take it as a commercial spot.

            Knowing now its police civiilians using their police jackets and using actual police vehicles without permission? Yes I have a problem with it.

            1. The problem is, it wasn’t a commercial. It wasn’t selling anything. It was a low-brow attempt at cop humor that unintentionally showed the world the contempt for civilians that led to the Kelly Thomas murder and all the other scandals that are filling newspapers around the country.

              In case you don’t know it, the greater public image of cops – except for a few sniveling sycophants here and there – is not Officer Friendly any more. It’s a swaggering unibrow with hairy knuckles that likes to beat the crap out of skinny homeless people. No doubt that’s the image you’re on here trying to erase.

              Seen the movie “300” lately? You’re the Spartans, Cicinelli, Ramos, Wolfe and ilk are the Persians. Any last requests?

    1. lol! Wrong Guy, I’m beginning to think CackleFOOL is another one of the cops McKinley brought over from LAPD as a favor. They probably gave him one bullet to put in his shirt pocket and made him responsible for patrolling this blog – from an old Packard-Bell 386 computer in the PD basement.

      1. Odd thing was that LAPD had a mass exodus back at that time. Everyone left and went elsewhere. Horrible department. I know we picked up at least 10 LAPD guys and I know many that went to other PDs.

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