The Gift That Keeps Giving

A Friend, Jim Cameron, writes in:

Here’s a riddle: Which OC Police Department met with a citizen who, after leaving police HQ, plowed into three parked cars?

Well, if you liked to bet and didn’t mind a scant payoff, you’d almost immediately say the Fullerton Police Department, of course.

It seems as if one Robert Ghanadian, was at the FPD station on Wednesday afternoon, meeting with a cop in the traffic division about some prior accident. While the details of this encounter remain something of a mystery, what is perfectly clear is that Mr. Ghanadian was impaired by some kind of intoxication when he sideswiped three vehicles on the south side of Commonwealth Avenue, one of which belongs to Ron Thomas, the father of FPD murder victim Kelly Thomas. An eye-witness claims Ghanadian came from the police station.

Honestly, you couldn’t make this stuff up.

What makes this story particularly ironic is the way one FPD apologist earlier in the day defended the illegal arrest of innocent citizens on unsubstantiated charges of public intoxication based on possible risk to the City.  Did the FPD let an impaired Ghanadian get behind the wheel of his SUV and motor off ignoring risk to the public? If so, he didn’t get far.

Maybe it was a pro-FPOA decal that did the trick. Who knows? But one thing I do know is that we are all lucky Ghanadian didn’t kill anybody.

40 Replies to “The Gift That Keeps Giving”

  1. Since when did citizens start meeting with police officers to discuss an ongoing investigation into a traffic accident? Why wouldn’t attorneys or insurance companies be dealing with this?
    I’d also like to know from this officer’s Digital Audio Recording device, if this Mr Ghanadian was truly discussing an accident, and if so, why wasn’t the officer able to discern during a one-on-one interview that Mr Ghanadian was in no shape to drive?
    This is another one of those that the more questions you ask the more that it really begins to stink of unadulterated BS that never adds up.

  2. I drove by the scene shortly after the accident. I was still on the clock and did not rubberneck and cause another accident…….Appeared to me to be a very heavy police presence……4 or 5 patrol cars as well as a similar number of motorcycle units. Since it was near a bank, figured it might have been a bank robbery……Alas, I had no time to ogle the scene for the finer details.

    1. Doesn’t FPD always respond with 4 or 5 patrol cars to every arrest? Even that guy that was pulled over for honking–after one police car went after him, immediately several others followed. FPD appears to travel in packs.


    Do you think this is still on? Another example of how much the whole story seems almost more like fiction that reality. The guy who has been aware, for several years, of an officer that he hired sexually molesting women after placing them in handcuffs and putting them in the backseat of his cruiser wrote a book about how women and girls can protect themselves from sexual predators and he’s giving lectures about it? The same guy that just approved the offer a $500K settlement to two of the women?

    The only reason Rincon is finally maybe going to get fired is because of the public scrutiny and media attention that came into play. Otherwise, it would still be one big secret.

  4. The FPD has been nothing but ‘contrary to reality’.
    Falsifying arrests, accusing citizens of being intoxicated, with no proof/evidence; yet an obvious bonafide driver at risk is let go.

  5. I’m no FPD ball washer, but I can not say they had/have a hard on or a grudge against all homeless people.
    If such was the case, this homeless murder probably would never have been followed up on, let alone an arrest made.

    Andy crossed my path numerous times, never was he a problem or ask for anything. It indeed was a sad day when he died.

  6. Fullerton Public Servant :
    I’m no FPD ball washer, but I can not say they had/have a hard on or a grudge against all homeless people.
    If such was the case, this homeless murder probably would never have been followed up on, let alone an arrest made.
    Andy crossed my path numerous times, never was he a problem or ask for anything. It indeed was a sad day when he died.

    Maybe there was a reward and these bums investigated the murder. Where was Ramos and the gang the day of the crime.


    Ever hear of the Chester The Molester cartoon strips? Well, the creator was arrested for child molestation years ago.

  8. The name ROBERT GHANADIAN is phony, or it is covered by being a police officer, doubtful he is in a witness protect program.
    Check the tax assessors data base and the DMV, no such.

    1. That name showed up for some sort of traffic infraction in 2004 – OC Court records.

      Assessor’s tax base is for property owners, so a possible non-event there. I know that available (e.g., sent to participating agencies) CalPERS records for pre-/post-retirement accounts for sworn police (and I think fire) personnel do not include addresses.

      Don’t know how DMV handles sworn police/fire personnel info as to availability to public.

    2. Robert H Ghanadian/Robert Ghanadian has 5 listings (different streets) in Fullerton on the Spokeo website; there is also a Robert H Ghanadian on MyLife but I think you have to pay to find out anything about is profile there

  9. The California Gov’t enacted a law that permits Gov’t officials and law enforcement personnel to request that their names and vehicle license plate numbers to be blocked in the DMV data base. Only law enforcement can access this section which provides another barrier that protects these wrong doers when involved in automotive vehicle or boating altercations.

  10. Who would believe anything the FPD communicated to the public.
    FPD policy does not permit any police activities to be made public.
    Ask Goodrich. HaHa

  11. I don’t understand why many of you have a hard on for posting people’s home addresses. It looks like the person posting the address doesn’t have the balls to go to the address so you post it hoping some idiot will go. Will someone please explain why it is important to know home addresses. Do you wish harm to people? Do you want someone to do something to these people? Please explain. In response to Leveltheplayingfield’s comment about law enforcement being able to conceal their home address I can tell you it stems from people like you.

    9c1, as a former cop what is your take on this?

    1. You know what really pisses me off? I just figured out that someone printed my address ON THE CURB IN FRONT OF MY HOUSE!

    2. johnnydonut your obviously a cop defending gangmembers who kill AMERICANS THE TALIBAN DOES THIS , YOU ARE AMERICAS TALIBAN

  12. A normal Police Department would say “You are not OK to Drive.” Just another strike against the bumbling Fullerton PD.

  13. Deep in my checkered past an old motor cycle cop friend of mine gave me some sort of Police-Supporter bumper sticker.

    Not long thereafter I was daydreaming-driving WAY over the speed limit out in the desert and zoomed by a police car on the roadside. That policeman pulled me over and then let me go with a warning.

    Did I mention, this was LONG AGO.

    1. YIKES!!! Thank you Paul for waking up, or perhaps I should say recessitating, a “brain dead” commenter.

      I was not a “big supporter” or any type of supporter at all of my motorcycle cop friend. I did not think through that there was any sort of quid pro quo involved. Rather I was just proud to show that I had a friend who was a cop.

      This is embarrassing.

  14. Yup I was a big supporter of the Greenville SC sheriff years ago and had a sticker. I commuted 100 miles each way 3 times a week to get an MBA. Naturally I speeded in my pickup truck and would regularly get stopped and released. One new guy told me $15 cash bail directly to him. So I paid it and the Sheriff fired him for not checking first for the sticker, not for stealing my money, not getting the forms done right, etc.
    Now understand this was for two jurisdictions (counties) away from where I lived. But they all worked together!
    Never once did the question come up “were you speeding?”.
    So Fullerton uses the South Carolina 1970’s system of policing model!

  15. Anonymous,

    I do not believe in posting people’s addresses. It can only lead to problems that were not there to begin with. All it would take, is for someone to get an idea for revenge, and most likely, the deed would be done. You would also have to consider the innocent ones who possibly reside there as well.

    1. News flash: all addresses are already public. If someone wanted to do something it would already have been done.

  16. Kinda weird that someone would discuss an insurance issue with police, since insurance companies don’t put much cred ence in police accident reports!!!

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