The Personality of Misplaced Self Worth
After several posts detailing the falsehoods and comically bizarre statements made by former Fullerton Police Department chief Pat McKinley, FFFF decided once again to call upon the good offices of Dr. Reinhold Ott, of the Institut fur Psychologie at the University of Tubingen. It appears to us that Mr. McKinley is desperately in need of professional help. And of course, we’re always here to help.

So, let’s hear from Dr. Ott.
I have reviewed the information you have provided me on the subject of your former police chief and city councillor, Mr. Pat McKinley, including the invaluable videos. I can say that the latter were particularly useful in developing a personality profile on this individual. While necessarily speculative without further in-depth analysis, I can assert that the available evidence leads me to some fairly confident conclusions.
Narcissism is a condition of excessive self-centeredness that entails the inability to critically assess one’s self and others from a rational perspective. When it attains a serious enough level it is manifested by an effective denial of reality, an inflated sense of entitlement, and an almost complete lack of empathy for others. The narcissist sees himself as perfectly formed and thus he must ascribe blame to others for his own failures and shortcomings.
I believe this description fits Mr. McKinley quite well, as evidenced by his refusal to even offer a token apology for all the serious problems in your police force, a force that he appears pleased to have assembled. I notice that lawless police officers that he hired and trained himself are deemed to be “aliens;” the concept of extra-terrestrials invading this man’s police department sounds ludicrous to us, but not to him. Since the idea that poor decisions on his part is not conceivable to him, the only explanation must be supernatural. And please note how he casually dismisses the victims of sexual assault by one of his policemen – a criminal act – by degrading the target of the crime. Thus the victims of his police force (those ladies…, etc.) are characterized as somehow to blame for events that are seen to be things that “just happen.”
In one interview I notice Mr. McKinley’s use of the first person plural pronoun. “When we came to Fullerton.” This is not merely casual misuse of language. It indicates the very real possibility of dual or perhaps even multiple personalities; at the least, the good cop/bad cop duality that is closely connected to the police psychology may here be in evidence. This possibility should not be dismissed lightly.
Furthermore, I must note a strong impulse to authoritarianism in our subject, the staunch defense of physical abuse of people who assert themselves at the expense of his authority, and, once again, a propensity to blame the targets of this impulse, such as the other worldly attributes he absurdly imputes to anti-abortion protesters.
People such as our subject are invariably drawn to the military, as well as crypto-militaristic organizations, and while they may be useful for limited tasks, such as full frontal battlefield assaults, crowd and traffic control, and the like, they must be constantly monitored by a competent civilian authority. The penchant to assert their control over others while evading responsibility for their own misdeeds can be disastrous. History is replete with this sort of megalomania with its attendant horrors: pogroms, wars, concentration camps, etc.
I should note that the narcissist may present himself in an attractive, even charming manner so long as he attains his desires. But in the face of resistance to his charm, and, more importantly, to his authority, the narcissist will likely drop any facade of congeniality and become belligerent; however the denial and dissimulation will persist.
The personality profile of Mr. McKinley cannot be considered complete without consideration of statements made by the subject for which he possesses no professional qualification, such as the nature of the head injuries suffered by Mr. Thomas; and by his attempt to psychoanalyze protesters and even criminals. Exercising what can only be deemed incompetent opinion under the guise of informed knowledge is typical behavior.
For the true megalomaniac it is insufficient to be merely an armed minion in service to the state. He craves an authority outside his rather narrow vocational limits; an authority that he can claim personally. This explains the production of a self-published book in which he presses his years of experience into service for the good of his fellow man. It matters not that his advice in this oeuvre is good or bad (it is likely to be highly dangerous or lethal to follow any advice the narcissist may proffer); what matters is that our subject is an author!
It is easy to smirk at the title and text of our subject’s literary endeavor, but some compassion should be exercised: the “She Bear” is obviously indicative of serious unresolved maternal issues, and very likely a distant or abusive father.
In other words, a wing nut!
maybe Mckinley intentionally used the royal “we” meaning he was now king o fullerton and his police force w
I’ve always thought Mckinley’s a Sociopath.
A Sociopath?!?! DUH!!!
McKinley: borderline personality disorder; compulsive liar
Jones: psychopathic megalomaniac
Bankhead: evident dementia
Things are looking grim for Fullerton.
Dr. Ott, I’m sure you are familiar with the work of Dr. Robert Hare on psychopaths (c.f. “The Psychopath Test.”) Note these symptoms:
Key Symptoms of Psychopathy
Glib and superficial – check
Egocentric and grandiose – check
Lack of remorse or guilt – check check check check check
Lack of empathy – check x 100
Deceitful and manipulative – more checks than the mind can conceive of
Shallow emotions – check
“Since the idea that poor decisions on his part is not conceivable to him, the only explanation must be supernatural. ”
Sheer brilliance Dr. Ott.
Half the city council is ALIENS! Probably half the police force, too! Look in the hall closet for pods!
“the concept of extra-terrestrials invading this man’s police department sounds ludicrous to us, but not to him. Since the idea that poor decisions on his part is not conceivable to him, the only explanation must be supernatural.”
Ah, it makes sense now. Thank you, Dr. Ott!
Very nice and he’s on our city council…….so proud!!!! wow
Serious unresolved maternal issues? A distant or abusive father? That’s why his head is shaved like a cue ball!
I’ll bet you a hundred dollars he dresses in a baby bonnet and a diaper and pisses all over himself for sexual gratification!My bad!
But my bet is still on.
“That Patrick was never like the rest of the boys.”
A usual Dr. Ott shines an informative spotlight on our problems.
Or rather on MCPension’s problems that he has foisted onto the rest of us.
I always thought it was strange for a seven-year old kid to have shaved head.
C’mon. If you were Pat’s first grade teacher you’d be about a million years old.
You guys are trying to pull the Dr. Ott again. Running out of things to say?? Fake!!
“Whole realms of wit are forever lost upon the imbecilic”
What’s the matter Mrs. McKinley, are you sick of FFFF exploiting the stupidity of your ‘Dickhead’ husband?
You failed by marrying that bunghole!!!
Dr. Ott, thank you for that informative and fascinating insight! I’ve had to go back an re-read it several times to fully appreciate the many layers of psychosis oozing from the McKinley.
It terrifies me to think there are dozens – if not hundreds – of fluttering moonbats just like him in high positions of police authority all over this country.
My question to you is how does the average citizen recognize such a creature? Do they give off a peculiar odor? Would a dog whistle cause a telltale response? And what would be the appropriate way to communicate with such a beast?
I fear their insanity may spread though osmosis in the ranks. Should we arm ourselves? Would garlic and wolfsbane be advised?
I know you are not too far from Transylvania. Several strong men in the community could overcome the creature and ship him to you in a wooden crate if you think it would help. Please leave him in one of the abandoned castles there when you are done with your experiments!
The Villagers
Why cant our cops be like this:
No taser, no gun drawn, no profanity, no disrespect. All the while, the officer keeps control of himself and the armed citizen and keeps the whole situation calm.
Learn from this, McKinley!
Now THAT’S what I’m talking about! A cop who respects the rights of a citizen and apparently has no ego issues! Give that man a raise!
FPD. This is what we expect our police force to be like. Period. No exceptions.
Now do you get it?
Who is Dr. 2Ott? 🙂
Having a party at my house in Brea everyone is invited. Gonna play some Mr. Mister and other great 80’s bands and just let loose from 9 till ?. See ya there chums!
Wow, that is AWESOME!
I got yanked on my way from here to DC by a NM cop for speeding (yeah yeah) and while we were talking I noticed his very well used AR sitting where you would normally see a shotgun in his car. I said “Looks like you use your AR a lot.”
He said “I love that gun.”
I commented that I am building one but it is difficult for me to get parts, to which he replied “Why don’t you just buy one?”
I explained that I am from Cali and he literally laughed and said “You can buy pot in California.”
I blamed the hippies and we both chuckled.
I want more LEOs like this guy here. NOW.
Another common trait for this type is “brittleness”. When he finally is brought low he goes into a deep depression.
McKinley would be mortified if he could pull off his blinders and see himself the ways others see him.
Honestly, he doesn’t have the ability to pull off his blinders or to be mortified. He will always overvalue his own abilities and opinions and devalue the abilities and opinions of others, especially those who disagree with him, thereby widening his perception of the gap between him (seeing himself as superior) and others (seeing them as inferioror). The great irony is that narcissism is a defense mechanism for a PROFOUND sense of inadequacy. I agree that there may be antisocial personality traits (antisocial used to be called sociopath).
Just as I thought. McKinley is dangerous because he has the deep seated problems of a self absorbed nutcase. Just think, over all these years, he was promoted many times in several jurisdictions all known to have problems with policing the police! This is actually great insight into the S. California policing problems.
Not near as bad as the problem a certain Texas Turdblossom in Huntsville is fixin’ ta have. Seen the movie “No Country For Old Men” yet? Sometimes life imitates art!
I believe that Dr. Ott would concur that a very high percentage of cops came from abusive and dysfunctional households. As a result, these individuals evolve into control freaks who seek to control the emotional demons that haunt them from the past – (ie. abusive, emotionally absent parents). The damaged individual from such a household rarely looks inward to repair the emotional damage. By the very nature of the illness it would be counterintuitive for him to do so. Instead the victim seeks positions in professions that allow him to abuse and control others at will – as a means to deal with the behaviors that made him so sick. You have probably heard that a very high percentage of child molesters were sexually molested as children. You have probably heard that sociopathic behavior is learned from a very young age. You have probably heard that wife beaters normally witnessed physicial violence against their mothers as children. No different with cops. The damage that they inflict upon innocent victims is a means by which they inappropirately vent or release their own deeply ingrained emotional sickness. It is the only outlet they can conceive. Naturally the 3 stooges view all this behavior as “normal” or “acceptable”. Little doubt each of them has a hidden past too. Emotional illness is at record highs in America. This is how it gets perpetuated from generation to generation and takes a huge toll on society.
I’m a big proponent of every cop in America, including and especially the upper brass, being required to take an annual psychological exam to weed out sickos like Pat McKinley and his roving band of thugs.
Anyone who refused to take the test should be charged with a crime, dismissed from the force, and barred from working in law enforcement until they submitted and passed the exam.
That would weed out brutal psychopaths like the Fullerton 6.
Ahem, I wish to concur with the esteemed Dr. Ott. The subject most likely has severe unresolved maternal issues, please seek help Mr. Mckinley.
Dr. Marten Van Nostrand, M.D., Ph.D, DDS., ABC, Helsinki Institute.
Yeah its nice when a person complies and does not resist. So when they dont comply or resisit, they get what is coming to them!!
And in the near future, the Fullerton cops are going to get exactly what’s coming to them.
I’d suggest not socializing with them, especially the Killer 6 – karma may be infallible, but it doesn’t always have control over collateral damage.
(wiping the tears out of my eyes!)
Someone check the sanitariums in the Fullerton area and see if they’re not missing some residents. Or do they have computer access in the day rooms?
Hoo boy, what a dummy. Did you sign the anti-recall petition? 🙂
Carefully look into his eyes and tell me he is fake, don’t stare too long he will put you into a hypnotic trance you may not recover from. His digital photo is more intelligent than you.
That was a good read for sure by Dr. Ott.
Kudos to him for his willingness to write such a piece on a guy like McKinley.
Anyone McKinley’s age with half a brain would have retired long ago and enjoyed life outside the public spotlight.
But the good doctor describes what many in politics can’t let go of, the power and limelight they have enjoyed for way to LONG!!!
It’s a freakin addiction like cocaine!!!!!
Every word Dr. Ott says may be true, but no credentialed psychologist or psychiatrist in this country would make a diagnoses of a personality disorder such as narcissism without even having interviewed the subject. I would not take Dr. Ortt word as gospel. And I would be careful making the same sort of allegations Dr. Ott makes as such comments could get you slapped with a liable lawsuit.
Oh Brother. You sure are dumb.
“it is likely to be highly dangerous or lethal to follow any advice the narcissist” or child.
forgot punctuation… after narcissist
Nope. I can speak and I am not your brother.
“You cannot do terrorism on other people and expect it never to come back on you.” -Reverend Dr. Jeremiah Wright
#35 by Lifesaving Service on January 15, 2012
“The popular misconception is that narcissists love themselves. In reality, they direct their love to other people’s impressions of them. He who loves only impressions is incapable of loving people, himself included.
But the narcissist does possess the in-bred desire to love and to be loved. If he cannot love himself – he must love his reflection. But to love his reflection – it must be loveable. Thus, driven by the insatiable urge to love (which we all possess), the narcissist is preoccupied with projecting a loveable image, albeit compatible with his self-image (the way he “sees” himself).
The narcissist maintains this projected image and invests resources and energy in it, sometimes depleting him to the point of rendering him vulnerable to external threats.
But the most important characteristic of the narcissist’s projected image is its lovability.”
#36 by Lifesaving Service on January 15, 2012
“No wonder that constant contact with such a specimen leaves you bustling with resentment.
They may be in constant need for attention (in a group they won’t let anybody but themselves speak, and even when they do, they don’t listen) or they posses an unfounded sense of entitlement; but we attribute many times their shallow behavior to an unconscious self-loathing.
Previous researches suggested that narcissists’ conscious self-views are balanced, being not uniformly positive: they regard themselves as being better than others in areas like status, dominance and intelligence (the agentic domains), but not in communal domains like kindness, morality, and emotional intimacy.”
#37 by Lifesaving Service on January 15, 2012
“Narcissism as a psychological definition is typically seen as self-involved attitudes and behavior where there is little or no empathy for others. Narcissistic wounding starts early in life to children whose parents are insecure, abusive, addictive or have narcissistic patterns themselves.
Narcissistic injury happens to the child when his or her emotional needs are not met. The narcissistic parent has unresolved needs for attention and caretaking because his or her needs were not met in their early life. Neglect, physical, mental and sexual abuse, being spoiled and not given structure and limits create the wounding. Narcissism can be an inflated ego sub part or the trait can take over the personality. Narcissistic attitudes and behavior come from the ego defenses that function as smoke screens to hide the deep shame and fractures that came from being hurt emotionally or physically as a child.”
#41 by Lifesaving Service on January 15, 2012
Malignant narcissists are everywhere. 1 to 3 of every 20 people you meet are malignant narcissists. 75% of the pathologically narcissistic are male. You can find them in law enforcement, politics, business, the clergy, medical professionals, and in post offices. The smart ones easily move up the food chain. They know when to brown nose and suck-up to get ahead and further their grandiose sense of themselves.
The Psychology of Dictatorship.
As long as there have been political dictators, psychologists have been fascinated with them. While many psychologists try to understand what happens in normal, rational people that leads them to follow such clearly dangerous leaders