The Policy of Pain

We have already documented dime store psychologist Pat McKinley’s pompous blather about how it was necessary to use nunchucks on pro-life protesters because of their super-human resistance to pain.
And for McKinley, pain is the name of the game. When you want to try out a new toy from your chamber of horrors, well, hell, you’re going to need justification. So why not cook up some psychological mumbo-jumbo?
Someone with a little bit of real psychological training might suspect that Pat McKinley has an unhealthy obsession with the application of pain. Judging by the actions of cops he hand-picked to patrol the streets of downtown Fullerton, I think it’s fair to say that sometime between 1993 and 2009 the problem spread like contagion in McKinley’s police department. Was it his game plan, or was he just not paying attention. The signals he was sending his boys was clear enough.
We have seen the videos and read the accounts. Then there’s this:
Flood of Departures Offsets LAPD Hiring Gains : Law enforcement: Despite a near-record number of recruits last fiscal year, the number of officers is about 215 short of Mayor Riordan’s goal.
“I’ll take all I can get,” said Fullerton Police Chief Pat McKinley, who left the LAPD himself in 1993 after serving for 29 years. “I’m very high on the LAPD. They just apply. We don’t recruit.” McKinley said he has hired four LAPD officers in the past two years.
Someone on this site mentioned the Stanford Prison Experiment. I was thinking the same thing regarding the Stanford Prison Experiment by Zimbardo and that Pat McKinley and his gang of police thugs suffered from “The Lucifer Effect.”
Below is a link to the video; very enlightening if one has 30 minutes to watch the video.
Basically, in 1971, psychologist Philip Zimbardo and his colleagues set out to create an experiment that looked at the impact of becoming a prisoner or prison guard. The question the researchers asked was how would the participants react when placed in a simulated prison environment.
The researchers set up a mock prison in the basement of Standford University’s psychology building, and then selected 24 undergraduate students to play the roles of both prisoners and guards. The participants were selected from a larger group of 70 volunteers because they had no criminal background, lacked psychological issues and had no major medical conditions. The volunteers agreed to participate for a one- to two-week period in exchange for $15 a day.
While the Stanford Prison Experiment was originally slated to last 14 days, it had to be stopped after just six days due to what was happening to the student participants. The guards became abusive and the prisoners began to show signs of extreme stress and anxiety. While the prisoners and guards were allowed to interact in any way they wanted, the interactions were generally hostile or even dehumanizing. The guards began to behave in ways that were aggressive and abusive toward the prisoners, while the prisoners became passive and depressed. Five of the prisoners began to experience such severe negative emotions, including crying and acute anxiety, that they had to be released from the study early.
Even the researchers themselves began to lose sight of the reality of the situation. Zimbardo, who acted as the prison warden, overlooked the abusive behavior of the prison guards until graduate student Christina Maslach voiced objections to the conditions in the simulated prison and the morality of continuing the experiment.
“Only a few people were able to resist the situational temptations to yield to power and dominance while maintaining some semblance of morality and decency; obviously I was not among that noble class,” Zimbardo later wrote in his book The Lucifer Effect.
It’s about time people in Fullerton rose up to resist police brutality. Germans in the 1930s would have spared themselves a lot of grief had they resisted their version of Pat McKinley and his cohorts.
You said that right.
Hindsight is great, but what about foresight?
You can’t make someone believe something they don’t want to believe.
Confucius said the fool is aware of a rotting fish only after it’s under his nose, but the smart man can see the cat pawing through the trash and then put two and two together.
I’m sure there have been many voices over the years warning that there are rotting fish at FPD, but the fools didn’t want to believe it.
So I ask you: how do you force a fool to become a wise man (or woman)?
Gotta stop electing fools!
I posted some comments on (Thayer Thuggery?) blogs comparing FPD cops to the Nazis/SS who took over Germany in the 30s. Either on the History Channel or something I was reading regarding the rise of the 3rd Reich, there was mention of a “normalcy bias”.
Southern Calif. looks more and more like a police state; like I said in the previous post, I wouldn’t want to live there. Nothing against the people of Fullerton-I was born in Long Beach, CA., raised in Orange County.
This corruption in the FPD is pretty serious and looks like the prelude to a class war as opposed the racial conflicts during pre-war Germany. The lackluster economy also has alot to do with police violence, brutality. Germany’s economy was in shambles before the NSDAP took power.
For those who are interested, take a look at the definition of “normalcy bias”.
From where I sit, I think you’re right CackleFoos. I think the whole country is sitting on a powderkeg (not to mention the EU).
That’s how I see it, Beavis. When the trigger event happens there will be riots in the streets like nothing seen before.
Thanks to the conservative fear mongers who claimed Pres Obama was going to confiscate all the guns, there are now huge caches of weapons and ammunition in houses and storage sheds all over the U.S.
It doesn’t take a lot of imagination to see who will be the targets when the bullets start flying.
I’m as left wing as they come, but the right isn’t the only one to blame. Where have the so-called “progressive” politicians been this whole time? Oh right, stuffing their pockets just as fast as anyone else.
Yep. Quiet as they should be. Nothing they can say that will work. They can’t appease both sides. They stay quiet and all is status quo. Money comes in from all sides this way.
So it appears the flash point is inevitable. Given the financial turmoil caused by outrageous greed on Wall Street, the Tea Party fears of a black man in the White House, and rampant physical abuse at the hands of police, a violent civil confrontation appears imminent.
Our situation seems very similar to the conditions that ignited the Arab Spring revolts.
NO, NO, NO!!!! Do not advocate the use of violence in this city for anything related to this case! DO NOT!
I’m not advocating violence, but I’m not shy about saying I see it coming.
Current public opinion is not on their side and the tide rises everyday with new stories in the media about inncocents being killed by LEO’s. The FPD WILL get cleaned up or disbanded. The choice is no longer up to them. The RECALL is the first step. These folks may be well connected but nowhere close to the masses. Anyone know if occupy is coming to the south lawn in front of city hall? Maybe we should send them an invitation. Gosh it even has running water! Still no retraction for the lies put out by the dept. This tug of war will end up burning their hands. Its never to late to do the right thing. Come clean, retract and move forward or dig your heels in and let it ride. Your choice.
That’s one sadistic mofo. Time to run him out of town.
That video need to be forwarded to his book publisher and to every media outlet that interviews him while he on his promoting his book.
“One of the penalties of not participating in politics is that you will be governed by your inferiors.” Plato
I like that one.
Me too. How true!
What a sick MF. Pat McKinley, if you are reading this I swear to ALL gods that you will rot in hell. There is noway ANY god would forgive you for ALL the things you have done to innocent people while you were a thug posing as a cop!
“and tortured with nunchucks until your arm breaks”
It’s all about catharsis. We suspected that the systematic destruction of Kelly’s left eye socket by Ciscinnelli was catharsis for having his left eye shot out. Now we know that the “broken bones” claim by Andrew Goodrich was catharsis for his former chief’s words in the Operation Rescue scandal.
What a loyal cop Goodrich is to destroy his own credibility for the catharsis of his former chief and current city councilman.
who are the specific persons who approved hiring Pat McKinley as police chief for fullerton in 1993. Was it solely the decision of fullerton’s city council in 1993 or were there other persons pushing the council to hire this man who brought so much misery to our city
That’s a good question van. I’m going to guess and say that Chris Norby (asleep more often than awake) and Blankhead (recalled), McClannahan (recalled), Catlin (recalled), and maybe Julie Sa (never lived in Fullerton) were the culprits.
“You can’t get much more diverse than East L.A. and Bel Air,” said City Manager James L. Armstrong, citing two areas where McKinley commanded for the LAPD. “He’s known as a strong leader.”
Armstrong hired McKinley, 51, to replace Chief Philip A. Goehring, who retired Dec. 28 after 31 years of service. (Capt. Lee Devore is the acting chief of police until McKinley takes over in February.) City Council members said they were impressed with McKinley’s experience, and believe he will serve well in their diverse city. He is a 29-year veteran of the LAPD.”
Thanks for the link. I’m getting an idea for a post.
You’re welcome.
City Manager James L. Armstrong hired Pat McKinley.
You really believe that bullshit Steve? You’re pathetic.
Chris “listen to me because I’m bitchin” Thompson, “Teabag” Travis Kiger, and Tony “it’s not about politics” Bushala you should be ashamed for allowing this crap on this website. You are responsible for the speculation, theories and threats posted on this site.
Anonymous,you seriously have your head shoved so far up your own ass you will never see daylight. Shooting the messenger again are we? Pull your head out of your ass.
snore?? what are you “snoring” about? curious -was it the screaming in pain, the broken arm, the fact that it was just a citizen?
would you go, “snore” , if that happened to someone you care about?
You ask me a question, go off on several ad homenum attacks, and fail to offer one salient point of logic!
I was making a word play on a word Mckinley brought into our vocabulary. Take it for what it is worth.
Other cities are using the same tactics..and they will band together to beat this if there isn’t suffeint protest by the public. I’d like to see statistics from hospitals. I’d like to include all cities in calif. As the ones that are compassionate may offer some advise to those who only know violence. If this were the action of a parent that person would be scorned by all if society do we not hold the police to the same standards.
This is a very disturbing video. what is more disturbing is McKinley’s lack of compassion for all the people his department(s) have negatively affected.
When i read the story about the young man trying to help his mother that was trying to commit suicide, i felt so bad for that boy and his family.
Admin: is there any information on the FPD officer that farted on the persons face when they were suffering from a drug overdose? I remember that got national media attention. what ever happened to that officer?
“The officers had been to the location before and found the woman in her bed, apparently unconscious. One officer squatted near her face and passed wind and said, “This ought to wake her up,” according to a portion of the memo made public.
A second officer climbed on the bed and pretended to lick her, without touching her but acting like a cat licking milk, the memo also said.”
That’s a video we need to see!!
You are one sick a*s, O’Malley! Who pays you to comment on here anyway?? Taxpayers??
She said it. I pictured it. Strange. I mean it’s so made up she must have seen it in a porno right? Whose that? He a Fullerton pig? No I’m an occupy mole. I occupy LA as a job each day now. Big business took 99% of the dough so no jobs left.
LOL! Gotta hand it to you. You are good.
I’m a truth speaker. I wanna meet the real Reality Is.
i didnt make it up from “porno” this is a true article that actually happened from the FPD-dang
They did things like this in the academy and when the females reported it the females were punished. They even exposed themselved to the females and one female who was older reported it and they booted her out. The staff would just laugh about it and tell the females, “Well you want to work in a man’s world now deal with it!” When I told several of my co-workers at work about incidents such as this they thought I was making it up. In fact one lady at work said, “police officers just don’t behave in that manner.” Yeah! right!
Better make damn sure of who you replace these people with in a recall election!
Thanks Travis. Sounds like a very F’d work culture at FPD for multiple officers to take part in stuff like this and think its ok:
Four Fullerton police officers have received suspensions in a case in which two of them were reputed to have humiliated a woman they had been called to help and who they thought was unconscious, Chief Pat McKinley said Friday.
The disclosure came after parts of a confidential memo sent by McKinley to the City Council were made public.
The chief said two officers, who were the primary offenders, received 60-hour suspensions worth about $1,900 in pay, and two who failed to stop the misconduct received 12 ½-hour suspensions, worth about $400.
The incident occurred about 5:30 a.m. Feb. 1 when the four officers were called to the home of a woman who was suspected of having attempted suicide. The officers had been to the location before and found the woman in her bed, apparently unconscious. One officer squatted near her face and passed wind and said, “This ought to wake her up,” according to a portion of the memo made public.
A second officer climbed on the bed and pretended to lick her, without touching her but acting like a cat licking milk, the memo also said.
The woman apparently was conscious at the time.
Paramedics went to the scene and found that the woman had no need for medical attention, and she declined to be taken to a hospital for examination, McKinley said.
The woman and the officers have not been identified.
Pat McKinley, listen to those cries of pain. Those pro-lifers aren’t welcoming your pain to assuage their own guilt. They are peacefully suffering at the hands of your officers.
You are a goddamn psychopath.
If there was any doubt regarding the success of the recall, this video is the clincher. This isn’t complicated. There are no subtle nuances involved. A direct link from McKinley’s perverted notions of law enforcement to FPD’s cold-hearted methods of policing the streets has been established. If this video gets circulation around town, there will be no more fence sitters regarding the recall. Everyone will have fallen into one of two determined camps – Those who are repulsed by oppression and those who tolerate injustice if there may be gain to themselves or a general preservation of the status Quo. Certainly the first camp will be more valiant than the second. McKinley will fight to the bitter end. He may fancy himself as the last man standing on the hill. In the end, he will never understand why the recall has swept him away.
McKinley: ‘”These officers, like Rincon, I don’t know; they’re like renegades. I call them (think hard here McKinley), “Aliens””.
Boy that guy is such a genius, coming up with a 3 syllable word like that.
Now wonder why he’s such an expert and jack-of-all-trades.
That boy is so full of himself, he’s a danger to the citizens of Fullerton and elsewhere.
I would love it if McKinley got into a scuffle with some rogue police department like the Norwalk Sheriff and they beat even more senseless than he already is.
Is that Pat Mckinnely using the nunchucks on that guy? Or is it someone else
I hope this video goes through. enjoy.
“The Tennessee chapter of the ACLU is suing Immigration and Customs Enforcement over an alleged warrantless raid on an apartment complex housing people suspected of being illegal immigrants, during which an officer reportedly said ‘we don’t need a warrant, we’re ICE.’”
“In one apartment, when the agents were asked for a warrant, one reportedly replied ‘we don’t need a warrant, we’re ICE,’ gestured to his crotch, and added: ‘The warrant is coming out of my balls.’”
Fun watch. The cops get what they dish out!
That’s wild!
I have officially lost respect for this blog.
From reading all this… I’m happy as hell that I don’t live in Fullerton!
I hear you, but what DONT we know of that is going on in yours or mine city -scary
If it happens in my city, I guarantee you the uproar here would make what happened in Fullerton look tame by comparison!!
Happened in Huntington Beach with Downey PD last night. Let’s see how they act. 🙂
Why don’t yoy stay there and investigate.
If FPD had a police auction, how much of it would be stolen by their cops?
The tactics used by the police in this video cannot be justified, but neither can those of these demonstrators. Failure to mention this leads me believe FFFF aligns themselves with this groups tactics.
McKinley is a whack job who needs to be removed, no doubt, but the use of violence and forcing your will on anyone is wrong.
The reason for the arrests is irrelevant. It’s the brutality against non-violent people that is signficant here. Try to look at the big picture.
well said
That’s it! That’s all it is. The people in Operation Rescue are zealots and they will do anything to make their point.
I abhor their terrorists tactics, and I strongly oppose how they were subsequently handled by LAPD. In my opinion there’s no place for either in society.
I’m certain most everyone on this blog agrees that the demonstrators tactics were wrong, however YOU need to get over that part of this particular episode, One.
FFFF created this blogsite to reveal some hidden secrets that city officials like to hold on to and expose the corruption of such officials and in Fullerton’s case, their WWE-like police department.
Do you really think it’s more atrocious that these demonstrators were blocking doors to a medical facility, more so than the police getting out of control using bone breaking tactics to remove them?
Clearly, there was a more civil way to remove these people. Two cops, one grabbing each ankle of an individual and slide him or her away. However, that makes a cop break out in too much of a sweat so they would rather arm them with a deadly weapon and inflict pain on a someone protesting.
Please don’t tell me they deserved this.
I find it funny people on here are going back to 1989 to find things to talk about. Sure is quiet lately. As I predicted. 🙂
^Us vs Non-cop mentality.
I like how you so easily dismiss nunchuk brutality against women.
I predict recall success and some ripple effects through many California police departments.
The reason people are talking about events from 1989 is because there is video from 1989. If the KT video was released there wouldn’t be a need to go back to 1989 to see how brutal the cops are when they want to inflict pain on someone.
Oh ok.
It shows a longstanding history of police brutality that is specifically tied to McKinley. It shows that his perspective and tactics haven’t changed much and it also establishes that this was his way of seeing things and doing things before he was hired at FPD. It therefore is a step in further establishing that McKinley brought this with him to FPD and that the officers who were hired by him and who have been shown to be using excessive force probably learned it from him. The current regime is probably going to try and make Sellers the scapegoat but that doesn’t fly considering McKinley’s long tenure at FPD and his attitude as far back as 1989.
And they counter with numerous instructors and country wide professionals that testify the training, tactics, and supervision was and is the same nationwide and McKinley did his job the same if not better than the leaders of the other organizations throughout the country. Now what?
I thought you indicated that Gordon Graham would not condone the FPD action?
He wouldn’t. I’m talking about when he was Chief of Police and with LAPD specifically 1989.
Then why don’t you two geniuses talk about something stimulating.
Trying. GEDs only go so far. 🙁
As I have said. It’s starts at the top. This is why his guys beat and killed Kelley Thomas. Don’t you find it strange that 3of the 6 went to FCPA. It’s the training they received. I remember a tac officer saying, “if you have to empty your magazine. It’s better to be judged by 12 than to be carried out by 6!” It’s the training. I know so many who attended FCPA who have killed others.
Please look into this.
All academies train that way. I posted about that a few weeks ago. Military style training and daily activities. That will never change. That train if you slip up once you will die. Aggressive, confident, lawful policing. LAPD, LASO, Rio Hondo, Fullerton, SBSO, RSO, OCSO. All the same. No one is going to train to be relaxed and nice and take your time in those split second decision situations. If you think otherwise, you are dreaming.
So you admit it goverment sanctioned military tactics on a civilian populace….. not far from Posse Comitatus… and that is illegal. In the 80’s it seems that cops wanted to be Ninja’s nowadays they want to be Medal of Honor winners. There is no honor in killing unarmed people and trumping up charges on people because you can.
H,mmmmmmm. Yes 80’s had some serious ass kicking. Now cops just want to save lives and make better communities. 🙂
Now cops just want to pretend they’re contractors in Iraq and beat the crap out of as many people as they can before their shift ends.
I see. Driving around thinking about how many people to beat. Interesting. Winner gets the toaster?
Answer the question. Posse Comitatus, military weapons, tactics and rules used on civilians… it is illegal. You admitted to it. Is it legal? Sanctioned and taught by the local PD’s. If the local PD’s are using military instructors, weapons and tactics (yes they are since 9-11) this goes against posse Comitatus and is illegal…. we have a right to fight back. If we legally posses weapons and are citizens. Remember most PD’s are outnumbered hundreds to one… in major cities this can be thousands to one. Not condoning violence but major groups swore that Ruby Ridge and Waco would never happen again. Those people were murdered by our government…… just like Kelly Thomas. The cop in Downey shot an unarmed man in the back 5 times…. this is wrong, even in war killing non-combatants is wrong… they teach this in basic grunt school… guess police acadamies are different… gotta get that 3% at 50 anyway you can… right?
Standard FFFF tactic. I didn’t say police use military weapons, tactics and rules. They use their own weapons. Academies use military style chain of command and respect. I wasn’t in the military so I not know the proper terms but standing at attention, yelling in your face, pushups for not doing things right, sir yes sir, and the perform as trained, always always be prepared and utilize your training or you could die.
I’ve said it many times. Major incidents have happened forever and will continue to happen. Today tomorrow and until we die. Cops are humans. Humans will never be perfect no matter how much training they have. The point continues to be cops don’t have the intention as they strap on their boots to beat and kill someone. Beating and killing someone is no fun. It’s always part of the job but not something cops go looking for.
Academies dont teach cops to use excessive or unlawful force. They do teach low to high levels of force including deadly. As long as cops have that authority granted to them, their actions will be looked into and analyzed. Just using force or killing an unarmed man doesn’t mean the cop did something wrong. Split second decisions will always involve analysis and investigating.
Yes you can arm yourself. You can hold up in your house. You can do many things as your right. Once you step over that legal line, you will lose just like Waco and the others. 3% at 50 comes no matter if cops kill someone or beat them or do nothing.
” Military style training and daily activities. ” your words not mine. … come Reality is…. you said this Posse Comitatus… cops are being trained in miliatary tactics, weapons etc. they dress military,they use military nomenclature and they use military weapons against citizens “civilians” … people are watching and what is happening is not what the Constitution calls for. If academies are not teaching counter intelligence moves then where does the “stop resisting, stop resisting” come from. It is taught, and we the citizens are starting to realize it…. we are armed and eventually we will be armed in Kalifornia, Brown pretty much guaranteed this with his doing away of open carry…. with cameras and guns your gestapo tactics will sonn be a thing of the past… that is Reality.
“3% at 50 comes no matter if cops kill someone or beat them or do nothing.” …. thats what kellys killers were taught… in your words….
Boy you sure got distracted easily.
The cops will be coming after YOU with nunchuks, next. Hope possible defenders aren’t turned off by your politics.
Lol maybe I missed something. Wasn’t the nun chuks from 1989?
Yes, and the brutalist who defended them in 1989 is still defending the violence of his officers in 2011, except now he’s in Fullerton.
I see. I haven’t heard him defend the actions of the two cops. I think it’s a game for them now. They like messing with Bushala and his klan. They honestly feel this whole recall is all politically motivated and has nothing to do with Kelly. I think most of the community feels the same way because the klan isn’t going after all 5 and just the chosen 3. The 3 could just disappear and never be heard or seen again but I think they are going to fight and talk smack just to mess with the klan.
I’ve had my eyes bloused a few times. I don’t know why Kelly Thomas died. 99.99% of our officers are good. The rest are aliens, but rape is not a dangerous thing.
Reality, your a fool if you believe what the 3 blind mice are spewing. They are going down with the ship.
I haven’t heard a word they have said. I just know city council restrictions in major incidents. I do know Quirk offered socks. I’m sure they will be happy to go down and never be in Fullerton again. They just like to play with Bushala for now.
I haven’t heard anything any of them have said. I’ve heard them be quiet though. I do know standard city council restrictions in major incidents though and Fullerton has played out per the law. Oh I did hear Quirk offer socks for the homeless. 🙂
He tried to publicly defend them in that ‘eyes bloused’ interview on CNN when he said ‘facial injuries do not cause death. Facial injuries do not cause death. (sorry about he redundency but that’s how he said it; twice).
Last week he said, “I guarantee those cops didn’t have intent to kill Kelly Thomas.” (how could he guarantee that?)
He also stated on same interview that Ramos’ attorney, Bennett is a highly competent attorney (words to that effect).
If that isn’t defending his killer cops, it is at least demonstrating hope (from McKinley) that his cops won’t get convicted.
thats the funny part. If they talk you say they lied or said the wrong thing.
Do you see why in most incidents it’s very quiet? In almost all cities? That’s the reason why. Look at the other incidents. Hose nozzle. Shootings. Quiet. Simple short statement and that’s it. This is the reason. No matter what any politician or police employee says iN Fullerton, this group would bash it. That’s why people are quiet. It’s standard.
I will say that 99% of people in this world don’t think the cops intennded to kill Kelly. So McKinley spoke correctly. Bennett is also a great attorney and so is the other main attorney. They will most likely get all the cops cleared. But because he said that he’s wrong and defending the cops?
Yes I’m sure he hopes the cops wont get convicted if he feels they did no wrong. If they did wrong I’m sure he wants them convicted.
This is all just due to dialogue with people on two sides of an issue. No matter what I say or cops say, people here won’t even listen. Cops and government people could care less what FfFF says for the same reason. It is what it is.
umm, Reality, 99% of the people in this world think the FPD cops did not care if Kelly lived or died.
And the notion that we (the American citizens) will bash anything said by the buffoons in this incident is ludicrous. Any and ALL morons will be bashed for the content of their statements.
“Cops and government people could care less”
^Yep, they could care less that this country is on the verge of self destruction. Now why would a multi-billionaire offer to pay more in taxes in everything was A OK? They know they can only build their walls so high.
Gave up on the two when he heard the DA’s strategy.
Dave Ellis is making some wonderful scripts tonight.
Yeah, now they just cave your face in with a tazer… same brutality different weapon. I guess piling a bunch of lard asses on a 135 lb guy works too.
Nice come back…
Yes it was 1989 and it was also McKinley’s idea. Get the drift?
McKinley created the corruption at FPD and this post, is demonstrating what nazi-like tactics he has deployed in the past. I’m most certainly glad that FFFF posted some more of McKInley’s dirty deeds from that long ago. It’s highly relevant.
Tell me why you think it isn’t.
Because nun chuks were a tool being tested and used by numerous other PDs at the time? Any criminal guilt found in 1989? I’m sure you are right in trying to prove he was a loser for 40 years now. I just know as a citizen if someone said 1989 someone did something and no one was found guilty of any wrongdoing I would think who cares.
if they arent dangerous why is it illegal for a citizen to have one?
Mckinley was the tac instructor at Fullerton College so he is contradicting himself. He was the one who taught the officers about self defense and taking down suspects.
You know he was a use of force instructor as fact?
He would.
McKinley said he likes to exercise with other police members and enjoys swimming.
Good. Let’s drown him!
That old man would kick ur ass lol
pffft! That old man’s prostate is the size of a grapefruit, judging from the way he walks stiff-legged. He’s probably going to die of cancer before someone assassinates him with a hollow point shot through his living room window.
Pfffffft. Cancer maybe but he would fire the first shot in the other scenario. 🙂
I doubt it. Egomaniacs tend to think they’re invulnerable and much smarter than their adversary. Unless he has paranoid tendencies, he probably hasn’t considered the possibility his life could be in danger.
He probably stands in his driveway smoking Cuban cigars and pumping his fist at the cars driving past.
His greatest danger isn’t a hollow point, it’s karma that never loses and never forgets.
He probably swims with the captain of the PIRATE and swaps his boyfriends around…..
What’s wrong with that? Lol
Just because your azzhole is the size of a watermelon does not mean you should brag about it….
LOL watermelon? That’s pretty big you know that?
How do you know that Reality Is 1, 2 or 3?
Know what?
They need to work on this comment system so that we’re not confused by what others say after 10,000 comments.
Once again, you speak with a modicum of authority. You speak as if you know McKinley personally. That’s all.
So did Lt. Col. Geo. A. Custer U.S. 7th Cav. when his body was discovered the day after the battle by surviving members of the Reno/Benteen battalions he had, had, aside from his battle wounds, sewing awls shoved into his ears, by the aboriginal woman. This was done so he could “hear the people better, in the next life.” Messed with the wrong she bears!
Yes, Custer’s Last Stand really came to mind. McKinley is clever enough and politically savy in a maniacle way. He has likely clawed his way to the top casting the broken bodies of his adversaries to the side along the way. Even though he is a relative newcomer to FCC, he seems to be the one mostly pulling the levers behind the scenes. The recall must boil his blood. His tremendous ego may have trouble processing an actual ouster from his position. If he does not prevail, one could imagine him climbing to his lofty seat on the dais stubbornly clutching the padded leather chair refusing to be removed. Imagine his dejection when no one comes along with a set of dumb chuckles to provide him catharsis.
I don’t think so. Ask him. I think he expects the recall to fail,but if it doesn’t he knows it was because the voters fell for the politics of blaming the Kelly death on not only the PD, but also on the politicians. It is what it is. I think he would leave now if he didn’t want to mess with the Bushala klan.
Perhaps, but he may be more concerned about salvaging some sort of legacy. It is what it is. He’ll reap what he has sown.
Are you sure you are not McKinley, Reality Is?
Hey admin, check to see if Reality Is is actually McKinley or next of kin.
LOL. I wish I was McKinley. If I was I think I would have left that sinkhole the day it happened. Screw staying to mess with the klan. He has huge dollars and pensions. Not worth the game they are playing with the Bushala clan.
You must think Sellers smart then…. skipping town sounds cowardly to me.
What if it really is a serious medical condition that was documented long before the Kelly incident as a work related condition? Would you feel differently? It was odd timing but it’s entirely possible that the few weeks he did deal with this was too much on the stress portion and he left knowing he was within 6 months of retiring anyways. Just a thought. Not that it matters. It is what it is in the eyes of FFFF. Just the thought of the worker’s comp portion being approved and submitted long before the Kelly incident might make people look at it differently. Then again, who cares.
Serious? Sellers is just a pussy – like the rest of you. Not worth a shit without a crooked doctor and lawyer and five armed shitbags to back you up. 🙂
Amen. I sure wouldn’t mess with the hardcore ones without a gun badge and a team of 5. I don’t think anyone would. I mean why would you?
Homeboys who shoot back are a no-no to cops… gotta get to the retirement. thats why the homeboys who shoot back are geometrically growing, our paid protectors are busy beating and shooting unarmed people.
Sellers had a medical condition long before the Kelly incident. That’s why it was so easy to leave. It was approved long before. Sellers was gone in 6 months anyways. This just made it come faster.
Medical condition my ass. High blood pressure? I give my cat medicine for that. Stress? A $200, 000 job a year is predicated on stress.
Cops really are sissies. I guess that’s a great idea for a post!
Work comp retirements are huge in policing. Work comp system was fixed over the last 5 years but still a wild concept to comprehend when you look at the numbers.
Workers comp retirements are another way for scum to ensure they get more money than they’re entitled to get. That Sellers would pull this stunt in the middle of such a high profile fiasco indicates he has no concern about being called out for it, which in turn indicates how wide spread and pervasive this abuse of the system has become.
Just more in-your-face proof of how the fascist pigs don’t give a shit about anyone else, they just want to steal as much as they can before the whole system collapses.
Really? You wish you were 70, bald and brain dead?
LOL. Sure. He led a good life. Enjoy the cash til u die.
Ah’ seen much worse broken arms in the Aih’ Fohrce!
They weren’t ‘non-violent’ people. They were not ‘peacefully protesting.’ They are a terrorist organization. They are no better than the thug cops who were attacking them. That is the ‘big picture.’
Very non violent lol.
You must be watching a different video.
He can’t be. McKinley says “I guarantee” too much. Haven’t heard that from Reality Is yet.
Reality Is likes to talk about facts and also thinks if a DA doesn’t press charges on someone like a police officer for wrong-doing, that officer did nothing wrong because the DA said so. WRONG!
He stated above: “I just know as a citizen if someone said 1989 someone did something and no one was found guilty of any wrongdoing I would think who cares.”
In this case, most of us posting and reading this blog cares. If this happened in 1975 it would still be relevant. I don’t get why you don’t get that.
As I said, doesn’t matter what anyone says or does, your opinion will never change. I could go through a video step by step, policy by policy, and you would still think one way and me the other. That will always be like that. That’s why we are typing back and forth. 🙂
The difference is that nobody cares what a douchebag pig thinks. Yea Oink muthafucka!
Yes yes yes! 🙂
Yes yes yes! Boing!! 🙂
A dead 130 LB. mentally disturbed homeless man is going to end up taking McKinley and the crooks at the FPD down and there is not a thing anyone can do about it.
He might take the cops involved down but that’s about it. The good cops left are leaving in mass. The older cops are staying and carrying on as normal. A new Chief will come in and make some changes. Council will get a new face over the next few years. 10 years from now council will be back to normal and the PD will be operating the same as other PDs in the OC. Normal pattern.
O’ Malley, is that what happened in Pomona?
Funny. You pollute Pomona with your badge but you pollute Claremont with your domicile.
Oh Tony. It will all be ok. Reality Is is real and fake but which one is it today?
En mass, and how do you know this?
Why would anyone that has under 5 years on stay in that city? There are none.
No, no, no sweetie. You speak with a modicum of authority. You know that cops are leaving there en mass. You say that, so how do you know it?
McKinley can’t be erased soon enough!
McKinley is basically a good man. He is just inept and opinionated and power hungry. His main reason to be on the City COuncil is to protect himself from lawsuits that stem from his years as the chief.
Frankly, he would love to quit city council, but it leaves him open to lawsuits.
Are you serious? He seems to be making it worse for himself sticking around.
Which part of that make him good?
It shows a longstanding history of police brutality that is specifically tied to McKinley. It shows that his perspective and tactics haven’t changed much and it also establishes that this was his way of seeing things and doing things before he was hired at FPD. It therefore is a step in further establishing that McKinley brought this with him to FPD and that the officers who were hired by him and who have been shown to be using excessive force most likely learned it from him. The current regime is probably going to try and make Sellers the scapegoat but that doesn’t fly considering McKinley’s long tenure at FPD and his attitude as far back as 1989.
No Pain No Gain!
Robert Mann, whose law firm filed the suit, said McKinley “knew or should have known” of the alleged abuse. He said McKinley was guilty of “inadequate supervision.”
Please support this great city and it’s leaders.
Pat isn’t too bright. He let’s go of his website like a fool. OMG, that is hilarious.
Good one Pat. lol
This place is nucking futs. Anyways, Mr. Thompson I am interested in your SOLUTIONS, please email me.
…carry on lol
That is funny as we are about to boot him anyways.
There isn’t much to be funny about in a murder case and with a city having a veiled cloud of threat from the organization that is sworn to serve as a protective shield from the likes of the Fullerton Police Department. If this is to be the standard operating procedure for the FPD this organization will be taken to task by a higher order. Do not try to emulate the US miltary forces in your attitudes or operations. The citizens that the FPD has molested, harmed, and then arrested and charged based on some trumped up story has no place in a FREE society.
The problem has less to do with a single murder case than you would like to believe, it’s just that this particular case has managed to capture everyone’s attention and draw more of a magnifying glass on those responsible.
Like I have said before: it is one thing to oust our representatives but it is another to appoint replacements…any real solutions yet or are we still bitching?
Just wanted to commend the administrator of this site for allowing all people to share regardless of views. I have tried engaging in intelligent discourse with cop apologists on the Big City Cops and I Support Fullerton Police Chief Michael Sellers site. There is two things they aren’t very good at, well more than that actually, but for brevity’s sake…..Using evidence and/or logic to make points, and tolerating people who disagree with them. The hypocrites go on about how cops enable us to have Constitutional rights and then restrict freedom of speech for anyone who questions their blind support for sadistic murderers. Thanks for continuing to expose the corruption in Fullerton.
Trying to convince someone over there of something different is like trying to convince someone over here of something different. Identical opinions on opposite sides.
I guess we are still bitching. Shame. 🙁
he’d fondle your ass more is like it
you know that’s the most sensitive area on a man?
More likely your boyfriend….
You think I’m gay? How cum?
I just do.
Phil Hendrie does this same thing on the radio. You’re as obvious as a white man in a clown costume and fright wig at Antioch Baptist Church.
It’s all about money and power!!!! If you have it things are good and if don’t your are SCREWED!!!!
Very true. Just ask the criminals.
When this is all done with, I would LOVE to know why Reality Is consistently comments on here. I hope we will know THE TRUTH.
Just like debate. Enjoy debate about a topic I enjoy and know a lot about. Simple. 🙂
Nah. But you do make the blog interesting. Without you, we wouldn’t have discussion about men’s asses. 🙂
I’m reality #2. But without 1 or 2 this blog is boring. At least I can spark debate. 🙂
I thought there were 2 Reality Is’s!
I think thee are more like 5 of me.
oooops. It auto changed. That said I think there are more like 5 of EM.
Yeah, I’ll bet 3 are cops and the other 2 are anti-recall folks. Who wants to bet with me?
The only thing you know about is beating up Mexicans on Holt Avenue.
A dumb Irish cop. Who’da thunk it.
New York cop.
Whose that? No. I couldn’t hurt a flea.
We need the O’Malleys back owning the Dodgers.
You mean cops?
The problem with the investigation being conducted by Mr. Gennaco into the internal operations of the FPD is to sustain and maintain the present organization. His report will be full of platitudes, compliments, excuses, with the watered down recommendations for more sensitivity training. Mr. Gennaco does NOT have the authority to investigate criminal matters or activities.
Fullerton city management and the city council will pat themselves on the back and congratulate in a round robin fashion.
If the FPD continues in existence, it will only comform to acceptable standards set by the likes of a Christopher Commission with oversight by a Federal judge.
A final cost for the Gennaco report will probably be about $250,000. (Up front X 3).one time charge
Continuing operations $100,000,000 with an oversight and acceptance of the Gennaco report per annum.
Disband the FPD and contract to the OC Sheriffs Dept for about $20,000,000. per annum
Fullerton residents, if you want to gripe about your utilities bill, you best be thinking about the cost of your past, present and future FPD operations.
Yep, we are screwed. Hopefully DTF will close down too. College kids are going to Brea for fun now…. Bad cops will cops will move on due to boardom….
Boy I really screwed that statement up. Time call it a night. Some of us work for a living.
As a matter of curosity, has ANY of the past FPD that were terminated charged with a criminal offense? Rincon should be on the molesters list and what is the latest court proceedings on Mejia?And the meth head thief ,et al.
If you would rather deal with Brea cops than Fullerton ones more power to you lol.
…but that is neither here nor there as y’all are still bitching. We need solutions people; if I want to hear bitching I need only to turn on Rush or Beck or Medved or…well you get the point.
Once again we need SOLUTIONS, we are all aware of the problems.
Amen to that. G’night all.
Reality is….. scared that one day opressed citizens will hunt him down and put a knife up his azz and a golden gun to his head …. just happened to a tyrant. Mckinley will end up in an old folks home with a sadistic orderly who lets him shat himself and lie in his filth as payback…. Do unto others, because the others are watching.
I already live in an old folks home: the Fullerton City Council!
3% at 50 comes no matter if cops kill someone or beat them or do nothing.
admin… this came from an admitted cop….
It does right? No matter if a cop uses force or doesn’t, is pro active or isn’t, is agressive or passive, if they do their years they get 3% at 50. No?
I’ve got your picture!
When that guy’s arm broke I think I had an orgasm.
No, wait. It was just gas.
The contracting of Mr. Gennaco by the City of Fullerton does not extend to him any authority beyond an advisory position. He does not possess a court order to review personnel records or any other operations records of the FPD. He has NO authority beyond the front desk at the FPD. FPD and the city attorney will not provide any information that may of a negative nature or liability.
The contracting of Mr. Gennaco was a waste of the Fullerton citizens money.
Are you serious? If this is really true and Gennaco doesn’t have access to personnel files then this investigation is 100% a waste of time.
Can anybody verify this?
By reading the posts that I just happen to see by the other ones, I would say you 1 is the real one, 2 are young kids, and the other 3 are FFFF haters. Not sure about cops. Hard to ever know who people really are on blogs because so many people post off other people’s ISPs, starbucks, and other wifi hot spots all over the place. Who cares anyways LOL.
None of this would be an issue if Ron Thomas had taken care of his son the way he should have. What a joke he is. He is on the council to help the homeless! OMG. Does he think he will get more money from the City of F if he helps the homeless now? Why does Ron T. need a lawyer? Oh yeah, the money. He can’t wait for this to be over so he can sue somebody. The trials will take a long time Ron, and they won’t even start until next year.
Kelly Thomas was an adult who had the right to live on the street if he chose. You’re just another apologist who wants to keep fascist pigs free to roam the streets and brutalize innocent citizens.
Not really fair to blame Ron Thomas for Kelly Thomas being “homeless”. Kelly Thomas is an adult, not a minor, which means Kelly had the right to live in any legal place he wanted and he wanted to live outdoors. Many may call living outdoors being “homeless” but Kelly simply called the outdoors “home”; by choice.
While it is true most humans throughout human history prefer to live in some type of centralized dwelling, not all did and living outdoors did not make such people crazy. Which arrogant prick among us has the right to tell Kelly how to live as long as he was living legally and not harming anyone?
As far as Kelly was concerned he may have been living a “dream life” free and happy even if the majority of the human population “did not get it”. People whom dance are often called crazy by those whom cannot hear the music.
Kelly danced to a different song and he did nothing to deserve to be beaten to death by a bunch of power drunk police thugs and such was certainly not Ron Thomas’ fault.
You really nailed this one Simmons. Kelly was exercising those rights expressly guaranteed by the United States Constitution and Bill of Rights. He was living his life, enjoying his liberties and pursuing the things on God’s green Earth that gave him happiness. The real criminals are those who marginalized Kelly’s rights because his existence or appearance irritated their own selfish sensibilities.
Whether homeless or not, cared for and loved by family or not, Kelly Thomas did not deserve to be beaten to death by six Fullerton Police Department officers. Ron Thomas’ actions in regard to his son have absolutely no bearing on the actions of the six officers who beat him to death and to try to link the two is ludicrous. Are you saying that if someone does not have family that cares for them then it is okay for police to brutality beat them to death? I suspect that when these perpetrators are looking for someone to brutalize, that is exactly what they are counting on–-that some homeless schizophrenic guy has no one who cares about them so the police are safe to beat him without fear of retribution. I think they were shocked, and still are, to discover that they made a serious error when they thought they could do what they did to Kelly Thomas and no one would know or care. Same thing with all those women Rincon molested, Mam, Martinez, Quinonez, and others–probably many, many others.
Reality Is: Keep up the good work! Your truths are valuable.
Do you talk to yourself in the mirror, too?
WHY ISN’T FULLERTON OCCUPIED/ Even ulra-ultra Irvine has a semi-occupation!!! Are the so called (former) Saturday Kelly Thomas ralliers afraid?! Hey Ron Thomas, why don’t you lead an occupation?????