The Water District’s $571,400 Ethics Office
Metropolitan Water District of Southern California is spending $571,400 to fund their internal Ethics Office according to the approved 2011 budget.

According to the District’s website, the Ethics Office “helps maintain an ethical culture at Metropolitan by enforcement of ethics-related rules and laws; education for directors, officers and employees; and enhancement by promotion of the District’s six core values.” Are MWD employees so unethical that they need this office? Maybe, but they don’t seem to be doing a very good job of educating employees and board members. I vaguely recall an attempt 2 years ago to get a 25% retroactive pension spike.
That’s $571,400 to “help maintain an ethical culture”.
The funds pay for one Ph.D. and two others identified as an educator and an administrative liaison. With failed overhead like this, it is no wonder the MWD Operations & Maintenance budget projects an 18.4% increase in salary and benefit costs as well as a 23% increase in construction related costs and a 23% increase in Water System Operations!
It’s also no wonder why Fullerton’s water rates are anticipated to nearly double.
This Monday, May 23rd, the City will be holding a public meeting with an ad-hoc water rate committee in the City Council chambers at City Hall (303 W. Commonwealth) at 6:30PM. I encourage ALL Fullerton water users to attend. You will be given an opportunity to voice your concerns and let committee members know where you stand.
If you would like a copy of the Fullerton Water Rate Study Ad Hoc Committee Briefing, please email me at and I will email it to you.
Note the usual collections of clueless hangers-on and tax takers from the Orange County contingent on this Board:
Municipal Water District of Orange County
Also included and needing one up side the head for this nonsense is Kristine Murray, the rep from the City of Anaheim.
Barbre? That was the tool who got $50,000 from Tom Daly to “study” the concept of an OC Sports Hall of Fame and then never did anything.
Another 4SD Observer winner!
The water rate increase is one thing. It is possible that in might be justified in commodity and/or transmissions costs. The 10% in-lieu franchise fee is nothing but a straight and unjustified tax that goes directly into the general fund and has zero to do with water. It is automatically tied to the water rate.
If the Council refuses to acknowledge this they should be sued to stop the scam. Hopefully Whitaker will make all of this crystal clear so that even the Three Aging Amigos get the picture and can’t claim ignorance.
P.S. Attribution of Three Aging Amigos to Fullerton Savage. Whitaker will have to start talking louder so they will have to stay awake.
Use of “The Three Aging Amigos” is hereby granted to all.
New mascot?
Only for a Redevelopment agency.
Good to see the focus on the water board, Greg.
A Ph.D., an educator, and an administrative liason. What could go wrong?
Any hydro engineers? Ecological planning experts?
That’s fucking bullshit man. Why the fuck do they need an ethics committee? I say we protest the entire MWD and refuse to use anymore water for anything. We’ll show them.
Thanks Greg for your great investigative reporting.
Fuck I’m thirsty.
They need an ethics committee because water boards are filled with realtors, developers, their pimps, and other peole with inherent conflicts of interest.