Tonight on the Radio: Steven Greenhut and Ron Kaye on Redevelopment

Here’s the details on tonight’s edition of the Martha Montelongo show. Listen live Saturday night on AM870 at 11PM or online at

Steven‘s editor in chief and former deputy editor and columnist for the Orange County Register and author of Abuse of Power: How Government Misuses Eminent Domain,  joins Ron Kaye, publisher, editor and columnist for RonKayeLA Blog in a discussion on Redevelopment.

And on Education, a Superior Court Judge ruled this month in favor of the ACLU versus The Los Angeles Unified School District over the district’s last hired first fired layoff policy.   It is a landmark decision hailed as such by education reformers, but teacher’s unions denounce it as a step toward dismantling tenure policies.

Larry Sand of the California Teacher’s Empowerment Network joins Martha to talk about this ruling, the firestorm it has caused statewide, and you can be sure nationally as well, and what happens next.   He’ll also speak with us about a little known law that was passed by the legislature last year, as part of a move to capitalize on the President’s Race to the Top financial incentives for states to adopt certain education reform measures.

12 Replies to “Tonight on the Radio: Steven Greenhut and Ron Kaye on Redevelopment”

  1. Interesting topics, interesting guests. The host of this show is not very interesting to listen to and she talks way too much when the guests should be doing so. I’ve tried to listen but she looses me in about 5 minutes.

    Just my two cents.

  2. Fair enough, sometimes I do talk too much. Tonight, I’ll keep it to a minimum, and you’re right, it’s an awesome line up!

    1. I meant Well, what did you think of the show? And I don’t care why you listen, if you listen, thank you!

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