Too Fun! I Am Not A Terrorist!

Had a fun e-mail sent in today from some guy named “ray.” Writes ray:
Subject: Boshala
You act like a member of Hamas trying to control the Gaza Strip. You want to control Fullerton for the benefit of your company
I realize a lot of folks check under their beds at night for Arab terrorists, but c’mon, ray. Really?
So Hamas tries to control the Gaza strip by shining light on crimes committed by government employees? That would be strange since Hamas is the party that currently governs the Gaza strip
It is unbelievable how some people have lost their minds. They cannot say anything else but things like this.
I can imagine the result of the investigations they are conducting right now. If they said that the six bastards’ lives were at risk because Kelly was a dangerous person, I suspect the outcome of all this is not going to be funny.
Oh, jeez, another dimwit. I guess the cop unionistas and the elderly RINO repuglicans will be fighting the recall shoulder to shoulder!
I’m conservative and I hope the cops are given the maximum sentence. I worry about oppression by the government more than I like to admit. Not trying to bait you here. I just want you to know that not all conservatives (or even most) back the police no matter what they do. I’m scared of them myself. They always seem to be looking for a fight, and I know which side of a “scuffle” or “tussle” I will come out on – the same as Kelly. What’s happening in Fullerton right now is important to everyone in this country. I hope Kelly did not die in vain, and that his death will wake people up to the threat that an out of control government poses to all citizens, regardless of political affiliation.
One of Don Bankhead’s kindergarten classmates?
If admin put this much effort……u know how the rest
If you put any effort into pulling your head out of your rectum you might find the view refreshing…lol
Fred u speaking from experience?
admin, you are a terrorist! You are terrorizing the corrupt Ancient Regime and their equally corrupt Praetorian Guard.
Go! Regime change!!!!
It’s obvious the anti-recallers will be attacking Bushala instead of addressing the charges leveled in the recall statement. That won’t work. Nobody knows who Bushala is. But everybody in the US knows an incompetent trio known as the Three Blind Mice created a culture of corruption at FPD.
I predict you’ll have all the signatures you need in 2-3 months. Then we’ll recall the old bastards.
Just for the record a lot of people know Bushala.
Thanks again for lunch, my daughter had a great time as did I.
Keep up God’s work, bro’.
WOW! Tony that took some work today. What a great post. Not. LOL.
Yes there are people who know Bushala, personally in fact.
I’ve been waiting to talk about Tony. This is great, thanks for opening us on the topic.
Anyone of you live in those slums?
If you are so worried about people living in slums…. invite them to stay at your house.
Bushala is my landlord. I am very happy. Life is good!
I lived in a place Tony owns for over a year, and I can say he was by far the best landlord I’ve ever had, and I’ve had many.
“Truth is treason in the empire of lies.”
— Orwell
I am outraged. Not because the guy has implied that you, a member of the Eastern Orthodox (Chalcedonian creed etc.) Church are a Palestinian Muslim. No, the slur is far worse. By spelling your name Boshala he is implying that you are “Bosho”, that is, an Armenian-speaking Eastern Orthodox Gypsy.
Does Fullerton have a “no gypsies” policy like it has “no mentally-ill homeless” policy?
Actually I’d have to support a no gypsies policy
Snow, your ability to educate has amazed me for some 42 years, now.
The cops were the ones using the Taliban tactics here, not the bloggers!!
If Tony is a terrorist I am SOooo not scared.
Hey, wait a sec… those eyes do kinda look like Tony’s!! Hmmmm… Perhaps the Homeland Security needs to check into this.
I do not think Tony and his friends go out at night and beat mentally ill homeless people to death…The FPD have the trophy for that one.
This site can be so hostile. I thought I could come and share views about FPD but there’s more going on here.
Why are people accusing Bushala, as seen above, of being a terrorist? I thought everyone talks about what happened to Kelly Thomas?
Nope the trolls (cops) are worried about how much of the city money Ron Thomas is going to get. They are worried they are going to prison. Their wives are worried about having to go back to the strip club, they worry about what car Tony has. They worry that people from all over So Cal are showing to protest them, they worry about slums…. but they do not worry about Kelly because he was just a smelly, homeless mentally ill guy who was beaten to death by the FPD….
Now that was funny. Chuckled out loud.
That’s not funny. FPD preys on strip club chicks.
Stick to the facts please. We have a man who is dead almost 2 months ago, a video, multiple witnesses, 30 invetsigators and no charges. Until there is justice the protests must continue. The recall will happen regardless of the outcome. The genie is out of the bottle.
Obviously that emailer doesn’t know who the real terrorists are in Gaza and its not Hamas; it is the oppressor and land thief, Israel!
Terrorist is becoming or has one of those words that has lost its meaning.
The real terrorists have a badge and a gun or occupy the highest seats of government. They have allowed tragedies such as the Kelly Thomas case
We need to look beyond anyone’s personal agenda and remember that our Police murdered an innocent man and the responsible parties must be brought to justice
Wow Ray, you give Tony Bushala way more power than he deserves. (no insult to tony intended) He isn’t the Big Bad Wolf here; that would be the corrupt PD and city. The reason I won’t go away has nothing to do with Tony; I want justice for Kelly and the FPD cleaned up. It has been corrupt for years and it is tragic it took them killing someone to bring the glaring light upon them.
btw, I think “Allen” called recall supporters terrorists, weeks ago. yawn.
A man was murdered by Fullerton’s “finest” and there still is not ONE word from the “investigation”(if that is even happening) This is ridiculous, next thing we will hear is Kelly drowned in a pool.
I think the DA office should be the next protest.
Lighten up guys. A little humor here.
As usual the ignoramuses who have been misruling Fullerton have there scrotums in a twist. Their clowns Bankhead, McKinley and HeeHaw have been exposed as utterly incompetent bozos.
A new day is dawning when the decrepit, the feeble minded and the government teat-suckers are chased out for good.
To them dissent = terrorism. Good night Ed Royce and Dicky Ackerman. Your 30 year reign of error is coming to an end.
Oh, just imagine if we could get rid of Ed Royce. That’s too much to hope for. Could it really happen? In my lifetime?
get a life dmk
Hell, I’d support an intelligent Fullerton Dem over Royce. Oh, wait. Intelligent Fullerton Dem is a contradiction in terms.
i’ll take my chances with the so-called terrorists, “AL QUEDA” Is there a Fullerton cell of al queda ? last i heard, the U.S. gov’t “leadership” was constantly harping on sleeper cells of terrorists all across America,
if it was me i’d START looking for terrorists at the anti-semitic Fullerton Police Department &
especially the ill-educated, ill-trained monkeys in the fullerton police union.
Aug. 22, 2011
the problem here is lying, falsifying, fabricating dirty cop terrorists with “police powers.”
word-of-mouth and people willing to die to
preserve their LIFE, Liberty will PREVAIL in the
not some two bit (25 cents) unionized, drugge-up dirty cop terrorist with “police powers.”
The grand jury is coming folks.
I hope you are right!
We should already be planning to protest at the DA’s office when he fails to prosecute the officers responsible (and we all know it’s coming). This is not just about Fullerton. Our DA is a HUGE part of the problem. It is a county problem (remember the last sheriff?). That is where the REAL protest should be. FPD wouldn’t even try to sell us this shit if they did not know that the DA had their back.
In my humble opinion, we should have protests at the DA’s office… NOW!!!
I agree.
No!!!!! Keep the protest at fullerton, 4 to 6 ofc are getting OT everytime u protest
For what? Eating donuts? I’ve only seen 1 officer in the 3 weeks I’ve been out there. And everyone seems to like that guy. The other 3 to 5 too scared to interact with the public?
They are watching you. Look around 🙂
@#33 – Hopefully a federal grand jury!!
Disgusted you are so right thr O.C. DA covers for all of the corrupt bastatrds in uniform as he sits on his pompous ass answering to no one
Time to light a fire under his ass too…
I hate to say it, but Disgusted is probably right…
We all know what’s coming. They’ll drag this out for months, hoping that the public will eventually just lose interest and the number of people protesting slowly dwindles over time and the whole thing will just “blow over.” That’s what they’re hoping for. That’s the ONLY reason why the so-called “investigation” is taking this long. They’re deliberately stalling.
And after several months, they’ll probably release the generic, boilerplate response that is always made whenever cops are accused of excessive force. “After a thorough investigation, we have found that the officers did not use excessive force and did not violate department policy.”
Heck, every police department probably has that generic boilerplate statement sitting in a filing cabinet somewhere, and just has blank spaces for the names and dates.
So we all know that’s what’s coming. We want to believe that something so outrageous and obvious, especially with the horrific picture of Kelly Thomas in the hospital, will at last finally lead to corrupt cops being charged with a crime. But we also intuitively know it’s not going to happen.
My question is, WHEN that happens, what are we going to do? We should be discussing that right now.
For those that haven’t seen it. Look at this video.
Has a clip from the original but early part magnified.
Professional magnification / enhancement on the original video should be checked into if it hasn’t been already.
As to what to do if the D.A. doesn’t act on this? Get rid of current D.A., Mayor, council members and so on.
Elect new leaders that won’t let this stay buried. Civil suits, etc.
We need to get down to the Santa ana Civic Center complex.We need maximum media exposure(including John and Ken and hispanic stations)this will need to be MONDAY through FRIDAY to keep the heat on and maximum exposure.Place is a ghost town on weekends.If we get enough bodies, cars,trucks and buses circling,honking and shouting and pointing signs we will temporarily bring the DA,the courthouses,state county and federal operations to a SCREECHING FUCKING HALT!!! And they will say “What is all that racket” And we will say “HELLO!GREETINGS FROM KELLY’ ARMY! We WOULD LIKE TO SPEAK WITH MR> RAUKAKAS.TELL HIM TO GET HIS ASS DOWN HERE!NOW! RIGHT NOW!” What do you think?
We light a bonfire under the DA’s ass. Thats what we do.
Protest at the DA’s office and demand that they be charged with murder and you demand no arraignment, no prelim, just a trial right now. Lets get it all over with. Then when they are all found not guilty we can move on to your next mission. Obama? I just don’t want to hear all the whining when what you want doesn’t happen. I’ve heard enough crying already. Whaaaaaaaa.
This is what an extremist looks like. They fail to consider anything outside of either a “nothing happens” outcome or a “worst most outlandish possible” outcome.
How about just 1 step at a time? Step 1: Release the video. Step 2: Release the audio recordings. Step 3: Release the initial police reports and all revision histories.
@Stud Lee
Actually, Reality “IS” is more of a troll than an extremist. Likes to bait, victim blame and so on.
Stud, your steps are corrent but see Chris’s comments above. TPTB are probably gonna wait this out then water it down to maybe a minor infraction on the part of 1 or two officers.
I doubt the city video will be released in its original form or entirety.
Yep.. Reality is is a troll,,, he whimpers at night about the New Orleans cops that FINALLY ended up in federal prisons due to Danziger Bridge. He laments that his brothers with a badge are in prison. He cries in his sleep that Henry Glovers body was not totally incenerated so that the feds could not send his badged brethern to prison…. and Lordy Lordy he wails that even though aquitted the LAPD that beat on a scum ball like Rodney King were found guilty of civil rights violations (yeah King is a scumball but he WAS beaten exessively)… and Johanes Meserhle was sent to prison for pumping a bullet into a proned out black mans back… the shame of it all… all those poor cops in prison for doing what they were trained to do… curses whats a few dead citizens as long as the UNION stands.
A few cops out of hundreds of thousands. Big deal. I’ve always said bad cops need to go. You gave examples of cops being charged, tried, and convicted. This case here hasn’t even started yet and you are calling for execution. I know the facts. You are speculating. If a few cops are charged, tried, and convicted, then so be it. If they aren’t charged, then you will all then see how far off you were the whole time.
Huh? Where have YOU been. It’s been established beyond a doubt that at least 20% of FPD are bad cops. That’s just the ones we know about. And there’s little reason to believe that isn’t the norm across the country! over 7,000 cases of dirty cops documented every year…. over 7,000. Thats just what makes it to press, how many are hushed up and covered over by the “good ole boys”….. And dozens of cops went down because of Danziger Bridge, the coverup was huge and dozens lost their freedom and jobs to cover for the killer cops… sounds familiar.
You’re obviously a bad cop.
Stud Lee, I really like the way you think. You should write for this blog.
You hit the nail right square on the head, Stud Lee. This clown (RealityIsn’t) keeps repeating over and over how the majority of this blog want an execution before a trial (you know, kind of like the cops gave Kelly).
However, I haven’t found anyone but him/her/it talking about instant execution (maybe because he’s a violent freak). The sensible voices I hear on this board are clamoring for accountability, transparency, responsibility, an end to brutality, and human empathy.
Reality Is, have you given thought that you are the reason that people are protesting? No one is asking for summary judgement and execution for the “Fullerton 6.” They are simply asking that the public evidence of what happened in public be made public, and that appropriate action be taken from there,
I would appreciate it if you would ammend your future comments according to the current established evidence. I am working on a list of questions that the DA must answer to continue to act within the defference of the public trust.
It would be a shame to have to be distracted by irrealevant comment by you or by Allen.
Calls for summary judgment and execution will be next.
Yes I know I am the reason. I know the process, have seen it hundreds of times, and see it here again. You don’t. You want it your way, you want it now. You won’t get it your way and you won’t get it now. You can send people all the lists you want. They will sit there under the pile of the other requests pending for after the case if investigated and completed. It’s really not that hard. You can yell and scream and demand all you want, it will only make things take longer.
@Steve Brow “No one is asking for summary judgement and execution for the “Fullerton 6.”
Huh? You haven’t been reading this blog long have you?
I guess you haven’t read this blog long either, IsmellLikeBS.
This thread alone has well over 100 comments now, I think. Please post, by #, which comments have called for immediate execution of the thugs who beat Kelly to death.
You see, Sparky, rational, sensible human beings don’t jump instantly from anger and outrage to wishing to KILL someone — a considerable number of FPD officers, sadly, do, though …
Should have been arraigned seven weeks ago. Would have to in a free nation.
Arraigned and then charges dropped within 48 hours due to lack of evidence? Brilliant.
So much hostility. I had to read past few days to catch up with topic. So please correct me if I’m wrong.
1. You are against the FPD 6.
2. Then Goodrich and Chief Sellars.
3. Next was Bankhead, McKinley and Jones, not sure why they are being signaled out? Confusing.
4. Then, this Jeremy guy from slide bar.
5. Now, the DA.
Am I leaving anyone out?
Oh yea, those involved with that Mam guy too. Right?
Trying to put all this together. I wonder if anyone has made any plans to help any of the homeless or mentally ill. I was told to check out this site for info. Wish we could hear both sides more calmly and intellugently. From the sidelines, the bloggers here sound like theyre out to get anyone that opposes them.
Please tell me I’m wrong.
I’m betting on federal charges just like in the Rodney King case!!
No wonder the Hamas Club at Troy peaked back in ’78.
Is that what Tony’s beannie looks like when he turns down the rim and pulls it over his eyes?. This is all making sense now.
When god gives you a beaten bum…. Make political lemon aid. Tony you are the man… You rock dude…
We’re hearing more and more about cases where it was obvious that cops didn’t want to be video recorded because they were doing something wrong. In some cases, they’ll violently confront a person taping them and will even knock the camera out of their hands. In other cases, they’ll arrest them with a bogus charge (like “interfering with an officer”) and they’ll “confiscate” the camera. Of course, the camera conveniently disappears and the public never sees the video.
I have a solution to that.
I posted about this in another topic earlier, but I’m working with one of my friends to make a system so that high resolution recordings from a hand held video camera can be uploaded in REAL TIME to a remote server. While you are recording, a file will be saved to an off-site computer. So even if a cop does “confiscate” the camera, it won’t matter. Another exact copy of the video will be safe and sound on a computer miles away.
If a rogue cop is caught doing something wrong, the video will be posted everywhere on the internet literally within minutes. And there is not a damn thing the cops could do about it.
Heck, the video could even be streamed live, with GPS coordinates for where the incident is taking places…As it is happening! I wonder if the Fullerton cops would have been able to murder Kelly Thomas if literally HUNDREDS of people converged on the scene and surrounded them? LIke I said, a streaming video would be available and GPS coordinates could be posted as the incident was happening.
My friend has is own server with a dedicated IP address and several Terrabytes of drive space. And he has already said that he would set aside space for people to upload videos.
They will not be able to hide anymore.
We actually did a test last night. And right now, we’re just trying to sort out a few software glitches.
Old news. People have been videoing live for many years all over the place. They don’t bother us anymore. I actually want more cameras. I have full systems in all of my guys cars, and I use my iPhone all the time too. I love recording people on audio and video when they don’t know it, and then catching them lying and making things up later on. You would be surprised how many cops enjoy the video these days. I like your idea though, mainly because I like the idea of you spending more money.
“I love recording people on audio and video when they don’t know it, and then catching them lying and making things up later on.”
Talking about your co-workers?
the publicly paid for cameras should be accessable online. it may take a lawsuit but would be winnable.
That’s awesome Chris. For the time being, since we can’t rely on our current legal system to provide proper justice for their badge-heavy officers police misconduct, stuff like this will make them provide proper justice. YEAH!!!
@Chris, #79. I like the idea of streaming live incidents as they are happening, but it would be so much better to catch them in lies. If i am ever fortunate enough to capture on video wrong doing by cops, i will hold onto it as long as necessary. Let them lie or perjure themselves during an investigation or trial. When video contradicting anything they have stated or testified to ends up in the hands of an attorney or on you tube, that is where the fun begins. It just seems that in some cases ( not all), it would be better for the evidence to end up in the hands of the person who has been the victim of cop wrong doing or their attorney and not law enforcement. If cops got a hold of it first, we all know what would happen. You have to catch them off guard. Last, but not least, i pray to God each day that there is justice for Kelly Thomas. May he rest in peace.
here’s an idea too.. i looked all over the internet to try to find live stream of the protest, since i was unable to be there..
too bad you can’t run it live on ustream, so many can watch..
and for your safety, just in case …
just a thought
those vids can be saved automatically too..
July 10 – Kelly Thomas is removed from life support. The coroner’s report later came back as inconclusive, but Ron Thomas told that a doctor determined through an MRI the cause of death was blunt force trauma to the head and lack of oxygen to the brain.
found in this article :
Yeah, I think ultimately that is what will protect people…if more videos can be easily uploaded and saved in real time. More people having cameras and also being able to record videos with their cell phones is a good step. But let’s face it, if the ONLY video recording that exists is on your cell phone or in the tape or memory chip in a video camera, that’s not going to prevent a corrupt cop from just arresting you and taking your camera and smashing it. And then there won’t be ANY video that exists anymore. It would be your word against his.
BUT if videos are uploaded to another computer and saved in REAL TIME, then even if the cops do take the camera, that won’t do them any good. Another exact copy of the video would have already been saved off-site.
Chris, that’s a great idea. Another thing might help is anytime police are becoming violent with ANYONE everyone around should pull out cell phones/vidcams and began recording, especially if you are not personally involved in the police’s initial attack. If people want to end excessive police violence they have to get involved. Multiple recordings from a variety of angles will help a lot in court, and help protect all the people recording. If one is assaulted and camera destroyed others will be recording the assault and destruction of property. It won’t take long for cops to realize reduced violence is in their own best interests, and isn’t that the goal?
You guys really need to get rid of a rat called T-Rack. That would solve a lot of your problems. jmho.
Keep up the good work.
Odd. You just said what I said. Yes more angles the better. Just remember though that just because you think the punches weren’t necessary or the strikes or the taser, they could and can be. Force is used often in police work and it’s legal. To think there is or will be no force is not reality. But yes, 10 angles is great for the cops as well. More often than not, it helps the cops case inside the PD and in court. Just like the San Francisco shooting a month ago. A civilian came forward with a video showing the gun on the ground that someone picked up. If not for that video, the community would still think the bad guy was unarmed. So the more video the better. I welcome it, just like I welcome my own.
I’m tring to imagine a scenario where blows to the head would be necessary to apprehend someone. In all my years, I haven’t seen it, but maybe they do things differently in Cali.
Help me out here, ‘Reality is”. Since you claim to be an LEO, this should be an easy one.
I can name many. I have used that tool many times in all out brawls where you are fighting for your life. At times the blow to the head is the only thing left before shooting them in the head. You have no idea how wild it can get out there at times. I’m going home every night. If someone wants to try to take that away from me, they may not be going home themselves. it’s part of the job. Part of the use of force. Part of the law. Problem here is that people on this blog think that use of force is wrong in all instances. Well, hate to tell ya, it’s not. I will probably use it tonight. We aren’t here to get our asses kicked or get injured.
You should try learning more about police work sometime. Go on a ride along. You will see that what you are saying isn’t true. In this day and age, if there is an incident going on no matter how big or small, there is always more than one camera going. So if someone was to smash a camera, it will be on the other 10 cameras going. I kicked a guy in the ribs the other day and when I looked up there was at least 10 cell phones pointed at me. I smiled for them and moved on. So your thought process is right, I just think you are stuck in about 2005 and not 2011.
Didn’t know you held a black belt in Tao Kwon Do, or was the guy you kicked in the ribs on the ground? If he was already on the ground you must have already successfully subdued him, so how was in necessary to kick him in the ribs to make the arrest? Just curious.
If a citizen’s video provided proof a suspect had a gun that is great. I’m all for protecting the police. Just so happens, unlike you oath-breakers, I’m for protecting the citizens too. Kelly Thomas wasn’t protected, but you aren’t man enough to admit the cops were wrong that time. How about growing some stones, Gracie. You know I think you are a punk, and you have never written anything to show otherwise.
I’m curious to know what Reality Is thinks about Sergeant ‘Smoothtalker’s’ bullsh^# he continues giving the media, ie.. ‘we got a call about car break-ins’, ‘we got the wrong guy’ and we all know that if there was a citizen jumping on an officer’s back, they would immediately be pulled off by a couple of other FPD officers and tazed and beaten to a pulp, in fact to death!
What to you think Officer Reality?
Doesn’t matter what I say, Xer and you racist pigs will think the other way. Goodrich says what the command staff tells him to say based on the reports they read and the questions they asked. If you think they are making things up, well, you will see they aren’t. What they say is what will be said in court and in civil hearings and anything else that is formal. You will hear all the same things until this case is over.
If you think someone on the ground is subdued, well, that answers my question for me. People on the ground are more dangerous than people on their feet.
“you oath-breakers”. That’s your problem. You are like a racist, just against cops.
I never said they weren’t wrong. I said no one knows yet. I know but how i know is none of your business. You think you know solely on a picture and some you tube videos. There is much more to it.
Yes, you are brain dead buddy. You have proven it long ago.
Kicked a guy in the ribs when he was down. Was he hogtied? Give you an erection?
Xer -4- President!
@nomad on August 23, 2011
Xer -4- President!
heheheh America doesn’t elect old men to that office anymore. Grizzled old faces don’t look that good on HDTV. Besides, it’s already grey and I value the little hair left on my head. But, thanks for the support, friend. 😎
seems like everyone is getting off track. Lets start planning this Saturday’s protest. Make it the biggest one yet. You know that City Council and PD are just waiting for this whole thing to just “blow over”. All they are trying to do is buy time so the public forgets about it… Cant let that happen. We still need more answers.
Problem is city council and PD and everyone else is out of town on Saturday. They don’t even see it or hear it. Just some cops on overtime hanging out watching u from a distance. Ho Hum.
Not to mention the good cops get caught up in that ‘Code of Silence’ and consequently side with the f’d up cops anyways, therefore, there is a proliferation of wrong doing in all law enforcement agencies.
Which means there is no such thing as a “good cop.”
At the ‘end of the day’, that’s true.
Well you know, I just love how all the cop apologists want us to know all about all the good cops, the idea being that all the good the good cops do outweighs the bad that the few bad cops do. As if we really had to make a choice between the two.
It doesn’t seem to have occurred to these assclowns that we want and deserve to have NOTHING BUT GOOD COPS.
Well being the ass clown leader that you are, you won’t get what you want all the time. You learning that yet? LOL
Yea big huge conspiracy to take the world down. LOL.
@ Mr. Joe Sipowicz:
I agree. You should demand the best, and tolerate nothing shy thereof. So how do we get there? I will re-post something I wrote previously as to why the good cops say nothing, which is why nothing changes. All the emotions this case has brought about is a good driving force, but to let that drive go off the rails and ultimately burn out with no good substantive change to show for it is precisely what Council Member Pat McKinley and others are counting on.
Emotions are good, but you can never make decisions with your emotions. When you make decisions with your emotions, you do so to protect your feelings, and not your future. In this case; Fullerton’s Future. Even Jesus had emotions, but his emotions NEVER had him. In other words; emotions make a lousy engine, but they make a great caboose. That’s how you stay on the rails.
Below is a previous posting on how substantive change can be achieved:
***** A brief truth behind the BLUE CODE OF SILENCE *****
***** ATTN: Administrator, KFI, John & Ken, Steve Gregory, Associated Press. *****
The BLUE CODE OF SILENCE exists, but not for the reason(s) you may suspect. Although the news media knows this, they refuse to report this point of view and this is why. They simply can’t take “Yes” for an answer.
Although the news media, and you as citizen’s demand honesty, transparency, and integrity from law enforcement, the moment an officer/deputy comes forward with corruption allegations, or begins finger pointing at their law enforcement colleagues on excessive force issues, ALL of you suddenly turn into TONY SOPRANO and call this employee a Rat; and nobody likes a Rat; especially police chief’s, sheriff’s, and city council/administrators.
The simple truth is that NO law enforcement employee can go to their police administration and make an accusation of corruption. To do so means that an employee knows something that the chief of police or sheriff doesn’t, and that is too humiliating for their fragile ego’s to handle.
Upon learning of corruption, the first thing a chief/sheriff does is come down on his command staff, lieutenant’s and sergeants. All of them pay for not knowing what this officer/deputy is conveying, and that officer/deputy is not going to get away with making them look bad. It’s just like the suggestion box. If your idea were any good, they would have thought of it first.
Do you remember former Riverside Police Chief Russell Leach? He was the police chief that was seen on video having numerous drinks at the 215 Strip Club in 2010 and later crashed his unmarked police vehicle on his way home. All but ONE officer attempted to cover up the DUI portion of the crash. John & Ken from KFI AM 640 reported on this.
Guess what happened to the ONE honest officer who refused to cover the the DUI crash? He was FIRED. Fired on some trumped up administrative charge. What did John & Ken do or say? NOTHING. What did the TV news media do or say? NOTHING. What did the citizen’s of Riverside do or say? NOTHING.
This Riverside officer having being fired was not just a message to him, it was a message to all the officers of Riverside PD. When it comes to police misconduct, keep your mouth shut, or we’ll fire you too!
This is the same at ALL law enforcement agencies. Chief’s of Police and Sheriff’s do this successfully because of Fullerton Law Firm’s such as Jones & Mayer who are hired by police department’s to act as prosecutor’s in the termination cases of officer’s and deputies. One of the most notorious attorney’s for this is Paul Coble. Paul Coble is a retired captain from LAPD, and was a captain along side Fullerton City Council Member Pat McKinley, who is also a retired captain from LAPD. Their friendship dates back to the 1960′s.
Police/sheriff department’s throughout Southern California spend hundred’s of thousand’s of tax payer dollars in attorney’s fees on these cases of malicious prosecution, even when they know in the end they will likely lose the case on appeal, and lose a subsequent lawsuit by the officer/deputy. This could take years to adjudicate, and meanwhile, the officer/deputy’s life is ruined financially and personally. For chief’s and sheriff’s, it’s seldom about right or wrong, or even about the money; it’s about power, and the manic ego’s of those that possess and abuse it.
Win or lose to these chief’s/sheriff’s, and especially to law firm’s such as Jones & Mayer just doesn’t matter. The officer/deputy is still scarred for life, even if they win in the end. If a judge orders the employee reinstated, they will just fire him/her again with impunity, and no other department is going to hire them. They eventually leave on a stress/medical retirement, or if they have the tenacity to remain, the chief will look up an old injury an employee has had and have a city doctor claim they cannot work the street any longer and medically retire them. With tax payer funded law firms like Jones & Mayer hired, these chief’s/sheriff’s will get rid of them one way or another.
Even the officer/deputy’s union appointed defense legal counsel will intentionally provide antiquated defense to honest employees that speak the truth. The Peace Officer’s Research Association of California (PORAC) with President Ron Cottingham, Legal Defense Administrator and Attorney Edward Fishman and Board Member William Abernathie, a union of which Fullerton officer’s are members of, does not want RAT officer’s using up employee generated legal defense monies. They want those used exclusively for citizen complaints only.
So why is there a BLUE CODE OF SILENCE today? It’s because the good ones CANNOT count on the news media, their own police/sheriff union and attorney’s, and especially YOU, John and Jane Doe CITIZEN to support them for doing the right thing. It’s easier for you to label them as RAT officer/deputy or simply as a disgruntled past or present employee. There are NO ADVOCATES for honest cops.
So what’s happened to the aforementioned Riverside PD officer that was fired for NOT covering up his police chief’s DUI?
***** Do you really care? *****
Until you get the news media to address the true reasons behind the Blue Code of Silence, NOTHING is going to change. The trouble is that news editors hear this, and their eyes glaze over and roll back in their heads. You cannot place what I have written into a 15 second soundbite.
News media focus groups have determined that the average news media viewer/listener has the attention span of Bill Clinton at Hooters. News editors cannot stomach the Blue Code of Silence existing for any other reason than this officer next to me is my buddy, and I’m going to cover for him. Go ahead and continue to think that. Pat McKinley is counting on you.
“So why is there a BLUE CODE OF SILENCE today? It’s because the good ones CANNOT count on the news media, their own police/sheriff union and attorney’s, and especially YOU, John and Jane Doe CITIZEN to support them for doing the right thing.”
No, there is a much more simple, less tortured explanation. In his autobiography the always outspoken former LAPD chief, the late Daryl Gates, put it like this:
“The more you hung out with other cops, the more inbred you became, believing that anyone who is not a cop was a son-of-a-bitch.”
It starts with their time policing the jails. Before getting out on the street, cops in this part of the country routinely spend years working their way up as guards in local jails. My deputy sherrif neighbor says he spent 6 years working OC jails before being put on patrol. After working with the dregs, dopers and mentally ill in our jails every day for years, where it’s your partners you depend upon for your life every minute while at work, to protect you from detoxing junkies and assorted whackos of every persuasio. Is it any wonder that by the time they hit the street the “us vs. them” mentality has been burned into their brains? Cops let other cops slide by because the end always justifies the means. They are the good guys. The rest of us are either criminals or, at best, potential criminals. There is really no other possible world-view.
Reform will begin to come only when cops like my neighbor, who has a UC degree, are hired and allowed to move directly into their chosen profession. It’s long past time to require a higher level of professionalism from the cops on the street. Lord knows we are spening enough money on ’em. Cops should be cops and jailers should be jailers. Then perhaps the Blue Code of Silence, borne of the us vs. them mentality, will lose its power.
You know only about 10% of cops do time in the jails?
Maybe statewide or nationwide but I don’t think that’s the case here in Orange County. With nearly 4,000 sworn officers, the OCSD is a behemouth of a force (FPD is what? 150 strong?), and it is my understanding that the only way to the street is through the jails.
@ EyeNeverSayNo
The OCSD patrols “Contract City’s” ie: those than do not have their own police department, and the unincorporated/county areas of other cities. It may be your understanding that the only to the street is through the jails, but after it having been explained to you, your comment now is not only inaccurate, it is intellectually lazy.
Why would you believe a Fullerton, Anaheim, or Buena Park officer would be assigned to the Orange County Jail prior to going out on to the street? They are completely different police agencies. The way to the street is the jail for Orange County Sheriff’s Deputies only. No one else. Believe what you claim to believe, but the readers of this blog get enough misinformation already.
@ EyeNeverSayNo who said the following in response to the reason behind the Blue Code of Silence.
“It starts with their time policing the jails. Before getting out on the street, cops in this part of the country routinely spend years working their way up as guards in local jails.”
EyeNeverSayNo, you could not be more wrong. Only sheriff’s deputies employed by county sheriff’s department’s are placed into mandatory custody assignments prior to going onto patrol duties. The length of time deputies are assigned to a custody facility depends on how popular the sheriff’s sub-station is they want to be assigned to. The more popular the sub-station, the longer the wait is until an opening occurs.
Municipal law enforcement agencies such as LAPD, Pasadena, Fullerton, Anaheim, San Bernardino, Riverside police department’s and the like are NEVER assigned to a custody facility. Once they graduate the police academy, they are assigned to patrol with their first field training officer. No Fullerton police officer was ever assigned to a county jail assignment unless he or she worked at a county sheriff’s department prior to becoming a Fullerton police officer. The small jails these department’s have are only temporary holding facilities that house in-custody’s for no longer than a day or two until they are transported to court. Civilian jailers, or station officer’s handle them.
As far as a college education not being mandatory to enter law enforcement, go scream at Rep. Maxine Waters and the like. It’s Liberal Democrat’s that claim there is police abuse because not enough minorities are in law enforcement to keep the “Blue Eyed Devil’s” in check. Liberal Democrats in state/federal offices via Rep. Maxine Waters say that a mandatory college degree discriminates against Blacks and Hispanics, and that climbing a 6′ wall in the police academy discriminates against women who lack upper body strength.
Fine. So a child drowns after hours because a female officer couldn’t get over the 6′ fence at the local community pool? You got your female officer’s; Right?
Why do you think Tazer’s exist? They are for female officer’s that could not otherwise take a male suspect into custody. They are used by nearly everyone now because it’s the “Lazy Way” of taking someone into custody. When the Tazer doesn’t work for whatever reason, the officer’s are so out of practice in traditional control holds that they end up using more force than is necessary. ie: The Tazer didn’t work, so I’ll just beat him with it!
Most officers obtain college degrees during their careers, and not before. You’ll find college degrees among the Fullerton-6. Police abuse continues for aforementioned reasons I have described.
Very true. Hiring standards have dipped in a big way over the years due to requirements on certain races and classes, etc. The future is terrible for police work so the quality of police will continue to decrease. The public wants more but will getting much much less. Tough to beat.
And speaking of lax hiring, here’s one of my greatest hits when I was with the PD in Dallas. Enjoy.
Did you know? on August 23, 2011
@ EyeNeverSayNo who said the following in response to the reason behind the Blue Code of Silence…
climbing a 6′ wall in the police academy discriminates against women who lack upper body strength…
EyeNeverSayNo, you could not be more wrong…
Why do you think Tazer’s exist? They are for female officer’s that could not otherwise take a male suspect into custody. They are used by nearly everyone now because it’s the “Lazy Way” of taking someone into custody.
No woman who can’t climb a 6′ wall should graduate from the Police Academy. Women in the Armed forces can sure get over the wall in a hurry.
Much younger then, but I knew the first woman to ever get hired as a Seattle ‘Firewoman.’ Unfortunately she did not survive all the hostility and harassment from the males, but she did open the way for other women to follow. I knew this girl and she was physically strong (she could kick MY keister) and emotionally courageous. She never deserved the treatment she got from the guys. That said, Sometimes I see female patrol officers nowadays so tiny I wonder how they could ever handle a large belligerent drunk. Thanks for explaining to me about the original purpose of tasers! Perhaps a little biased, but otherwise really informative posts.
And, FYI, as a heart surgery survivor one use of a taser would kill me quick. Even before the first heart attack I would never ever have resisted arrest, but some cops get so hopped up on adrenaline, (and possibly drugs?) non-resisting is no longer assurance in the USA of not getting tased. “don’t tase me bro!” American police are clearly becoming an increasing threat to American citizens, as exemplified by the murder of Kelly Thomas. We positively need to change hiring and training practices.
TO EVERYONE: Does anyone know of any statistics regarding the percentage of Police excessive force cases involving female officers versus male officers? I’d imagine females would be even less likely to blow the whistle on their colleges out of fear of even greater hostility from the males.
If anyone is trying to be like hamas trying to control the gaza strip, it would be california police.
How’s that for a video of SFPD treatening to break a kids arm like a twig.
Yes! you’re right RJ, they just want to attack anyone that opposes them or isn’t apart of their agenda.
Sorry you’re disappointed with all the hostility here. Some of us are trying to steer away from emotions and look at the facts.
Oh please. Outraged you just make stuff up and call it facts. That was proved yesterday on that other thread.
Did you know? on August 23, 2011
@ Mr. Joe Sipowicz:
I agree. You should demand the best, and tolerate nothing shy thereof. So how do we get there? I will re-post something I wrote previously as to why the good cops say nothing, which is why nothing changes.
I enjoyed reading this a few nights ago when you posted it first time and enjoyed rereading it now, however, not being a street punk, sucking down rap music, I disagree with this statement: “the moment an officer/deputy comes forward with corruption allegations, or begins finger pointing at their law enforcement colleagues on excessive force issues, ALL of you suddenly turn into TONY SOPRANO and call this employee a Rat” I have always had great respect for whistle-blowers. It’s ironic when you remember POLICE used to blow whistles in the execution of their jobs. I have always believed whistle-blowers get a bum rap; disgruntled former employee my hind leg! Whistle-blowers are modern day heroes as far as I am concerned. Hope people who don’t recognize this yet wise up. It is understandable higherups in the PD don’t like whistle-blowers because it exposes either their own corruption or ineptitude. So, they should be fired, not the whistle-blowers. If they aren’t fired it is because THEIR bosses are corrupt or inept, and that department/local government/business needs a thorough house cleaning. If whistle-blowers were listened to regularly we would have a lot less oil spills in the Gulf, etc.
As far as I am concerned the real purpose of the Blue Code of Silence is exactly to cover up corruption and abuse of power. Always has been. Honest Officers doing an honorable job have nothing to fear from transparency. Only the bad ones do. And, it has never accomplished anything except make ALL cops look bad.
@ Xer Re: Blue Code of Silence.
Saying you support whistle blowers, and doing something about it when they are retaliated against are not synonymous. Not doing something about it is more synonymous with my Tony Soprano reference. Being there in “Spirit” does not get the Riverside Officer his job back, nor prevent him from losing it in the first place.
You support the Riverside officer that was fired? I’m sure the Riverside Officer can write down your support on the house payment check he sends to B of A or whomever, and that will cover the zero balance in his account. All talk and no action doesn’t pay the officer’s bills.
Remember Weatherman Christopher Nance? He was the young, black reporter from NBC-4 in Los Angeles that always wore a Carnation on his suit. He would work in the absence of Fritz Coleman. Christopher Nance was a Whistle Blower as well when he would challenge his editors/directors about Truth in Media. Where is Christopher Nance now? Whistle blowers are fired no matter where they work.
That’s why even the news media will never admit, nor want it known that officer’s cover up misconduct out of fear of being fired, and not because they just want to protect one of their own. Those of you that oppose this revelation only perpetuate and empower the administrative thugs that abuse good officer’s with impunity.
Did you know? on August 23, 2011
@ Xer Re: Blue Code of Silence.
Saying you support whistle blowers, and doing something about it when they are retaliated against are not synonymous.
Did I say it was synonymous? Perhaps you are interpreting my words in ways other than they were intended. You accused ALL OF US of not caring. Clearly, I DO care and strongly suspect there are others here that care also. You are pretty good at making assumptions about people you’ve never met and know nothing about. Is that how you operate on duty too? Reality ISn’t wants to believe I hate all cops because I despise the caricature he portrays on these boards, and because I want the Fullerton Six held responsible for their actions AS I WOULD EXPECT ANY OTHER PERSON TO BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE FOR THEIR ACTIONS IN A MURDER. It is much easier to hate me and accuse me of hating ALL cops than it is to reexamine his own assumptions and actions. Nothing he has posted here has ever shown any evidence of introspection. Your own posts are beginning to look pretty myopic as well. Blame everyone ELSE because nobody likes YOU? That is pretty immature reasoning.
You support the Riverside officer that was fired? I’m sure the Riverside Officer can write down your support on the house payment check he sends to B of A or whomever, and that will cover the zero balance in his account. All talk and no action doesn’t pay the officer’s bills.
Yes, I do support that officer. Have you any constructive suggestions for something I can do to help him? Is there a legitimate fund set up somewhere to help pay his bills? If so post the information and I will gladly make a donation, TODAY, RIGHT NOW! Pony up. I do not live in California, but if you think my writing letters will help his case (from here writing letters is all I can do), please provide the names of those in a position to return his job and the offices to send my letters to (obviously letters to his immediate superiors would be worthless). The letters will be in the mail tomorrow. I’m not blowing smoke, sweetheart. Before you run off at the mouth making spurious accusations about me, provide me a concrete way I can help support the Riverside officer’s being returned to duty. Once reinstated he can file suit at least for lost wages and legal fees. (suggest he hire Ron Thomas’ attorney_that guy’s golden)
I can offer nothing as regards your local weatherman, but perhaps you can. If such happened in my community, I would be on the phone to everyone I know to let that TV Station have a piece of their mind! I would also let every company that advertises on their channel know I would NOT be purchasing their product/services Did YOU try that when your weatherman lost his job?
Not doing something about it is more synonymous with my Tony Soprano reference.
Being there in “Spirit” does not get the Riverside Officer his job back, nor prevent him from losing it in the first place.
Maybe you are correct and I mistaken, but I believe the more people who make public statements in support of whistle-blowers the more likely those in positions of power will pay attention to the next whistle-blowers. In the meantime the best I can do is make it public that I support whistle-blowers, and convince as many of those within my personal sphere of influence that whistle blowers are a benefit to our society. If you have ANY CONSTRUCTIVE suggestions, aside from your whining, I will be happy to give them SERIOUS consideration. Might want to think twice before making a habit of biting your friends. I used to shop exclusively at Exxon gas stations. Since the Alaska oil spill I’ve not stopped at Exxon once, ever. Since the Gulf spill I have not returned to any BP gas pump. I cannot single handedly destroy BP, ExonMobile, or return the Riverside officer to his former position, but I do what I as an individual CAN do. Like said, you got any better ideas? I’m listening.
It may not make you happy, and it may be too late to save Kelly Thomas; life, but the people on this board and in Fullerton’s streets on Saturdays are making a real difference. The likelihood will be less of a repeat in Fullerton of what happened to Kelly Thomas BECAUSE of the community activism happening here and now. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and we can’t right all wrongs with a wave of a wand, but what you are advocating is laying down and asking to be walked on. Doesn’t work for me, pal. I’ll stick with “Kelly’s Army.” They are no cowards.
@ Xer re: Blue Code of Silence:
So only when confronted with your own apathy, and armchair quarterbacking do you suddenly claim you are going to write a check? Your not being from California is part of the problem. Just what part of Narnia USA do you hail from? The murder of Kelly Thomas has nothing to do with your no longer patronizing BP, or Exxon/Mobil. In fact, it has nothing to do with you at all. I’m surprised you haven’t torn a Rotator-Cuff in your shoulder from patting yourself on the back these last weeks.
You say you care about whistle blowers that are retaliated against. If you are sitting on a lawn chair in your front yard, and your small child suddenly runs towards the street, do you only voice your concern? Do you hold a sign and protest your child’s action? Or do you get up out of your chair, run to your child and pick them up before they reach the street?
Running your mouth, and holding up protest signs will not stop your child from being crushed under the weight of a 3500 pound vehicle, and it will not stop the next officer that gets pissed off and beats someone because they failed to do something at the precise moment they told them to do it. Don’t be naive. Protests, though temporarily appeasing to your emotions, lacks the staying power and resolve to produce substantive change.
You will NEVER change a police department attacking it from the outside. It’s your will vs. theirs, and you will lose. You can only change a police department from within, and that means the officer’s themselves.
As I have explained, good officer’s are afraid to come forward or stop abuse as it occurs because they are afraid of being fired for Whistle Blowing. Until officer’s are convinced they can bring forward such examples of abuse, or intervene as it occurs without being fired, NOTHING is going to change.
Former Police Chief and Council Member Pat McKinley fired his share of officers for pissing him off, or for Whistle Blowing. I did accuse all of you for not caring. as TRULY caring means you do something. Running your mouth means you cared enough to say something. Holding a sign means you cared enough to hold a sign. Going up to the city manager and saying you will never tolerate an officer being fired for Whistle Blowing means you cared enough to truly do something. This lets him know that you know what really goes on, and why.
The protests I’ve seen are admirable, but it should not take someone’s death to get you involved. You wouldn’t have to wait for someone to die if officer’s were not afraid of losing their jobs for doing their jobs by coming forward when they see an officer is out of control.
Your immature use of name calling, referring to me as a whiner, sweetheart etc. just shows your statements lack any substance, so your attack turned personal.
Your apathy is made clear in your own words. You want ME to provide you the Riverside City Council/Chief’s information, you want ME to provide you with the Officer’s name and contact info. Your lack of initiative is clear in your unwillingness to obtain the information on your own. That’s the problem with people like you. Unless (someone else) holds your hand for you, and does all the work for you, you’re not interested in participating in the process.
You’ve made reference to statements I never made, and rant about the postings of others I have nothing to do with, and have no control over. You are all over the map, and claiming I am advocating citizen’s to lie down and be walked on is just nonsensical, inflammatory rhetoric you cannot back up with the content of any of my previous postings.
I’ve never commented on you previously until you commented on me. I don’t hate you, and I never accused you of hating all cops. You clearly have hurt feelings from the previous postings of others, but I’m not your therapist, so take some Vitamin (P) and call your doctor in the morning and vent with him or her, because I can’t help you. (Vitamin (P) is Prozac)
Did you know? on August 23, 2011
@ Xer re: Blue Code of Silence:
“So only when confronted with your own apathy, and armchair quarterbacking do you suddenly claim you are going to write a check? Your not being from California is part of the problem. Just what part of Narnia USA do you hail from? The murder of Kelly Thomas has nothing to do with your no longer patronizing BP, or Exxon/Mobil.”
Do you think you might have taken that just a little out of context? But, let’s not waste time going tit-for-tat. There are more important things here.
“Your immature use of name calling, referring to me as a whiner, sweetheart etc. just shows your statements lack any substance, so your attack turned personal.”
My ATTACK? If you feel insulted by me, I sincerely apologize. I’ve no interest in fighting with you. First, I’d like to understand what you are trying to say, then find some way to utilize that information to help obtain justice for the Thomas family, and then to possibly improve things so it never happens to anyone else again. Isn’t that why we all are here?
It would be nice if you could clear some things up that are confusing.
You said:
“You will NEVER change a police department attacking it from the outside. It’s your will vs. theirs, and you will lose. You can only change a police department from within, and that means the officer’s themselves.”
“As I have explained, good officer’s are afraid to come forward or stop abuse as it occurs because they are afraid of being fired for Whistle Blowing. Until officer’s are convinced they can bring forward such examples of abuse, or intervene as it occurs without being fired, NOTHING is going to change.”
You also said:
“Running your mouth, and holding up protest signs will not [stop your child from being crushed under the weight of a 3500 pound vehicle, and it will not] stop the next officer that gets pissed off and beats someone because they failed to do something at the precise moment they told them to do it. Don’t be naive. Protests, though temporarily appeasing to your emotions, lacks the staying power and resolve to produce substantive change.
And you said: “The protests I’ve seen are admirable, but it should not take someone’s death to get you involved. You wouldn’t have to wait for someone to die if officer’s were not afraid of losing their jobs for doing their jobs by coming forward when they see an officer is out of control.”
The first question is, if we (the public) cannot change a police department by ‘attacking it’ from the outside, what can we do to instigate “substantive change?” It seems the only things we can do is what people are doing already. Trying to learn more by exchanging information and ideas on these blogs, publicly protesting to bring other people’s attention to the problem, recalling worthless City Council Members, and demanding accountability from the police department, and District Attorney.
I’m hesitant to ask if you think there is anything else people could do because it seems every time you are asked for information you get angry and insulting. People do not come here either to insult YOU or to be insulted BY you (except the trolls). By my observations: Most people come here to become informed, exchange ideas, and organize. Why are you here? Except for the trolls, people come here because they heard on the news or from a friend about Kelly Thomas’ death. It is a rotten shame Kelly Thomas died, and horrific he died the way he did, but except for a small closely-knit group of people who seem to have been here a long time, no one else even knew about this place.
The world we live in today is massively more complex than it was when I was (probably) your age. It sure is more complex than it was in my young adulthood, and it continues to become more complex by the day! We are probably all suffering information overload most of the time. It’s simply impossible to keep up with all the things going on all the time, and impossible to know everything there is to know. How could people have gotten involved without first being made aware there IS a problem? You keep blaming people for not knowing things, for not being involved, but you get angry when asked for information, and belittle people for their efforts to become involved. You think I am “all over the map?” Well I think things you say are contradictory and confusing. It is very difficult to figure out what you want! It certainly seems you have no interest in other people’s thoughts, only in expressing your own. Okay then, could you try and explain exactly what it is you want, and what would make you feel you are getting it?
Last your assumptions about me sound angry and off base. How can I be apathetic AND armchair quarterbacking? An apathetic person wouldn’t waste time quarterbacking of any sort. So, there is yet another confusing contradiction. If I were apathetic I would be sitting in front of my TV drinking beer and watching sports, not here spending time, thought, and effort actively trying to help affect change for the better. But, like you said, it’s not about me. It’s not about you either, it’s about Kelly Thomas life being snuffed out like a match, and the possibility of that happening to another innocent person. Or, is this [your posts anyway] about you? Are you Lieutenant Leon Phillips, or someone else who feels he was fired for whistle blowing?
Hopefully, we can arrive at some sort of understanding because I actually do enjoy the thought in your posts and want to help any way possible. I believe [for what that’s worth] you have something important to say, and if you can figure out how to get it across clearly a lot of people will want to try and help make it so.
All the best,
@ Xer,
You use (I) as in you a dozen times. Although you make it all about you, your apology is accepted.
It depends. With good back up it’s not that hard. The move may result in broken bones for the resistor.
@Reality Is
Was it not possible to secure KT without the amount of force used ? I am assuming the brain scans are accurate
When we have Fullerton officials, politicans, cops, unions, we do not need terrorists. We are our own worse enemy. The Friends of Fullerton Futures, Fed and FBI are our only trusted friends.
Dear God, where are You when we need you the most? We just want justice and the truth.
Today Tripoli.
Tomorrow Fullerton, CA.
Fascism is becoming unfashionable, and less profitable in the 21 Century.
Xer, gray hair & wrinkles are just an indication, in your case, of the experience and wisdom within. When I was a boy, I didn’t think my “Pop” was too worldly, funny, as I got older he got smarter. Keep up the good fight!
by nomad on August 23, 2011
Xer, gray hair & wrinkles are just an indication, in your case, of the experience and wisdom within. When I was a boy, I didn’t think my “Pop” was too worldly, funny, as I got older he got smarter. Keep up the good fight!
Expect your pop and would have gotten alone pretty good. Seems he did a fine job raising you.
I’d give anything to be able to go back now and have a conversation with my dad. He’d probably chuckle when I told him he was right all those times and I was muleheaded.
Long as I got a brain cell left and fingers to type with I will be here. ^^
I would rather have Tony Boshala as a terrorist or “lynch mobs” in Fullerton to fight for good causes than corrupted cultures in Orange County.
“To err is human” and we are all making mistakes and everyone lies.
Fullerton cops, politicans, unions, city officials, and its cronies in Orange County are cowardice hinding behinds a flag.
That is all you came away with after reading all that? No, clearly, you are no Leon Phillips. He is a man of honor and integrity. However much you and your buddies keep trying to make it about me, or Tony Bushala, Chris Thomas, Stud, Lee, Justice for ALL, or anyone else here it is not and never has been about us. Perhaps it is about YOU because it is looking more and more like you are a member of the corrupt FPD. The FPD murdering Kelly Thomas and all being oath-breaking cowards is what this is about, not about me, not Stud, Lee, not Chris, Tony, or anyone else here. This IS about the BRUTAL INHUMAN MURDER of an innocent and helpless man at the hands of six barbaric sub-humans wearing badges. Are you actually one of them, or just one of their pals? You sucked me in because honest people are more trusting than pathological liars like you. No, you are sure as heck no man of honor, no Leon Phillips. You’re not good enough to lick his boots!
Yes, the FPD are all OATH-BREAKERS. They swore an OATH to uphold the Unites States Constitution, then they stole Kelly Thomas’ Constitutionally guaranteed RIGHT to LIFE, LIBERTY and the PURSUIT of HAPPINESS. Living on his own, “drifting,” was how Kelly pursued his happiness. He was hurting no one, just pursuing his HAPPINESS when SIX gutless COWARDLY members of the Fullerton Police Department BROKE THEIR OATHS, and the rest of the FPD ARE GUILTY after the fact.
Yes, all the FPD are all OATH-BREAKERS.
Perhaps instead of citizens referring to the Fullerton Police Department as ‘the FPD,’ people should refer to them more accurately as the OATH-BREAKERS.